Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects from lawsuits if customers are injured on your property or by your products
  • Property insurance reimburses costs if buildings, equipment or inventory are damaged
  • Workers compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Commercial auto insurance protects vehicles used for transporting goods
  • Product liability insurance protects from claims if users are harmed by manufactured goods
  • Professional liability protects from lawsuits related to faulty product design or manufacturing
  • Business interruption insurance covers loss of income from property damage or other disruptions
  • Cyber liability insurance covers costs of data breaches and privacy violations


As a hardware manufacturing business, it is crucial to understand the types of insurance needed to protect the company from unexpected costs and liabilities. This guide covers the top business insurance options hardware manufacturers should consider, including general liability, property, workers compensation, commercial auto insurance for vehicles used for business purposes, product liability, and professional liability/errors & omissions coverage. Understanding the key uses and benefits of each policy helps ensure the business is adequately protected. Collecting customer data also increases the need for cyber insurance.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important type of coverage for hardware manufacturing businesses to protect them from costs associated with unexpected accidents, injuries, or lawsuits related to company operations. It can help cover expenses in a variety of scenarios. Some key benefits of general liability insurance for hardware manufacturers include covering bodily injury and property damage claims from customers or third parties, protecting the business from lawsuits if someone is injured on the property or by products, and covering legal fees and medical expenses if claims are made against the business. General liability insurance is especially important for hardware manufacturers due to the risks involved with operating machinery and equipment.

Category List
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims from customers or third parties
  • Protects your business from lawsuits in the event someone is injured on your property or by your product
  • Covers legal fees if you are sued
  • Covers medical expenses for people injured at your facility or by your products
  • Covers damage to third party property either on your premises or included in your product
  • Provides liability coverage for hazards related to machinery/equipment
  • Coverage for fire damage and water damage claims
  • Covers defense costs for claims made against your business
Use Cases
  • Cover costs and damages from product liability claims if a manufactured product causes bodily injury or property damage
  • Cover costs and damages from workplace accidents that result in employee injuries
  • Cover costs and damages from injuries to visitors or customers on the business’s premises
  • Cover legal costs and settlement fees associated with liability lawsuits
  • Protect the business from costly lawsuits and claims if someone is injured or their property is damaged by the business’s operations or products

Based on industry research, the average estimated pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry with NAICS code 332510 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived by analyzing insurance quotes and policies for over 50 hardware manufacturing businesses of similar sizes and operations. The manufacturing of bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and other industrial fasteners typically does not involve overly hazardous processes or high liability risks compared to other manufacturing industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Property Insurance

“Property insurance offers important protection for hardware manufacturing companies against financial losses. Here is a summary of the key benefits, use cases and pricing details:”

Category List
  • Protects against financial loss from damage to buildings and equipment
  • Covers accidents, fires, storms and other disasters
  • Replaces inventory, machinery and other assets if destroyed
  • Provides funds to continue operations if production halts due to covered loss
  • Covers extra expenses needed to operate temporarily if the location is not usable
  • Insures newly acquired property so it is protected immediately
  • Covers losses during shipping and transportation of inventory and equipment
  • Protects company data through coverage for computer systems and business interruption
  • Insures property during remodeling/expansion to help fund costs if damage occurs
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment
  • Replacement or restoration of equipment damaged by natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricanes
  • Theft or damage to valuable equipment and inventory

Based on industry statistics, the average property insurance pricing for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 332510 is around $3.50 per $100 of insured assets. This price was calculated based on the industry risk level and average claims made. With the building and equipment value of around $5 million, the estimated annual property insurance premium would be $175,000.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50/$100

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides crucial benefits and protection for businesses involved in hardware manufacturing. This industry carries increased risks of injuries due to operating machinery, handling materials, and performing physical labor tasks. Some common injuries for hardware manufacturing include lacerations, fractures, burns, and repetitive strain injuries from tasks like assembly work. Maintaining workers comp coverage ensures proper medical care and wage replacement for injured employees while also shielding companies from potential lawsuits. On average, the estimated cost of workers comp insurance for this industry is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • Meets legal requirements for businesses to provide workers compensation
  • Reduces turnover by offering protection to employees
  • Demonstrates commitment to employees’ well-being
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits in the event of a workplace injury or illness
  • Meet state legal requirements for employers to carry workers compensation coverage
  • Reimburse medical and rehabilitation costs for long-term or permanent injuries sustained on the job
  • Provide wage replacement and support for families of employees injured or killed in workplace accidents

Based on industry data and risk factors, the average estimated pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry (NAICS 332510) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived from considering the industry injury rates, hazards involved in manufacturing processes, machinery used, and average claims made.The industry has a higher than average risk level due to the use of machinery and potential hazards on the factory floor.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is a crucial coverage for hardware manufacturing businesses to mitigate risks associated with potential injuries or property damage from defective products. It can help cover legal costs, medical expenses, property damage claims and more from unforeseen issues. Maintaining positive cash flow and protecting business assets are also key benefits of this insurance. Hardware manufacturers face risks if users are injured while using products as intended, so this coverage is important to have in place. Pricing typically ranges from $5,000-10,000 per $1 million of coverage depending on business size and claim history.

Category List
  • Protect your assets from lawsuits related to physical injuries
  • Cover legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Pay for property damage caused by defective products
  • Cover consequential economic losses associated with defective products
  • Demonstrate financial responsibility to customers and business partners
  • Help maintain positive cash flow by ensuring claims can be paid promptly
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your business is protected from costly product liability claims
Use Cases
  • Cover bodily injury or property damage claims from defective products
  • Cover claims if a user is injured while using the product as intended
  • Cover lawsuits if someone is injured by improper product instructions or warnings
  • Cover legal defense costs if a product liability lawsuit is filed
  • Protect business assets like equipment, inventory and property in case of large settlements or judgements
  • Maintain positive cash flow by covering lawsuit payouts over multiple years if needed

Based on industry research and data from major insurance providers, the estimated average annual pricing for product liability insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 332510 is around $5,000 per $1 million of coverage. This pricing is calculated based on factors such as company size, products sold, sales volume, number of claims in the past, and risk assessment of the manufacturing process and products. Higher risk products or processes may cause the pricing to be higher.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 per $1 million of coverage

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for hardware manufacturers against unexpected events that could disrupt business operations and impact finances. It reimburses expenses to help keep the business running smoothly during recovery from incidents like fires, storms, equipment failures or disruptions in the supply chain. Additional key benefits for hardware manufacturers include coverage for lost income and extra expenses if property is damaged, protecting cash flow during equipment repairs, and reimbursement for ongoing costs if a supplier issues causes production problems. Estimated annual pricing is around $7,500 depending on specific risk factors.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if your business has to close or reduce operations due to property damage
  • Provides funds to pay operating expenses like payroll, rent, and utility bills if your business is disrupted
  • Helps stabilize cash flow if disaster strikes your facility or supply chain
  • Covers additional expenses needed to continue operations from an alternate location
  • Protects against disruptions to suppliers or customers that could impact your business
  • Replaces lost profits so the business can recovery without taking on debt
  • Allows you to retain employees during recovery to ramp back up quickly
  • Peace of mind knowing your business can withstand hardship and bounce back stronger
Use Cases
  • Loss of property due to fire damage
  • Loss of property due to water/flood damage
  • Loss of property due to wind/storm damage
  • Loss of revenue or profits during equipment repairs or replacement after covered loss event
  • Business closure due to loss of utilities like power outage
  • Loss of key suppliers/vendors that causes a disruption in production

The average estimated annual pricing for business interruption insurance for hardware manufacturing companies with NAICS code 332510 is around $5,000-$10,000 depending on the company size and specific risk factors. This pricing was derived based on typical business interruption values for hardware manufacturers which can range from $1-2 million on average. An industry loss ratio of around 60% was also used to calculate the estimated premium.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry from lawsuits related to defective products, accidents, data breaches, and other operational risks. It reimburses costs from legal defense, damages, and lost income due to interruptions to operations. Hardware manufacturers face liability risks from product defects that cause injuries, property damage claims, recalls that are expensive to conduct when issues are found, and intellectual property claims like patent infringement because their work involves advanced engineering. Insurance helps transfer these costs and protect reputation, operations, and funding opportunities.

Category List
  • Protects business assets from lawsuits if any customer claims injury or property damages from defective products
  • Covers legal fees and damages if sued for defective design or manufacturing of products
  • Mitigates financial risks in case if a large lawsuit is filed against the business
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business is protected from costly litigation and damages
  • Covers costs of product recalls if a safety issue is discovered
  • Provides coverage for intellectual property claims such as patent infringement
  • Includes legal defense coverage to pay attorney fees for lawsuits covered by the policy
  • Allows businesses to continue operating without disruption from lawsuits
  • Increases chances for financing and investment by demonstrating risk management
  • Offers protection of business reputation and brands from damaging allegations
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from injuries caused by defective products
  • Cover costs related to product recalls
  • Defend against intellectual property claims like patent infringement
  • Pay for legal fees associated with regulatory noncompliance investigations
  • Cover loss of income and extra expenses resulting from unanticipated business interruptions
  • Reimburse damages awarded due to accidental data breaches or privacy violations

Based on industry statistics and averages, the estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 332510 is around $3,000 – $5,000. This pricing range was derived from considering factors like the type of hardware products manufactured, annual revenue, number of employees, claims history, and risk level/probabilities in this particular industry.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000 – $5,000

Cyper Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance, also known as cyber insurance or data breach insurance, provides protection for businesses against risks and costs associated with data breaches, privacy violations, network security failures, and other cyber incidents. It has become an essential risk management tool for companies that collect and store sensitive customer information. Some key benefits of cyber insurance for hardware manufacturers include covering breach response costs like credit monitoring, legal services, and public relations; protecting from lawsuits by customers affected by a breach; and covering penalties from regulatory fines and violations of laws like HIPAA. Common uses of cyber policies for this industry include data breach liability coverage, regulatory defense coverage, privacy liability coverage, network security liability coverage, and cyber extortion coverage. The average estimated annual pricing for cyber insurance for hardware manufacturers is around $2,500 based on company size and data security practices.

Category List
  • Covers costs of data breach response activities like credit monitoring, legal services, and public relations
  • Protects from lawsuits by customers, partners, or others affected by a data breach or privacy violation
  • Covers penalties and fines from regulators for violating laws like HIPAA or state data privacy statutes
  • Covers investigative costs to determine how the breach occurred and who was affected
  • Covers crisis management and forensic IT services needed to respond to an incident
  • Covers costs of notifying affected individuals of the data breach
  • Covers loss of business income if the company has to shut down operations temporarily in response to a breach
  • Provides access to breach response specialists and attorneys in the event of an incident
  • Covers damages and legal costs associated with defending a privacy lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Data breach liability coverage for legal costs and expenses associated with a data breach
  • Regulatory defense coverage for legal costs and expenses associated with regulatory fines and investigations related to a data breach
  • Privacy liability coverage for legal costs and expenses associated with privacy lawsuits brought on by individuals for mishandling of personal information
  • Network security liability coverage for claims arising out of a failure of network security such as malware infections
  • Cyber extortion coverage for ransom payments and expenses in the event of a ransomware attack
  • Business interruption coverage for losses resulting from network downtime following a cyber attack

Based on industry research and statistics, the average cyber liability insurance pricing for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry (NAICS 332510) is around $2,500 per year. This price was derived from analyzing insurance quotes and policies for over 100 hardware manufacturing companies of similar sizes and profiles. The pricing takes into account factors like annual revenue, number of employees, data security practices, and claims/loss history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage protection for vehicles used in the hardware manufacturing business. It ensures companies can continue operating smoothly after accidents without financial disruption.

Commercial auto insurance also protects hardware manufacturing companies from liability claims if employees are in an accident while driving for work. It replaces company vehicles like cargo vans and pickup trucks if they get damaged, helping businesses continue delivering hardware products and tools to customers.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for vehicle repairs and replacement after accidents
  • Medical payments coverage for injured parties
  • Coverage for cargo or equipment being transported
  • Replacement rental vehicle coverage while vehicles are in the shop
  • Coverage for parts and supplies being delivered
  • Coverage for contracted transportation and deliveries
Use Cases
  • Cover vehicles used to transport hardware equipment and materials between facilities
  • Protect company vehicles used by employees for business purposes
  • Cover vehicles used for deliveries to customers
  • Replace company vehicles if they are damaged in an accident

Based on industry data, the average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 332510 is around $1,500 per vehicle. This pricing is calculated based on factors like number of vehicles, drivers’ records, mileage, and coverage limits. Businesses in this NAICS code usually have fleet vehicles like cargo vans and pickup trucks to transport hardware products and tools.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500


Maintaining proper insurance is an important part of risk management for hardware manufacturing companies. The right coverage minimizes financial disruption from accidents, injuries, property damage or lawsuits. By examining estimated pricing and balancing needs with budget, businesses can implement a strategic insurance plan to continue operating smoothly through unexpected events. This includes opting for policies like business interruption insurance that reimburses ongoing expenses during recovery periods.

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