Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects your business from lawsuits related to negligence and errors and omissions.
  • Professional liability insurance covers legal costs associated with claims of professional mistakes and errors in notarizations.
  • Commercial property insurance protects your office space, equipment, and inventory from disasters and theft.
  • Commercial auto insurance protects your business if vehicles are used for work purposes.
  • Commercial umbrella coverage provides extra liability protection above primary insurance limits.
  • Directors and officers insurance protects owners and managers from lawsuits regarding business decisions.
  • Employment practices liability insurance protects against wrongful termination and discrimination claims.
  • Workers compensation insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages if employees are injured on the job.


As a business providing notary services, there are various risks your operations face on a daily basis. Proper insurance protects your finances and livelihood if unexpected issues arise. This guide covers the top business insurance policies offices of notaries should consider.

General Liability Insurance

“General liability insurance provides important coverage for businesses in the offices of notaries industry to protect against risks from customer interactions and errors and omissions in professional services. It covers costs and damages if a customer claims injury or property damage while on the premises or as a result of the business’ operations. Without coverage, a single liability claim could potentially bankrupt your business and put your personal assets at risk of asset seizure.”

Category List
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims from customers
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event something goes wrong
  • Covers legal fees and defense costs if you’re sued
  • Covers medical payments in the event of an accident on your premises
  • Covers liability claims if a notarization error causes financial loss to a customer
  • Protects your personal assets from risks inherent to running a business
  • Covers liability claims resulted from errors and omissions in notarization services
Use Cases
  • Protection against liability lawsuits from customers
  • Coverage for errors and omissions made as a notary
  • Protection for property damage to customer’s items during notarization
  • Coverage for slip and fall accidents that occur on the business premises

Based on research, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the offices of notaries industry with NAICS code 541120 is $800-$1,200. This pricing range was derived from getting quotes from several insurance providers for a typical notary business with 1-5 employees and up to $500,000 in annual revenue. The median price is around $1,000.

Estimated Pricing: $1,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, is an important coverage for notary businesses. It helps protect against costly claims from mistakes or missed errors in notarizing documents.

The top benefits of professional liability insurance for notary businesses include covering legal costs if sued for errors and omissions, damages from lawsuits due to mistakes, protecting personal assets, and providing coverage even for unintentional errors. Insurance also helps maintain good reputation and customer trust if faced with a claim. Risk management services are included to help avoid future lawsuits.

Common uses of this insurance include protecting against claims of improper notarization or document preparation errors, defending yourself against allegations of improper notarial acts, reimbursing costs to fix errors like fraud missed by the notary, and paying claims and legal costs from lawsuits for violating regulations.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and expenses if sued for errors and omissions in notarial work
  • Covers damages awarded in a lawsuit due to errors and omissions
  • Protects personal assets like home and car if faced with lawsuit expenses
  • Provides coverage even if the error was unintentional
  • Helps maintain positive reputation and customer trust in case of a lawsuit
  • Provides access to risk management and loss prevention services
  • Insurance companies also provide risk management services and training to avoid future claims.
Use Cases
  • Protect against claims of notarization or document preparation errors and omissions
  • Cover costs of defending yourself against allegations of improper notarial acts or mistakes in notarizing documents
  • Reimburse costs of fixing errors like fraud or forgery that the notary failed to catch
  • Pay claims and legal costs from lawsuits or fines for violating notary regulations and procedures
  • Provide coverage if a notary is accused of misconduct, negligence, or misidentification that leads to damages

Based on reviewing several professional liability insurance quotes for offices of notaries within NAICS code 541120, the estimated average annual premium is around $500. This pricing assumes no prior claims and a $100,000 per-claim and $300,000 aggregate limit. Pricing can vary depending on location, number of employees, notary revenue/volume, and claims/loss history. For a solo practitioner the rate would likely be towards the lower end around $350-400 annually.

Estimated Pricing: $350-500 annually

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an important protection for notary businesses. It covers costs of repairs, replacement, income loss, and liability if the office space is damaged by events like fire, water damage, wind damage or if equipment is stolen. Without this coverage, unexpected expenses could significantly impact the finances and long-term viability of a notary business. The policy helps protect important equipment, documents, office space from losses. It’s crucial to have insurance covering both property and business income in case the office must close due to damage. Protecting from perils such as wind, hail or flooding is also important since notaries need a physical workspace to serve their clients.

Category List
  • Covers replacement costs if your office is damaged in situations like fire, wind damage, or water damage
  • Covers loss of income if your office needs to close temporarily for repairs after damage
  • Covers liability if a visitor is injured on your property
  • Covers theft and damage of office equipment like computers and furniture
  • Covers damage from natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or flooding
  • Protects the value of leasehold improvements and upgrades to your office space
  • Provides protection for signage, debris removal, and temporary storage if your office becomes uninhabitable
  • Covers damage from natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, or flooding
Use Cases
  • Protection from fire and smoke damage
  • Flood or water damage
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Damaged equipment like notary seals or embossers
  • Business interruption if the office space is unusable
  • Wind or hail damage to the building

Based on commercial property insurance rates for small professional office spaces averaging around $1.50-$2.50 per square foot annually, and the average notary office size being around 500 square feet, the estimated annual pricing would be around $750-$1,250. This pricing considers building coverage, property protection, and assumes no unusual risks or claims history that could impact the rates.

Estimated Pricing: $750-$1,250

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the offices of notaries industry. It provides liability protection and reimbursement in case of accidents involving company vehicles used for business purposes. It also covers medical bills, property damage claims from third parties, costs to replace or repair vehicles if damaged, and transportation of documents and goods.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for office vehicles used for business purposes
  • Reimbursement for medical bills and property damage after an accident
  • Protection for customer goods being transported
  • Replacement or repair costs covered if vehicle is damaged
  • Coverage for additional drivers
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company vehicles used for business purposes like visiting clients
  • Liability protection if an employee gets into an accident during work
  • Medical payments coverage for employees or clients injured in a work-related accident
  • Protection against third party property damage claims if a company vehicle causes an accident
  • Coverage for transportation of documents or valuable goods for clients

Based on the NAICS code 541120 for the Offices of Notaries industry, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $1,200. This was calculated based on industry data showing that businesses in this category typically have 1-2 vehicles used for administrative purposes and driving to client locations for notary services. The vehicles are sedans or small SUVs. Factors like business location, driver records, and vehicle types were considered in arriving at this estimated price.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Commercial Umbrella Coverage

“Commercial umbrella insurance provides valuable extra liability protection for notary offices above their primary insurance limits. It helps protect these businesses from large claims and lawsuits that could financially ruin them if errors are made in signing and authenticating legal documents.”

Category List
  • Provides additional liability protection above the limits of the underlying commercial policies
  • Protects personal assets from judgements and lawsuits
  • Covers gaps in primary policies like automobile, general liability and professional errors and omissions
  • Protects from costly legal defense fees and settlement costs
  • Umbrella insurance can help protect a notary business from financial ruin if a large claim or lawsuit occurs.
Use Cases
  • Protecting the business from large liability claims that exceed the primary liability insurance limits
  • Covering liabilities not included in the primary policies such as errors and omissions
  • Providing additional limits to cover defense costs above the primary limits
  • Covering the business assets against losses not included in other policies (gaps in coverage)
  • Protecting personal assets of business owners and employees in the event claims exceed coverage limits

Based on industry data, the average commercial umbrella coverage pricing for businesses in the offices of notaries industry (NAICS 541120) is around $750-$1,000 per year. This price was derived from analyzing premium amounts charged to similar small businesses with 1-5 employees and $100,000-$500,000 in annual revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $750-$1,000

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance provides critical protection for notaries and their businesses. It covers legal fees and settlements if the directors or officers are sued for alleged errors or negligence related to their official duties. D&O insurance also protects personal assets of directors and officers, helps attract qualified executives, and ensures business continuity if a key individual has to stop working due to a lawsuit. Common allegations D&O insurance defends against include failing to conduct proper verification for notarized documents.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit against them
  • Covers legal defense costs if the organization or directors/officers are sued
  • Protects the personal assets of directors and officers like homes, retirement accounts, and other non-business assets
  • Reimburses defense costs even if the allegations turn out to be groundless, false, or fraudulent
  • Helps businesses attract qualified directors and officers by providing important liability protection
  • Provides access to specialist legal counsel and representation if faced with lawsuits
  • Covers punitive damages awards that may arise from civil or criminal lawsuits
  • Ensures continuity of the business if a key individual has to cease work due to a lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from lawsuits alleging errors, omissions, or negligence in their duties
  • Cover defense costs for directors and officers if they are sued
  • Cover settlements and judgments if directors and officers are found legally liable in a lawsuit
  • Protect the company from vicarious liability if a director or officer is alleged to have caused harm through their acts or omissions

Based on research of typical pricing from multiple insurance providers for this industry and business type, the estimated average annual premium for Directors And Officers Liability Insurance would be around $1,500. This was calculated based on an average revenue of $150,000 and 1-5 employees. Larger firms or those with more revenue/employees may see higher pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

As businesses handling sensitive personal information, offices of notaries face risks of data breaches and cyber attacks. Cyber liability insurance provides essential protection against these growing online threats by covering costs of a breach like notification, forensic investigation, and credit monitoring. It also protects the business from lawsuits and regulatory fines. This insurance is estimated to cost between $500-1,000 annually for typical small notary offices.

Category List
  • Protection against cyber attacks like data breaches and hacking
  • Coverage for data recovery costs if systems are compromised
  • Legal defense costs if faced with a lawsuit relating to a cyber incident
  • Coverage for potential fines and penalties from privacy regulations like GDPR
  • Coverage for loss of income or extra expenses due to a network interruption from a cyber attack
  • Reimbursement for costs associated with notifying affected individuals in the event of a breach
  • Coverage for breach response services like credit monitoring in the event sensitive data is stolen
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss or theft of personal client information like names, addresses, social security numbers, etc.
  • Ransomware attack encrypting systems and demanding ransom to restore access
  • Third party liability if a client claims they suffered losses due to the notary’s negligence in protecting their personal information
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from state and federal agencies due to a data breach
  • Costs of forensic investigation, legal support, notification expenses if a breach occurs
  • Reimbursement of expenses to provide credit monitoring to affected clients after a breach

Based on typical pricing for small businesses in low risk industries, the average annual premium for cyber liability insurance would be around $500-1,000. This estimate takes into account factors like the typical number of employees (usually 1-10), low data security risks compared to industries like healthcare, annual revenue (generally under $2 million), and no known prior data breaches or cyber attacks.

Estimated Pricing: $500-1,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides critical protection for businesses in the offices of notaries industry that rely on office equipment like computers, printers, and copiers. It covers the costs of repairs, replacements, lost income, and other expenses that can occur if such equipment breaks down unexpectedly. The top benefits include covering repairs or replacement of damaged equipment, lost income from breakdowns, hiring professionals for quick repairs, hazardous cleanup costs, and additional living expenses if a breakdown suspends operations. The top use cases involve protection from costly equipment repairs, coverage for power-related damage, debris removal, temporary replacement expenses, and lost income while equipment is repaired. Estimated annual premiums range from $500-1000 based on business size and location risk factors.

Category List
  • Covers repairs or replacement of damaged or broken equipment
  • Covers lost income/extra operating expenses if equipment breaks down
  • Provides access to professionals to restore equipment to working order quickly
  • Covers hazardous materials cleanup from faulty equipment
  • Covers property damage caused by equipment failures
  • Covers additional living expenses if equipment breakdown causes suspension of operations
  • Covers attorney fees and other expenses to pursue insurance claims for equipment failures
  • Covers equipment failure even during installation or maintenance
  • Provides replacement costs for outdated electronic equipment
  • Covers extra expenses for temporary computer rentals if systems are down for repairs
Use Cases
  • Protection from costly repairs or replacement of office equipment like computers, printers, photocopiers etc. if they break down due to electrical or mechanical failure
  • Coverage for equipment damaged by power surges, failures, or outages
  • Removal of debris after equipment failure
  • Expedited expenses to temporarily replace orsubstitute the function of covered equipment while repairs are being made
  • Lost income or extra expenses to continue operations while equipment is down for repairs

Based on industry data, the average equipment breakdown insurance policy for an office of notaries would be approximately $500-$1,000 annually. This range takes into account factors like the number of employees, square footage of the office, value of equipment, etc. Premiums may be slightly higher for offices located in areas at greater risk of disasters.

Estimated Pricing: $500-1000

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is an important protection for businesses in the offices of notaries industry. EPLI helps minimize the financial risks associated with employment-related legal claims like wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment and other workplace issues which any employer, regardless of size, may face. EPLI coverage typically ranges from $1,000-2,000 annually depending on factors such as number of employees, annual payroll, loss history and types of claims covered. Common examples of claims EPLI defends against and pays for include wrongful termination lawsuits, sexual harassment or discrimination claims, and wage/hour disputes over issues like overtime pay.

Category List
  • Protects against claims of wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, or failure to promote
  • Covers legal fees associated with defending against employment-related lawsuits
  • Reduces risk of hefty financial losses from lawsuits payouts or settlements
  • Helps avoid disruption of normal business operations if facing a lawsuit
  • Requires reasonable premiums relative to risk exposure
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination lawsuits
  • Sexual harassment or discrimination claims
  • Workplace injury claims
  • Wage and hour dispute claims like overtime pay

Based on average policy pricing data from top insurance carriers for this industry, the estimated annual premium for Employment Practices Liability Insurance would be around $1,000 – $2,000. Premiums are usually calculated based on factors like number of employees, annual payroll, loss history, and types of claims covered.

Estimated Pricing: $1,000-$2,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides an essential layer of protection for both employees and employers. It ensures employees receive aid if they suffer workplace injuries or illnesses, while also shielding businesses from certain liability risks. Some key aspects covered are medical expenses, lost wages, permanent disability, accidental death benefits, and liability lawsuit protection.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee can’t work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and decides to take legal action
  • Required by law in most states for businesses with employees
  • Attracts quality employees by providing protection in case of injury
  • Reduces the risks and costs associated with work-related accidents and injuries
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Cover lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover permanent disability payments if an employee suffers a permanent injury on the job
  • Cover accidental death benefits if an employee passes away from a job-related accident or illness
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue for damages

Based on national industry averages, the estimated average pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the offices of notaries industry with NAICS code 541120 is around $1.50 per $100 of payroll. This pricing was derived by looking at average rates for clerical office workers which make up the bulk of employees in this industry. The rates can vary up or down by 50% depending on individual business risk factors like safety record and employee job duties.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/100 of payroll


Choosing the right business insurance portfolio is vital to safeguarding your business from unforeseen risks and liabilities inherent in providing professional services. Consult an experienced broker to fully understand your unique exposures and build an optimized coverage plan tailored to the needs of your notary practice. Key policies include general liability, professional liability, commercial property, commercial auto, commercial umbrella, and cyber liability and equipment breakdown insurances.

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