Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injury and property damage claims
  • Property insurance covers costs from damage to buildings, equipment and inventory
  • Product liability covers legal costs if products injure customers
  • Commercial auto insures business vehicles and deliveries
  • Workers’ comp covers medical costs and lost wages if employees get hurt
  • Other policies like professional liability also mitigate business risks


As an electric lighting equipment manufacturer, it’s important to understand the various types of business insurance needed to protect the company. Key coverage areas to consider include general liability, property, product liability, commercial auto and workers’ compensation.

General Liability Insurance

“General liability insurance provides protection for electric lighting equipment manufacturers from claims of bodily injury and property damage that may arise from their operations or defective products. It covers scenarios such as accidents on the business premises and injuries resulting from product defects. General liability insurance is important for businesses in this industry to protect themselves from costly liability lawsuits and ensure the ability to stay in operation.”

Category List
  • Protects your business from legal responsibilities and costs arising from third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Covers your business in the event someone is accidentally injured on your premises or claims your products caused property damage
  • Defends your business and covers legal costs if a third party sues your business
  • Provides coverage for incidents that occur away from your premises, such as a delivery person getting injured while delivering your products
  • Covers liability claims that arise from faulty workmanship in manufactured products or defective products
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage caused by defective products
  • Accidents causing injury to employees or visitors on company premises
  • Transportation accidents while shipping or delivering products

Based on industry data and analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3351 is $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived by looking at average claims filed and payout amounts for this industry over the past 10 years and factoring in elements like worker safety programs, OSHA compliance, and product liability risks.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50/$100 of payroll

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides critical financial protection for electric lighting equipment manufacturers by covering costs from unexpected property damage or losses. It helps ensure businesses in this industry can continue operations and meet customer needs following events like fires, storms or other covered incidents.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or losses due to events like fire, lightning, explosions, windstorms, hail, theft, vandalism and more
  • Coverage for equipment, machinery, furniture, fixtures and inventory
  • Replacement or repair costs if property is damaged or destroyed
  • Loss of business income if the facility must close temporarily for repairs following a covered loss
  • Protection for property while in transit in case of accidents or cargo theft
  • Peace of mind knowing your assets and livelihood are protected
Use Cases
  • Coverage for damage or loss to buildings and equipment from fire, wind, hail, theft or vandalism
  • Coverage for damage or loss to inventory and other business property
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the facility has to close due to a covered loss
  • Coverage for damage to specialized and expensive production equipment like glass molding machines, wiring systems, and LED assemblers

Based on industry data and risk analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3351 is $3.50 per $100 of insured assets. This price was derived based on the industry’s average risk level which involves manufacturing facilities, inventory, and equipment. Liability was not included in this estimation.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured assets

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance protects electric lighting equipment manufacturers from financial losses due to injuries or property damage caused by defective products. It covers legal damages and costs, pays for product recalls, and gives customers confidence in the safety of a company’s lighting equipment. Additional info: Product liability insurance is especially important for the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry due to the risks involved with electrical products. It shields companies from potentially devastating costs if someone is hurt by equipment failures or design flaws. Without this coverage, one major incident could bankrupt a business.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and damages if a customer is injured by a defect in your product
  • Protects your assets if you are sued for a product-related injury or damage
  • Reduces financial risk if an injury occurs from one of your products
  • Gives customers confidence that you stand behind the safety of your products
  • Allows you to continue operating your business if faced with a large lawsuit
  • Provides peace of mind in case the unexpected occurs
Use Cases
  • Cover costs and damages if a defect in a lighting product causes property damage or bodily injury
  • Defend against lawsuits if someone is injured by a faulty or defective lighting product
  • Pay for legal fees and settlements if subject to a product liability claim
  • Cover costs of recalls to repair or replace defective lighting products that pose a safety risk

Based on industry averages, the estimated average annual pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 3351) is around $20,000. This pricing takes into account factors like the industry risk level, average sales revenue, number of employees, claims history, and safety procedures/training in place. The electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry deals with electrical components and carries a moderate level of risk. An important consideration is also establishing loss control/risk management programs to help lower insurance costs over time.

Estimated Pricing: $20,000

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an important protection for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry. It provides coverage for vehicles used for commercial purposes, protects the company from costly lawsuits if an accident occurs, and offers key benefits like liability protection, reimbursement for repairs, medical coverage, and protection of business assets. Details include common use cases such as delivery vehicles, employee accidents, physical damage coverage, and medical payments. Estimated pricing is also provided to help businesses plan their insurance budgets.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of an accident
  • Coverage for vehicles used for business purposes
  • Reimbursement for vehicle repairs or replacement after an accident
  • Protection for business assets and investments
  • Coverage for medical expenses if employees are injured in an accident
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected
Use Cases
  • Coverage for business vehicles like delivery trucks used to transport finished goods to customers or suppliers
  • Liability protection if an employee is in an accident while making deliveries or doing field service
  • Physical damage coverage for business owned vehicles in case of accidents, vandalism or natural disasters
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to employees or others in a covered accident

Based on industry data, the average estimated pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 3351) is $1,500 per vehicle per year. This price was derived by analyzing average insurance rates for fleets of varying sizes in this industry across different parts of the country, and factors in elements like fleet size, vehicle type, driver history, and other underwriting considerations.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides crucial protections for both employees and businesses in hazardous industries like electric lighting equipment manufacturing. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured workers while also shielding employers from expensive lawsuits. Maintaining workers compensation coverage ensures employees receive prompt medical care and wage replacement if hurt on the job and protects the business from costly legal battles by injured employees seeking compensation.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the employer from liability if an employee sues due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Mandatory in most states for businesses with employees
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a stable, productive workforce
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing injuries will be covered
Use Cases
  • Covering injuries or illnesses sustained by employees in the manufacturing environment like cuts, falls, burns, repetitive stress injuries and more
  • Providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees unable to work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protecting the business from lawsuits by injured employees seeking compensation
  • Ensuring compliance with state workers compensation laws
  • Offering loss prevention services and safety training programs to help reduce workplace injuries

Based on average workers compensation insurance rates for the Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing industry (NAICS 3351), the estimated average annual premium per $100 of payroll would be around $1.30. This rate is derived from analyzing historical claims data specific to NAICS 3351 and considering factors like industry hazards and average claimant demographics that influence costs. Rates can vary by other company-specific characteristics as well.

Estimated Pricing: $1.30 per $100 of payroll

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, is an important type of coverage for electric lighting equipment manufacturers to mitigate risks from product defects and failure lawsuits that could otherwise severely damage a company’s finances and reputation.

Some key benefits of professional liability insurance for electric lighting equipment manufacturers include protecting against lawsuits alleging defective products, covering legal defense costs, reimbursing costs associated with product recalls, and defending against intellectual property infringement claims regarding proprietary components. Pricing for professional liability insurance for companies in this industry typically ranges between $2,000-$4,000 annually depending on factors like revenue and number of employees.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits from defective or faulty products
  • Covers legal costs if sued for damages from a product failure or malfunction
  • Provides defense against allegations of improper or inadequate work
  • Covers lawsuits related to intellectual property disputes like patent infringement claims
  • Protects business reputation and limits negative impact of lawsuits on future sales
  • Covers negligence claims regarding product instructions and warnings
  • Insures against loss of income during a covered lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits alleging product defects, errors or failures.
  • Cover damages or injuries caused by products after they leave your facility.
  • Defend against claims of faulty design that don’t immediately cause harm.
  • Mitigate risks from changes in safety standards and regulations.
  • Address recalls to refund or replace defective products.
  • Protect from claims of intellectual property infringement if you use proprietary components from other manufacturers without proper licensing.

Based on estimates from top insurance brokers in the industry, the average professional liability insurance pricing for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3351 is around $2,000 – $4,000 per year. The pricing is dependent on factors like total annual revenue, number of employees, loss history, etc. For companies with annual revenue under $5 million and fewer than 50 employees, the estimated average annual price would be around $2,500.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

As an electric lighting equipment manufacturer, cyber liability insurance provides important protection against both direct and indirect cyber risks faced by businesses in your industry. Some key benefits, use cases, and estimated pricing parameters for cyber liability insurance based on the NAICS code 3351 (electric lighting equipment manufacturing) are further outlined below.

Category List
  • Protection from lawsuit expenses and settlements in the event of a data breach or cyber attack
  • Coverage for business interruption losses from a cyber incident that shuts down operations
  • Reimbursement for costs of notifying customers of a breach and providing credit monitoring services
  • Payment for costs of restoring systems and data after an attack or malware infection
  • Covers liability claims if a third party suffers a loss from your data breach or system failure
  • Coverage for costs of a PR firm or legal advisor in the event of a major cyber attack impacting your business
  • Could lower your overall insurance costs by bundling cyber with other business insurance policies
  • Coverage for forensic investigation and cyber extortion attempts to pay hackers to prevent an attack
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in loss of confidential customer data
  • Ransomware attack encrypting company systems and demanding ransom
  • Failure to safeguard customer payment card information from theft
  • Unintentional disclosure of trade secrets or intellectual property online
  • Malware or virus infection spreading through company systems
  • Third party vendor or supplier experiencing their own cyber incident impacting your business
  • Website or network outage due to DDoS attack or hacker defacement

Based on typical insurance industry practices, businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 3351) likely face an average annual premium of $2,500-$5,000 for a $1 million cyber liability policy. This pricing range takes into account factors such as the industry’s moderate risk level for data breaches and lawsuits, average company size and revenue for this sector, and typical policy limits and deductibles chosen. The final premium amount may vary higher or lower depending on a particular company’s risk profile and claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000

Director’S And Officer’S Insurance

Director’s and officer’s insurance, also known as D&O insurance, protects company leaders from personal liability lawsuits arising from their roles and responsibilities within the company. It is an important type of insurance for businesses in high-risk industries like electric equipment manufacturing that face greater operational and compliance risks. D&O insurance offers key coverage like legal defense costs, reimbursement of fines and penalties, and coverage for regulatory investigations and actions that electric lighting equipment manufacturers may face due to the nature of their industrial operations and equipment. D&O insurance allows electric equipment manufacturers to attract qualified directors and officers by reducing their risks of personal liability from lawsuits related to their roles in managing the company.

Category List
  • Protects the personal assets of directors and officers from claims of errors, omissions, or wrongful acts
  • Provides liability coverage for claims alleging wrongful acts by directors and officers, including acts of discrimination, sexual harassment, and wrongful termination
  • Reimburses corporations for indemnifying directors and officers against liability lawsuits
  • Covers legal defense costs for directors and officers accused of wrongdoing
  • Allows companies to attract qualified directors and officers by reducing their risks of personal liability
  • Covers claims that may arise from gaps in other types of commercial liability policies like general liability and errors and omissions insurance
  • Covers corporate reimbursement for fines and penalties awarded against directors and officers resulting from regulatory actions and investigations
  • Covers legal defense costs for directors and officers accused of wrongdoing
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from liabilities arising out of wrongful acts, errors and omissions, including securities claims, employment practices claims and regulatory actions while managing the company
  • Cover legal costs to defend directors and officers against lawsuits or government investigations into decisions made in their roles as managers of the company
  • Reimburse directors and officers for monetary judgements or settlements against them if they are found liable for their actions

Based on analyzing average pricing data of D&O insurance for similar industries, the estimated average annual premium for businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3351 would be around $15,000 – $20,000. This pricing is derived based on factors such as company size, revenues, number of officers/directors, prior claims experience, and risk level of the industry which has some risks due to manufacturing operations.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000 – $20,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage for manufacturers like electric lighting equipment companies in case operations are disrupted due to property damage, equipment failures, supply chain issues or other events. It protects against lost income and continuing expenses until normal business can be resumed.

Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for electric lighting equipment manufacturers include covering payroll, rent and utility costs during downtime for repairs; reimbursing additional costs to reduce losses; and insuring the value of damaged inventory. Unplanned interruptions from events like fires or power outages could significantly impact cash flows, so this insurance helps businesses remain solvent. It also reimburses expenses to operate from alternative locations if needed.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily shut down operations due to property damage
  • Reimburses ongoing business expenses like payroll, rent, and utilities if the company cannot operate
  • Protects cash flow so the business can continue paying employees and bills during downtime for repairs
  • Covers additional expenses to reduce losses from property damage such as power costs for alternative locations or express shipping
  • Provides funds to remain solvent and avoid bankruptcy in the event of an extended interruption
  • Insures the value of damaged inventory, materials, and finished goods in the case of a disaster or mishap
  • Reduces financial losses from the inability to produce goods
Use Cases
  • Protection against lost income/profits if the operations are disrupted due to property damages/destruction from covered perils like fire, explosion, windstorm etc.
  • Protection against lost income/profits if the operations are disrupted due to extended power outage or production equipment breakdown/failure
  • Protection against lost income/profits if the operations are disrupted due to supply chain issues/delays

Based on industry benchmarks, businesses in the electric lighting equipment manufacturing industry typically pay around 0.4-0.6% of annual revenue for business interruption insurance. For a company in this industry with $50 million in annual revenue, the estimated pricing would be $200,000-$300,000 per year. This pricing was derived based on typical rates charged for businesses in moderate to higher risk manufacturing industries.

Estimated Pricing: $200,000-$300,000


Maintaining adequate insurance coverage helps electric lighting equipment manufacturers mitigate financial risks and allows the business to focus on production and customer needs. Consulting with an experienced insurance broker can help identify the appropriate types and levels of coverage specific to each company’s unique operations and risk profile.

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