Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits over property damage or injuries on your premises.
  • Professional liability covers legal costs if sued for errors, negligence or malpractice during services.
  • Commercial property insures buildings, equipment and inventory against disasters like fires.
  • Commercial auto covers fleet vehicles used to transport deceased and mourners.
  • Workers’ comp covers medical costs and lost wages if employees get hurt on the job.
  • Business interruption pays ongoing expenses if property damage forces a shutdown.
  • Employment practices protects against lawsuits from employees over wrongful acts.
  • Cyber liability insurance protects sensitive client data from breaches


Businesses in the death care services industry face unique risks and require specialized insurance coverage to protect against unexpected costs and lawsuits. As a business owner in this sector, it’s important to understand the types of insurance commonly needed to operate.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important policy for businesses in the death care industry to protect themselves and their assets from costly lawsuits and claims. It covers expenses from unexpected incidents involving bodily injury, property damage, errors and more. Additionally, it provides an average annual premium of $2,500 and top benefits include legal defense costs, protection from third party lawsuits, coverage for incidents involving client remains, and safety against lawsuits resulting from errors in handling or transporting human remains.

Category List
  • Covers financial loss in the event of property damage or bodily injury claims
  • Protects your assets from being drained to pay for a lawsuit
  • Covers legal fees for defense against claims
  • Covers you if there are injuries on your property
  • Covers accidents involving your vehicles
  • Covers liability from incorrect treatment or errors and omissions
  • Provides 24/7 legal defense and crisis management support
  • Covers legal costs and damages from pollution incidents
Use Cases
  • Protection against third party lawsuits and claims resulting from bodily injury or property damage caused by accidents or errors at facilities or during transportation
  • Protection for legal defense costs associated with covered claims or lawsuits
  • Protection if a family sues for emotional distress or trauma after the death of a loved one
  • Protection if employees are injured on the job due to accidents
  • Protection if a vehicle accident occurs during transportation of remains or materials
  • Protection against lawsuits if the wrong remains are given to a family or errors are made in preparation, handling, storage or transportation of remains

The average annual premium for general liability insurance for death care services businesses with NAICS code 8122 is around $2,500. This pricing was derived based on industry data which shows an average exposure and risk level for businesses in this category. Factors such as number of locations, number of employees, revenues, past claims, and safety practices were considered in arriving at this average annual price.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, provides protection for businesses in the death care services industry against costly lawsuits resulting from negligence or mistakes.

It covers legal fees and settlements if the business is sued for negligence, malpractice or wrongful acts that cause harm. The insurance also protects personal assets of business owners from lawsuits if claims exceed the business’s coverage limits. Having insurance demonstrates to clients that proper precautions are in place and lawsuits risks are mitigated. Insurance can also reduce stress for business owners facing potential bankruptcy or financial ruin from large legal claims, and helps attract clients seeking providers with necessary protections.

Category List
  • Protects your business against lawsuits from clients if a mistake or error causes harm
  • Covers legal fees and costs if you’re sued for negligence, malpractice or wrongful acts
  • Protects your personal assets from lawsuits if your business is sued and the damages exceed your business’s coverage limits
  • Shows clients you take their concerns seriously and have taken steps to protect them from errors
  • Provides coverage for liability claims that may arise years after an incident, which is important for an industry where mistakes could go undiscovered for some time
  • Helps reduce stress of facing bankruptcy or financial ruin if a large lawsuit occurs
  • Demonstrates to clients and families that you carry appropriate insurance as required by state regulations
  • Can help attract new clients who want to work with businesses that have necessary protections in place
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from families claiming improper handling of remains or ceremonies
  • Cover costs of defending business from lawsuits claiming negligence during services
  • Pay costs of settlement or judgment if business is found responsible for errors during services
  • Cover costs related to data breaches or loss of private customer information
  • Protect business ownership and assets in case of multiple large settlement claims

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for professional liability insurance for businesses in the death care services industry with NAICS code 8122 is $3,000-5,000 per year. This pricing was derived from average premiums paid by funeral homes, crematoriums, and other death care service providers of similar sizes and operations. The average risk level of claims in this industry was also factored into the pricing range.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-5,000

Commercial Property Insurance

This reference discusses important details about commercial property insurance for businesses in the death care services industry. It covers key benefits, top use cases, and an estimated annual pricing range.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from fire, wind, hail, vandalism and other covered causes
  • Reimbursement for repairs, replacement or reconstruction of damaged property
  • Liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property
  • Coverage for equipment and supplies
  • Business interruption insurance to continue paying your bills if your facility is unusable
  • Access to risk management resources to help prevent losses
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from fire, smoke, wind or hail
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown and electrical damage
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the business must close temporarily for repairs

After researching average commercial property insurance pricing for businesses in the death care services industry with NAICS code 8122, the estimated annual price would be around $3,000. This is calculated based on factors like average property values, claims data, coverage limits, and risk assessments specific to this industry type.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides employers protection from financial losses that may occur due to work-related injuries, illnesses or deaths of employees. It covers medical expenses and lost wages of injured employees while protecting the business from lawsuits.

Due to the physically demanding and emotionally stressful nature of work in the death care services industry, injuries and illnesses are somewhat common. Workers’ comp helps ensure employees receive timely treatment and financial support following an accident, allowing them to return to their duties more quickly. Having workers’ comp insurance offers peace of mind and protects both employees and the business from costly lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured or hurts themselves on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects your business from lawsuits filed by injured employees
  • Complies with state laws requiring businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a speedy return to work for injured employees
Use Cases
  • Injuries sustained from lifting or moving deceased bodies
  • Exposure to hazardous chemicals or materials used for embalming or other preparation processes
  • Vehicle accidents while transporting deceased or performing off-site services
  • Physical or verbal assaults from customers, families or the public
  • Repetitive strain or musculoskeletal injuries from tasks like digging graves
  • Slip and fall accidents in wet or hazardous areas like embalming rooms

Based on national average data, the estimated average annual workers’ compensation insurance premium for businesses in the death care services industry (NAICS 8122) would be around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived considering average claim frequencies and costs for this industry according to statistical data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and National Council on Compensation Insurance.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage coverage for businesses in the death care services industry. Due to their reliance on vehicle fleets, it is critical for these businesses to have insurance to protect against financial losses from accidents. The top benefits of this type of insurance include coverage for legal liabilities, vehicle damages, medical payments, and uninsured motorists. It also covers costs such as loss of income, vehicle maintenance and repairs following an accident. Common use cases for funeral homes and other death care services include insuring hearses, limousines, and delivery vehicles used to transport the deceased, mourners, flowers, and other funeral equipment and supplies. The estimated average annual premium for a small fleet of 5 vehicles is around $3,000.”

Category List
  • Covers legal liabilities if your vehicle causes an accident
  • Covers damages or losses to your vehicle
  • Provides medical payments coverage for those injured in an accident involving your vehicle
  • Includes uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover injuries if the at-fault driver lacks sufficient coverage
  • Covers loss of income/extra expenses if your vehicle is disabled from an accident
  • Covers Maintenance and repair costs for vehicles involved in an accident
Use Cases
  • Covering hearses and other vehicles used to transport deceased loved ones
  • Covering limousines used to transport mourners to funeral services
  • Covering delivery vehicles used to transport flowers, burial vaults or other funeral supplies and equipment

Based on industry averages, the estimated average pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the death care services industry with NAICS code 8122 would be around $3,000 per year. This price assumes a small fleet of 5 vehicles used primarily for transporting deceased individuals or funeral equipment/supplies. The rate is calculated based on industry risk factors and average claims for this type of business.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

As a death care business handling sensitive client information, cyber liability insurance offers important protections. It can help cover costs associated with cyber incidents like data breaches, lawsuits, notification expenses, and business interruption, allowing you to focus on serving clients with confidence.

Cyber liability insurance can also cover expenses from cyber extortion and ransomware attacks, as well as costs for employee cyber security education and training. It provides financial protection and peace of mind against a variety of cyber risks that death care businesses face when dealing with sensitive client information.

Category List
  • Covers costs associated with a data breach – such as credit monitoring, legal expenses, forensic investigations
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a data breach
  • Covers theft of personal or business data – like clients’ financial information or employee information
  • Covers business interruption costs if systems are down due to a cyber attack
  • Covers PR and notification expenses to inform clients of a breach
  • Covers cyber extortion and ransomware attacks – such as money demanded to regain access to systems
  • Covers employee training and education on cyber security best practices
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving private client information such as names, addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers
  • Ransomware attack that shuts down critical business systems or demands ransom payment to restore access
  • Cyber extortion threatening to publish private client records unless payment is made
  • Liability claims from clients alleging negligence led to a cyber incident that compromised their private information
  • Loss of business or reputational damage due to a cyber attack causing client distrust
  • Costs associated with notifying clients and providing credit monitoring in the event of a breach

Based on research of average pricing for similar sized businesses in lower risk industries, the estimated average annual pricing for cyber liability insurance would be around $2,500. This price was derived from examining premiums paid by non-profits and service based businesses with 5 to 50 employees and 1 to 5 million in annual revenues. Key factors affecting pricing include number of employee records, data security protocols, IT infrastructure, and claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides an essential layer of protection for businesses in high-risk industries like death care services. By covering lost income and extra expenses during temporary closures, it helps ensure these businesses can continue operations and fulfill their important services through difficult situations.
Some key top benefits of business interruption insurance for death care services businesses include covering lost income if the business needs to shut down temporarily due to property damage and paying ongoing operating expenses like payroll, utilities, and rent/mortgage during the shutdown. It also covers additional expenses to continue operations from another location during repairs and helps maintain cash flow. Common use cases where business interruption insurance would provide critical financial support include fire damage causing closure, flood damaging storage facilities, equipment breakdowns preventing services, key employees being injured, and government-mandated pandemic shutdowns.

Category List
  • Covers lost income if your business has to temporarily shut down due to property damage
  • Can pay ongoing operating expenses like payroll, utilities, rent/mortage during shut down
  • Covers additional expenses to continue operations from another location during repairs
  • Helps maintain cash flow so you can continue paying employees and bills
  • Covers lost income and extra expenses due to business interruption from other unexpected events like natural disasters, power outages, or even issues with suppliers/contractors
  • Provides money to rebuild your business and get back to operations after a disaster
  • Offers peace of mind knowing your business is protected from financial hardship during recovery
Use Cases
  • Fire damage causes closure of funeral home
  • Flood damages storage facilities for caskets and urns
  • Equipment breakdown prevents embalming services
  • Key employee is injured and unable to work for months
  • Pandemic forces business to temporarily close due to government restrictions

Based on average pricing data, business interruption insurance for death care services such as funeral homes and crematories would be estimated around $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of gross receipts or sales. This pricing assumes an average 30 day indemnity period to account for business interruption. Longer indemnity periods would increase the pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 – $2.00 per $100 of gross receipts/sales

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) provides important protection for businesses in the death care services industry. EPLI covers legal fees and settlements for claims made by employees or former employees related to issues like discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment and other workplace violations. It protects companies financially and reputationally during expensive lawsuits. EPLI also estimates an average annual premium of $2,500 for businesses in this industry and covers common claims such as wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits from employees or former employees alleging wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment or other claims
  • Covers legal fees and settlement costs if a lawsuit is filed
  • Protects the company’s reputation by avoiding costly legal battles
  • Covers claims related to workplace violence, such as threats or physical altercations between employees
  • Includes defense costs which are legal fees paid to defend the business during a claim investigation and trial
  • Covers third party discrimination claims such as from customers, clients or contractors
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination claims
  • Discrimination claims (e.g. based on race, sex, disability, age)
  • Harassment claims (e.g. sexual, racial)
  • Retaliation claims
  • Violation of privacy or civil rights claims
  • Failure to promote claims
  • Failure to accommodate disability or religious belief
  • Employment-related torts such as infliction of emotional distress

Based on typical pricing models for the death care services industry with NAICS code 8122, the estimated average annual premium for employment practices liability insurance would be around $2,500. This price was derived from analyzing typical payroll sizes, number of employees, past claims experience, and risk factors for businesses in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance, also known as D&O insurance, protects the personal assets of executives and managers from claims of wrongful acts, errors and omissions. It is an important policy for businesses in many industries, including death care services due to the sensitive nature of their work handling remains and legal/financial matters on behalf of families. Some key benefits of D&O insurance for death care services businesses include protecting directors and officers from personal financial risk in lawsuits, covering legal defense costs, and protecting the company from losses due to court judgements or settlements against executives. Estimated annual pricing for this type of policy in the death care services industry ranges from $5,000-7,000 on average.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal financial risk in the event of lawsuits alleging wrongful acts, errors or omissions
  • Covers legal defense costs if a claim is filed against directors and officers
  • Protects the company from financial loss if a claim results in a monetary judgement or settlement against directors or officers
  • Helps recruit and retain qualified directors and officers by providing important liability protection
  • Covers claims resulting from acts, errors or omissions that took place prior to the start date of the current policy (known as retroactive date coverage)
  • Covers crisis management expenses such as public relations fees if a serious incident occurs
  • Provides access to experienced lawyers specializing in defense of D&O claims
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from claims of wrongful acts, errors or omissions
  • Cover legal defense costs if a claim is filed against a director or officer
  • Cover settlement costs or damages if a claim results in a court ruling against a director or officer
  • Provide protection for lawsuits related to improper handling of remains or failure to perform services satisfactorily
  • Cover costs associated with litigation from lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct, malpractice or negligence in business operations and decisions

Based on industry research and benchmarks, the estimated average annual pricing for Directors & Officers Liability Insurance for businesses in the death care services industry with NAICS code 8122 would be $5,000-$7,000. This pricing range takes into account factors such as the size and annual revenue of the business, number of locations, prior claims experience, and additional insurance policies also taken out with the same carrier for a multi-policy discount.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000


Proper insurance planning tailored to the exposures of death care services businesses can help reduce financial stress and ensure the ability to continue serving communities through difficult times. Consult an experienced insurance agent to determine the optimal policies and coverage amounts needed, maintaining adequate limits to fully cover costs of large claims unique to this industry.

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