Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party claims for injuries or property damage
  • Property insurance covers losses from fire, theft, equipment breakdown and natural disasters
  • Workers’ compensation is legally required and covers medical costs and lost wages from on-the-job injuries
  • Commercial auto policies provide liability and physical damage coverage for business vehicles
  • Umbrella and cyber liability policies offer additional protection against lawsuits and data breaches


As a manufacturer in the machine tool and cutting tool accessory industry, protecting your business operations and assets from unexpected risks is crucial. Several types of business insurance can help shield your company financially in the event of issues like injuries, property damage, data breaches and more. This guide covers the top insurance coverage needs for this industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing industry. It helps protect against costs from unexpected injuries, damage, or defects that may occur from operations.

Some key benefits of general liability insurance for this industry include covering legal defense costs if sued by a third party, providing protection for bodily injury and property damage claims, and covering medical expenses for anyone injured on the business premises. Pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in this industry averages around $3,500 annually based on factors like staff size, revenue, and potential risks from machinery.

Category List
  • Protects against third party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal costs if sued by a third party for damages
  • Provides defense even if the claims against the business are groundless
  • Covers premises liability, products liability, personal and advertising injury
  • Covers pollution liability if hazardous materials are involved in operations
  • Protects business owners and directors from personal liability lawsuits
  • Covers medical expenses if someone is injured on the business’ premises
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage to customers or other third parties
  • Product recall coverage if a manufacturing defect causes injuries or damage
  • Legal costs if sued for damages
  • Bodily injury or property damage to employees in the workplace
  • Pollution and environmental damage caused by operations
  • Medical expenses for anyone injured on the business premises

Based on typical pricing for general liability insurance for machine tool manufacturing businesses, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $3,500. This pricing takes into account factors like the nature of work being precision manufacturing with potential risks from sharp tools and machinery, small staff size of around 20 employees on average, and total annual revenue of roughly $5 million. The final price is derived by first determining an estimated premium based on number of employees and revenue, then applying various industry risk factors that tend to increase pricing for machine tool manufacturers.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance offers financial protection for valuable business assets of cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturers from a variety of risks like fire, theft, equipment breakdown and more. It also provides coverage for expenses related to property damage or business interruption. Specialized machinery, tools and inventory crucial to daily operations can be insured. Top perils covered include fire damage, water damage, theft, liability and equipment breakdown. Business interruption coverage protects lost income if property damage halts business operations. Replacement cost coverage compensates for rebuilding/repairs without considering depreciation.

Category List
  • Covers loss or damage to buildings, equipment, and inventory from fire, storms, explosions, and other events
  • Protects against financial losses from property damage or theft so you can continue operating your business
  • Reimburses you for property repair or replacement costs in the event of a covered loss so you don’t have to pay everything out-of-pocket
  • Provides customized coverage for specialized manufacturing equipment that may not be covered under standard policies
  • Covers extra expenses like temporary relocation if your facility is damaged and needs repairs
  • Offers replacement cost coverage so you’re compensated for rebuilding/repairs without accounting for depreciation
  • Includes valuable business interruption coverage to cover lost income if operations are disrupted by a covered property loss
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to facilities and equipment
  • Protection against water damage from burst pipes or other causes
  • Protection against theft of equipment, inventory, or other property
  • Coverage for on-site employee and public liability
  • Business interruption coverage in case of property damage halting operations
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical failure

Based on industry data and insurance company rates, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing industry (NAICS 333515) is around $2.50 per $100 of property value insured. This pricing takes into account factors such as the machinery-intensive nature of the industry which leads to higher risk of damage, as well as past claim experiences in the industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of property value

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides essential coverage and financial protection for businesses in cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing. As an industry that utilizes heavy machinery, power tools and cutting tools, it faces inherent risks of on-the-job injuries. This coverage is required by law and helps address these risks by providing mandatory coverage for any employee medical costs or lost wages from accidents and reducing businesses’ liability. It also compensates for costs associated with long-term health issues employees may develop from exposure to hazardous materials, loud noises or vibrations common in these manufacturing environments.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation, and other benefits for employees injured on the job
  • Covers legal liability for workplace injuries and provides protection against expensive employee lawsuits
  • Required by law in all states to provide protection for employees
  • Reduces absenteeism and turnover from job-related injuries as employees can recover without financial burden
  • Affordable premiums relative to costs of an employee injury claim
  • Reduces risk of costly legal actions and penalties for non-compliance with state laws
  • Protection for businesses against allegations of negligence from employees
Use Cases
  • Protecting employees from injuries sustained while operating machinery and tools like drills, lathes, mills and grinders commonly used in manufacturing
  • Covering medical expenses, lost wages and other benefits for employees injured in accidents involving cutting tools and equipment
  • Compensating for costs associated with employee injuries from materials handling like lifting, bending, reaching or repetitive motions
  • Paying benefits to employees who develop long-term health issues from exposure to hazardous materials, loud noises or vibrations common in manufacturing environments

Based on industry data, the estimated average pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing industry (NAICS 333515) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from considering factors such as the risk level of injuries and accidents in this manufacturing industry which utilizes machine tools and operates cutting tools. The risk level is moderate compared to some other manufacturing industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides protection for manufacturers against costly lawsuits and claims resulting from injuries or defects associated with their products. It helps offset legal and financial risks for businesses in high-risk industries like cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing.

Category List
  • Protects against expensive lawsuits if a customer is injured by a defective product
  • Covers legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Reimburses for costs associated with a product recall
  • Pays for third party property damage claims if a faulty product causes property loss
  • Demonstrates to customers and vendors that you stand behind the quality and safety of your products
  • Protects your business assets like equipment, property and other business property from being seized to pay for legal damages or claims
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your business is protected from unexpected costs from product-related incidents
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits if a customer gets injured while using or being exposed to your products
  • Cover legal costs and damages if a product defect results in property damage or bodily injury
  • Provide defense if someone claims a product caused harm, even if the claim is not valid
  • Cover costs associated with product recalls if there is possibility of harm

Based on industry research and analysis of typical premium pricing factors such as annual sales, number of employees, loss history and risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing industry (NAICS 333515) is around $10,000-$15,000. The pricing is usually calculated as a percentage of annual sales, with common rates being 0.5-1% of annual sales. Larger businesses with higher sales and more employees tend to be on the higher end of this range.

Estimated Pricing: $10,000-$15,000

Commercial Auto Insurance

‘Commercial auto insurance is an essential coverage for cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing businesses since they often rely on fleet vehicles to transport heavy equipment between facilities and worksites. It provides liability protections and physical damage coverage in case of accidents involving company vehicles. It can also cover incidents involving rental vehicles or employees’ personal vehicles used for business purposes, with an estimated average annual cost of $1200 per vehicle.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for business vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for occupants
  • Coverage for business property being transported
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • Additional insured endorsements
Use Cases
  • Coverage for business vehicles used to transport employees, materials, goods, and products between facilities
  • Liability protection in the event of an accident involving a company vehicle
  • Physical damage coverage for business vehicles and equipment if damaged in an accident
  • Hired and non-owned auto liability coverage for incidents involving rental vehicles or employees’ personal vehicles used for business

Based on analysis of insurance rates for businesses in the Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing industry with NAICS code 333515, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $1200 per vehicle. This price was calculated based on industry averages, vehicle type (mostly trucks and vans), and average miles driven per year of around 15,000 miles.

Estimated Pricing: $1200

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance offers additional liability protection for manufacturers in high-risk industries like cutting tool and machine tool accessory production. It provides coverage for costs and claims that exceed primary commercial insurance limits, helping to safeguard businesses from potentially ruinous lawsuits. Businesses in this industry are exposed to risks from injuries involving advanced machinery, defective products, and workplace accidents. Umbrella policies help mitigate these risks and shield companies from expensive lawsuits and damages beyond standard policy limits. Pricing for umbrella coverage starts around $2,000-$3,000 annually for $1 million in limits, with rates depending on factors like payroll, number of employees, and claims history. As machining of metal parts is involved, umbrella premiums may be higher to reflect the above average risks for this type of manufacturing.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your standard commercial general liability or commercial auto policies
  • Protects personal assets if a lawsuit results in a judgment amount higher than your commercial liability policy limits
  • Covers certain legal costs like attorney fees if you are sued for damages above your commercial liability policy limits
  • Covers negligent hiring and supervision claims against your business
  • Provides liability protection for multiple subsidiaries under one umbrella policy
  • Covers negligent hiring and supervision claims against your business
Use Cases
  • Protect against high liability claims and lawsuits that exceed the limits of the underlying policies
  • Provide liability protection above the limits of existing general liability or auto insurance policies
  • Cover legal defense costs and judgments related to bodily injury or property damage claims from customers, employees or the general public
  • Indemnify for claims resulting from defective products that cause injury or property damage
  • Protect businesses from expensive personal injury lawsuits from workplace accidents or injuries resulting from use of products
  • Shield the company from financial losses in the event of significant liability claims or lawsuits arising from the nature of manufacturing and product liability risks

Based on typical pricing models for umbrella insurance, businesses in the cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing industry (NAICS 333515) can expect to pay around $2,000-3,000 annually for $1 million in umbrella coverage limits. Pricing is dependent on factors like payroll, number of employees, losses/claims history. As this industry can involve machining of metal parts, there may be higher than average risk which is reflected in the premium pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-3,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 333515) to protect themselves from the financial risks of data breaches or cyber attacks. Businesses in this industry often collect sensitive customer information and rely on computer-controlled machinery, making them vulnerable targets for cyber threats. Cyber liability insurance can help cover costs related to data breaches like notifying customers, offering credit monitoring, legal fees, investigating incidents, and systems restoration. It also provides access to legal guidance and specialists in the event of an attack to help mitigate brand and reputation damage. Estimated average annual premiums for an adequate cyber liability policy are around $5,000, with pricing dependent on factors like company size, revenue, and data security practices.

Category List
  • Covers costs of notifying customers of a data breach
  • Covers legal fees and settlements if sued due to a data breach
  • Covers costs of credit monitoring if customer personal info is compromised
  • Covers costs of investigating a cyber attack and restoring affected systems
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses due to a system outage caused by a cyber attack
  • Provides access to legal guidance and specialists in event of a cyber attack
  • Protects brands and reputations
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss or theft of customer/employee personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Ransomware attack or malware infection blocking access to critical systems and demanding ransom
  • Network security failure or error exposing systems to cyber threats
  • Hardware failure or computer system damage from fire, flood or other disaster
  • Third party vendor security failure exposing company systems and data
  • Costs associated with legal requirements for breach notification, credit monitoring, investigations and fines

Based on typical pricing models and risk factors for this industry, the estimated average annual premium for cyber liability insurance would be around $5,000. Key factors in the pricing include the company’s annual revenue (around $10 million on average for this NAICS code), number of employees (around 50 employees on average), and level of data security/cyber security practices and protocols in place. Larger revenue and more employees would indicate higher risk and result in a higher premium price. Stronger data security would lower the perceived risk and qualify for a slightly lower premium.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial financial protection for manufacturing businesses against losses from unforeseen events beyond their control that cause temporary or permanent disruptions to operations. It covers loss of income and continuing expenses during periods where the business must partially or fully suspend activities. In addition to covering loss of income, it also protects against additional costs to continue partial operations from an alternate location if premises are unusable, payroll costs if employees must be temporarily laid off, and claim settlements that can provide financial support to help survive cash flow problems during recovery periods. As cutting tool and machine tool manufacturing relies on specialized equipment, facilities, supply chains and labor, business interruption insurance is essential to protect the business from losses due to events causing operations suspensions or interruptions. Average pricing is around 0.5-1% of annual revenues for manufacturers in this industry.

Category List
  • Coverage for loss of income if the business is forced to shut down due to covered peril like fire, windstorm, vandalism etc.
  • Coverage of continuing fixed expenses like rent, loan interest expense, utilities etc.
  • Protection against extended revenue loss after operations resume to rebuild customer base due to the disruption.
  • Coverage for losses due to damage or destruction of essential equipment required for production.
  • Payroll costs can be covered if employees must be laid off during the period of disruption.
  • Coverage is provided for additional costs to continue operations from an alternate location if the business premises are unusable.
  • Claim settlements can provide a financial lifeline to survive temporary cash flow problems and stay afloat during recovery.
Use Cases
  • Protect against losses from property damage to facilities and equipment
  • Cover losses from utility outages or disruptions
  • Cover losses from supply chain disruptions or supplier issues
  • Cover losses from machinery breakdown or failures
  • Cover losses from cyber incidents like ransomware attacks or network outages
  • Cover losses from labor disputes or shortages that impact operations

Based on industry research, the average pricing for business interruption insurance for businesses in the cutting tool and machine tool accessory manufacturing industry with NAICS code 333515 is around 0.5-1% of annual revenues. This price range was derived from insurance quotes given to similar sized businesses in this industry operating in similar areas and risk profiles. It takes into account factors like location, property values, and potential downtime costs. For a business with $10 million in annual revenue, its business interruption insurance would cost between $50,000-100,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $50,000-100,000


In summary, general liability, property, workers’ compensation, commercial auto and other tailored policies provide essential risk management for machine tool and cutting tool accessory manufacturers. Maintaining adequate insurance coverage helps ensure your business can continue operating smoothly despite unforeseen incidents and gives peace of mind knowing your company is protected.

Frequently Asked Questions

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