Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects businesses from lawsuits related to injuries or damages caused on premises or through operations.
  • Professional liability insurance covers costs and damages from errors and omissions or negligence claims made by clients.
  • Cyber liability insurance protects businesses from costs of data breaches or cyber attacks involving client information.
  • Directors and officers insurance protects directors and officers personally from liability lawsuits related to their roles and responsibilities.
  • Commercial property insurance covers repair/replacement costs if office property is damaged by events like fire, storms or theft.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability limits above primary policies to defend businesses from large claims.


As a portfolio management or investment advisory business, it is important to understand the types of risks your firm may face on a day to day basis and have adequate insurance in place. Some of the most crucial types of business insurance coverage to consider include general liability, professional liability, cyber liability, directors and officers liability, commercial property and commercial umbrella policies.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance plays a crucial role in protecting portfolio management and investment advice businesses from costly lawsuits and covering injuries that may occur on their premises or through their operations. It provides coverage for a wide range of risks these professional services firms may face on a day to day basis. Some key uses of general liability insurance for these types of businesses include protection from errors and omissions claims related to unsuitable investment recommendations or advice that result in financial losses for clients. Coverage is also provided for injuries to visitors at their office locations. General liability insurance also helps defend against discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination lawsuits and covers damage or loss of client property under their care. With estimated annual costs of $2,000-$3,000, general liability insurance provides portfolio management and investment advice firms with strong liability protection at a reasonable price.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs if sued by a client for negligent advice
  • Protects assets if a client claims losses due to bad investment recommendations
  • Covers medical costs if an client is injured on your business premises
  • Pays for damage to a client’s property under your care, custody, or control
  • Covers defense costs even if the claims end up being groundless, false, or fraudulent
  • Provides risk management resources to help reduce insurance claims
  • Covers the costs of replacing documents or restoring damaged files
Use Cases
  • Protection against negligent acts or omissions that result in financial injury to clients
  • Coverage for errors and omissions in providing professional services and advice
  • Defense against claims of improper or unsuitable investment recommendations
  • Liability for damage or loss of client property in your care, custody or control
  • Legal defense and damages from allegations of discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination of employees
  • Bodily injury and property damage claims from visitors to your office

Based on typical rates for professional services industries, general liability insurance for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry (NAICS Code: 523940) would be estimated to be priced around $2,000 – $3,000 annually. This pricing is derived from considering average rates, number of employees, annual revenues, past claims experience in the industry, and level of risk compared to similar industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$3,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, provides important coverage for businesses that provide professional services like portfolio management and investment advice. It protects them from costly lawsuits arising from allegations of negligence or poor advice given to clients. Some key benefits of professional liability insurance include covering legal fees and damages from client lawsuits, protecting business assets from losses due to lawsuits, and providing access to experienced legal defense counsel. It also maintains credibility and signals the business operates responsibly by putting clients first. Professional liability insurance can help insure against liability claims from clients alleging losses due to poor investment advice and protects business owners and employees from these types of claims arising from their professional duties.

Category List
  • Covers legal fees and damages from lawsuits stemming from professional errors and omissions in investment advice or portfolio management
  • Protects business assets like savings and property that could otherwise be lost paying for legal judgments or settlements out-of-pocket
  • Reduces risk of financial ruin if a client lawsuit results in an adverse or high monetary judgment
  • Provides access to experienced legal defense counsel to represent the business in a client lawsuit at no additional cost
Use Cases
  • Insures against liability claims made by clients for losses or damages due to professional errors or omissions such as poor investment advice or strategy
  • Covers costs of legal defense and potential settlements or judgments from lawsuits by clients alleging professional negligence
  • Protects business owners and employees from liability claims arising from their professional duties such as investment recommendations, portfolio rebalancing, or financial planning advice
  • Provides liability coverage for regulatory actions or compliance violations like SEC, FINRA, or state insurance department investigations and enforcement actions

Based on industry research, the average pricing for professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry with NAICS code 523940 is around $5,000 per year. Pricing is often derived based on factors like the size of assets under management, number of clients, types of services offered, claims history and risk management practices.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important protections for portfolio management and investment advice firms due to the sensitive nature of client financial and personal data they hold. It can help cover costs of data breaches, cyber attacks, regulatory fines and penalties, business interruptions, legal costs, forensic investigations, identity theft monitoring and reimbursement services. Based on the industry and typical characteristics, the estimated average annual premium for $1 million in coverage would be around $3,500.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and settlements in the event of a data breach or cyber attack
  • Covers theft or loss of client’s funds due to a cyber crime
  • Protects against reputational damage from a cyber incident
  • Provides unlimited defense costs for Claims related to data breaches or cyber incidents
  • Covers business interruption expenses such as costs for notifying clients, legal advisors, and credit monitoring services
  • Covers penalties and fines assessed by government regulators for violation of data privacy laws
  • Includes identity theft reimbursement for clients in the event their personal information is exposed
Use Cases
  • Data breach liability and costs from a cyber attack
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from a data breach
  • Cyber extortion from ransomware attacks
  • Loss of income from network downtime due to a cyber attack
  • Defense costs for any litigation from a data breach
  • Reimbursement of forensic investigation and ID theft monitoring post data breach

Based on analyzing average claims data and risk profile of businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry (NAICS code 523940), the estimated average annual pricing for a cyber liability insurance policy with $1 million coverage limit would be around $3,500. This price was derived considering factors like typical number of client records held, revenue size of business, prior security incidents or data breaches, and maturity of cyber security controls and processes.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Directors And Officers Insurance

This reference provides a comprehensive overview of directors and officers insurance for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry (NAICS Code 523940), including the top benefits, key use cases, and estimated typical annual premium pricing for this line of coverage. Details on how D&O insurance protects directors and officers from personal liability in the event of lawsuits relating to their roles are covered, along with importance of this type of insurance for the nature of the industry.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit
  • Covers legal fees and other expenses if the company or its directors/officers are sued
  • Protects personal assets of directors and officers from claims
  • Often required by investors and lenders for businesses in this industry
  • Covers claims relating to decisions made by directors and officers in carrying out their roles and responsibilities
  • Covers employment-related claims like wrongful termination or discrimination
  • Sets favorable terms and conditions to minimize financial exposure in lawsuits
Use Cases
  • Defense costs for allegations of errors, omissions or breach of duty
  • Damages resulting from claims of actual or alleged wrongful acts
  • Investigations and lawsuits from regulatory agencies

Based on research of typical pricing for D&O insurance for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry (NAICS 523940), the estimated average annual premium is around $15,000-25,000 depending on factors such as the size of assets under management, number of employees and officers. This pricing was derived from multiple insurance quotes and industry reports.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$25,000

Commercial Property Insurance

‘Commercial property insurance offers crucial protection for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry by covering repair or replacement costs from unforeseen events and ensuring operations can continue smoothly after losses.’

Category List
  • Covers costs of repair or rebuilding property after unforeseen events like fire, theft or storms
  • Covers liability in case someone gets injured on your business property
  • Covers loss of business income or extra expenses if property is damaged and causes business interruption
  • Protects real estate and other physical assets from financial loss
  • Covers equipment and supplies needed for daily operations
  • Provides access to loss control and risk management services to help prevent losses
  • Offers peace of mind in knowing your business property is protected against financial risk of losses
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from perils like fire, storms, and burglary
  • Liability coverage in case clients are injured on the business premises
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the office must close temporarily for repairs

Based on industry research, the average annual commercial property insurance pricing for businesses in the portfolio management and investment advice industry with NAICS code 523940 is around $1,500. This pricing was derived based on average building values, property contents values, and average insurance claims for office properties of similar size and business activities. Location and risk factors were also considered.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance is an important risk protection tool for portfolio management and investment advisory firms. It provides critical additional liability coverage above primary policies to protect a firm’s assets and profits from large claims.

Umbrella insurance offers increased liability limits to defend businesses in this industry from costly lawsuits and regulatory actions related to professional liability, errors and omissions, intellectual property risks and other exposures not fully covered by primary policies.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability protection above your primary business insurance limits
  • Covers liabilities not included in your other business policies like personal injury claims
  • Protects personal assets from lawsuits related to your business
  • Extends certain types of coverage like errors and omissions liability
  • Covers legal costs if you need to defend yourself against a claim
  • Offers increased limits that can protect your business assets
  • Reduces gaps in coverage between primary policies
Use Cases
  • Provides additional liability coverage above the limits of the underlying primary commercial general liability, auto liability and employer’s liability policies
  • Protects assets from losses arising out of claims that are excluded from primary policies like inadequate limits on general liability coverage
  • Covers legal costs and expenses to defend lawsuits across multiple claims that exceed the limits of primary policies
  • Protects personal assets of business owners and shareholders from claims and judgments
  • Covers ‘crisis events’ exposures like product recalls, intellectual property claims, cyber incidents and crisis management expenses

Based on typical pricing factors like revenue, number of employees, types of risks, claims history etc, the estimated average annual pricing for a $1M commercial umbrella insurance policy for businesses in the NAICS code 523940 (Portfolio Management and Investment Advice) industry would be around $2,000. This pricing is derived considering the professional service nature of businesses in this industry with lower physical property and liability risks compared to other industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000


Proper business insurance helps protect portfolio management and investment advisory firms from financial losses related to lawsuits, cyberattacks, property damage and other unforeseen events. Having the right insurance in place with sufficient coverage limits demonstrates the firm takes risk management seriously and acts responsibly on behalf of its clients.

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