Key Takeaways

  • Consider general liability, professional liability, property, workers’ compensation and cyber liability insurance as core policies.
  • Director’s and officer’s insurance protects leadership from lawsuits related to management decisions.
  • Employment practices liability covers costs of workplace lawsuits like discrimination claims.
  • Umbrella/excess policies provide coverage above primary limits and for risks not covered elsewhere.


As a business in the translation and interpretation services industry, it is important to protect your company from a variety of risks through adequate insurance coverage. This article examines the key types of business insurance that translation and interpretation companies should consider, including their benefits, use cases and estimated pricing.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for translation and interpretation businesses. It covers legal costs and damages if clients allege negligence, errors or poor quality of work that causes financial loss. Additionally, general liability insurance can protect against claims of improper, negligent or inaccurate translation that causes financial loss; mistakes during medical, legal or other important interpretations; revealing confidential client information due to translation errors; copyright infringement or defamation from a translator’s work; and losing or stealing sensitive client information either physically or electronically.

Category List
  • Covers legal liabilities if a client claims the translation or interpretation caused financial loss
  • Protects from lawsuits if a client alleges negligence, errors or omissions in work
  • Covers accidental bodily injury or property damage claims from clients
  • Provides coverage if an employee is injured on the job
  • Protects company reputation and brand if a mistake in work leads to a claim
  • Covers legal fees and settlement costs if a claim leads to a lawsuit
  • Protects the company’s assets from being seized if it loses a lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Protect against claims of improper, negligent or inaccurate translation that causes financial loss
  • Cover liability if an interpreter makes a mistake during a medical procedure, legal proceeding or other important communication
  • Provide coverage if a client’s confidential or proprietary information is inadvertently revealed due to a translation error
  • Indemnify the business if a translator’s work is claimed to infringe on copyright or constitutes defamation
  • Protect against claims from clients if sensitive or confidential information is lost or stolen either physically or electronically

Based on typical industry rates, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry (NAICS Code: 541930) would be around $1,500. This pricing is derived from considering average revenue sizes for small to mid-sized businesses in this industry and applying typical rates that range between $1-2 per $100 of revenue.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides crucial protection for translation and interpretation service businesses from financial losses resulting from mistakes or errors in their work. Some key benefits of professional liability insurance for translation and interpretation service businesses include covering legal costs and damages if sued for errors and omissions in work, protecting business assets from being lost in a lawsuit, and ensuring the ability to operate the business without risk of financial ruin from claims. The top uses of this insurance are to provide coverage if a client claims there was an error in a translation, documents were lost, deadlines were missed, or inaccurate information was shared. The estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance for translation and interpretation services businesses is between $1,200-$2,000 based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, types of services offered, years in business, claims history, and location.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and damages if sued for errors and omissions in work
  • Protects business assets like savings and equipment from being lost in a lawsuit
  • Ensures ability to operate business without risk of financial ruin from claims
  • Provides access to legal defense if sued for professional negligence or mistakes
  • Coverage extends to claims brought by past clients for older work
  • Demonstrates financial responsibility to clients and protects business reputation
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from uncertainties of potential legal issues
Use Cases
  • Errors and omissions in translation work
  • Mistakes in interpretation at meetings or other events
  • Loss of documents or data during a project
  • Failure to meet deadlines for deliverables
  • Inaccurate information provided to clients
  • Copyright or intellectual property issues with translated content

Based on research, the estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance for translation and interpretation services businesses with NAICS code 541930 is $1,200-$2,000. The pricing is typically calculated based on factors like the business’ annual revenue, number of employees/contractors, types of services offered, years in business, claims history, and geographical location.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200-$2,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance is crucial for businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry. Translation and interpretation services often rely on expensive equipment like computers, software, phones, and sensitive documents to operate. Property insurance offers financial protection if this essential property and equipment becomes damaged, destroyed, or lost due to covered incidents and risks. Some key benefits of property insurance for translation and interpretation services businesses include replacing property if damaged, covering liability if customers are injured, and reimbursing for equipment, supplies and lost income due to covered disasters. Common risks the industry faces that property insurance protects against include damage to office equipment, furniture and fixtures, and the building from events like fire, flooding and storms. On average, an annual property insurance policy for a translation and interpretation services business costs around $1,500 based on average property values and industry risk factors.

Category List
  • Protects property and equipment from damages caused by events like fire, storms or vehicle accidents
  • Replaces property if it’s damaged, lost or stolen
  • Covers expenses if your office is unusable after damage and you need to continue operating elsewhere
  • Covers liability if a customer is injured on your property
  • Provides reimbursement for equipment and supplies if they are destroyed in a disaster like flood or earthquake
  • Covers loss of income if the business needs to close temporarily for repairs after a covered incident
  • Insures documentation, papers, and technology essential to the business operations in case they are harmed
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or loss to office equipment like computers, printers, phones
  • Protection against damage or loss to office furniture and fixtures
  • Protection against damage to the building from events like fire, flooding, storms

Based on industry data, the average annual property insurance premium for businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry is around $1,500 per year. This pricing is derived based on the average property value of $200,000 and industry risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides an important level of protection for both employees and employers in the translation and interpretation services industry. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees hurt on the job, while also shielding businesses from costly liability lawsuits. Having proper coverage also demonstrates an employer’s commitment to their staff’s well-being and compliance with state regulations. It is especially critical for this industry due to the risks associated with job duties like travel and client meetings.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Covers lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits related to on-the-job injuries
  • Lowers business operating costs by providing employment benefits required by law
  • Attracts quality job applicants and supports employee retention by providing security in case of injury
  • Demonstrates employer responsibility and compliance with state laws
Use Cases
  • Covering injuries sustained by employees while fulfilling job duties such as translating, interpreting, travel, etc.
  • Providing medical costs and lost wages coverage for employees who are injured on the job
  • Protecting the business from liability lawsuits in the event an employee is injured and decides to take legal action
  • Ensuring compliance with state laws requiring businesses to carry workers’ compensation insurance

Based on national average pricing data, the estimated average cost for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry with NAICS code 541930 would be around $1.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was calculated by looking at industry risk factors, common job roles/duties, and average claim frequencies and costs for this industry. Claims in this industry tend to be relatively low in terms of frequency and cost due to the typical office job roles with little physical labor or risk of injury.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/100 of payroll

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance, also known as cyber insurance or data breach insurance, is a crucial protection for translation and interpretation businesses that handle sensitive client data. It helps mitigate financial and legal risks from cyber attacks, network failures, data breaches and other security incidents. Without proper cyber liability coverage, the costs of a major security incident or data breach could be financially devastating and put the business at risk. Cyber liability insurance provides coverage for breach response costs, lawsuits, system recovery, lost income, fines and legal fees that may result from a cyber or privacy related event, helping businesses manage these risks.

Category List
  • Covers costs of a data breach, such as notification and credit monitoring
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a cyber attack
  • Reimburses for costs of restoring data and systems
  • Covers legal fees and fines/penalties from a data breach
  • Protects reputation and brand in the event of a cyber incident
  • Covers lost income or profits during system downtime after an attack
  • Provides access to legal assistance and breach response services
  • Coverage remains in effect even if a business is acquired or merges with another company
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to the loss or theft of confidential client information like personal details, medical records or financial information
  • Ransomware attack locking access to critical systems or encrypted files until a ransom is paid
  • Network security failure exposing systems and data to unauthorized access
  • Loss or theft of devices containing client information like laptops, phones or usb drives
  • Third party liability if a contractor’s or vendor’s systems are breached affecting the business’s clients
  • Loss of income or extra expenses incurred from downtime after a cyber attack while systems are restored or client information is secured
  • Legal costs and fines from regulatory agencies if sensitive client data is compromised due to a security incident

Based on industry surveys, the average cyber liability insurance pricing for small to medium-sized businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry with less than 100 employees is around $1,200 per year. This price is calculated based on typical policy limits of $1 million coverage and a $10,000 deductible. Premiums may vary depending on a risk assessment of specific business practices and security protocols in place.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors And Officers (D&O) insurance provides essential liability protections for companies and their leadership in the translation and interpretation services industry. Due to the sensitive nature of the work, businesses in this field face higher risks of lawsuits against their directors and officers compared to other industries. D&O insurance specifically protects directors and officers from shareholder lawsuits related to management issues, as well as lawsuits from employees, clients or other third parties related to misconduct. It also reimburses legal defense costs if such lawsuits occur. This type of liability coverage helps manage risks and attract top talent by reducing the personal liability risks for a company’s directors and officers.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from lawsuits
  • Covers legal fees if sued for wrongful acts
  • Covers settlement costs if found liable in a lawsuit
  • Covers reimbursement if the company cannot pay for defense costs
  • Shields personal assets of directors and officers from awards or settlements
  • Provides liability coverage for errors and omissions
  • Attracts qualified directors and officers by reducing personal liability risk
Use Cases
  • Protection against shareholder lawsuits alleging improper management or governance
  • Protection against lawsuits from employees, clients or third parties alleging misconduct
  • Reimbursement for legal defense costs in the event of shareholder, employee, client lawsuits or government investigations

Based on an analysis of industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for Directors And Officers Insurance for small to medium sized businesses in the Translation and Interpretation Services industry (NAICS Code: 541930) would be between $3,000 to $5,000. This pricing range takes into account factors like the typical revenue size of businesses in this industry, number of employees/directors, types of services offered, and risk profiles.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000 – $5,000

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is an important risk management tool for businesses in the translation and interpretation services industry. EPLI can help protect against expensive lawsuits and damages related to employment issues like wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and wage/hour disputes.

Category List
  • Protection from lawsuits alleging wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment or other violations of employment law
  • Defense costs if a lawsuit is filed, even if the claims end up being without merit
  • Compensation if a lawsuit results in a legal judgment or settlement against your business
  • Help finding legal counsel specializing in employment law to prevent issues or handle disputes internally
  • Coverage for claims from independent contractors, in addition to employees
  • Advice and risk management resources to help your business stay compliant with evolving employment laws
  • Peace of mind knowing your business is protected from unforeseen liability that could otherwise damage your finances and reputation
  • Access to HR advice and experts in employment law to create legally compliant policies and practices to avoid issues in the first place
Use Cases
  • Lawsuits from employees claiming wrongful termination
  • Lawsuits from employees claiming discrimination
  • Lawsuits from employees claiming harassment or hostile work environment
  • Lawsuits from employees claiming failure to accommodate disabilities
  • Lawsuits from employees or former employees claiming unpaid wages or overtime

Based on average pricing data from top insurers for businesses in NAICS Code 541930 (Translation and Interpretation Services), the estimated average annual premium for Employment Practices Liability Insurance would be around $1,500. This price is calculated based on factors like number of employees, annual revenue, job types, past claims experience, and risk management practices. Premiums may be lower or higher depending on the specific business profile and underwriting review.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Umbrella Or Excess Liability Insurance

Umbrella or excess liability insurance provides additional protection for translation and interpretation businesses that face risks from professional errors, injuries on client sites, and lawsuits exceeding primary insurance limits. It protects against claims over general liability limits, professional negligence, on-site accidents, defamation, and lawsuits exceeding asset value. Pricing is typically $1,000-$3,000 annually per $1 million in coverage depending on business size and history.

Category List
  • Protects your business from costly lawsuits and legal claims
  • Provides additional liability coverage beyond your regular insurance policies
  • Covers legal costs if you are sued
  • Covers losses that exceed the limits of your underlying policies
  • Protects personal assets if the business is sued
  • Provides automatic increases in coverage limits to keep pace with inflation
  • Covers liability risks not covered under regular business insurance like cyber liability
Use Cases
  • To protect against claims that exceed the primary general liability insurance policy limits
  • To protect against claims of professional negligence or errors and omissions
  • To protect against claims from on-site accidents and injuries at client locations during interpretation assignments
  • To protect against defamation, libel or slander claims from inaccurate translations
  • To protect the business owner’s personal assets from excessive liability claims against the business

Based on typical industry standards, umbrella or excess liability insurance for translation and interpretation services businesses is usually priced between $1,000 to $3,000 annually per $1 million of coverage, depending on factors like number of employees, annual revenue, types of services provided, and loss history. For a small to mid-sized translation agency with under 20 employees and $2-5M in annual revenue, an estimated price would be around $1,500 annually for $1M of umbrella coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500


Obtaining the right mix of business insurance policies helps manage risks and allows translation and interpretation companies to focus on serving clients without worry of financial ruin from an unexpected lawsuit, accident, cyber attack or natural disaster. Taking the time to understand coverage needs and shop around for competitive quotes ensures businesses in this industry have the protections they require.

Frequently Asked Questions

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