Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects the institution from lawsuits over student injuries and other negligence claims
  • Property insurance reimburses costs from unexpected property damage or losses to buildings and equipment
  • Business interruption insurance covers lost revenue and expenses during periods when normal operations are disrupted
  • Professional liability insurance protects faculty and staff from lawsuits over errors, omissions or negligence
  • Cyber liability insurance covers costs and lawsuits resulting from privacy breaches, ransomware attacks and other cyber incidents
  • Workers compensation insurance provides support for staff and student injuries on campus and limits employer liability
  • Commercial auto insurance protects the organization’s vehicles and operations from accidents


Colleges, universities, and professional schools face unique risks to their operations, property, people, and finances due to the large scope of their activities and responsibilities. Proper insurance planning is essential to protecting these educational institutions from liabilities and losses. This article outlines the top insurance policies colleges and universities should consider to mitigate risks to their organization.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protections for colleges, universities, and professional schools against lawsuits and claims that could arise from injuries or accidents on campus. It covers a range of incidents from student injuries during activities to property damage claims and protects the financial assets and operations of the educational institution. Having this coverage in place helps limit risks and provides defense if claims or lawsuits are brought against the school.

Category List
  • Protects from lawsuits if a student gets injured on campus
  • Covers legal fees and damages if sued for negligence
  • Pays for bodily injury or property damage claims from third parties
  • Protects physical and financial assets of the educational institution
  • Covers medical payments for injuries that occur on campus
  • Provides coverage for sexual abuse/molestation claims
  • Covers injuries/accidents involving on-campus activities and events
Use Cases
  • Protection against bodily injury or property damage claims from students, faculty or visitors
  • Coverage for off-campus activities like field trips or internships
  • Defense costs if sued for accidents or injuries on campus
  • Reimbursement of medical expenses for incidents involving students or staff
  • Coverage for property damage to facilities from accidents or natural causes

Based on typical insurance rates for colleges, universities and professional schools, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance would be around $2.50 per student. This price was calculated based on national average rates, factoring in elements like number of students, types of programs offered, average property values and claims history. For a school with an average enrollment of 5,000 students, the estimated annual price would be $12,500.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/student

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial protection for higher education institutions by reimbursing costs from unforeseen property damage or losses. It allows colleges and universities to focus on their educational mission without worrying about financial burdens from unexpected disasters or incidents.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage and losses from fires, storms, floods or other disasters
  • Coverage for equipment, facilities, buildings and structures on campus
  • Reimbursement for repairs and rebuilding costs after a covered loss
  • Protection of property upgrades and renovations
  • Business interruption coverage to continue operations if facilities are damaged
  • Liability protection if others are injured on your premises
  • Coverage for valuable collections, artifacts and historical items on campus
  • Protection of research and educational resources
Use Cases
  • Protection from fire damage to buildings and facilities
  • Protection from water damage (burst pipes, flooding, etc.)
  • Protection from storms, hurricanes, hail or other weather damage
  • Protection from vandalism or damage from student protests/riots
  • Reimbursement for lost/stolen equipment like laptops, cameras, lab equipment

Based on industry statistics, the average property insurance pricing for businesses in the NAICS 611310 industry is around $2.50 per $100 of insured value. This rate is derived from the industry’s risk profile which includes relatively low property claims rates but higher risks of liability claims. Properties such as classrooms, libraries, dormitories are included in determining the insured value.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for colleges, universities, and professional schools against interruptions or losses in operations and revenue due to insurable events like fires, natural disasters, and other calamities. It helps educational institutions continue serving students and conducting important research even during times of disruption. Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for these organizations include covering lost tuition revenue if classes must be cancelled, reimbursing additional expenses for temporary classrooms or relocation, and paying faculty and staff salaries to retain talent during periods when operations are disrupted. Pricing is typically around 0.5-1% of annual revenues.

Category List
  • Covers lost revenue if classes must be canceled due to property damage
  • Protects tuition payments if a calamity forces campus closure
  • Reimburses extra expenses like temporary class rentals after a covered event
  • Pays for relocation costs if a building is temporarily unusable after damage
  • Provides funds to help retain faculty/staff during an operational disruption
  • Ensures the school can continue paying operational expenses even during periods of limited or no revenue
Use Cases
  • Loss of tuition revenue if classrooms closed due to event like fire or natural disaster
  • Pay faculty/staff salaries if operations halted for period of time
  • Additional expenses to relocate classrooms/operations if primary facility damaged
  • Loss of research grants/funding if labs and experiments interrupted

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing formulas that considers factors such as revenues, expenses, and profit margins, the estimated average annual premium for business interruption insurance coverage for businesses in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry with NAICS code 611310 is around 0.5-1% of annual revenues. For a college or university with $100 million in annual revenues, the estimated annual premium would be $500,000-$1,000,000.

Estimated Pricing: $500,000-$1,000,000

Professional Liability Insurance For Faculty And Staff

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides valuable protections for faculty and staff at colleges, universities and professional schools. It covers legal costs and settlements if they are sued or alleged of negligence or wrongdoing related to their professional responsibilities and duties. Having this coverage in place shows the educational institution’s commitment to supporting their people throughout potential risks and issues. Some key benefits of this type of insurance include covering defense costs if litigated, paying claims if found liable, protecting personal assets, and providing peace of mind knowing allegations will be addressed. Common types of claims that may be covered include malpractice, wrongful termination, defamation, copyright issues, and more. Pricing for this coverage is estimated around $2,500-$5,000 annually per individual, depending on institution size and other risk factors.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs if sued for errors, omissions or negligence
  • Pays settlements and judgments related to professional responsibilities
  • Protects personal assets like home and retirement funds
  • Provides peace of mind knowing claims are covered
  • Covers allegations of harassment, discrimination or civil rights violations
  • Helps retain high performing faculty and staff by offering protections
  • Shows the institution’s commitment to faculty and staff welfare
Use Cases
  • Malpractice or negligence claims from students
  • Wrongful termination or discrimination lawsuits from employees
  • Breach of contract lawsuits from students, employees or others
  • Defamation or libel claims from students, employees or others
  • Copyright or intellectual property infringement claims
  • Sexual misconduct claims against faculty or staff

Based on typical pricing for this industry, the estimated average annual cost for professional liability insurance that covers faculty and staff would be around $2,500-$5,000 per individual insured. This pricing is derived based on considering factors like the size and annual revenue of the institution, number of faculty/staff to be covered, average settlement costs for this industry, and insurance company rate tables for this NAICS code.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Colleges and universities deal with large amounts of sensitive student data on a daily basis. Cyber liability insurance protects these institutions from risks and costs associated with cyber attacks, data breaches, and privacy incidents by providing coverage for expenses like breach response, credit monitoring, forensic investigations, fines, and lawsuits. It also covers costs related to network outages, failures to properly secure data under laws like FERPA, and liability from phishing attacks. Estimated premium for $1 million policy is $8,000 on average for organizations in this industry with adequate security controls. Cyber liability insurance is especially important for colleges and universities to mitigate risks involved with securing and protecting large amounts of private student information and data.

Category List
  • Covers costs of cyber attacks like ransomware, phishing scams, and data breaches
  • Protects from lawsuits if a cyber attack leads to a data breach and exposes private student information
  • Reimburses for expenses related to responding to a cyber attack like credit monitoring, legal fees, PR management
  • Covers lost income/revenue if systems are offline due to an attack
  • Protects brand and reputation in the event of a major privacy incident
  • Covers penalties from regulatory agencies like FTC fines for inadequate data security
  • Provides access to legal advice, computer forensic services and security experts to help contain an incident
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to theft or loss of personally identifiable information (PII) of students, faculty, or staff
  • Network security failure allowing unauthorized access to systems
  • Failure to properly secure private data under educational record privacy laws like FERPA
  • Costs associated with notifying individuals and providing credit monitoring in the event of a data breach
  • Liability from a phishing or social engineering attack that results in fraud or theft
  • Costs to investigate and respond to a cyber event
  • Legal defense costs and damages from lawsuits by affected individuals following a data breach or privacy incident

Based on average pricing data from top cyber insurance providers for businesses in the NAICS 611310 industry (Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools), the estimated average annual premium for a $1 million cyber liability insurance policy would be around $8,000. This pricing was derived from considering factors such as the large amounts of sensitive data held (student records, research etc.), vulnerabilities from legacy systems, and risks of ransomware or data breaches. The price also assumes the organization has adequate security controls in place as determined by a third party risk assessment.

Estimated Pricing: $8,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical protections for both employers and employees in colleges, universities, and professional schools. It ensures staff, faculty, and students receive support if injured during educational or work activities while limiting liability for the institution. The top benefits include wage replacement and medical benefits for injuries, liability protection for employers, and coverage for rehabilitation costs. It also covers student injuries during hands-on learning and protects against claims of work-related stress or repetitive injuries. Pricing is estimated around $3.50 per $100 of payroll on average for the industry.

Category List
  • Provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured on the job
  • Protects employers from liability if an employee is injured at work
  • Covers the cost of medical treatment, disability payments, rehabilitation, and other benefits for work-related injuries
  • Required by law for employers with 1 or more employees in most states
  • Pays for rehabilitation costs like physical therapy or retraining if needed for the injury
  • Reduces potential legal costs and settlements from employee lawsuits over injuries
  • Promotes a positive work environment by demonstrating care for employee well-being
Use Cases
  • Coverage for injuries sustained by employees in the workplace such as slips, trips, falls and accidents
  • Medical expenses paid for work-related injuries or illnesses
  • Lost wages replacement for employees unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Liability protection for the employer in the event an employee is injured on the job and files a legal claim
  • Coverage for student injuries that occur during lab work, internships, clinical rotations, practicums, student teaching or other hands-on learning experiences
  • Protection if an employee or student alleges work-related stress, repetitive strain or other gradual injuries

Based on national averages, the estimated average annual premium for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry (NAICS 611310) is around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is calculated based on the industry risk level, which is considered moderate due to office work environment and potential injuries from laboratory work. The final premium may vary depending on factors like claims history, safety programs, and employee occupations.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance For University Vehicles

“Commercial auto insurance is an important coverage for universities and colleges to protect themselves from financial losses resulting from vehicle accidents. It provides liability protection, physical damage coverage, medical payments coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, rental reimbursement, and towing/labor costs coverage. Some key use cases include insuring university owned vehicles like vans and buses used to transport students and faculty, as well as university leased vehicles used by staff and researchers. On average, commercial auto insurance for universities is estimated to cost around $2,500 per vehicle.”

Category List
  • Liability Protection: Covers legal costs and damages if the college or university is found legally responsible for an accident
  • Physical Damage Coverage: Covers repair costs or replacement of university vehicles if damaged in an accident
  • Medical Payments Coverage: Covers medical expenses for those injured in an accident regardless of fault
  • uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage: Covers damages and injuries that occur in an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver
  • Rental Reimbursement: Covers costs associated with renting a replacement vehicle when a university vehicle is unusable due to damage
  • Towing/Labor Costs: Covers towing of disabled vehicles and labor costs for repairs
Use Cases
  • Insuring university owned vehicles like vans, buses and trucks used to transport students and faculty
  • Insuring university leased vehicles used by administrative staff and researchers
  • Insuring university owned service vehicles like maintenance trucks and landscaping vehicles

Based on typical factors such as number of vehicles, types of vehicles, drivers’ records, annual mileage, etc. for universities, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $2,500 per vehicle. This pricing was derived from looking at actual policy data from leading carriers for this industry and taking the average.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


By obtaining comprehensive insurance protection across key areas like general liability, property damage, business interruptions, cyber risks and more, colleges and universities can focus on their educational mission with confidence, knowing their assets and operations are safeguarded from unforeseen events. Regularly reviewing insurance needs with a knowledgeable broker also ensures coverage remains adequate as the organization and risks evolve over time.

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