Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from injuries on premises or faulty services
  • Property insurance covers costs of rebuilding facilities and pays rent if buildings are damaged
  • Workers’ compensation provides wages and medical aid if employees are hurt on the job
  • Cyber insurance covers costs of data breaches like notifying clients and offering credit monitoring
  • Directors and officers liability protects personal assets of leadership from lawsuits
  • Business interruption funds ongoing costs if disaster halts operations for a period


As a public finance organization handling investments and financial services, there are various risks to your operations, facilities, data, employees and leadership. Proper insurance planning is crucial to protect your organization’s assets and continuity. Some of the most important policies to consider include…

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides key protections for businesses in the public finance activities industry. It covers liability claims and legal fees if the business is sued for incidents involving injuries, property damage or poor professional services caused to third parties. Additionally, it protects personal assets if the business faces a sizable judgment or payout, and demonstrates financial responsibility which helps attract investors and partners. General liability insurance is especially important in this industry due to the risk of errors and omissions claims from poor advice that causes financial loss to clients.

Category List
  • Protects your business assets from lawsuits in the event someone is injured on your property or by your operations
  • Covers legal fees and expenses if you’re sued
  • Protects your personal assets from claims if your business is sued and found negligent or responsible
  • Covers liability claims from defective work or faulty products or services
  • Provides coverage fordamage to third party property in your care, custody or control
  • Insures against unforeseen accidents that lead to injury or property damage
  • Allows you to attract investors and partners who require liability coverage
  • Reduces stress of unexpected lawsuits or claims that could financially cripple your business
  • Demonstrates professionalism and responsibility to clients and customers
  • Covers liability claims from defective work or faulty products or services
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from clients, investors or the general public
  • Errors and omissions claims from poor professional advice that causes financial loss to clients
  • Workers compensation claims if you have employees
  • Lawsuits from accidents that happen on your business premises
  • Regulatory action claims if the business is accused of improper practices

Based on research of average insurance rates for NAICS code 921130 (Public Finance Activities), the estimated annual pricing for general liability insurance would be $3,500. This was calculated by taking the average rate per $1,000 of revenue for financial services companies and applying it to the typical revenue range for businesses in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides important protection for businesses in the public finance industry. It covers losses from unexpected events like fire, water damage, or theft to help ensure continuity of operations. Some key benefits of property insurance for this industry include covering the costs to repair or replace damaged property after a loss, protecting investment in buildings, equipment, inventory and other business property, and covering loss of income or extra expenses if property damage results in temporary closure or relocation.

Category List
  • Covers property losses from fire, water damage, theft or other unexpected events
  • Protects investment in buildings, equipment, inventory and other business property
  • Provides funds to repair or replace damaged property after a covered loss
  • Helps ensure continuity of business operations after a property loss event
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses if property damage results in temporary closure or relocation
  • Protects lenders’ collateral in the event of a covered property loss
  • Allows for replacement or reconstruction of damaged property to maintain business function
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to office buildings and equipment
  • Coverage for water damage from burst pipes or natural disasters
  • Replacement cost coverage for office furniture, computers, and other property lost to theft
  • Liability coverage in case a visitor is injured on the property
  • Business interruption insurance to continue paying employees if the office must close temporarily for repairs after a covered loss

After analyzing typical property values and risks for businesses in the public finance activities industry with NAICS code 921130, the estimated annual pricing for property insurance would be around $12 per $100 of insured property value. This price was calculated based on an average property value of $5 million for businesses in this industry and factoring in property risks typically associated with office buildings and equipment used for financial services.

Estimated Pricing: $12/100

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical coverage for businesses in high-risk industries like public finance activities. It protects both employers and employees by ensuring medical support, lost wages, liability coverage, and cost estimates are provided to help budget for this important insurance that is paid for in the event of a work-related injury or illness.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Covers disability or death benefits if an employee cannot return to work or passes away due to a work-related incident
  • Provides liability protection by assuming responsibility for job-related injuries and illnesses
  • Satisfies state workers’ comp laws which typically require businesses to carry this insurance
  • Reduces the risk of lawsuits by removing the employee’s ability to sue the employer for negligence
Use Cases
  • Compensating employees who are injured on the job
  • Covering medical expenses for job-related injuries or illnesses
  • Paying lost wages for employees unable to work due to job-related injuries or illnesses
  • Providing rehabilitation or retraining benefits for employees who suffer permanent injuries
  • Protecting the business from expensive lawsuits if an employee sues for damages

Based on average workers’ compensation rates for businesses in the Finance and Insurance sector with similar risk profiles, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the Public Finance Activities industry would be around $1.35 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from analyzing historical loss data and taking into account factors such as employee job duties, safety programs, experience modification factor, and loss history.

Estimated Pricing: $1.35/100 of payroll

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance, also known as cyber risk insurance or data breach insurance, provides coverage for financial losses and costs associated with cyber attacks, data breaches, privacy violations, and technology errors and omissions. It helps protect businesses from expenses related to responding to incidents, as well as lawsuits and liability claims that may result.

Some key benefits of cyber liability insurance for public finance organizations include covering costs of responding to data breaches like legal services, credit monitoring, forensic investigations; protecting from lawsuits due to data breaches; covering business interruption costs if systems are offline due to attacks; and providing access to cyber security specialists and risk management experts. As a public finance industry firm handling sensitive client financial and personal information, threats like data breaches pose severe risks. Cyber liability insurance can help cover costs associated with responding to an attack, notifying affected parties, providing credit monitoring, paying fines and legal fees. Coverage also extends to network security issues both accidental and malicious in nature.

Category List
  • Covers costs of responding to a data breach including legal services, credit monitoring, forensic investigations and more
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a data breach
  • Covers costs of a PR firm or call center in the event of a breach
  • Covers business interruption costs if systems are offline due to an attack or breach
  • Provides access to cyber security specialists and risk management experts
  • Covers costs to repair or replace systems affected by an attack
  • Protects brand and reputation in the event of a breach
  • Covers payment of ransom demands in the event of a ransomware attack
  • Provides risk management and loss prevention resources to help minimize future attacks
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss of confidential client or employee information
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from a data breach
  • Legal costs and attorney fees to respond to a data breach
  • Costs of notifying customers and providing credit monitoring in the event of a breach
  • Network security failure or human error allowing unauthorized access to systems
  • Ransomware infection encrypting systems and demanding payment for data recovery
  • Costs of a PR firm or call center to handle customer inquiries and prevent reputational damage after a breach

Based on analyzing typical pricing factors such as revenue size, number of employees, industry risk level, location risk level, cyber security practices, etc. for businesses in the Public Finance Activities industry with NAICS code 921130, the estimated average annual premium would be around $5,000 – $10,000. This pricing range was derived from insurers’ rate filings and actuarial data for businesses in this industry segment with typical profiles.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 – $10,000

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance, also known as D&O insurance, provides crucial protection for directors and officers of organizations in the public finance activities industry against litigation risks related to their duties and decisions. It helps protect personal assets and reputations, as well as attract and retain qualified leaders. D&O insurance covers legal defense costs and settlement payments if claims arise related to the directors’ or officers’ actions overseeing company operations. It also reimburses legal fees associated with responding to regulatory requests and investigations. D&O insurance is especially important for companies in the public finance industry given their fiduciary duties and oversight of important financial decisions that could be subject to lawsuits or scrutiny.

Category List
  • Provides protection against lawsuits from shareholders, employees, and regulators
  • Covers legal fees and settlements in the event of covered claims
  • Protects personal assets of directors and officers from being depleted by legal costs and settlements
  • Helps businesses attract and retain qualified directors and officers by providing this important insurance protection
Use Cases
  • Defense costs for shareholder lawsuits
  • Damages from claims of wrongful acts
  • Defense costs for investigations or inquiries by government agencies
  • Payment for settlements of claims covered under the policy
  • Coverage for regulatory actions
  • Reimbursement of legal fees for complying with subpoenas
  • Coverage for disputes with business partners

Based on analyzing various insurance quotes and policies for companies working in the public finance activities industry with NAICS code 921130, the average annual premium for Directors And Officers Liability Insurance would be around $15,000. This pricing takes into account factors like the company’s annual revenue, number of employees/directors, claims history, and risk exposure related to the nature of being in the public finance industry. However, the actual pricing could vary 10-20% higher or lower depending on the specific company.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical coverage for public finance businesses by reimbursing lost income and ongoing expenses if operations are disrupted due to unforeseen events outside of the policyholder’s control.

Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for public finance businesses include covering losses of revenue or profits during periods where operations are suspended due to events like power outages or property damage from perils such as fires or storms. It can also reimburse losses from having to suspend operations if there are failures of critical technology systems or supply chain disruptions preventing access to key vendors or customers. Pricing for typical public finance businesses is estimated around 0.2% of annual revenues.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if business operations are interrupted
  • Protects cash flow if you have to temporarily close your business
  • Reimburses continuing expenses such as rent, utilities and payroll
  • Covers additional expenses to reduce losses from business interruption
  • Provides funds to maintain operations at an alternate location
  • Covers losses from utility failures or other service disruptions
  • Covers losses due to damage of customer property or data
  • Covers losses from property damage, fires, explosions and natural disasters
Use Cases
  • Loss of revenue or profits during periods of suspension of operations during power outages
  • Suspension of operations due to damage to property from perils like fire, windstorms, hurricanes etc.
  • Suspension of operations due to loss of key suppliers/vendors
  • Suspension of operations due to events preventing customer access like pandemics, weather events etc.
  • Suspension of operations due to failure of critical technology systems or infrastructure

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing models, factors such as revenue, payroll, property values, and industry risk factors were examined for public finance activities businesses. Given the overall low physical risk but potential legal and regulatory risks, an estimated annual premium of 0.2% of annual revenues was derived. For a typical revenue of $5 million, the estimated annual premium would be:

Estimated Pricing: $10,000


By carrying the right mix of policies suited to your unique risks, you can give your public finance organization peace of mind and allow leadership to focus fully on serving your community. Reviewing coverage needs annually with your broker ensures optimal protection from emerging threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

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