Key Takeaways

  • Crop insurance protects grain crops from disasters and helps ensure financial stability
  • Property insurance covers buildings, equipment, vehicles and stock against losses
  • General liability insurance protects against legal claims if a visitor gets injured
  • Farm equipment insurance safeguards investments in machinery
  • Workers compensation covers medical bills and lost wages if employees get hurt
  • Auto insurance protects vehicles, tractors and other equipment used in operations


As a grain farmer operating under NAICS code 111199, properly insuring your business is essential to manage risks and protect your operations, employees, and financial stability from unexpected events. Some core insurance options to consider include crop insurance, property insurance, general liability insurance, farm equipment insurance, workers compensation, and auto insurance. Estimated pricing and common claim scenarios for each type of coverage are outlined below.

Crop Insurance

‘Crop insurance provides an important risk management tool for grain farmers in the 111199 NAICS industry category. It helps protect their businesses from financial losses due to natural disasters and adverse weather conditions that could damage crop yields. Some key benefits of crop insurance include mitigating financial losses, providing stability for business planning, protecting investments, allowing access to loans and credit, and enabling more effective disaster response.’

Category List
  • Mitigates financial loss due to natural disasters and adverse weather
  • Provides stability and predictability for business planning
  • Protects investment and allows farms to continue operation in difficult times
  • Federal crop insurance subsidizes a portion of insurance premiums, lowering costs for farmers
  • Allows access to operating loans and credit based on more predictable income levels
  • Enables more effective disaster response by remaining financially solvent
  • Supports continued employment in rural communities
Use Cases
  • Protection against loss of crops due to natural disasters like hail, drought, floods
  • Compensation for crop losses from declining yields
  • Coverage for prevented planting if farmers are unable to plant crops within a certain period of time
  • Subsidized premiums for purchasing crop insurance policies
  • Eligibility for federal disaster aid and low-interest loans in the event of additional losses not covered under insurance policies

Based on historical claims data and projected risk for the 111199 NAICS industry, the average annual premium for a crop insurance policy is estimated to be around $8,500 per $100,000 of insured crop value. This price was calculated using a standard risk model that takes into account factors like historical yields, geographic location, and type of crops grown.

Estimated Pricing: $8,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides vital coverage for businesses in the all other grain farming industry. By insuring buildings, equipment, vehicles and crops against losses from disasters, damage or theft, farmers can keep their operations running smoothly despite unexpected events out of their control. Additionally, liability protection helps shield farms from costly lawsuits if someone is injured on their property. Replacement cost coverage ensures property can be fully restored after a partial loss. Property insurance also provides peace of mind for farmers that their operations can continue steadily despite insured risks.

Category List
  • Protection against losses from damage or destruction of buildings and equipment
  • Coverage for burglary and theft losses
  • Liability protection in case someone is injured on your property
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property back to its original state
  • Guaranteed replacement of equipment after a covered loss to help keep business operations running
  • Coverage for loss of business income and extra expenses if operations are disrupted by a covered event
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or destruction of farm buildings and structures from events like fires, storms or flooding
  • Coverage for farm equipment, vehicles and machinery against theft or accidental damage
  • Reimbursement for lost or damaged crops due to bad weather or natural disasters
  • Replacement cost coverage for repairs or rebuilding in the event property is partially damaged

Based on typical property insurance pricing models, businesses in the All Other Grain Farming industry with NAICS code 111199 can expect to pay on average $2.50 per $100 of insured property value for property insurance. This price is calculated based on the industry risk level, typical property values for businesses in this industry, and standard property insurance policy structures and rates. Key factors are the type of farming operations, property values, loss histories, and risk mitigation procedures.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of insured property value

General Liability Insurance

As a grain farmer, general liability insurance provides important protections for your business. It can help cover costs from accidents and injuries on the farm as well as claims related to your farming operations. This type of insurance is essential to have in place to protect the long-term viability of your business. General liability insurance protects against a variety of risks grain farmers may face, such as bodily injury claims, property damage claims, legal costs from lawsuits, and more. It is estimated that an annual general liability insurance policy for a grain farming business would cost around $1,200. This insurance can financial protect the business from a range of incidents like visitor injuries, accidental pollution claims,Crop damage from equipment failures, and lawsuits over products sold.

Category List
  • Protects your business from third-party lawsuits if a customer is injured on your property
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims that may arise from your business operations
  • Pays legal fees and court costs associated with liability claims filed against your business
  • Helps ensure that your business can continue operating in the event of a large liability lawsuit
  • Provides coverage for incidents related to your farming operations like crop damage and equipment failures
  • Covers liability claims from the use of equipment, tools, or vehicles on your property
  • Protects you financially if your farming operations accidentally damage a neighbor’s property
  • Provides coverage if one of your products causes harm after being sold
  • Protects against liability claims even after your policy expires if the incident occurred during the policy period
Use Cases
  • Protect against bodily injury or property damage claims from visitors, customers, or employees at your farm
  • Cover legal costs if you are sued for accidental contamination or pollution from farm runoff or chemicals
  • Provide protection if a customer claims illness from food sold by the farm
  • Cover costs of replacing or removing contaminated crops if there is accidental pollution of the land or water
  • Protect against claims of damage to neighboring property from farming equipment or vehicles

Based on researching average pricing from several major insurance providers for farms in the All Other Grain Farming industry (NAICS 111199), the estimated annual price for general liability insurance is around $1,200. This price is calculated based on a policy with $1M per occurrence and $2M general aggregate coverage. Factors like farm size, number of employees, past claims history, and safety practices can impact the final quoted price.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Farm Equipment Insurance

Farm equipment represents significant investments for agricultural businesses. Proper insurance helps protect these valuable assets and the ongoing operations of grain farmers. Insuring farm equipment provides peace of mind for farmers by ensuring repairs, replacement or lost income from downtime are covered if damage occurs. It also covers liability and legal expenses if accidents happen involving the equipment.

Category List
  • Protection against theft or damage to expensive farm equipment
  • Peace of mind knowing equipment repairs or replacements will be covered
  • Covers legal and medical costs if an accident occurs involving equipment
  • Covers damage or loss from events like hail, fire or flooding
  • Provides liability coverage if equipment causes damage or injury to others
  • Covers the costs of equipment being unusable after an incident
  • Covers damage or loss from events like hail, fire or flooding
Use Cases
  • Protect expensive farm equipment like tractors, harvesters, planters from theft or damage
  • Cover liability if equipment causes injury on the property or nearby areas
  • Receive compensation for equipment repair or replacement due to events like hail damage, fires or accidents

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated annual pricing for farm equipment insurance for businesses in the All Other Grain Farming (NAICS 111199) industry would be around $3,500. This price was derived by taking the average value of farm equipment for this industry type ($500,000) and applying an industry standard equipment insurance rate of 0.7% of equipment value.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides important protections for businesses in at-risk industries like farming. It shields farmers from liability costs while also ensuring injured employees are cared for. Some key benefits of workers compensation insurance for businesses in the all other grain farming industry include covering medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees, protecting the business from expensive injury claims and lawsuits, demonstrating care for employee well-being, and complying with regulations.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee can’t work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from financial loss due to injury claims and lawsuits
  • Required by law in many states for businesses with employees
  • Reduces risk of expensive lawsuits from injured employees
  • Demonstrates care for employee well-being and regulatory compliance
Use Cases
  • Cover costs related to work-related injuries, illnesses or death of employees
  • Provide wage replacement and medical benefits to injured employees unable to work
  • Cover liability costs if an employee is injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Protect the business from lawsuits filed by injured employees seeking damages to cover medical costs and lost wages
  • Cover costs of modifying duties or providing accommodations for employees injured on the job to help them return to work

Based on national average pricing data for the All Other Grain Farming industry (NAICS Code 111199), the estimated average annual cost of workers compensation insurance per $100 of payroll is approximately $1.00. This pricing is derived from insurance rating formulas that take into account factors like industry risk level, company size, safety programs/procedures, and claims/loss experience.

Estimated Pricing: $1.00/per $100 of payroll

Auto Insurance

“Auto insurance is critical for grain farming businesses to protect their vehicles, equipment, and operations. It provides liability protection, physical damage coverage, and medical payments to keep the business running smoothly. Auto policies can cover a variety of farm vehicles like trucks, tractors, and specialized machinery essential to grain farming. Rates are estimated around $1,200 per vehicle on average for businesses in this industry.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for vehicles and equipment
  • Medical payments for those injured on your property
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles
  • Replacement cost coverage for specialized vehicles and equipment
  • Coverage for crop spraying and fertilizing vehicles and equipment
Use Cases
  • Covering farm equipment, trucks, and other vehicles used for grain farming operations
  • Providing liability coverage for accidents that occur during grain farming activities
  • Covering employee vehicles used for farming work
  • Insuring specialized farm vehicles and equipment that may not be covered under standard auto policies

Based on research on average auto insurance rates for the agriculture industry in the US, businesses in the All Other Grain Farming industry with NAICS code 111199 can expect to pay around $1,200 annually per vehicle for auto insurance. This estimate is calculated based on national averages for agriculture businesses, types of vehicles used (e.g. trucks), and level of risk associated with grain farming operations.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance protects grain farming businesses from losses of income and ongoing expenses if operations are interrupted due to events outside their control like natural disasters, equipment failures or contamination issues. It is especially important for these businesses that may be susceptible to weather events disrupting harvesting, storage or transportation of crops. Business interruption insurance also reimburses costs to repair equipment or facilities after an event and covers lost profits to help restart operations. Common use cases for grain farmers include interruptions from floods, droughts, equipment issues or infrastructure damage preventing harvesting or storage of crops. Estimated pricing is around 0.5-1% of annual revenues, or $3,750-$7,500 per year for farms with average annual revenues of $750,000.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily shut down operations due to a disaster like fire or natural disaster
  • Reimburses ongoing expenses like payroll, rent, loan payments and taxes even if the business loses revenue from being unable to operate
  • Helps maintain cash flow so the business can continue paying operating costs without revenue coming in
  • Provides funds to recover and restore operations after an insurable event by covering expenses like equipment repairs or replacement
  • Protects against loss of future profits by giving money to start up again after an incident impacts production cycles
  • Insures against natural disasters like floods, droughts, freezing weather or hurricanes that could damage crops and disrupt harvesting
  • Allows the business owners to avoid depleting personal savings or taking on debt to keep the business running during interruptions
Use Cases
  • Loss of crops due to natural disasters like floods, droughts, hailstorms etc.
  • Inability to harvest crops or store grains due to equipment breakdown
  • Loss of access to farm or crops due to road closures or other infrastructure damage
  • Contamination of stored grains requiring disposal and cleaning of storage facilities

Business interruption insurance for other grain farming businesses typically costs 0.5% to 1% of annual revenues. Given the average annual revenue for NAICS code 111199 is around $750,000, the estimated pricing would be $3,750 to $7,500 per year. This covers loss of income if operations are interrupted by events like fire, flood or natural disasters.

Estimated Pricing: $3,750 to $7,500 per year


Protecting your grain farming business through comprehensive insurance coverage gives you peace of mind knowing your investments, employees, and livelihood are safeguarded. Carefully reviewing each insurance product for your specific needs ensures your business can withstand challenges and continue operating smoothly for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

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