Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against costly lawsuits from customer injuries or claims of faulty work
  • Property insurance reimburses repair shops for damage to expensive tools, equipment and customer property
  • Business interruption coverage protects income if the shop must close temporarily after property loss
  • Inland marine insurance covers valuable customer property and equipment during transit or repair
  • Commercial auto insurance protects drivers and repaired property being transported in company vehicles
  • Cyber liability coverage is crucial due to the sensitive customer data electronic repair shops routinely handle


As an electronic or precision equipment repair shop, it is important to have the proper business insurance in place to protect your operations from financial losses. This article discusses the top six types of insurance coverage that repair shops should strongly consider, including their key benefits and use cases.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the electronic and precision equipment repair industry. It protects them from costly legal battles and repairs issues that may arise. Some key benefits of general liability insurance for these types of businesses include protecting from lawsuits if a customer is injured on the premises, covering legal fees if the business is sued for faulty work, and paying for damage to customer equipment during repairs. Estimated annual premiums for general liability insurance range between $1,500-$3,000 depending on business size and operations. General liability insurance is especially important since customers trust their expensive and sensitive equipment to these businesses for repairs.

Category List
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if a client is injured on your premises
  • Covers you if a client sues your business for faulty repairs or damage to equipment
  • Pays for legal fees and court costs if you are sued
  • Covers your business for other liability exposures like slip and fall accidents
  • Covers injury or damage to a client’s equipment while in your possession for repair
  • Protects against liability claims from employees for on-the-job injuries
  • Provides coverage for property damage to other property resulting from your operations
Use Cases
  • Protect from bodily injury or property damage claims from customers
  • Cover legal costs and damages if a client claims the repair caused further equipment damage or issues
  • Protect from lawsuits if a nonemployee is injured on your business premises
  • Cover costs of defending yourself against unfounded lawsuits
  • Protect yourself if a client’s sensitive data is compromised during a repair

Based on average rates for businesses in this industry, general liability insurance for electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance would cost between $1,500 and $3,000 annually. Factors that influence the pricing include number of employees, annual revenue, types of equipment serviced, and any certifications or accreditations held by the business and its technicians. For a small business with 5 employees and $500,000 in annual revenue focusing on consumer electronics repair, an estimated annual premium would be $1,800.

Estimated Pricing: $1,800

Property Insurance

“Property insurance provides crucial protection for electronic repair businesses by covering costs from unexpected property damage or loss. It protects their important tools, equipment and business operations. Property insurance also covers costs from business interruptions to keep revenue flowing if the business has to close temporarily after an insured loss.”

Category List
  • Protection against loss or damage to property and equipment from hazards like fire, theft, vandalism and more
  • Replacement or repair costs of damaged or stolen property
  • Protection of valuable electronic equipment used for repair and maintenance such as computers, diagnostic equipment, tools and more
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if the business must temporarily shut down due to property damage
  • Legal liability coverage in case a customer’s property is damaged during the repair process
  • Coverage for property while in transit if equipment needs to be transported for off-site repairs or maintenance
  • Inflation protection to ensure equipment is adequately covered as replacement costs rise over time
  • Coverage for equipment rented or leased for repair jobs in cases where businesses don’t own certain specialty equipment
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for failures, outages or damage due to mechanical or electrical issues with property/equipment
  • Identity theft coverage in case sensitive customer information is compromised in a data breach
  • Reconstruction expense coverage to pay for architect and permitting fees to rebuild or repair the property to comply with current codes following a loss
  • Ordinance or law coverage to rebuild to current code requirements which may be more stringent than the original structure’s specifications
  • Attorney fees reimbursement to pay legal costs if coverage questions arise regarding a claim
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or loss to buildings and equipment caused by fire, water damage, theft or vandalism
  • Coverage for equipment being repaired that may get damaged on premises
  • Protection for stock, inventory and supplies in storage
  • Reimbursement for building repairs after an incident like storms or other disasters
  • Coverage for business interruptions until operations can resume if the location is unusable after an incident

Based on industry research and actuarial data, the average annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the NAICS 811210 Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance industry would be around $2,500. This price is calculated based on factors such as average property values, risk of theft or damage to expensive electronic equipment, and liability risks involved in the work. Location and other property-specific factors may cause the actual quoted price to be higher or lower.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance protects a business’s income and cash flow if it experiences an unexpected closure or disruption due to property damage or other unforeseen events. It covers operating expenses like payroll, rent and utilities to help the business stay afloat until normal operations can resume. This type of coverage is especially important for electronic repair businesses that rely on having physical locations, equipment and tools available to serve customers without disruption since even short-term interruptions can negatively impact cash flow and business operations.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily shut down due to property damage
  • Pays operating expenses like rent, utilities and payroll if revenue is interrupted
  • Protects cash flow so the business can keep operating during downtime for repairs
  • Covers additional expenses to move to a temporary location if the building is unusable
  • Reimburses for extra expenses like increased shipping/transportation costs if work has to be outsourced during shutdown
  • Provides funds to purchase replacement equipment if critical tools are damaged
Use Cases
  • Loss of revenue and income if the business experiences an unplanned closure or disruption
  • Covers lost income and ongoing expenses if the business suffers property damage and physical loss from hazards like fire, windstorm, vandalism or other perils
  • Protects against loss of income from utility failures like power outages
  • Covers payroll costs and other fixed expenses if employees cannot work due to contamination or hazardous conditions
  • Covers loss of income if a key supplier or service provider experiences an interruption that impacts operations

Based on typical business interruption insurance policies pricing and data available for the NAICS code 811210 industry (Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance), the estimated average annual premium would be around $1,500. This price takes into account factors such as the industry risk level, average revenues, property values, and location. It provides coverage for loss of income for up to 12 months if the business suffers an interruption from a covered event like fire, flooding, etc.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Inland Marine Insurance

“Inland marine insurance provides valuable protection for businesses in the electronic and precision equipment repair industry. It covers equipment, tools, and customer property while in transit or on the business premises. Some key benefits of inland marine insurance include reimbursing damage to equipment and tools, providing liability coverage if a customer’s property is damaged during repair, and insuring the business against losses from perils like fire, theft or accidents.”

Category List
  • Covers equipment and valuable property while in transit or on premises
  • Reimburses for damage to equipment, tools, machinery and other property
  • Insures business against losses from perils such as fire, theft and accidents
  • Provides liability coverage in case a customer’s property is damaged while being serviced
Use Cases
  • Coverage for customer equipment while in transit or at the shop for repair
  • Coverage for tools and diagnostic equipment used off-premises
  • Coverage for business property moved between locations
  • Coverage for loaner equipment provided to customers

Based on industry analysis, the average estimated pricing for inland marine insurance for electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance businesses (NAICS 811210) is around $1.50 per $100 of insurable assets, with a $2,500 minimum premium. This was calculated based on typical asset values and claims experience for businesses in this category.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/$100 of assets, $2,500 minimum

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage protection for electronic and precision equipment repair businesses that utilize vehicles as part of servicing clients. Some key benefits and use cases are: it shields the business from expensive lawsuits, repairs, rental costs and ensures property transport in the event of an accident. It also helps protect the business from financial losses if an accident occurs while employees are driving for work purposes, and provides an estimated average annual cost for this necessary insurance coverage.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for those injured in accidents involving company vehicles
  • Coverage for business property being transported
  • Replacement rentals if vehicles are disabled in an accident
  • Waiver of depreciation so the vehicle is fully repaired/replaced after an accident
Use Cases
  • Liability coverage in case an employee gets into an accident while driving a company vehicle
  • Collision coverage to repair or replace a vehicle if it’s damaged in an accident
  • Comprehensive coverage to repair or replace a vehicle damaged by events like hail, fire or theft
  • Medical payments coverage to cover medical bills for those injured in an accident involving a company vehicle
  • Rental reimbursement to cover costs of rental vehicles while company vehicles are being repaired

Based on national average pricing data, the estimated annual price for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance industry (NAICS Code 811210) is around $1,500 per vehicle. This estimate is derived from factors such as vehicle type (e.g. trucks, vans used for service calls), number of drivers, years of experience, driving record, location, and auto repair business risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the electronics repair and maintenance industry due to the sensitive customer data they routinely handle. A single data breach or privacy violation could expose these companies to substantial legal liability and financial losses without the proper protections afforded by cyber insurance. Ransomware attacks and network security failures also pose serious risks for these businesses, and cyber insurance can help cover costs associated with downtime, ransom payments, forensic investigations, restoring encrypted systems, notifying customers of breaches, and regulatory fines or penalties.

Category List
  • Covers costs of a data breach like forensic investigation, notification, credit monitoring
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of privacy violations or security failure that results in loss of data
  • Covers costs of regulatory fines and penalties from breaches of privacy laws like HIPAA, PCI, etc.
  • Provides coverage for loss of income, extra expenses, and public relations/reputation management costs from a cyber attack
  • Covers costs of notifying customers, monitoring potentially affected accounts, and providing credit services in the event of identity theft
  • Protects from lawsuits alleging security failures, privacy violations, or failure to safeguard sensitive customer data
  • Provides coverage for legal costs to investigate and respond to regulatory actions and enforcement by government agencies
  • Insures against costs of ransomware attacks, such as paying ransom demands and restoring encrypted systems
  • Covers losses and extra expenses from network outages or downtime caused by cyber attacks like DDoS
  • Protects from lawsuits and regulatory fines stemming from failure to maintain basic security safeguards resulting in a breach
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in loss or theft of customer data
  • Ransomware attack resulting in systems downtime and ransom payment
  • Network security failure leading to unauthorized access
  • Errors and omissions such as failure to properly secure customer data

Based on typical insurance pricing models, businesses in the electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance industry (NAICS Code 811210) would expect to pay on average $2,500-$5,000 annually for a standard cyber liability insurance policy. This pricing range takes into account factors like the company’s annual revenue, number of employees, data security practices, and claims history. For a small business in this industry with 5 employees and $500,000 in annual revenue, an estimated annual premium would be $2,750.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000


In summary, general liability, property, business interruption, inland marine, commercial auto and cyber liability insurance are highly recommended for electronic and precision equipment repair shops due to the risks inherent in their operations. Having the right insurance protects a repair business’ assets, income, and limits their liability exposure so they can focus on serving customers without unplanned financial disruptions.

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