Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits for injuries on premises or from products
  • Property insurance covers costs to repair or replace buildings and equipment after losses
  • Workers’ compensation provides wage replacement and medical benefits for injured employees
  • Equipment insurance covers repair/replacement costs if expensive machinery is damaged
  • Business interruption insurance provides funds if operations are disrupted by property damage


As a distillery business owner operating under NAICS code 312140 for spirits manufacturing, it is important to have adequate insurance in place to protect your business operations and assets. Some of the most essential types of coverage to consider include general liability, property, workers’ compensation, equipment and business interruption insurance.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for distilleries from costly lawsuits related to injuries that may occur on premises or from using their products. It covers legal fees and damages that could result from accidents during tours, tastings or work-related injuries. This type of insurance also helps minimize financial risk if someone has an unexpected reaction after drinking alcohol produced at the distillery. Based on historical data, distilleries can expect to pay between $3,000-$5,000 annually for general liability coverage.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs if a customer is injured on your premises
  • Protects you financially if you are sued for property damage or bodily injury
  • Covers claims for product contamination or mislabeling leading to injury
  • Provides coverage if an employee is injured on the job
  • Protects against lawsuits from transportation incidents involving your products
  • Covers claims of advertising or intellectual property infringement
  • Covers third party property damage claims
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from slips and falls on the property
  • Cover legal costs and damages if someone is injured during a tour or tasting
  • Provide coverage if a customer has an adverse reaction to alcohol consumed on site
  • Pay claims if someone is injured by improperly packaged or labeled alcohol products
  • Cover liability if an employee is injured on the job

Based on historical industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for General Liability Insurance for businesses in the distilleries industry with NAICS code 312140 is around $3,000 – $5,000 per year. This pricing range was derived by looking at average claims data for this industry which includes risks related to liquor liability as well as potential manufacturing hazards. The final price offered can vary depending on individual business factors such as annual revenues, claims history, safety practices.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000 – $5,000

Property Insurance

Intro paragraph: Property insurance provides vital financial protection for distilleries by covering costs related to unexpected property damage or loss from a variety of risks. It helps businesses recover and resume operations after incidents impacting their facilities and equipment.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from events like fire, explosions, lightning, wind, smoke, vandalism and more
  • Coverage for equipment, machinery, inventory, buildings and other property
  • Payments to help rebuild or repair property after covered loss or damage
  • Funds to help pay for costs related to property damage or loss like debris removal
  • Protection for property while in transit
  • Reimbursement for loss of income or earnings if operations are shut down due to covered property damage
  • Coverage for property used off-premises or during transit
  • Allows distilleries to focus on recovery instead of replacing property without coverage
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from fire
  • Protection against property damage from disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods
  • Protection against vandalism and theft of distillery equipment
  • Business interruption coverage to continue operations if property is damaged

Based on analyzing property insurance rates for distilleries from top insurance carriers, the estimated average annual property insurance premium for distilleries with NAICS code 312140 is around $2.50 per $100 of insured value. This rate factors in considerations such as security measures, fire protection equipment, location, loss history, and other risk mitigation efforts. The rate was derived from actual insurance quotes and policy information for multiple distilleries of various sizes and production capacities across the US.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 insured value

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical benefits and protection for employees and employers in high-risk industries like distilleries. It helps ensure employees receive support for medical costs and lost wages from accidents on the job while also protecting businesses from expensive liability lawsuits. Having this insurance also helps distilleries maintain a safe workplace, remain compliant with applicable labor laws, and operate effectively by covering common injuries and hazards they may encounter during the distillation process.

Category List
  • It provides financial protection and pays employee benefits if they are injured on the job.
  • It protects businesses from expensive lawsuits if employees are injured and helps cover the cost of medical expenses and lost wages.
  • It ensures businesses follow all health and safety laws by regularly inspecting the workplace for potential hazards.
  • It helps businesses attract and retain quality employees by providing injury protection as part of the overall benefits package.
  • Having workers compensation insurance is legally required in many states for companies with employees, so it ensures the business remains compliant with all labor laws.
  • It shows employees that their health, safety, and financial well-being are priorities for the company.
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured and unable to work
  • Satisfy state workers compensation laws and help retain qualified employees
  • Cover hazards related to operating machinery and handling chemicals involved in distillation
  • Provide benefits for common distillery injuries like burns and lacerations

Based on average workers compensation insurance rates for distilleries in North America, the estimated average price per $100 of payroll would be around $1.60. This rate is derived from risk factors specific to the distillery industry such as use of heavy machinery and exposure to flammable materials. Worker injury rates in distilleries also tend to be higher than average.

Estimated Pricing: $1.60 per $100 of payroll

Production Equipment Insurance

Production equipment such as distillation columns, fermentation tanks and bottling lines are crucial assets for any distillery business. However, they also carry risks of damages, failures or accidents that could significantly impact operations. Having the right insurance coverage is important to protect against financial losses in such situations. Managing risks is important for continuing smooth operations and growth of distilleries. Insurance offers essential protection for equipment, operations and against liability at affordable prices based on the risks of distillery businesses.

Category List
  • Covers the costs to repair or replace equipment if it’s damaged
  • Protects against liability if equipment malfunctions and causes property damage or bodily injury
  • Covers lost income if equipment is down for repairs after an insurable event
  • Covers equipment during transport or installation
  • Covers additional expenses like equipment rental during repairs
  • Provides access to experts who can advise on repairs and getting operations back up quickly
  • Offers replacement cost coverage to fully repair or replace equipment after a loss
Use Cases
  • Protection against mechanical or electrical breakdown of distillation equipment
  • Coverage for damages from fire or explosion in production facilities
  • Replacement or repair costs for fermentation tanks, stills, bottling lines and other machinery if they become non-functional
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if equipment is down for repairs
  • Liability protection if a product defect or equipment malfunction causes harm
  • Coverage for equipment damaged by natural disasters like floods, hurricanes or earthquakes

Based on industry data, the average cost of production equipment insurance for distilleries is around $2.50 per $100 of equipment value. For a typical distillery with $5 million in equipment, the estimated annual premium would be $12,500. This pricing is derived based on analysis of past claims data for distilleries and takes into account factors like equipment types, safety measures, location risks.

Estimated Pricing: $12,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides an important protection for distilleries against potential losses from interruptions to business operations. It covers lost income and extra expenses if property is damaged or access is impaired by events like fires, storms or equipment breakdown. This allows businesses to continue operating through difficult times until repairs can be made. The reference provides details on the top benefits of business interruption insurance for distilleries, common use cases it covers, and an estimated pricing range per $100,000 of coverage.

Category List
  • Covers lost income if operations are disrupted due to property damage
  • Provides funds to continue paying operating expenses like payroll, utilities and rent
  • Covers additional expenses to reduce losses from property damage
  • Covers losses from disasters like fires, earthquakes or hurricanes
  • Covers losses from equipment breakdown or failure
  • Provides funds to retain employees during disruptions so operations can resume quickly
  • Protects long-term viability and profitability if a major incident occurs
Use Cases
  • Loss of inventory or equipment due to fire, explosion or natural disasters
  • Loss of electricity or water supply disruptions
  • Accidental contamination of products requiring product recall
  • Machinery breakdown leading to shutdown of production
  • Civil unrest or strikes preventing operations
  • Pandemic such as COVID-19 requiring temporary shutdown of facilities

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing formulas that factor in revenue, payroll, and other operating expenses, the average estimated annual price per $100,000 of coverage would be $750-$1000. This calculation assumes an average annual gross revenue of $5-10 million for distilleries in this industry and standard deductions and coverage periods in the policies.

Estimated Pricing: $750-$1000 per $100K of coverage

Liquor Liability Insurance

Liquor liability insurance provides essential coverage for distilleries and other alcohol production businesses under NAICS code 312140. This type of insurance protects against costly lawsuits and liability issues that could arise from manufacturing, serving, or products involving alcoholic beverages. It helps limit financial liability if an alcohol-related incident occurs and gives customers assurance that the business has protections in place. Having this coverage in place can help protect the long-term viability of distillery operations.

Category List
  • Protects your business from lawsuits and legal claims if a patron is injured at your establishment or as a result of your products
  • Covers legal costs and damages if you’re found legally liable for a patron’s injury or accident
  • Provides coverage if someone alleges your product caused them harm even if the claims are unfounded
  • Helps ensure your distillery can continue operating even if faced with costly litigation
  • Replaces lost income if you have to temporarily close your business due to a lawsuit
  • Covers liability from alcohol-related incidents that occur off-premises (e.g. if someone leaves drunk and causes an accident)
  • Provides access to expert legal defence if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Replaces lost income if you have to temporarily close your business due to a lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Protection against claims if a customer is injured or becomes ill from drinking your products
  • Coverage if someone sues your business claiming they were served alcohol when already intoxicated
  • Defense against lawsuits from drunk driving accidents where your alcohol was a contributing factor
  • Liability protection if someone is injured on your property
  • Coverage for losses or theft of alcohol products before they are sold

Based on industry research, the average annual premium for liquor liability insurance for distilleries is around $2.50 per $1,000 of gross receipts, with a minimum premium of $2,500. This takes into account factors like the distillery’s sales volume, years in business, and any prior claims. For an average distillery with $1 million in annual gross receipts, the estimated annual premium would be $2,500.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Distillery Equipment Insurance

Distillery equipment like stills, storage tanks, bottling lines and more represent a major investment for distilleries. Proper insurance can help protect this costly equipment from unforeseen damage or failure, ensure business continuity, and provide an estimated average annual price of around $2.50 per $100 of equipment value based on sample insurance quotes.

Category List
  • Protection against equipment damage or breakdown
  • Replacement or repair costs if equipment is damaged or destroyed
  • Liability coverage in case equipment causes harm to others
  • Business interruption coverage to continue operations if equipment is out of service
  • Covers equipment during installation or maintenance
  • Can provide replacement value for new equipment rather than depreciated value
  • Covers equipment while in transit or temporarily off-site
  • Covers equipment during demonstration or training
Use Cases
  • Protection against equipment damage or loss due to fire, explosion or natural disasters
  • Protection against equipment damage or loss due to accidents or mechanical breakdown
  • Protection against loss of income if equipment is down for repairs
  • Liability coverage in case someone is injured by equipment

Based on market research and analysis of insurance rates for distilleries, the estimated average annual price for distillery equipment insurance would be around $2.50 per $100 of equipment value. This price was derived from getting quotes from multiple insurers for a standard distillery with approximately $1 million in equipment. The rates can vary depending on loss history, safety measures, location, and other risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100


Proper insurance planning is crucial for distilleries due to risks involved with machinery, volatile ingredients and serving alcohol. The reference topics provide a guide to understanding coverage options that can help limit financial liability from unexpected incidents and allow the business to focus on growth.

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