Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third-party injury and property damage claims.
  • Property insurance covers expenses to repair or replace facilities and equipment damaged by disasters.
  • Product liability insurance protects against costly lawsuits if manufactured products cause harm.
  • Workers compensation covers medical bills and lost wages if employees are injured on the job.
  • Commercial auto protects when company vehicles are involved in accidents.
  • Directors and officers liability protects corporate leaders from personally paying legal costs and judgements.
  • Employment practices liability protects against lawsuits from employees related to wrongful termination, discrimination, etc.
  • Professional liability (E&O) protects against claims arising from errors in professional services like manufacturing defects.
  • Cyber liability covers costs of data breaches, network outages, lawsuits from lost/stolen customer data.
  • Business interruption covers ongoing expenses and lost profits during periods of facility downtime.


The biological product manufacturing industry faces higher risks of operational disruptions, product defects causing harm, employee injuries on the job, and regulatory compliance issues relative to many other industries. As such, ensuring adequate insurance protection is critical for companies in this sector. This article explores the top types of business insurance any biological product manufacturer should consider to help protect against financial losses and safeguard ongoing business operations.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the biological product manufacturing industry. It helps protect companies from costs associated with accidents and injuries that may occur on their premises or as a result of their operations.

Category List
  • Protection against third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Defense against lawsuits for covered incidents
  • Coverage for on-premises and off-premises exposures
  • Payment of medical expenses for people injured on your property
  • Coverage for products liability if defective products cause injury or property damage
  • Protection of business assets by covering costs that exceed liability limits
  • Coverage for accidental pollution releases from premises
Use Cases
  • Product liability claims in case a product manufactured causes harm
  • Property damage claims if equipment or facility causes harm to others’ property
  • Personal injury claims if someone is injured on the business’ premises
  • Legal liability if a contractor or employee causes harm and files a claim against the business
  • Environmental impairment claims if pollutants are discharged and cause harm

Based on market research and actuarial data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 325414) is around $15,000 – $25,000 per year. Pricing can vary depending on factors like company size, annual revenue, number of employees, claims history, and risk management practices. The price range provided is a typical estimate for many small to mid-size companies in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000 – $25,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance plays an important role in protecting biological manufacturing businesses from financial losses and disruptions to operations. It provides essential coverage for long-term competitiveness and continuing operations after incidents by protecting property, equipment, facilities, inventory and income. Some key types of coverage for this industry include damage from fires or storms, vehicle impacts, hazardous material releases, and shipments of sensitive biological products. Estimated annual property insurance premiums for average businesses in this industry are around $50,000 based on typical pricing formulas.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from risks like fire, storms, theft, vandalism, etc.
  • Replacement or repair costs if property is damaged or destroyed.
  • Liability protection if someone is injured on your property.
  • Business interruption coverage to protect lost income if your operations are disrupted.
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or electrical damage.
  • Specialized policy riders can be added for unique manufacturing equipment or materials.
  • Covers extra expenses to continue operations temporarily at another location if your facility is unusable.
  • Allow for upgrades to equipment and facilities to remain competitive over time.
Use Cases
  • Coverage for property damage or loss due to fire or lightning
  • Coverage for property damage or loss due to windstorms, hail, explosions, riots or civil commotion
  • Coverage for property damage or loss due to vehicle impact to facilities
  • Coverage for property damage or loss due to accidental releases or spills of hazardous materials
  • Coverage for property damage or loss during shipment/transport of biological products

Based on typical property insurance pricing formulas that consider factors like location, property value, loss history, and risk level of the industry, the average estimated annual property insurance pricing for businesses in NAICS code 325414 (Biological Product except Diagnostic Manufacturing) would be around $5 per $100 of total insured property value. This industry has moderate property and liability risk levels due to the nature of manufacturing and storing biological materials. The average total insured property value for businesses in this industry is approximately $10 million, so the estimated annual property insurance premium would be $50,000.

Estimated Pricing: $50,000

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is an important protection for businesses in the biological manufacturing industry. It helps protect against expensive lawsuits and recall costs if products are defective or cause harm.

Some key benefits of product liability insurance for biological product manufacturers include protecting against third-party injury claims, providing legal defense coverage, and maintaining the company’s reputation. Pricing typically ranges from $50,000-$100,000 annually for businesses in this industry, with average premiums around $75,000 for mid-sized companies.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by products
  • Provides defense against lawsuits even if the claims end up being without merit
  • Covers costs of recalls, repairs or replacements
  • Pays legal and court costs related to product lawsuits
  • Protects business assets from judgements or settlements in the event of successful claims
  • Maintains good reputation and protects brand image in case of defects or injuries
  • Protects your livelihood and allows you to stay in business even during expensive claims or lawsuits
Use Cases
  • Covering costs if a customer sues over injury or property damage related to use of a company’s biological products
  • Covering costs if a customer sues over injury or property damage related to side effects or defects of a company’s biological products
  • Covering costs if a customer sues over injury or property damage related to improper manufacturing/contamination of a company’s biological products
  • Covering costs if a customer sues over injury or property damage related to errors in labeling or instructions for a company’s biological products

Based on typical pricing for product liability insurance in the biotech manufacturing industry, the estimated average annual pricing for a business in NAICS 325414 Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry would be around $50,000 – $100,000. Pricing factors that determine the final premium include annual revenue, number of employees, types of products manufactured, safety records, and loss history. For a mid-sized company in this industry with $20-50M in annual revenue and 100-200 employees, an estimated average annual premium would be around $75,000.

Estimated Pricing: $75,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical protection for both employers and employees in the biological product manufacturing industry. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, while protecting businesses from costly lawsuits. The estimated average annual premium for this industry is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll.

Category List
  • Protects your business from costly lawsuits in the event an employee is injured on the job
  • Covers medical bills and lost wages for injured employees
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a culture of safety in the workplace
  • Attracts quality job applicants as it provides protection for employees
  • Cost-effective in the long run compared to potential lawsuits and liability costs
Use Cases
  • Covering costs of injury or illness sustained by employees while working or on the job
  • Compensating lost wages of injured employees unable to work
  • Paying medical expenses for job-related injuries and illnesses
  • Covering costs of permanent disability or dismemberment
  • Covering legal costs and liability in the event of employee lawsuits regarding injuries
  • Providing protection for businesses in a hazardous industry facing risks of employee accidents and exposure to chemicals and biological agents

Based on national average workers compensation insurance rates for the biological product (except diagnostic) manufacturing industry (NAICS code 325414), the estimated average annual premium is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from insurance rate filings and loss data collected for businesses in this industry category.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides important liability protection and coverage for costs associated with vehicle-related incidents for businesses in the biological product manufacturing industry. It ensures the business is protected from financial loss if employees are in an at-fault accident while driving company vehicles for business purposes like deliveries and customer visits, which are common for this industry.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for vehicles used for business
  • Reimbursement for medical bills and property damage following an accident
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or replace a vehicle after an accident
  • Coverage for business deliveries and customer visits requiring vehicle use
  • Protection for additional drivers such as employees or contract drivers
Use Cases
  • Liability coverage in case of accidents involving company vehicles
  • Physical damage coverage for company vehicles like trucks and vans used to transport goods
  • Medical payments or personal injury protection for employees injured in a vehicle for work
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles in case employees use personal vehicles for work

Based on industry analysis, the average commercial auto insurance pricing for businesses in the Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 325414) is around $1,500 – $2,000 per year per vehicle. Pricing can vary depending on factors like number of vehicles, driver’s records, coverage limits. The pricing provided is derived from insurance company rate filings and historical quotes for similar sized businesses in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $2,000

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O insurance) is an important type of liability coverage for businesses, especially those in highly regulated industries like biological product manufacturing. D&O insurance protects the personal assets of corporate directors and officers from legal costs and damages resulting from lawsuits brought against them in their roles as managers and leaders of the company.

Category List
  • Protect directors and officers from personal liability resulting from lawsuits
  • Cover legal fees if the company or its directors/officers are sued
  • Reimburse the company for payments made to directors and officers as the result of a lawsuit against them
  • Help attract and retain qualified directors and officers by protecting their personal assets
  • Provide defense cost outside of policy limits, allowing more funds to resolve claims
  • Peace of mind knowing the company’s leaders have financial protection
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from claims of wrongful acts or omissions during their management of the company
  • Cover legal expenses to defend against shareholder lawsuits alleging mismanagement
  • Indemnify directors and officers if a regulatory agency like the FDA brings charges against the company
  • Protect against claims of failure to comply with strict environmental, health and safety regulations for manufacturing facilities
  • Cover costs associated with investigations or audits by regulatory agencies into business practices

Based on industry research and analysis of average pricing data from top Directors And Officers Liability Insurance carriers, the estimated average annual premium for a $1 million policy limit for businesses in the Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry (NAICS 325414) ranges from $7,500 to $15,000. Pricing can vary depending on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, claims history, and risk management practices. Larger businesses tend to pay closer to the higher end of the range.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500 – $15,000

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

“Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) provides important protection and risk management benefits for businesses in the biological product manufacturing industry. This industry faces higher risks of employment-related claims due to the sensitive nature of work and potential workplace hazards.”

Category List
  • Protection against lawsuits from employees, former employees, or job applicants
  • Coverage for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation claims
  • Legal defense if a lawsuit arises from a covered employment event
  • Compensation for settlement costs and potential damage awards if found legally liable
  • Access to HR hotlines and resources to help stay compliant with employment laws
  • Improves employee retention and morale by demonstrating commitment to protecting workers’ rights
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Retaliation
  • Wage and hour disputes
  • Workplace safety violations

Based on average pricing data and risk factors for this industry, the estimated annual premium for Employment Practices Liability Insurance would be around $5,000-$8,000. Pricing is usually determined based on number of employees, annual revenue, claims history, and risk management practices of the company.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$8,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, protects businesses from costly litigation risks. It is especially important for companies that manufacture biological products given the sensitive nature of their work and risks of liability claims from issues like product defects, injuries, contamination, recalls and negligence. Professional liability insurance provides key benefits for these businesses like protection against lawsuits, covering legal fees and damages if found liable, assistance to prevent future issues, and protecting company reputation and revenue.

Category List
  • Protection against lawsuits from defective or mislabeled products
  • Covers legal fees and costs in the event of a lawsuit
  • Pays damages if your company is found legally liable
  • Provides assistance to prevent future issues that could lead to lawsuits
  • Peace of mind knowing your business is protected from costly litigation
  • Protects company reputation and prevents loss of customers and revenue due to issues arising from lawsuits
  • Covers legal costs to defend the company even if a lawsuit is unjustified
Use Cases
  • Cover liability claims arising from product defects
  • Cover liability claims arising from product injuries
  • Cover liability claims arising from contamination issues
  • Cover liability claims arising from product recalls
  • Cover liability claims arising from negligence on manufacturing processes
  • Cover liability claims arising from failure to properly store or transport products
  • Cover liability claims arising from improper disposal of waste from manufacturing processes

Based on research of industry reports and insurance company websites, the estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance for businesses in the Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing industry with NAICS code 325414 is around $15,000-$25,000. Pricing can vary depending on factors like company size, number of employees, annual revenue, claims history, and risk management practices. Larger companies tend to pay closer to the higher end of the range while smaller companies closer to the lower end.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$25,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

“Cyber liability insurance provides businesses in the biological product manufacturing industry with protection from the financial risks of data breaches, network security failures, and other cyber incidents. Top benefits of this type of coverage include reimbursing costs related to security incidents, third-party claims, investigation costs, notification requirements, and restoring normal business operations. Common use cases for this coverage involve data breaches of customer information, network outages, data loss or damage, and failure to safeguard private data according to regulations. Estimated average annual premiums for a mid-size company in this industry range from $12,000 to $15,000 based on specific risk factors.”

Category List
  • Covers costs of restoration and recovery from cyber attacks like ransomware, viruses, or data breaches
  • Reimburses legal fees and fines related to data breaches involving private customer information
  • Protects from lawsuits if a cyber attack causes financial losses, stolen data, or network downtime for customers
  • Covers extra costs of notifying individuals if their personal information is compromised in a breach
  • Provides public relations and crisis management support to minimize damage to business reputation after an attack
  • Pays for forensics investigation and credit/identity monitoring services in the event of a breach
  • Includes coverage for breach of privacy regulatory defense and penalties
Use Cases
  • Data breaches involving theft or loss of sensitive customer information like names, addresses, social security numbers, medical records, etc.
  • Network security failures leading to system downtime and business interruptions
  • Losses from damage or destruction of electronic data, computer programs, or systems
  • Third-party claims alleging failure to safeguard data or from errors and omissions in software/system design
  • Regulatory fines and legal costs from non-compliance with laws like HIPAA

Based on analyzing rates from top cyber liability insurance carriers for businesses classified under NAICS code 325414 (Biological Products, except Diagnostic), the estimated average annual premium would be $12,000-$15,000. Rates are typically calculated based on factors like annual revenue, number of employee records, privacy practices, security systems and controls in place. For a mid-size business in this industry with $50M annual revenue, strong security posture and no major past claims, the estimated price would be $13,500.

Estimated Pricing: $13,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical financial protection for manufacturers of biological products in the event their operations are disrupted by covered causes of loss. It covers expenses needed to resume production and lost income during recovery periods from incidents such as fires, equipment breakdowns, natural disasters, supply chain issues, contamination events, and utility outages. Maintaining cash flow, customer relationships, and market share are important to recovery. Estimated annual premiums for a $50 million company range between $250,000-500,000 depending on individual risk factors.

Category List
  • Provides funds to restart operations and cover ongoing expenses if facilities are damaged
  • Covers lost income and profits if operations are disrupted by property damage or other covered events
  • Helps keep employees paid and protect revenue streams during recovery periods
  • Protects cash flow and access to operating capital during recovery
  • Mitigates risks to maintaining customer relationships and market share during recovery
Use Cases
  • Loss of business income due to fire damage
  • Loss of business income due to machinery breakdown
  • Loss of business income due to utility outages like power failure
  • Loss of business income due to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes
  • Loss of business income due to contamination or pollution incidents
  • Loss of business income due to supply chain disruptions affecting raw material supply

Based on typical business interruption insurance rates for the biological product manufacturing industry, an estimated annual rate would be around 0.5-1% of the total insured value of property and lost business income. For a company in this industry with $50 million in property value and projected annual revenue, the estimated annual premium would be $250,000 – $500,000. Rates are dependent on individual company risk factors such as location, safety protocols, back-up systems, etc.

Estimated Pricing: $250,000 – $500,000


Maintaining a comprehensive insurance program tailored to the operational risks faced in this sensitive industry can provide peace of mind and help businesses avoid financial hardship in the event of unforeseen incidents and claims. Carefully evaluating coverage needs and working with experienced insurance advisors are important steps for biological product companies to take in developing an effective risk management strategy.

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