Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against guest injuries and lawsuits
  • Property insurance covers losses from fires, storms, theft or damage
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical costs and lost wages if employees get hurt on the job
  • Commercial auto insures vehicles used for business like shuttles
  • Business interruption provides income if operations are temporarily halted
  • Cyber insurance reimburses costs after data breaches or cyber attacks
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection over primary policies
  • Directors and officers insurance protects personal assets of owners from lawsuits
  • Employment practices liability covers costs of employment lawsuits
  • Equipment breakdown reimburses repair costs if machinery fails


As a hotel owner, it is crucial to have adequate insurance coverage in place to protect your business from unexpected expenses. The hospitality industry faces unique risks that could seriously impact finances without proper protection. This guide outlines the key types of commercial insurance policies every hotel should strongly consider.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is a critical type of commercial insurance for hotels and motels. It provides financial protection for unexpected accidents and injuries that occur on the business premises as well as coverage for lawsuits, medical payments, employee injuries, damage to guest property, and more.

Category List
  • Protects your assets from lawsuits
  • Covers unexpected accidents on your property
  • Covers injuries to guests and visitors
  • Covers damage to guest property
  • Covers slips, trips and falls
  • Pays for medical expenses if someone is injured on your property
  • Provides defense against claims even if they are groundless
Use Cases
  • Protection against guest injuries at the hotel premises
  • Protection against injuries to employees during work
  • Protection against damage to guest property
  • Protection against slips, trips and falls by guests and others
  • Protection against accidents during hotel events or functions

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the hotels (except casino hotels) and motels industry with NAICS code 721110 is $3,000-$5,000. This pricing range was derived by analyzing insurance rates from top carriers for this industry taking into account number of rooms, claims history, safety practices and other risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides critical financial protection for hotels and motels. It covers unexpected losses and helps businesses continue operating after incidents like fires, storms or theft.

Category List
  • Covers losses from fire, storms, theft or vandalism
  • Protects assets like buildings, furniture, equipment and inventory
  • Covers business interruption losses if the business has to shutdown temporarily for repairs
  • Provides liability coverage for accidents or injuries that occur on the property
  • Covers damage to guest property like lost or stolen items
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage
  • Protection against water damage from burst pipes or other plumbing issues
  • Protection against theft of business property like furniture, electronics, appliances
  • Protection against natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes

Based on typical factors such as location, property value, number of rooms, claims history and risk mitigation efforts, the estimated average annual property insurance premium for hotels and motels with NAICS Code 721110 is around $3.50 per $100 of insurable values. For example, for a 100 room hotel valued at $5 million, the estimated annual property insurance premium would be $5,000,000 * $3.50/100 = $17,500.

Estimated Pricing: $17,500

Worker’S Compensation Insurance

Worker’s compensation insurance provides businesses, especially in high-risk industries like hotels and motels, with financial protection and support if employees suffer work-related injuries or illnesses on the job. It also protects the business from costly liability lawsuits. Some top benefits of worker’s compensation insurance for hotels and motels include covering medical expenses, paying lost wages, reducing turnover costs, and improving employee satisfaction and loyalty. Common claims involve slips and falls, repetitive motion injuries, heavy lifting injuries, and illness exposures from interacting with guests and coworkers. The estimated average pricing is around $1.50 per $100 of payroll based on industry data and benchmarks.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee can’t work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from liability if an employee is injured and decides to sue
  • Required by law in all states for businesses with 1 or more employees
  • Provides return to work programs and vocational rehabilitation to help injured employees recover and return to suitable work
  • Improves employee satisfaction and loyalty knowing the business cares for their well-being
  • Reduces potential turnover costs from replacing employees who are injured and can no longer work
Use Cases
  • Accidents from slips/falls in hotel areas like hallways, stairs, rooms, parking lots etc.
  • Injuries from heavy lifting tasks like moving luggage/equipment
  • Injuries from repetitive motion tasks like cleaning rooms
  • Injuries from other hotel workers or guests like assault/battery
  • Work-related illness and disease exposures like COVID-19

Based on industry data and benchmarks, the estimated average pricing for worker’s compensation insurance for businesses in the Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels industry (NAICS Code 721110) would be around $1.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived from analyzing worker’s compensation loss data and payroll amounts for over 1,000 hotels and motels businesses. Factors like employee job roles, safety programs, past claims experience impact the actual price.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance provides important liability protection and physical damage coverage for vehicles used as part of business operations in the hotels and motels industry. It can help protect against expensive costs from accidents and lawsuits.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving your vehicles
  • Covers medical expenses and repairs if your vehicles cause injury or property damage
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or replace vehicles if they’re in an accident
  • Coverage for guest injuries if they are passengers in your vehicles
  • Covers vehicles used for various business purposes like shuttling guests or transporting supplies
  • Protection for employee injuries sustained in a vehicle accident during business activities
Use Cases
  • Covering vehicles used to transport guests to and from the airport or train station
  • Insuring shuttle buses or vans that transport guests around town or to local attractions
  • Protecting delivery vehicles that shuttle food and supplies to and from the property
  • Insuring rental vehicles or cars provided for guest use
  • Covering maintenance or office vehicles used on property

Based on industry data and average fleet size for this industry, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $3,500. This estimate takes into account factors such as the typical number of vehicles in the fleet (usually 5-10 vehicles including vans, SUVs, and passenger vehicles), average miles driven, liability limits, and good business practices/record keeping.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage for lost income and additional expenses if a business must temporarily shut down operations due to unforeseen events like property damage, natural disasters, or other incidents outside of the policyholder’s control. It can help companies maintain cash flow and stay financially stable during recovery from an insured interruption of their business activities.

Business interruption insurance is especially important for hotels and motels as even temporary closures can result in significant lost revenue due to their operations depending on occupancy. It provides coverage for income lost or extra expenses incurred if operations must be suspended, such as during rebuilding from a fire or flood damage, or closures required by governmental orders like during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pricing is usually based on a percentage of annual revenues, with median costs for US hotels estimated at $15,000-$30,000 annually.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for loss of income if your business is interrupted due to property damage
  • Covers loss of net profits and necessary operating expenses if operations are suspended
  • Helps maintain cash flow during rebuilding/repairs if a disaster damages your property
  • Protects your business from financial issues caused by events outside of your control like utility failures, natural disasters or equipment breakdowns
  • Covers additional expenses like payroll, rent, utilities during period of restoration
  • Can help fulfill obligations to pay employees during closure even if no work is being done
  • Covers loss due to road closure or inaccessibility preventing customers from reaching your business
Use Cases
  • Fire damages property leading to temporary closure for repairs
  • Flood or water damage prevents operations
  • Weather event like hurricane or tornado causes business closure
  • Plumbing or electrical issues require repairs preventing guest stays
  • Construction accident or collapse damages adjacent property requiring closure
  • Pandemic or disease outbreak forces mandatory shutdown by government order

Based on typical pricing models, business interruption insurance for hotels (NAICS Code: 721110) is usually priced at around 0.5% to 1% of annual revenues. This pricing is calculated based on the hotel’s annual revenues and estimating potential losses during an insured period of interruption (usually 12 months). For a median hotel in the US with annual revenues of around $3 million, the estimated annual premium would be $15,000 to $30,000.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000 to $30,000

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above an entity’s primary commercial insurance policies for businesses in high risk industries like hotels and motels. It can help protect against expensive lawsuits, supplement underlying liability coverage limits, and cover risks like injuries to guests or employees that could result in lawsuits exceeding other insurance limits.

Category List
  • Protects against large liability claims that exceed primary insurance limits
  • Provides additional liability coverage over individual commercial policies like general liability, auto liability, etc.
  • Covers claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, wrongful eviction etc.
  • Protects business owners and management from personal lawsuits
  • Covers allegations of discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination of employees
  • Provides coverage for slip and fall accidents on business premises
  • Covers liability claims arising during special events hosted at the hotel
  • Provides supplemental coverage to protect the business from expensive lawsuits and big claims
Use Cases
  • To protect against lawsuits from guests who are injured on the hotel property
  • To protect against lawsuits from employees who are injured on the job
  • To protect the business owners from personal liability lawsuits
  • To provide adequate liability protection over the primary insurance limits

Based on typical umbrella insurance rates for businesses in the hospitality industry, the estimated average annual premium for $1 million in umbrella insurance coverage would be approximately $500-$800. Rates are influenced by factors like claims history, liability exposures, and underlying policy limits. This pricing was derived from industry data and actuarial ratemaking models.

Estimated Pricing: $500-$800

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance has become an important tool for businesses in the hotels and motels industry. As the hospitality industry involves storing and processing large amounts of personal guest information, hotels and motels face growing risks of cyber attacks and data breaches. Cyber insurance can help protect these businesses from the costly impacts of such incidents. In addition to covering data breach response costs, cyber insurance also reimburses expenses related to business interruption, ransomware attacks, third-party liability if guest data is compromised, and upgrading security systems after an incident. Pricing typically ranges from $1,000-$3,000 annually depending on hotel size and security practices.

Category List
  • Covers costs of lawsuits, fines, and penalties resulting from a data breach
  • Reimburses costs to notify customers of a breach and provide credit monitoring
  • Covers costs of investigations, forensic analysis, and public relations expert services after a breach
  • Reimburses business interruption losses such as lost revenue if systems are down after an attack
  • Covers costs of restoring systems and files after ransomware or other attacks
  • Coverscosts to upgrade security systems and implement new safeguards after a breach to prevent future attacks
Use Cases
  • Data breach response and notification
  • Ransomware attacks and demands
  • Cyber extortion and blackmailing
  • Third party liability if guest data is compromised
  • Business interruption due to network outages or ransomware attacks locking systems
  • Cybercrime such as phishing that results in financial losses

Based on industry analysis, the average premium for cyber insurance for hotels and motels with NAICS code 721110 is around $1,500 annually. This pricing takes into account factors such as number of beds, annual revenue, types of payment processing, security protocols, and loss history. Larger hotels with more beds and higher revenue can expect pricing closer to $2,000-$3,000 annually while smaller hotels may get rates around $1,000.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Employment Practices Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) helps protect hotels and other businesses in the hospitality industry from costly employment-related legal issues and lawsuits. It provides coverage for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and other workplace claims that could result in hefty financial penalties if found liable. The estimated average annual cost for EPLI for hotels is $2,500 based on industry risks and claim data. Common lawsuits hotels may face include wrongful termination, discrimination, wages/hours violations, and sexual harassment claims. EPLI offers peace of mind by providing legal defense coverage and help from employment law experts.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and settlements for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment and other employment-related claims
  • Protects personal assets from costly lawsuits and settlements
  • Provides access to expert legal counsel for preventative guidance on employment issues
  • Peace of mind knowing your business is protected from uncovered legal fees and damages
  • Coverage for claims that happen during the policy period, even if the complaint is filed later
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination suits
  • Discrimination claims
  • Sexual harassment lawsuits
  • Wage and hour violations
  • FMLA and ADA non-compliance

Based on industry data and analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for Employment Practices Insurance for businesses in the Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels industry with NAICS Code 721110 is around $2,500. This pricing is derived from considering factors such as the typical number of employees, risks of litigation and claims in this labor-intensive service industry. In general, pricing may vary depending on the specific risk profile and underwriting assessment of each business.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides coverage for repair or replacement costs if critical equipment unexpectedly breaks down in hotels and motels. It also covers losses from business interruption until repairs are completed. Having this insurance prevents expensive equipment repairs or replacements from significantly impacting the business’s finances. Breakdowns of equipment like HVAC systems, electrical systems, elevators, refrigeration units and kitchen appliances are common risks faced by hotels that this insurance helps protect against. It also covers costs of temporary living expenses for guests if an outage requires relocation and spoilage of perishable food in refrigeration failures.

Category List
  • Covers repairs or replacement costs for machinery that breaks down unexpectedly
  • Provides protection from losses resulting from mechanical and electrical breakdowns
  • Covers costs if business needs to be temporarily closed for repairs
  • Helps avoid costly equipment repairs or replacements coming out of pocket
  • Covers losses from spoilage of perishable goods like food if refrigeration fails
  • Covers additional living expenses for guests if an outage forces temporary relocation
  • Covers losses from spoilage of perishable goods like food if refrigeration fails
Use Cases
  • Breakdown or failure of HVAC systems like chillers, boilers, air handlers
  • Breakdown or failure of electrical distribution systems like transformers, switchgear
  • Breakdown or failure of elevators and escalators
  • Breakdown or failure of refrigeration equipment for food storage
  • Breakdown or failure of laundry equipment like washers, dryers
  • Breakdown or failure of kitchen equipment like ovens, cooktops
  • Breakdown or failure of backup generators during power outages
  • Breakdown or failure of pumps for plumbing systems
  • Spoilage of perishable food/inventory due to refrigeration equipment breakdown

Based on typical equipment values and exposures for hotels and motels, the estimated average annual premium for equipment breakdown insurance would be around $2,500. This was calculated by taking the typical total equipment value of $5,000,000 and applying an insurance rate of $0.50 per $100 of value.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance provides crucial liability protection for businesses in the hotels and motels industry. Commonly known as D&O insurance, it covers legal costs and damages if a director or officer is sued for actions related to their role in the business. D&O insurance also protects the company for reimbursement expenses if it pays for a director or officer’s legal defense. It is especially important for this industry due to the risk of shareholder lawsuits, employment practice claims, customer incidents, and regulatory investigations involving directors and officers.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability lawsuits
  • Covers legal costs if a lawsuit is filed against a director or officer
  • Covers the company for reimbursement if it pays for a director or officers legal defense or losses
  • Protects against employment practices lawsuits like wrongful termination or discrimination
  • Helps companies recruit and retain qualified directors and officers
  • Provides access to expert legal counsel in the event of a claim
  • Protects the company’s reputation from damaging allegations
Use Cases
  • Protection against shareholder lawsuits related to alleged mismanagement or breach of fiduciary duty
  • Reimbursement for legal costs and damages if the business is sued for discrimination, harassment or wrongful termination
  • Defense costs and damages from third-party lawsuits alleging negligence, errors or omissions in operations or services
  • Indemnification for regulatory investigations and actions brought by government agencies for alleged violations
  • Coverage for crisis management expenses like legal advice if there is a data breach or slip-and-fall incident goes viral

Based on industry analysis and market pricing, the estimated average annual premium for Directors And Officers Insurance for businesses in the Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels industry with NAICS Code 721110 is $5,000-$10,000. The pricing was derived based on factors such as number of employees, annual revenue, prior claims experience. Larger hotels and motels with over 100 employees and $10M in annual revenue can expect pricing closer to $10,000 while small hotels and motels under 50 employees and $5M in annual revenue can expect pricing around $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000


Choosing the right insurance portfolio is an important decision for any business owner. While premium costs are a factor, the long-term financial security and peace of mind provided by proper coverage outweighs short-term savings that could be wiped out by a single major claim. Following industry best practices helps keep operations and assets protected.

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