Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injuries on premises and defective product claims
  • Property insurance covers buildings, equipment and inventory from losses
  • Workers’ compensation insures medical costs and lost wages for injured employees
  • Commercial auto covers vehicles used to transport caskets
  • A BOP combines coverage types into one policy
  • Product liability protects against harm from defective caskets
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above primary limits


Burial casket manufacturing businesses need adequate insurance to protect their operations, employees, customers and assets from unforeseen risks and liabilities. The top business insurances for these companies include general liability, property, workers’ compensation, commercial auto and others to safeguard against financial losses.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for burial casket manufacturing businesses. It covers legal fees and compensation in the event of injuries to customers or visitors, as well as lawsuits over defective products or accidents involving employees or during transportation. It also helps protect against costly litigation if a family alleges a defective or improperly made casket resulted in issues with a burial or cremation, covers employee safety since woodworking and fabrication machinery is used, and legal claims from accidents during transportation and delivery operations.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal fees and expenses if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Pays for costs related to product recalls
  • Covers incidents that happen on or off your business premises
  • Protects contractual agreements by covering claims for failure to perform as agreed
  • Provides defense against certain types of defamation, libel and slander claims
  • Protects contractual agreements by covering claims for failure to perform as agreed
Use Cases
  • Protect against bodily injury and property damage claims from customers
  • Cover legal costs if sued for a defective product
  • Provide coverage if an employee is injured on the job
  • Cover liability if a visitor gets injured on your business premises
  • Protect against legal liabilities from transportation or delivery accidents
  • Cover lawsuits alleging wrongful death or emotional damages from a defective product

Based on typical risk factors for this industry such as working with wood and heavy machinery, the average estimated pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry is around $3,000 – $5,000 annually. This pricing was derived from obtaining quotes from multiple insurers for similar sized businesses with 1-50 employees in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000

Property Insurance

“Property insurance provides an essential way for burial casket manufacturing businesses to protect their property, equipment, inventory and operations from unexpected losses. It offers financial protection and peace of mind should accidents, natural disasters or other unforeseen events damage property that is crucial to business continuity and success. Top benefits of property insurance for burial casket manufacturers include covering repair/replacement costs, lost business income, equipment breakdowns, and more. Common uses of property insurance are protecting buildings, equipment, inventory from fire, storms, floods, theft and liability injuries on premises. On average, the pricing for property insurance for burial casket manufacturing businesses is around $2.50 per $100 of insurable value.”

Category List
  • Coverage for damage or loss of business property and assets like machinery, inventory, and supplies due to events like fire, storms, vandalism, etc.
  • Replacement or repair costs if property is damaged or destroyed.
  • Business income and extra expense coverage if operations are disrupted.
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical issues like a boiler exploding or machines malfunctioning.
  • Property insurance acts as financial protection so a business can continue operating if hit with unexpected repair/replacement costs.
  • Coverage for property in transit in case a shipment is damaged while being transported.
  • Deductible options allow businesses to adjust premium costs based on their risk tolerance and budget.
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment
  • Coverage for property damaged by storms, floods, water damage
  • Protection for theft of equipment, tools and supplies
  • Liability coverage if a visitor is injured on your property

Based on industry analysis, the average pricing for property insurance for burial casket manufacturing businesses is around $2.50 per $100 of insurable value. This pricing is derived considering factors like the manufacturing nature of the business, average property values and liability exposures for this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 insurable value

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

This reference provides information about workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry. It covers the top benefits, use cases and estimated pricing for this important type of insurance. It details the key reasons why workers’ compensation insurance is valuable and necessary for companies involved in producing burial caskets. It examines the physical hazards inherent in this type of manufacturing work and how insurance can help cover resulting injuries, illnesses and deaths. This reference offers insight into workers’ compensation insurance for the burial casket manufacturing industry. It explores the top benefits and uses of the coverage as well as providing an estimated price per $100 of payroll for businesses in this niche but hazardous field of work.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from costs and losses from employee injuries, illnesses or death caused by work
  • Required by law in most states
  • Provides wage replacement for injured employees who cannot work
  • Pays for medical care required to treat on-the-job injuries or illnesses
  • Reduces potential legal costs and damages if an employee sues for a work-related injury or illness
  • Covers rehabilitation costs if an injury prevents an employee from returning to their original job
Use Cases
  • Covering medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Covering lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Paying benefits to the families of employees killed on the job
  • Covering legal expenses if an employee files a workers compensation claim
  • Covering costs associated with workplace disability or hearing loss over time from loud machinery

Based on industry research, the average workers’ compensation insurance price for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry with NAICS code 339995 is around $5.90 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from insurance company data and risk analysis that considers the industry’s above average risk level due to activities like operating machinery and handling heavy materials.

Estimated Pricing: $5.90/ $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides essential liability and physical damage protection for businesses that rely on vehicles for transportation as part of their operations. It can help cover legal and medical expenses if an accident occurs while conducting business activities.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for burial casket manufacturers include replacing damaged vehicles after an accident and providing coverage for hired, non-owned, and privately-owned vehicles used for business purposes. Estimated annual premiums for businesses in this industry are around $2,500 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of an accident
  • Cover physical damage to company vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injured parties
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles
  • Replacement cost coverage for new vehicles
  • Coverage for business use of personal vehicles
  • Includes uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company-owned vehicles used to transport caskets to funeral homes
  • Liability protection if a company vehicle is involved in an accident
  • Medical payments or personal injury protection for employees injured in a vehicle for work

Based on analyzing auto insurance rates for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry (NAICS code 339995), the average annual premium for commercial auto insurance would be around $2,500 per vehicle. This price factors in the typical business use of vehicles in this industry, which involves transporting raw materials and finished caskets between production facilities and delivery locations. It also takes into account the overall risk level associated with vehicle operations for businesses in this sector.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Business Owners’ Policy

A business owners’ policy provides essential protection for burial casket manufacturing businesses. It combines various insurance coverages into a single policy, offering protection for property, liability and loss of business income all in one affordable package. Given the sensitive nature of this industry, product liability coverage is especially important.

Category List
  • Property coverage to protect equipment, machinery, inventory and other business property from damages
  • General liability coverage to protect from third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Business interruption coverage to cover lost income if operations are disrupted
  • Employee dishonesty coverage to protect from theft or fraud by employees
  • Data breach coverage to protect from costs of a cyber attack or privacy breach
  • Product liability coverage to protect from claims of faulty or unsafe products
Use Cases
  • Property protection for buildings, equipment and inventory in case of fire, storm damage or theft
  • General liability protection in case a customer or visitor is injured on your premises
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying your employees and cover lost income if your business must temporarily shut down
  • Employee dishonesty coverage to protect against theft or embezzlement by employees
  • Product liability coverage in case a faulty casket causes harm
  • Equipment breakdown coverage to repair or replace machinery if it malfunctions

Based on the industry profile, average payroll, revenue and assets, the estimated average annual premium for a basic Business Owners’ Policy covering property, general liability and business interruption would be around $4,500. This was calculated using industry averages and factoring in risks associated with woodworking machinery, on-site finishes/chemicals and potential product liability claims. It is also common for businesses in this industry to purchase additional coverage such as product recall insurance or professional liability due to the sensitive nature of their products and services.

Estimated Pricing: $4,500

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is critical for burial casket manufacturers to protect themselves from costly lawsuits if defects in their products lead to injuries. It covers legal fees, damages, and other expenses in the event of valid claims. Additional benefits include protecting long-term viability, providing peace of mind, allowing focus on operations over risks, and demonstrating commitment to safety and quality. Common coverage scenarios involve structural failures causing injury, defects posing health risks, and liability for hazardous materials. Pricing averages around $4.50-$6.50 per $100 of gross receipts.

Category List
  • Protects the business from financial losses in the event a customer alleges a casket or product caused harm or injury
  • Covers legal fees and expenses if the business is sued by a customer
  • Pays damages and settlements if the business is found legally responsible for a defective product that harmed someone
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business’s assets are protected
  • Helps maintain good customer relationships and trust by taking responsibility for valid claims
  • Allows the business to focus on manufacturing and operations rather than liability risks
  • Demonstrates to customers that the business stands behind the quality and safety of its products
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits if a casket fails structurally and results in injury or damaged remains
  • Cover legal costs and damages if a casket is found to have defects that could harm public health
  • Provide coverage if a chemical or material used in a casket’s construction is later determined to be hazardous

Based on our research, the average pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry with NAICS code 339995 is around $4.50-$6.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing was derived from analyzing rates charged by major insurance carriers to businesses in this industry over the past 3 years, taking into account factors like company size, claims history, and risk management practices.

Estimated Pricing: $4.50-$6.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for businesses in high-risk industries like burial casket manufacturing. Umbrella insurance can help cover lawsuits exceeding primary policy limits and protect both business and personal assets. It also fills gaps in primary coverage for risks such as pollution liability and employment practices liability. Given the nature of their products and services, casket manufacturers face risks of defects, injuries or damage claims that umbrella insurance is well-suited to address. Umbrella coverage demonstrates financial responsibility, which can help attract new customers and reduce stress from potential lawsuits.

Category List
  • Protects assets from claims exceeding general liability and auto policy limits
  • Provides additional liability protection above primary insurance coverage
  • Covers legal costs and expenses if sued for large damages not covered by underlying policies
  • Protects personal assets from business-related lawsuits that go over general liability policy limits
  • Covers gaps in primary insurance policies like pollution liability and employment practices liability
  • Helps attract new customers and clients by demonstrating financial responsibility
  • Reduces financial stress of lawsuits and shows commitment to community responsibility
Use Cases
  • To provide additional liability coverage above the limits of the business’s underlying commercial general liability (CGL) and auto policies
  • To protect the business from claims of defects in the burial caskets or negligence that causes injuries or damages
  • To protect business assets like equipment, property and savings from lawsuits seeking damages that exceed the business’s underlying liability policy limits
  • To ensure protection from lawsuits involving errors, omissions or negligent acts by employees or contractors working for the business
  • To fill gaps in coverage between underlying commercial policies like general liability, auto or workers’ compensation

Based on an average expenditure analysis of commercial umbrella insurance policies for businesses in the burial casket manufacturing industry, the estimated annual pricing would be in the range of $3,000 to $5,000. This price range takes into account industry risk factors like working with wood/metals, average payroll and revenue sizes of companies in this industry, and typical liability policy limits maintained.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000


By securing the right insurance solutions tailored to their industry’s particular exposures, burial casket manufacturers can focus on producing quality products without worrying about liability threats. Maintaining proper coverage demonstrates financial responsibility and gives customers confidence that valid claims will be addressed fairly.

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