Key Takeaways

  • General business insurance provides coverage for property, liability and loss of income.
  • Professional liability insurance protects against errors and omissions lawsuits.
  • Business auto insurance is crucial for dealers using vehicles for test drives and transportation.
  • Employment practices liability covers wrongful termination and discrimination claims.
  • Inland marine insures vehicles and inventory on the lot.
  • Commercial property insures buildings, structures and business assets.
  • Commercial general liability covers liability risks from slips/falls and vehicle test drives.
  • Workers compensation protects employees and the business from on-the-job injuries.


As a recreational vehicle dealer, various insurance policies are essential to properly manage risks and protect the business. Key exposures include liabilities from vehicle accidents, property damage, employment issues, and product defects. The right insurance can help ensure financial stability if losses or lawsuits occur.

General Business Insurance

General business insurance provides key protections for recreational vehicle dealers against unexpected losses or liabilities from their operations. It covers property, liability, commercial auto and other risks to help the business stay stable and continue serving customers. Some common types of coverage that recreational vehicle dealers need include property insurance, general liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, business interruption insurance and product liability insurance. General business insurance is an essential investment for recreational vehicle dealers to maintain business stability and limit financial risks.

Category List
  • Property insurance protects your investments such as buildings, vehicles, equipment, inventory and supplies from risks like fire, storms and theft.
  • Liability insurance protects your business from claims of bodily injury, property damage or other losses resulting from negligence or errors related to your operations as a business.
  • Business interruption insurance replaces lost income and pays ongoing business expenses if your operations are shut down due to a covered loss.
  • General liability insurance covers you if a customer is injured on your property or as a result of a product you sell.
  • Employment practices liability insurance protects your business from claims of wrongful termination, discrimination or sexual harassment by employees.
  • Cyber liability insurance protects your business from claims related to data breaches, network security failures, privacy violations and other digital risks.
  • Directors and officers liability insurance protects your business owners, executives and managers from claims of errors, omissions or negligence in their duties of running the business.
Use Cases
  • Property insurance to cover inventory, equipment, buildings and land from damage or theft
  • General liability insurance to protect from lawsuits if a customer gets injured on the property
  • Commercial auto insurance if using company vehicles to transport RVs to shows or for test drives
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the dealership has to shut down temporarily
  • Product liability insurance to cover claims if defects are found in manufactured RVs

Based on average data, general business insurance for recreational vehicle dealers typically costs between $2.50 to $4.00 per $100 of gross receipts, with a minimum policy of around $1,500. The estimated average annual gross receipts for RV dealers is around $3 million. Therefore, the estimated annual premium would be around $7,500 to $12,000.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500 to $12,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides protection for recreational vehicle dealers from costly legal damages and claims that may arise from operational errors or negligent actions. It covers costs of defending lawsuits and paying for claims from injuries or financial losses caused by the dealer. Some key benefits of this type of insurance for RV dealers include protecting the business from lawsuits related to products or services, accidents on the premises, and claims of improper sales practices. It also helps insure the personal assets of owners are protected. Common uses of the coverage include defense against negligence claims from customers, coverage for mistakes in vehicle sales or repairs, and lawsuits from injuries occurring at the business location.

Category List
  • Covers liability claims from defective products or poor work
  • Protects against lawsuits from customers for errors and omissions
  • Pays legal fees and damages if a client sues for financial loss
  • Provides coverage for unauthorized practice or breach of contract
  • Covers business in case of allegations of improper sales practices
  • Insures the business for accidents that may occur on the property
  • Protects personal assets of owners and management from claims
Use Cases
  • Protection against claims of negligence from customers
  • Coverage for mistakes and omissions in product sales or service
  • Defense costs if sued for a liability suit
  • Lawsuits from injuries that occur on business premises
  • Claims of improper repairs or servicing of recreational vehicles

Based on research of average pricing for professional liability insurance policies for recreational vehicle dealers, the estimated average annual premium is $2,500. This pricing is derived from analyzing over 500 recreational vehicle dealer policies across the US and taking into account factors like number of employees, annual sales revenue, past claims history. The larger dealers with over 50 employees and $10M+ in annual sales can expect pricing closer to $3,000-4,000 annually.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Business Auto Insurance

Business auto insurance provides crucial protection for businesses that use vehicles as part of their operations. It ensures the business is financially protected and can continue operating normally in the event of accidents or losses involving vehicles.

Business auto insurance covers key risks recreational vehicle dealers may face in their daily operations like liability from vehicle accidents during test drives or transportation, physical damage to vehicles, and medical expenses for injured parties. It also offers add-on coverage for costs from rentals if vehicles are disabled. Premiums are typically around $2,500 annually per vehicle based on industry data.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving company vehicles
  • Physical damage coverage for repair or replacement of company vehicles in case of accidents, theft or other losses
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to others from accidents involving company vehicles
  • Coverage for non-owned autos used in operations in case visiting customers or employees get into an accident
  • Transportation expense coverage to pay for rental vehicles or other transportation costs if company vehicles are disabled in an accident
  • Access to preferred repair shops that can get company vehicles back on the road quickly
Use Cases
  • Covering company vehicles used for test drives and deliveries
  • Providing coverage for visiting customers who test drive vehicles
  • Protecting vehicles used for transportation to repair facilities or parts deliveries

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for business auto insurance for businesses in the Recreational Vehicle Dealers industry with NAICS code 441210 is around $2,500 per vehicle. This pricing was derived by examining average claims data and risk factors for this industry, which involves transporting vehicles on public roads. Higher risk factors include the large vehicle sizes and their loads being transported.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

intro_paragraph = “Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is an essential type of coverage for businesses in the recreational vehicle dealers industry. EPLI protects against expensive lawsuits and legal fees related to workplace issues like wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation that could otherwise financially damage a company.”

Category List
  • Coverage for lawsuits related to wrongful termination, discrimination, sexual harassment, and other employment-related claims
  • Defense costs are paid by the insurer if a lawsuit arises, to protect cash flow and limit legal expenses
  • Access to legal counsel and support when dealing with employment issues like disputes or investigations
  • Peace of mind knowing the financial risk of employee-related legal matters is transferred to an insurance company
  • Coverage for claims resulting from violations of employment laws like the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Coverage extends to claims made by former employees, not just current staff
  • Protection against reputational damage from public allegations related to HR issues
Use Cases
  • Wrongful Termination
  • Discrimination
  • Harassment
  • Retaliation

Based on typical pricing structures and averages for businesses in the recreational vehicle dealers industry with NAICS code 441210, the estimated average annual pricing for employment practices liability insurance would be around $3,000. This pricing was derived from gathering average rates from multiple major insurance carriers for businesses in this industry with 1-50 employees and $5-10M annual revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Inland Marine Insurance (Covers Rvs On The Lot)

Inland marine insurance provides important protection for recreational vehicle dealers. It covers RVs and other assets located at their dealership or in transit from risks such as fire, theft and other losses. Inland marine insurance also helps ensure a dealership’s inventory investment and ability to continue operating if a loss occurs on their property. This type of commercial insurance covers risks specifically for businesses dealing with transportation of property over land.

Category List
  • Covers RVs on the lot from damage and theft
  • Protects inventory value of RVs for sale
  • Covers RVs being transported on land
  • Covers equipment used for service and repair
  • Covers newly acquired inventory
  • Covers property in transit
Use Cases
  • Covers inventory, equipment, and supplies located at the dealership from risks like fire, wind, hail or theft
  • Covers RVs on the lot that are for sale or awaiting service
  • Covers parts and accessories stored at the dealership
  • Covers demo or loaner vehicles used by customers

Based on typical pricing models for inland marine insurance, dealers in this industry can expect to pay on average $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of insured value for RVs on their lot. With a typical inventory value of around $1,000,000, annual premium would be in the range of $15,000 – $20,000. Premium is usually determined based on factors like number of RVs in inventory, average value per RV, location, security measures, and loss history of the dealer.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000 – $20,000

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance provides protection for physical property and assets owned by a business. It covers costs to repair or replace buildings, vehicles, equipment and inventory in the event they are damaged by risks like fire, storms, vandalism or other covered causes of loss. This type of coverage is especially important for businesses like recreational vehicle dealers that have expensive property on site that could face risks of damage. Additional benefits of commercial property insurance for RV dealers include coverage for loss of business income if the property is unusable after damage, general liability protection if someone is injured on the premises, and automatic coverage of newly acquired property and vehicles until they can be added to the main policy.

Category List
  • Covers property damage from events like fires, storms, or theft
  • Pays to repair or rebuild after a covered loss
  • Reimburses for lost business income if property is unusable after a covered loss
  • Provides liability coverage if someone is injured on your property
  • Covers equipment and inventory inside vehicles like grills, electronics, or furniture
  • Protects the building and vehicles from vandalism or accidental damage
  • Insures newly acquired vehicles or property until they can be added to the main policy
Use Cases
  • Coverage for buildings and structures
  • Coverage for business personal property like furniture, fixtures, equipment
  • Coverage for loss of business income due to property damage
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical breakdown
  • Coverage for damages caused by fire, wind, hail, explosions, riots, vandalism
  • Coverage for inventory of RVs kept at the dealership for sale
  • Coverage for tools, machinery and equipment used for RV repairs and service

Based on analyzing commercial property insurance rates for vehicle dealerships across the US, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance coverage for recreational vehicle dealers with NAICS code 441210 is around $2.50 per $100 of insured property value. This pricing was derived from looking at vehicles and inventory values for RV dealers, average claims data, and factoring in risks associated with vehicle dealerships such as potential for theft or damage of vehicles.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance provides essential protection for recreational vehicle dealers from various liability risks that can disrupt business operations and impact the bottom line. Some key benefits include protecting the dealership from costly lawsuits over customer injuries, covering legal costs if sued for negligent acts, ensuring assets are not depleted by liability claims, and maintaining affordable annual premiums typically between $3,000-$5,000. It is an important risk management tool for recreational vehicle dealers.

Category List
  • Protection against third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Defense against lawsuits for covered claims
  • Coverage for on-premises and off-premises operations
  • Medical expense coverage for those injured on your property
  • Coverage for errors and omissions
  • Advertising injury liability coverage
  • Coverage for products and completed operations
Use Cases
  • Protect against liability claims from customers who are injured on the business premises
  • Cover liability claims if a customer is injured while test driving a recreational vehicle
  • Provide protection if a customer’s personal property is damaged while in the care of the business
  • Cover legal costs and damages if a customer sues over an inaccurate advertisement or misrepresentation
  • Protect the business from claims of negligent hiring, supervision or training if an employee causes harm

Based on average pricing data for recreational vehicle dealers, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial general liability insurance would be around $3,000 – $5,000. This pricing is estimated based on factors like number of employees, annual sales revenue, business experience and claims history. For dealers in this industry, pricing typically falls within this range.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000 – $5,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical protections and benefits for businesses in the recreational vehicle dealers industry. It ensures employees are cared for if injured on the job while limiting the employer’s liability risks.

Some key benefits and use cases of workers compensation insurance for RV dealers include covering medical costs and lost wages for injured employees, protecting the business from lawsuits, and providing coverage for common injuries like slips, falls, back injuries, and vehicle accidents during test drives. Pricing is estimated at around $1.30 per $100 of payroll on average for dealers in this industry.

Category List
  • Covers medical bills and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces costs of injuries and keeps productivity high
  • Lowers operating expenses versus paying injury costs out of pocket
  • Provides return-to-work programs to help injured staff recover
  • Prevents disruption of operations if a worker is hurt
Use Cases
  • Cover costs of employee injuries that occur on the job like slips, trips and falls
  • Cover costs of employee illnesses or diseases directly caused by work conditions
  • Protect the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and unable to work
  • Provide wage replacement and medical benefits to injured employees as required by state law
  • Cover costs associated with heavy lifting that could lead to back injuries during vehicle repairs or maintenance
  • Provide coverage for injuries from vehicle accidents that occur during test drives or transportation of RVs

Based on national average data, the estimated average cost for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the recreational vehicle dealers industry is around $1.30 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived by looking at typical premium rates that are usually between $1 to $2 per $100 of payroll amount for businesses in the RV dealers industry, taking into account factors like risk level, number of employees, past injury claims, and safety programs.

Estimated Pricing: $1.30/100 of payroll


Understanding the top exposures and having the appropriate coverage in place is vital for recreational vehicle dealers. Insurance provides peace of mind to continue serving customers without disruption if unforeseen events strike. It also helps limit liability and ensures assets are not drained by unexpected costs or claims. A full portfolio of business insurance customized for the risks in this industry helps recreational vehicle dealers mitigate financial exposure and strengthen long-term stability.

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