B2BInsurance.co Terms & Conditions of Use

Updated October 24, 2023

Greetings, and welcome to B2BInsurance.co! This website (“Website,” “Site,” or “App”) is proudly owned and operated by B2B Insurance, a trusted partner in the world of insurance for businesses. In the following lines, we outline the terms and conditions of use (the “Terms of Use”) that govern your experience on our site and the valuable services we offer through it (the “Services”). These Terms of Use serve as a binding agreement between you and B2B Insurance. As you explore and utilize our site and services, you’re confirming your acceptance of these terms of use, and we kindly request that you verify that you are at least 18 years of age. If, for any reason, you find these terms disagreeable in whole or in part, we encourage you not to proceed with using our site or services.

It’s important to note that our site utilizes cookies and similar tracking technologies for your benefit. These tools help us recognize you, enhance your online experience, provide tailored products and services aligned with your interests, and contribute to the continual improvement of our site. For detailed insights into cookies and other tracking technologies that we employ and to tailor your preferences, please consult the B2B Insurance Privacy Policy.

Our Terms of Use have been in effect since the last updated date mentioned above. We maintain the right to update these Terms of Use at our discretion and without prior notice. Such updates may encompass new terms and conditions or specific notifications. To stay informed about any revisions, we encourage you to periodically review these terms and conditions. Should you continue using our site or services following any modifications, you are signifying your consent to the altered terms.

The Services on B2BInsurance.co

At B2BInsurance.co, our services are presented in their natural state, just as they are. We offer valuable resources, such as insurance quotes, quoting tools, informative links, and expert recommendations, all designed to assist you in making well-informed decisions concerning insurance and financial matters. The majority of the information we provide through our service is intended for general information and educational purposes. There might be some information presented specifically for business-related purposes during the commercial transaction process.

Our services encompass the integration of third-party insurance products, insurance brokers, and carriers in various forms, including advertisements, insurance quotes, online purchases, email communications, phone calls, text messages, and other marketing channels. Please be aware that third parties may contact you on our behalf.

Additionally, our services extend to formal quoting, brokering, and facilitating the purchase of both first-party and third-party insurance products. It’s important to note that we operate as a licensed insurance agency.

Any insurance quotes or quote ranges provided on our website or over the phone are not legally binding. After a thorough application process, the underwriting insurance company will determine the final premium for an insurance policy. The availability of insurance products and their terms may vary depending on your state and individual circumstances. Some states may have specific minimum coverage requirements, so it’s important to be informed about your local regulations. The third-party insurance products featured on our site are exclusively available in jurisdictions where we hold proper licenses.

From time to time, our services may necessitate your agreement to additional terms and conditions, or you may need to enter into separate agreements with us or relevant third parties. Any third-party insurance products you purchase through our site will be subject to the contractual terms specified by the respective insurance carrier. In the event of any discrepancies between these Terms of Use and the terms outlined in an insurance policy, the terms of the insurance policy will take precedence.


At B2BInsurance.co, we offer a comprehensive and versatile platform designed to meet the unique needs of businesses in the insurance industry. To unlock the full potential of our platform and access password-protected sections and services, you will need to create an account. This account is not only essential for accessing our resources but also for managing your insurance policies efficiently. Registering for an account is a straightforward process where you’ll need to provide your first name, last name, and email address. We hold your privacy in the highest regard, and we require that all the information you provide during registration be truthful and accurate.

With your consent, we will create an account for you as part of our services, making you the rightful owner of the account as if you had created it yourself. It is important to keep your registration information up to date, ensuring that it remains accurate. All your registration data and any other personal information you provide while using our services are subject to the terms outlined in our privacy policy.

Passwords and pins protect your B2BInsurance.co account. It is your sole responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your password, as well as for any activities on our site or through our services that use your password. You should be the only person to use your password, and under no circumstances should you disclose it to anyone else. We reserve the right to modify or delete any password, with notice provided to you. Additionally, we may provide you with a pin to access your account securely.

User Conduct

To ensure a positive and secure experience for all users, we expect all visitors to B2BInsurance.co to adhere to the following conduct guidelines: You agree not to use this site for any of the following activities:

1. Engaging in or supporting any form of illegal activity

2. Transmitting or storing any malicious code, such as worms or viruses.

3. Threatening, harassing, abusing, impersonating, injuring, or intimidating others

4. Interfering with the use of this site by other users, except when necessary to comply with other sections of our Terms of Use.

5. Sending spam or collecting information for spam purposes, or sending unsolicited email advertisements.

6. Attempting to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or discover the source code of this site

7. Falsifying the origin of any content transmitted through this site or manipulating your presence on the site

8. Triggering the launch of automated systems that access this site in a manner that sends an excessive number of request messages to our servers in a short time, beyond what a human could produce using a standard web browser.

Intellectual Property

B2BInsurance.co is a repository of valuable content, including text, graphics, images, photos, and other materials provided by us or on our behalf. During your use of our services, you will also gain access to additional information from us. All these materials and information are collectively referred to as “content.” This content is the intellectual property of B2BInsurance.co and/or our licensors and may be protected under both United States and foreign copyright laws and treaties.

This content encompasses, but is not limited to, trademarks, service marks, and logos displayed on our site, which may be registered and unregistered trademarks or service marks of B2BInsurance.co or our licensors. Additionally, copyright laws and treaty provisions from all over the world protect the structure and layout of our website as being the sole property of B2BInsurance.co.

Without our explicit written permission in each instance, you must not:

1. Use any trademarks, service marks, or logos in any manner.

2. Copy or use the content for any purpose.

3. Remove any copyright or other proprietary notices from the original content on any copy you make.

4. Sell, transfer, assign, license, sublicense, or modify the content, or use it for any public or commercial purpose.

5. Use or post the content without our permission.

These Terms of Use do not grant you any license or rights to any trademark or other intellectual property belonging to B2BInsurance.co or any other party. B2BInsurance.co and the distinctive “B2BInsurance Weave Logo” design are registered trademarks of our company. Every other trademark, trade name, service mark, and logo that appears on our website is either a property of B2BInsurance.co, one that we have a license for, or it belongs to a third party. You may not display, use as a link, use as a meta tag, or otherwise use any of these trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos without obtaining prior written consent from the respective owner.

Unsolicited Information

Our services include features for inquiries and peer-to-peer interactions, and you are solely responsible for your use of these features. By submitting any unsolicited information and materials, such as comments, ideas, questions, and similar communications (“unsolicited information”), you agree to the following terms and conditions: All unsolicited information you provide is considered non-confidential and non-proprietary and becomes the property of B2BInsurance.co upon submission. We have the right to use such communication or material for any purpose, whether commercial or otherwise, including but not limited to reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast, and further posting, without providing any compensation to the provider of the unsolicited information.

Additionally, we are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any communication or material you send to our site for any purpose, whether commercial or otherwise. This may include developing, manufacturing, and marketing products. By submitting unsolicited information, you grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, and irrevocable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, create derivative works from, transfer, and sell such unsolicited information. However, any personal information you submit to B2BInsurance.co through the pages on our site will be held in confidence, as outlined in our Privacy Policy.

Privacy and Security

At B2BInsurance.co, we value and respect your privacy. Your use of our site and services involves the transmission of information, including potentially personal information about you. Our Privacy Policy, the US Consumer Privacy Notice, and any other pertinent notices that are available in our Privacy Center will govern any collection, use, disclosure, sale, sharing, or retention of personal information (“Information Practices”). We will not use or disclose any personal information to third parties for purposes other than those described in our privacy policy.

In some cases, B2BInsurance.co requires the use of encryption technologies for specific types of communications conducted through our site. While we implement these technologies and take reasonable precautions to protect your confidential information and ensure security, we cannot guarantee or warrant that information transmitted over the Internet is entirely secure or that such transmissions will be free from delay, interruption, interception, or error. Moreover, we cannot assume responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of external sites that may be accessible through our site.


B2BInsurance.co utilizes cookies and similar tracking technologies to recognize you and customize your online experience. To learn more about cookies and the tracking technologies we may use, please refer to our privacy policy. Our Privacy Policy provides an overview of cookies and detailed information on how we use them and how you can control their use.


Our services at B2BInsurance.co are primarily directed towards individuals who are able to shop, apply for, or enroll in the financial service products we offer. We do not target or intend to collect personal information from unemancipated minors or children under the age of 16.

Warranty Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that B2BInsurance.co provides the site, services, and all content “as is” and “as available,” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, warranties of title, non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. We will not be liable for any damages to your computer equipment or other property, including viruses that may infect them, due to your access to or use of the site, services, or any content.

It’s important to note that many insurance products quoted or sold through our site are third-party products and are not our own. We make no representations or warranties regarding such products, and we assume no liability in connection with them. These products are provided to you in accordance with the terms and conditions set by the insurance carrier offering them.

In no event shall we be liable for direct, special, indirect, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages, including lost profits, revenues, or savings, even if we have been informed of the possibility of such damages in advance. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for negligence, consequential, incidental, or other damages. In these countries, our liability is only up to the extent that the law will allow. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any dissatisfaction with this site, any service, or any content is to discontinue using them.

External Sites

Our site may contain links to third-party websites, including the websites of insurance carriers that offer third-party insurance products available through our services (referred to as “External Sites”). We have no control over external sites, and we do not endorse or assume responsibility for the content of any linked external sites. We are not responsible or liable for the actions, products, or content of external sites, as they are provided for your convenience and accessed entirely at your own risk. We make no warranties or representations regarding the content, goods, products, or services offered through such external sites. By using external sites, you expressly agree that B2BInsurance.co is not responsible for any losses or damages connected to your access to, use of, or inability to use external sites, or the contents, goods, products, or services offered through external sites. While we aim to protect the integrity of our site, we welcome feedback about external links, including information about any broken links.

Our site may also include interactive social media features, such as the Facebook “Like” button and widgets like the “Share This” button, as well as other interactive mini-programs that run on our site and connect to external sites (collectively referred to as “features”). These features may collect your IP address and the page you are visiting on our site, and we may set a cookie to enable them to function properly. The features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our site. Your interactions with the features are governed by the privacy policy of the external site providing them. Before using any external site, please review the terms of use and privacy policies of the external sites for more information.


Please note that not all the products or services described on our site are available in all areas of the United States, and you may not be eligible for all of them. We reserve the right to determine eligibility.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us and our officers, directors, employees, successors, licensees, and assigns harmless from any claims, actions, or demands, including reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising from:

1. Your breach of these Terms of Use

2. Your access to, use of, or misuse of the site, any services, or any content.

Governing Law

B2BInsurance.co operates and manages the site from our offices within the State of Washington, United States of America. Without regard to principles of conflict of law, the laws of the United States and the State of Washington shall govern and govern the interpretation of these Terms of Use. You are solely responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations that may govern your access and use of the site. We both agree that any disputes relating to these Terms of Use will only be settled in state or federal courts in King County, Washington. This does not include any actions we take to protect our intellectual property or confidential information, which can be brought in any court with jurisdiction.


We reserve the right to terminate these Terms of Use and your access to all or any part of the site or the services at any time and for any reason, without prior notice and without liability to you or anyone else. We also reserve the right to change, suspend, or discontinue all or any part of the site or the services at any time, without prior notice or liability.


If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part will be interpreted in a way that is as close as possible to what the parties meant when they made them. The other parts of these Terms of Use will still be fully valid and enforceable.

The sections of these Terms of Use relating to indemnification, warranty disclaimer and limitation of liability, intellectual property, and governing law shall survive the termination of these Terms of Use. You may not assign these Terms of Use, and no waiver shall be effective unless in writing. Neither the course of conduct between the parties nor trade practices will modify any provision of these Terms of Use.

This agreement, along with any other agreements or communications between the parties, is the only one that applies to this subject. It replaces all previous agreements and communications, whether written, spoken, or otherwise.

If you have any questions or require additional information about the Terms of Use, email us at contact@b2binsurance.co.