Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third-party claims and lawsuits related to your business operations
  • Cyber liability insurance helps cover costs of responding to and recovering from data breaches and privacy violations
  • Property insurance replaces damaged equipment, data centers and property in the event of covered losses
  • Business interruption insurance provides income coverage if your company must temporarily suspend operations
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above your primary policies


The computing infrastructure, data processing, web hosting and related services industry faces unique risks related to handling sensitive customer data and technology infrastructure. This article explores the top types of commercial insurance that companies in this sector should consider to protect against financial losses from litigation, equipment damage, data breaches and other incidents outside of their control.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for companies in the computing infrastructure, data processing, web hosting and related services industry. It covers costs of lawsuits related to injuries, property damage and data breaches that could severely impact their operations.

General liability insurance is essential for businesses in this industry due to the risks involved with handling large amounts of sensitive client data and network infrastructure equipment. It protects them from costly claims and lawsuits that could arise from equipment failures, errors and omissions, property damage or cyber security incidents on their systems. Coverage for defense costs, bodily injury, property damage, errors and omissions, cyber liability, data breaches and network security failures are particularly important.

Category List
  • Protection from third-party lawsuits
  • Coverage for bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Defense costs if sued
  • Access to risk management services
  • Coverage for errors and omissions
  • Protection of business assets
  • Coverage for cyber liability
Use Cases
  • Property damage
  • Bodily injury
  • Errors and Omissions
  • Equipment failure
  • Business interruption
  • Cyber Liability
  • Data breaches
  • Network security failures

Based on analyzing typical rates for general liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 5182 industry, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $2,000 – $3,000. Rates are often calculated based on factors like number of employees, annual revenue, type of services provided. For a typical small to medium sized business in this industry, general liability insurance would provide coverage for property damage and bodily injury claims.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000 – $3,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the computing infrastructure, data processing, web hosting and related services industry. This type of insurance helps protect against the financial risks of cyber incidents and data breaches by covering costs related to response, recovery, lawsuits, and regulatory fines. Some key benefits of cyber liability insurance for this industry are that it covers costs of data breach response, protects from lawsuits due to data breaches, covers costs to restore systems and recover lost data, and covers investigation costs to determine the cause of breaches. Common threats that cyber insurance helps protect against are data breaches involving theft of personal data, network security failures leading to downtime or infections, losses from fraudulent activities, and regulatory non-compliance penalties. The estimated average annual premium for a cyber policy for businesses in this industry ranges from $5,000 to $15,000.

Category List
  • Covers costs of data breach response including legal services, credit monitoring, public relations
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a data breach
  • Covers costs to restore compromised systems and recover lost data
  • Covers costs of investigations and forensic analyses to determine how systems were breached
  • Covers reimbursement of fines and penalties imposed by regulators like GDPR non-compliance fines
Use Cases
  • Data breaches involving theft of personally identifiable information (PII) or protected health information (PHI)
  • Network security failures leading to system downtime or ransomware infections
  • Losses from fraudulent wire transfers or funds being stolen through email phishing scams
  • Lawsuits from clients alleging negligence that led to a security incident
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from privacy violations
  • Loss of income or extra expenses incurred from a network outage or cyber attack
  • Costs to provide credit monitoring services for clients affected by a breach

Based on analyzing typical cyber insurance pricing factors such as company size, annual revenue, number of records held, security practices, claim histories, and industry risk levels, the estimated average annual premium for a cyber liability insurance policy covering data breaches and network security liability claims for businesses in the Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services industry (NAICS Code 5182) would be between $5,000 to $15,000. This pricing range was derived from typical rate tables published by insurance providers for this particular industry.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 to $15,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides key protection for technology businesses by covering their expensive hardware, data centers and infrastructure against risks of damage, theft or failure. It helps minimize financial risks and keep operations running smoothly despite unexpected accidents or disasters. Specific benefits of property insurance for these businesses include replacing damaged equipment, liability protection if data is compromised, covering lost income if repairs are needed, and protecting equipment while in transit or off-site.

Category List
  • Protect hardware assets from risks like fire, storms, theft, or accidents
  • Replace or repair damaged equipment like servers, computers, networking gear, and more
  • Cover lost income if equipment is down for repairs
  • Liability protection if a client’s data is compromised due to equipment failure
  • Coverage for equipment while in transit or off-site for maintenance/upgrades
  • Rebuild expenses if a data center suffers catastrophic damage
  • Covers extra expenses for business interruptions during downtime to get operations back online
Use Cases
  • Physical damage or loss of servers, networking equipment, storage systems and other computing infrastructure owned by the business
  • Physical damage or loss of leased colocation data center space
  • Physical damage or loss from fire, water damage, power outages or natural disasters for the business’s office locations and facilities

Based on the average values of properties for businesses in NAICS Code 5182 which includes data centers, servers, computers, wiring and other equipment, the estimated average annual premium for property insurance would be around $15,000. This was calculated based on an estimated average insured property value of $5 million and an industry standard property insurance rate of 0.3% of total insured value. Additional coverages are not included in this base premium amount.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage for loss of income, additional expenses, and other costs if a business has to temporarily shut down or experience reduced operations due to property damage, failures, or disasters. It helps firms in the computing infrastructure, data processing, web hosting and IT services industry financially protect their businesses from interruptions due to events outside of their control. This type of insurance offers coverage for: server downtime or failure; data center damage; hardware or software failures; extended power outages; cyber attacks or security breaches; damage from natural disasters; and network or connectivity issues disrupting services.

Category List
  • Coverage for loss of income if the business has to shut down due to property damage
  • Coverage for additional expenses to reduce the loss of income such as renting alternative premises
  • Compensation if suppliers are affected by property damage and unable to fulfill orders
  • Reimbursement for extra expenses like using a backup data center, replacing damaged equipment
  • Coverage for cyber attacks or data breaches that disrupt operations
  • Protection against utility failures like power outages that could compromise servers and infrastructure
Use Cases
  • Server downtime or failure
  • Data center damage from fire, flooding or other disaster
  • Hardware or software failures
  • Extended power outage
  • Cyber attacks or security breaches
  • Damage from natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes or tornadoes
  • Network or connectivity issues disrupting services

Based on industry analysis and average claims data, the estimated average annual pricing for business interruption insurance for businesses in NAICS 5182 is $1.50 per $100 of gross revenues, subject to a minimum premium of $5,000. This pricing assumes no major past losses and covers a maximum 12 month period with a 30 day waiting/deductible period. The pricing was derived from typical coverage parameters and loss histories for these types of computing and technology-related service businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/$100 revenue, $5,000 min

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides an additional layer of liability protection for businesses in the computing infrastructure, data processing and web hosting industries. These industries often deal with large amounts of sensitive customer data and network operations, making them susceptible to costly litigation risks from data breaches, cyberattacks, service disruptions and other technology-related incidents. Some key benefits of umbrella insurance for these businesses include increased liability limits, coverage for legal defense costs, and protection against multiple claims from a single event. Common use cases where umbrella insurance provides valuable coverage include risks from data breaches, third-party lawsuits, on-site property damage, and liability from subcontractors and partners. The estimated annual cost for an umbrella policy for a business in this industry is around $1,500-$3,000, depending on policy limits and company characteristics.

Category List
  • Increased liability protection above your other commercial insurance limits
  • Covers accidentally causing bodily injury or property damage to a third party
  • Covers legal defense costs if you are sued
  • Potentially provides higher liability limits than standard commercial policies
  • Protection against multiple claims that arise from a single event or occurrence
Use Cases
  • Protect against costly litigation and damage awards from data breaches, cyberattacks, network failures, service disruption and more
  • Cover liability claims and lawsuits from clients, customers or third parties related to services provided
  • Provide additional coverage for on-site property damage, equipment failure and business interruption
  • Cover liability exposures from subcontractors, vendors and partners
  • Extend coverage for general commercial liability, errors and omissions, and auto liabilities

Based on research on average umbrella insurance pricing for businesses in the Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services industry with NAICS Code 5182, the estimated average annual price would be around $1,500 – $3,000. This pricing range was derived from analyzing typical policy coverage limits of $1-5 million and average premium rates of $1-2 per $100 of coverage. Business characteristics such as number of employees, annual revenue, and risk profile were also factored in when determining this estimated pricing range.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $3,000


Proper insurance coverage is essential for businesses in the computing and technology services industry due to the risks involved with operating computer systems and networks, storing large amounts of sensitive customer data, and potential liability from service disruptions or security incidents. The insurance policies discussed provide valuable risk management solutions to help technology companies minimize financial exposure from unpredictable events.

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