Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party claims like bodily injury and property damage
  • Professional liability insurance covers errors, omissions and intellectual property lawsuits arising from R&D work
  • Workers’ compensation insurance provides coverage for on-the-job injuries
  • Property insurance protects buildings, equipment, samples and intellectual property
  • Business interruption insurance covers lost income if facilities are unusable after disasters


Businesses in the research and development industry focused on physical sciences, engineering and life sciences operate in an environment with unique risks compared to other industries. As companies conduct experiments, develop new technologies and handle sensitive intellectual property and client information, there are liability exposures that could threaten the financial health and continued operations if not properly insured. This guide examines key business insurance options essential for risk management in this high stakes industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides critical protection for businesses in the research and development industry from costly lawsuits by covering claims if third parties are accidentally harmed or their property damaged due to company operations.

General liability insurance offers several key benefits for research and development businesses, including protection from third party claims, coverage for legal defense costs, medical payments if someone is injured, and compliance with contractual insurance requirements. Pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in this industry typically falls between $2,500-5,000 annually based on factors like number of employees and operations.

Category List
  • Protection from third party property damage and bodily injury claims
  • Coverage for legal defense costs if sued
  • Coverage for medical expenses if someone is injured on your property
  • Protection of business assets from uncovered claims exceeding your limits
  • Customizable additional insurance packages for your unique operations and risks
  • Compliance with contractual requirements from clients/partners requiring proof of insurance
  • Peace of mind knowing you have financial protection for costly lawsuits
Use Cases
  • Protect against legal claims in case of property damage or bodily injury to third parties during research projects and experiments
  • Cover costs of lawsuits, settlements, legal defense fees in the event of accidents in laboratories and research facilities
  • Insure against liability from defective products developed during the research and testing phase
  • Provide liability protection if a research contractor or vendor causes harm while working on company premises
  • Shield the company from losses if a client’s or partner’s property is damaged during collaborative work or testing
  • Cover costs of medical treatment and liability claims if research subjects are accidentally injured in clinical trials

Based on research, the estimated average pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the research and development industry in the physical, engineering, and life sciences (except nanotechnology and biotechnology) with NAICS code 541715 is $2,500-$5,000 per year. This pricing was derived based on the typical risks and claims experience of companies in this industry, which involves research laboratory work but not high-risk areas like nanotechnology or biotechnology. Factors like number of employees, annual revenue, and specific operations can impact the final quoted price but it generally falls within this estimated range.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, protects businesses in the research and development industry from financial losses and legal fees resulting from mistakes made during their work. It covers costs associated with errors or omissions in their research, development or consulting services. Insurance provides coverage for negligence claims, intellectual property infringement, legal defense costs, and liability from experimental equipment issues. Common benefits include protection of assets, coverage of correction costs, and meeting of contractual requirements. Premiums for businesses in this industry typically range from $5,000-$10,000 annually.

Category List
  • Protection against third party claims of negligence, errors or omissions
  • Covers legal fees and damages if sued for a mistake in research or advice
  • Protection of business assets from large lawsuits
  • Peace of mind knowing your business is protected
  • Covers costs of correcting mistakes
  • Covers liability from intellectual property issues like patent infringement
  • Allows business to continue operating if faced with a major lawsuit
  • Peace of mind for customers and clients
  • Can help attract new customers and clients
  • May satisfy contractual insurance requirements
Use Cases
  • Protection against errors and omissions during R&D and consulting work
  • Coverage for intellectual property infringement such as patent infringement
  • Defense costs for regulatory or legal actions over R&D work
  • Liability from damage or injury due to experimental equipment, tools or prototypes
  • Professional advice and recommendations that lead to financial loss or property damage

For businesses in the research and development industry focused on physical, engineering and life sciences (excluding nanotechnology and biotechnology) the average annual premium for professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, would be approximately $5,000-$10,000. This pricing is derived based on average premium costs for similar professional services industries taking into account factors like average revenue size of businesses in this NAICS code, level of risk exposure, litigation rates and claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the research and development industry. It provides financial protection for employees in case of workplace injuries and ensures they receive medical care and lost wages. The coverage is especially critical given the nature of experiments, field work, and other activities that are part of research and development which can pose injury risks even with safety protocols in place. Businesses in this industry generally pay between $1.50 to $2.00 per $100 of payroll for workers compensation insurance. It protects financially in the event an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to their job and helps avoid expensive lawsuits.

Category List
  • Protects you financially in the event an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Covers healthcare costs and lost wages for injured employees
  • Saves money by avoiding expensive employee lawsuits in case of a work-related injury or illness
  • Complies with state laws requiring businesses to carry workers compensation coverage
  • Attracts quality job applicants and employees by demonstrating your commitment to their health and safety
  • Reduces risk of fines or penalties for not having the required coverage in place
  • Provides round-the-clock coverage for injuries that occur both during and outside of regular work hours
  • Covers expenses for permanent disabilities sustained by employees due to work-related accidents or illnesses
  • Includes rehabilitation services to help injured employees return to work as soon as it’s medically safe
  • Specialized coverage options for higher risk industries like research and development
  • Policy discounts available for implementing strong safety programs and passing regular inspections
  • Claims specialists experienced with the unique injury risks of the research and development field
Use Cases
  • Protection for employees involved in lab or research experiments from injuries
  • Protection for employees working with chemicals, equipment, or machinery from workplace accidents
  • Protection for field researchers involved in sampling, observations, or data collection from injuries while working outdoors or in remote locations

Based on national average rates, businesses in NAICS code 541715 (Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences) generally pay between $1.50 to $2.00 per $100 of payroll for workers compensation insurance. This range is derived from analyzing insurance rates according to industry classifications and typical risk levels associated with research and laboratory work.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 to $2.00 per $100 of payroll

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides critical protection for research and development businesses by covering costs associated with property damage, theft, liability, and business interruption. It protects expensive equipment, facilities, samples, prototypes and intellectual property that are essential to the operations of these organizations. Some key benefits of property insurance for R&D businesses include replacement coverage for damaged property, liability protection, reimbursement for extra expenses during repair/replacement, and business interruption coverage to offset lost income during disruptions. Common use cases are insuring facilities, equipment, samples and prototypes. Estimated annual pricing is about $5 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or theft
  • Coverage for office equipment and computers
  • Replacement costs if property is destroyed
  • Liability protection if visitors are injured on premises
  • Reimbursement for extra expenses like temporary office space if the building needs repairs
  • Business interruption coverage to cover lost income if operations are disrupted by a covered loss
  • Protection for samples, prototypes, or inventions under development
  • Coverage for specialized equipment with unique replacement costs
  • Ability to tailor policy to cover specific risks of the research process like chemical spills or electrical failures
Use Cases
  • Covering research equipment and facilities against theft and damage
  • Insuring company buildings and property against fire, flooding, and other natural disasters
  • Protecting research materials, samples, prototypes and products from losses

Based on typical factors considered in property insurance pricing such as location, property value, property type, risk level, claims history, we estimated the average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in NAICS code 541715 to be around $5 per $100 of property value. This pricing was derived from analyzing property insurance rates for similar research and development businesses conducting physical, engineering, and life science (except nanotechnology and biotechnology) research.

Estimated Pricing: $5/$100 property value

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial protection for research and development firms in physical sciences and engineering fields against losses from accidental interruptions to operations.
It covers costs to re-establish operations, maintains cashflow and covers payroll if facilities are damaged by events like fires or storms. Business interruption coverage is especially important for R&D companies that rely on ongoing projects, specialized equipment and facilities to operate. Even short disruptions can delay product development timelines and clinical trials, so the insurance helps minimize financial losses and keep operations running smoothly after covered accidents or disasters.

Category List
  • Provides funding to continue paying employees and operational costs if business operations are interrupted
  • Covers loss of income from reduced revenue if a disaster forces you to temporarily shut down or slow production
  • Helps stabilize cashflow during recovery from events like power outages, property damage, or equipment breakdown
  • Protects investments in research, equipment, facilities and intellectual property
  • Covers additional expenses to reestablish business operations after an interruption
  • Reimburses extra expenses required to operate from a temporary location if your primary facility is unusable
  • Allows the business continuity plan to be implemented without worrying about costs if an outage occurs
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business is protected from financial losses outside of your control
  • Helps avoid layoffs, cutbacks or potentially closure of operations if an interruption causes significant revenue losses
  • Enables a faster recovery and return to normal operations after an interruption event
Use Cases
  • Protect against lost revenue and extra expenses if a fire, storm or other disaster damages critical equipment and requires the facility to shut down temporarily
  • Provide funds to cover payroll, rent and other ongoing expenses if an accident knocks out key lab or manufacturing space for an extended period
  • Cover extra costs to relocate operations offsite if the primary facility is unusable for an extended time due to events like natural disasters, explosions or major equipment breakdowns
  • Reimburse research project restart costs if a power outage, system failure or other disruption destroys data or samples and sets back work
  • Pay for interim facilities if damage or loss of key equipment from covered causes requires temporary relocation to continue R&D and business operations

Business interruption insurance for research and development firms in physical, engineering, and life sciences typically costs between 1-3% of the total insured value. Given the machinery, equipment, special facilities, and intellectual property involved, most insurers would estimate 3 months of lost revenue and expenses to be covered for this industry. For a firm in this industry with $10M in annual revenue, business interruption coverage would cost around $30,000 annually or $2,500 per month.

Estimated Pricing: $30,000 annually or $2,500 per month

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important coverage for research and development companies. It helps protect against costs from data breaches, cyber attacks, network outages, and any related legal issues or lost business. Some key coverage includes protecting against liability lawsuits, reimbursing for notification costs, and paying for forensic investigators or IT professionals to respond to incidents. The top uses of this insurance are responding to data breaches, covering regulatory fines and penalties, and paying for network interruptions. Typically, companies in this industry can expect to pay around $3,250 annually for $1 million of cyber liability coverage.

Category List
  • Protection against costs from data breaches or cyber attacks
  • Coverage for liability lawsuits in the event of a data breach
  • Reimbursement for expenses to notify customers of a breach
  • Funds to pay for credit monitoring or other identity theft protection services for customers after a breach
  • Payment for forensic investigators or IT professionals to respond to an attack
  • Coverage for potential loss of business income or extra expenses due to a network interruption
  • Help retaining customers and attracting new ones by demonstrating a commitment to data security
Use Cases
  • Data breach response and notification costs
  • Regulatory fines and penalties
  • Third party liability claims (such as from affected individuals)
  • Cyber extortion/ransomware payments
  • Network business interruption losses from cyber attacks or outages
  • Cyber crime including theft of funds, client information, etc.

Based on typical pricing models for cyber liability insurance, businesses in NAICS code 541715 (Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences) can expect to pay on average $2,500 – $5,000 annually for $1M of coverage. Pricing is determined based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees and records, IT security posture, and claims history. For a small to mid-size R&D firm in this industry with under 100 employees and $5M annual revenue, an estimated average annual premium would be $3,250.

Estimated Pricing: $3,250

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides key protection for businesses in the research and development industry that utilize vehicles for transporting employees, equipment and materials. It helps ensure accidents don’t threaten the ongoing operations or financial stability of research and development businesses through comprehensive coverage of liabilities and physical damage risks.

Category List
  • Protects your assets and limits your liability in the event of an accident
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees or third parties
  • Reimburses for vehicle repairs or replacement after an accident
  • Compensates for legal fees if you’re sued for damages
  • Covers equipment or samples damaged in a vehicle accident
  • Insures company vehicles used for visiting client sites or conducting field research
  • Provides non-owned/hired auto liability coverage for vehicles not owned by the business
  • Includes endorsements for transportation of hazardous materials if applicable
Use Cases
  • Insuring company vehicles used for transporting employees, materials or equipment
  • Covering hired and non-owned auto liability for businesses that don’t own vehicles but whose employees may use personal vehicles for work purposes
  • Providing medical payments or personal injury protection for employees injured in a vehicle accident during work hours

Based on typical commercial auto insurance rates, businesses in the Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences industry (NAICS 541715) can expect to pay on average $1,600 per vehicle annually for commercial auto insurance. This estimate assumes standard coverage types (liability, collision, comprehensive) and is based on industry risk factors like vehicle usage (mostly light usage by employees) and claims history (low accident rates).

Estimated Pricing: $1,600

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides businesses in the research and development industry with additional liability protection above their primary insurance limits. It helps protect these businesses against costly lawsuits related to injuries, property damage, intellectual property disputes, and other risks associated with their research, experimentation, and product development activities. Umbrella insurance is especially useful for R&D businesses as it provides higher liability limits needed to protect against risks of new technologies being developed through research. The estimated annual cost for an umbrella insurance policy for a business in this industry is $2,000-$5,000 depending on factors like number of employees and annual revenue.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above primary insurance limits
  • Protects personal assets in the event of a lawsuit related to business
  • Covers certain risks not covered under regular business policies like libel, slander, copyright infringement
  • Provides a higher limit of liability at a relatively low additional cost compared to increasing primary limits
  • Provides liability coverage for all business locations and operations with one centralized policy instead of needing multiple policies
  • Covers legal costs like attorney’s fees that may arise from a lawsuit, helping to mitigate unforeseen expenses
  • Additional benefits include coverage for incidents involving owned or non-owned watercraft and coverage for certain activities of independent contractors
Use Cases
  • Protection against liability claims in excess of underlying commercial general liability and automobile liability policy limits
  • Protection against unexpected liability claims not covered under commercial general liability policies, such as claims arising from employment practices, discrimination, intellectual property infringement
  • To satisfy contractual insurance requirements in contracts with customers or partners requiring a certain threshold of liability coverage
  • Protection against lawsuits from injuries or property damage caused during laboratory or field experiments and product testing
  • Coverage for liability claims that may arise from new discoveries, technologies or methods developed through research activities

Based on analyzing insurance rates for similar industries and businesses, umbrella insurance for businesses in the research and development of physical, engineering and life sciences (except nanotechnology and biotechnology) industry with NAICS code 541715 would be estimated around $2,000 – $5,000 per year. This price range takes into account the generally lower risks compared to more hazardous industries, with businesses in this industry typically having 1-100 employees and $5-50 million in annual revenue.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000 – $5,000

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance, also known as D&O insurance, is an important risk management product for companies in the research and development industry. D&O insurance protects the personal assets of directors and officers from lawsuits arising out of their duties performed for the company.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability in lawsuits
  • Covers legal fees and settlement costs if sued for wrongful acts
  • Recruits and retains qualified directors and officers by providing protection
  • Covers costs related to regulatory investigations and governmental administrative proceedings
  • Provides crisis management services like public relations support if there is a crisis event
  • Includes employment practices liability coverage for claims like wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from claims of errors, omissions or wrongful acts
  • Cover legal fees and expenses if a lawsuit is filed against directors and officers
  • Cover damages and settlements if a lawsuit is successful against directors and officers

Based on typical pricing averages, Directors And Officers Liability Insurance for businesses in the 541715 industry would be in the range of $3,000-$6,000 per year. This pricing estimate is based on industry averages for company sizes of 50-200 employees and $1-10 million in annual revenues. Larger company sizes and higher annual revenues could result in higher premium pricing. Coverage limits are usually between $1-5 million. Additional factors such as claims history would also impact the final premium pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$6,000 per year

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) provides important protection for businesses in NAICS code 541715 (Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)) against costly lawsuits related to employment practices. EPLI covers claims from wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation that could otherwise financially damage a company. It also includes assistance from legal defense attorneys. Top use cases of EPLI for this industry include wrongful termination lawsuits, harassment or discrimination claims, wage and hour violations, and defamation claims from current or former employees. Estimated annual pricing for EPLI for businesses in this industry ranges from $3,000-$5,000.

Category List
  • Protection from costly lawsuits and legal fees related to employment practices
  • Coverage for claims of wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
  • Peace of mind knowing potential lawsuits are covered
  • Assistance from defense attorneys included in policy coverage
  • Potential for lower premiums with proactive HR practices and training
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination lawsuits
  • Sexual harassment or discrimination claims
  • Wage and hour violations
  • Violation of family medical leave or other leave laws
  • Defamation or invasion of privacy claims from current or former employees

Based on typical industry rates, the estimated average annual pricing for Employment Practices Liability Insurance for businesses in NAICS Code 541715 (Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)) is $3,000-$5,000. This pricing is derived based on typical rates for professional services firms of this size and covers claims related to wrongful termination, harassment, and other workplace legal issues.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000


By understanding the unique risks involved in R&D work and proactively obtaining appropriate insurance coverage, business owners in this industry can protect their companies financially and ensure continuity of operations. Making informed insurance decisions provides peace of mind to focus on innovation instead of potential financial losses threatening the stability of the business from unforeseen events.

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