Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits over injuries or property damage claims.
  • Commercial property insurance covers losses to buildings, equipment and inventory from accidents and disasters.
  • Cyber liability insurance reimburses costs of data breaches and cyber attacks.
  • Commercial auto insurance covers vehicles used for business.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage above primary policies.
  • Business interruption insurance covers lost income if operations are suspended.
  • Commercial crime insurance protects against theft and fraud.


Wholesalers in the computer and computer peripheral equipment industry face a variety of risks that could harm their businesses financially. It’s important for companies in this sector to have adequate insurance in place to protect against unexpected incidents and losses. This article outlines some of the key insurance types wholesalers should consider to shield their operations.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important type of coverage for businesses in the Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers industry (NAICS Code: 423430) to protect against lawsuits and claims that could severely impact their finances. It covers legal costs and damages from a variety of risks these businesses may face such as defective products, cyber liabilities, injuries on their premises, and during deliveries/distributions. The estimated average annual cost for general liability insurance for businesses in this industry is between $2,000 to $5,000.

Category List
  • Protects against legal liability if a third party is injured on your premises or by your operations
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims from customers, visitors or neighbors
  • Pays damages for which you are legally liable if a customer claims a product you sold injured them or damaged their property
  • Covers legal fees and court costs to defend against a lawsuit, even if the claims against you are groundless
  • Covers liability claims arising from defective products, errors and omissions in your work
  • Covers adverse publicity expenses if your operations are implicated in a crisis or emergency
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury and property damage from damaged products
  • Bodily injury and property damage from accidents on company property
  • Legal costs to defend lawsuits from injured parties or damaged property
  • Product recall costs if a product is found to be defective and need to be removed from the market
  • Bodily injury or property damage during deliveries/distributions
  • Cyber liabilty risks if data is compromised due to faulty products

Based on industry data and risk level, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers industry (NAICS Code: 423430) is around $2,000 – $5,000. This pricing was derived from looking at average claims in the industry which tend to be on the lower end, as well as factoring in the business size which for most wholesalers in this industry would be considered small to medium size.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000 – $5,000

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an important policy for businesses to protect their physical assets and operations from losses due to unexpected incidents. It provides financial protection for companies in case of damages to buildings, equipment, inventory and other property from perils like fire, storms, theft or accidents.

Category List
  • Covers losses from fire, lightning, vandalism, explosion, smoke, theft, windstorm/hail, water damage like pipes bursting or floods, falling objects and impact by vehicles
  • Covers property losses from business interruption like loss of revenue if your building is damaged
  • Covers losses from earthquake, civil commotion and riot based on endorsement
  • Covers liability claims against your business for bodily injury or property damage of others caused by your operations
  • Reimburses additional expenses to continue operations during restoration/repair of damage property
  • Covers the replacement cost value of equipment and inventory which may be higher than depreciated value covered by other policies
Use Cases
  • Covers the building and its contents against risks like fire, storms, theft, and vandalism
  • Covers equipment like computers, servers, networking devices against risks of damage or theft
  • Covers inventory like software, hardware against risks of damage from fire, storms, accident etc during storage and transit
  • Provides liability coverage in case of accidental damage to a third party property or person during business operations

Based on analysis of typical commercial property insurance policies for wholesalers in this industry, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $3,500. This is calculated based on factors such as average inventory value of $2 million, average building/facility value of $1.5 million, and industry risk level. The price provided is for basic property coverage and does not include additional riders or endorsements that businesses may want for enhanced coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance protects businesses in the computer and computer peripheral equipment and software merchant wholesalers industry from financial losses and legal costs associated with data breaches, ransomware attacks, network failures, and other cyber incidents. It covers expenses related to notifying customers, paying legal fees and fines, reimbursing credit monitoring services, managing brand damage after an attack, and lost revenue if computer systems are taken offline by an incident. A typical business in this industry segment with $10-50 million in annual revenue and 50-200 employees can expect to pay around $3,500 annually for $1 million in coverage.

Category List
  • Covers costs of breaches and cyber attacks
  • Covers legal fees and fines in the event of a lawsuit
  • Covers costs of notifying customers in case of a breach
  • Covers costs of credit monitoring services for affected customers
  • Covers business interruption costs if systems are offline due to an attack
  • Covers costs of a public relations campaign to manage brand damage
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss or theft of customer data
  • Ransomware attack locking systems and demanding ransom to regain access
  • Network security failures exposing systems and data
  • Failure to properly secure customer payment information according to PCI compliance
  • Website or system downtime due to external attack or internal error
  • Loss of business or operations due to cyber incidents

Based on typical pricing models for cyber liability insurance, businesses in this industry would on average expect to pay around $2,000 – $5,000 annually for a $1 million policy. Pricing is usually determined based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, security protocols and practices in place, loss history, and risk assessments. For a typical business in this industry segment with $10-50 million in annual revenue and 50-200 employees, an estimated average annual premium would be around $3,500.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Commercial Automobile Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides critical liability and physical damage protection for businesses that rely on vehicles as part of their day-to-day operations. It helps ensure companies can continue operating smoothly even after accidents by covering legal costs, medical bills, vehicle repairs, and lost income during recovery. Wholesalers in the computer equipment industry typically rely on delivery vehicles like trucks and vans to transport inventory between warehouses and customers. Commercial auto insurance is especially important for these businesses to ensure accidents don’t disrupt operations or lead to financial losses.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for company vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to others
  • Coverage for business property transported in vehicles
  • Reimbursement for lost business income after an accident
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles used in the business
Use Cases
  • Covering delivery vehicles like trucks and vans used to transport inventory between warehouses and customer locations
  • Providing liability protection if an employee gets into an accident while driving for business
  • Covering rented vehicles used by traveling salespeople
  • Reimbursing for physical damage to vehicles in an accident

Based on industry benchmark and average pricing for businesses in NAICS code 423430, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial automobile insurance would be around $2,500. This price is calculated based on factors such as number of vehicles owned, average miles driven per year, driving records, cargo value. With no major claims or accidents in the past three years, this would be a reasonable price for basic commercial auto coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

As a computer hardware and software wholesaler, it is important to protect your business from liability risks through adequate insurance coverage. Commercial umbrella insurance can provide additional liability protection above your general business insurance and help shield your assets from expensive lawsuits and damages awards related to your products and services. Umbrella insurance also covers accidents caused by employees using company vehicles for work purposes and protects the business from data breach incidents and privacy violations. Estimated pricing for umbrella insurance for this industry is around $2,500 annually assuming the business has no major claims, losses, and maintains at least $1 million in underlying commercial general liability coverage.

Category List
  • Protects against liability claims above your general liability policy limits
  • Covers legal costs if you’re sued for damages not covered by your underlying policies
  • Protects personal assets in the event of a judgment against your business
  • Provides additional coverage that can fill gaps left by general liability, auto, and other commercial policies
  • Covers accidents caused by employees using company vehicles for work purposes
  • Protects your business from costly data breach incidents and privacy violations
  • Covers lawsuits filed across state lines and global territories
  • Provides seamless coverage coordination between multiple insurance policies
Use Cases
  • Providing additional liability coverage above the limits of the underlying commercial general liability (CGL) policy
  • Covering additional activities not included in the underlying CGL policy
  • Protecting personal assets from judgments or settlements in the event of a lawsuit that exceeds the limits of the underlying policies
  • Protecting the business from high-risk exposures like product liability and errors and omissions given the complex nature of computer equipment and software

Based on an analysis of typical umbrella insurance pricing for businesses in NAICS Code 423430 (Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers), the estimated average annual cost would be around $2,500. This estimate assumes the business carries at least $1,000,000 in underlying commercial general liability insurance and has no major claims or losses in the past 5 years. The pricing is also dependent on factors like number of employees, annual revenues/sales, and types of activities.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage to protect a company’s cash flow and profits if its operations are interrupted by an unforeseen event. It can help companies in the computer and computer peripheral equipment and software merchant wholesalers industry to continue operating and fulfilling orders even if equipment breaks down, facilities are damaged by disasters, or the supply chain is disrupted.
Business interruption insurance is especially important for wholesalers and distributors in this industry as they rely heavily on technology, inventory, and staff to generate revenue through fulfilling daily orders. They are at risk of losses from data breaches or cyber attacks that could shut down systems and prevent business operations.

Category List
  • Provides income if the business suffers a loss from an insured peril like fire, theft or natural disaster
  • Covers payroll and other operating expenses if the business can’t operate due to damage to the property or location
  • Protects cash flow so the business owners can pay employees and cover overhead costs during downtime
  • Keeps customers satisfied by avoiding delays in fulfilling orders and maintaining service levels
  • Allows the business to quickly resume normal operations and avoid long-term financial hardship
  • Reduces stress on business owners and protects their personal finances from unexpected business losses
Use Cases
  • Fire damage to premises
  • Equipment breakdown or failure
  • Natural disaster or adverse weather event
  • Cyber attack or data breach
  • Employees unable to work due to illness
  • Loss or damage to inventory or warehouse
  • Supply chain disruption preventing delivery of products

Based on analysis of typical business interruption insurance policies for businesses in NAICS code 423430 (Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers), the average annual premium would be around $5,000. This estimate is derived from calculating 0.5% of gross profit of $1 million as the typical policy insures loss of gross profits for 12 months.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Commercial Crime Insurance

Commercial crime insurance helps protect businesses in the computer wholesale industry from financial losses due to theft, fraud, and other criminal acts. It provides reimbursement for losses and pays related investigation expenses. Coverages include employee dishonesty, robbery, burglary, client or customer theft, service errors and omissions, third party liability, and more. The estimated average annual pricing for this type of insurance for businesses in the computer wholesale industry is $2,500. Commercial crime insurance safeguards businesses’ cash reserves and high-value inventory from risks of both internal and external crimes.

Category List
  • Protects against employee dishonesty like theft, forgery, and computer fraud
  • Covers losses from robbery and burglary
  • Reimburses for losses from funds transfer fraud
  • Pays for expenses related to investigating and recovering losses
  • Provides liability coverage if a third party suffers a loss due to employee crime
  • Offers protection against vendor/customer fraud
  • Protects proprietary information and intellectual property from theft
Use Cases
  • Employee Dishonesty including theft, forgery, and computer fraud
  • Client or Customer Theft including theft of money or inventory by customers
  • Service Errors and Omissions including costs of correcting accidental errors in fulfilment or installation
  • Third Party Liability including liability claims from clients due to data breaches or technology failures

Based on average risk factors and loss history for businesses in the Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers industry, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial crime insurance would be around $2,500. This pricing was derived by looking at factors such as average revenue size, number of employees, loss history data, risk management practices, and location. Larger businesses and those with higher risks may be priced higher, while smaller lower risk businesses may get slightly lower pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


By choosing appropriate types of insurance tailored for their industry, wholesalers in the NAICS code 423430 sector can gain peace of mind knowing they have coverage in place to keep their businesses running smoothly even after unforeseen events. Maintaining adequate insurance limits and reviewing policy needs annually is also important for continued risk management and financial protection.

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