Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injuries to customers and property damage claims.
  • Commercial property insurance covers damage to business property, equipment and lost income.
  • Commercial auto insurance is needed if using vehicles for business purposes.
  • Worker’s compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees.
  • Errors & omissions protects against claims of professional negligence or mistakes.
  • A business owners policy combines several coverages into one affordable policy.
  • Commercial umbrella provides additional liability protection above primary policies.


As an appliance repair and maintenance business owner, it is important to understand the types of insurance coverage that are relevant for your industry. These include general liability, commercial property, commercial auto, workers’ compensation, errors and omissions, business owners policy, and commercial umbrella insurance. Each type of insurance provides important protections for your business’s assets, employees, operations, and customers.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important risk management tool for appliance repair and maintenance businesses. It protects against a variety of liability claims that could threaten the financial well-being of the business. Specifically, it covers legal costs and damages if a customer sues the business for bodily injury or property damage caused by the business’ operations. It also protects business assets if the business is held liable for accidents that happen on worksites or during service calls. Additionally, general liability insurance insures the business against claims alleging product defects or faulty workmanship related to appliances serviced by the business.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and damages if a customer sues your business for bodily injury or property damage
  • Protects your business assets if you are held liable for accidents that happen on your worksite or during a service call
  • Covers medical expenses if a customer or employee is injured on your worksite or during a service call
  • Insures your business against claims alleging product defects or faulty workmanship related to appliances serviced
  • Provides coverage if your business is sued for damages from faulty installation of appliances
  • Covers liability claims that may arise from transporting appliances to and from customer homes
Use Cases
  • Protects against bodily injury or property damage claims from customers
  • Covers legal costs if the business is sued for faulty repairs or injuries on the job
  • Pays for medical expenses if a technician gets hurt on a job
  • Insures the business if it accidentally damages a customer’s property while working
  • Covers losses from fire or property damage if caused by the business’ operations
  • Protects the business from liability claims that may arise years after a repair job was completed

Based on industry data and average claims, the estimated annual pricing for general liability insurance for appliance repair and maintenance businesses is around $1,250 – $2,500 per year. Pricing can vary depending on factors like number of employees, annual revenue, claims history, and ownership structure. This price range was determined by analyzing typical premiums reported for small businesses in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1,250 – $2,500

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an essential coverage for appliance repair and maintenance businesses. It protects physical assets, inventory, equipment and income from unforeseen disasters or accidents that could damage the business. Commercial property insurance also reimburses lost income if the business needs to temporarily close due to a covered loss and covers extra expenses to continue operations if the property is damaged.

Category List
  • Covers damage or loss to business property and equipment from events like fire, theft or storms
  • Protects from liability claims if a customer is injured on your business premises
  • Reimburses lost income if the business has to temporarily close due to a covered loss
  • Covers extra expenses needed to continue operating your business if property is damaged
  • Replaces tools, equipment and inventory necessary to service appliances
  • Pays to repair or rebuild your commercial property after damage occurs
  • Covers business interruption expenses like payroll if the business must shut down
Use Cases
  • Protect physical buildings and structures from damages caused by fire, wind, hail, lightning or explosions
  • Cover losses from water damage, burst pipes or flooded basements
  • Cover theft or vandalism of business property and equipment
  • Cover equipment like trucks, tools and diagnostic machines used in the field for repairs from accidents and breakdowns
  • Provide business interruption coverage to continue paying operational expenses if the business needs to temporarily close due to a covered property loss

Based on typical commercial property insurance pricing models and risk profiles, appliance repair and maintenance businesses are usually considered medium risk. Their premiums tend to range between $1.50 to $2.50 per $100 of insured property value. For a small appliance repair shop with $100k of equipment, furnishings and inventory, estimated annual commercial property insurance premium would be around $1,500 to $2,500. Price can vary depending on business location, protection plans selected, loss history and other optional coverages.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 to $2,500

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is a crucial coverage for appliance repair businesses. It protects vehicles used for service calls and transportation while also limiting liability risks from accidents. Top benefits include liability protection, medical payments coverage, and compensation for repair/replacement costs. Key uses involve coverage for accidents while driving between jobsites and protection for technician injuries. Pricing typically falls between $1,500-$2,000 annually per vehicle.

Category List
  • Covers vehicles used for business purposes like repair vans and pickup trucks
  • Protects against liability claims from accidents while on a job or transporting goods
  • Reimburses costs for repairs, towing or car rentals if a vehicle is in an accident
  • Covers medical payments for those injured in an insured vehicle, regardless of who is at fault
  • Provides uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in case of an accident with an at-fault driver who lacks sufficient insurance
  • Covers replacement costs for damaged or stolen commercial vehicles to keep a business operating
Use Cases
  • Liability coverage to protect against claims from accidents while driving to customer locations
  • Collision coverage to repair or replace a vehicle damaged in an accident
  • Comprehensive coverage to repair or replace a vehicle damaged by events like hail, theft or falling objects
  • Medical payments coverage to pay for injuries sustained by technicians in an accident

Based on industry data, the average estimated pricing for commercial auto insurance for appliance repair and maintenance businesses (NAICS Code: 811412) is around $1,500 – $2,000 annually per vehicle. This pricing assumes one to three vehicles on the policy with standard coverage including bodily injury, property damage, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. The pricing would vary depending on factors like number of vehicles, driver experience, accidents/tickets on record, coverage limits.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $2,000

Worker’S Compensation Insurance

Worker’s compensation insurance provides critically important benefits and protections for appliance repair and maintenance businesses. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, protects the company from costly injury lawsuits, promotes workplace safety, pays the top benefits like medical care and lost wages, protects from liability, reduces litigation costs and ensures fast recovery, and has a common estimated annual premium of $8,800 for a business with 2 technicians making $40,000 each. The top risks in this field also include electric shocks, cuts, back injuries, slip and falls, repetitive strain, and vehicle accidents while traveling between jobsites.

Category List
  • Provides medical benefits for employees injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages for employees unable to work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits related to employee injuries
  • Reduces costs of litigation over injury claims
  • Ensures employees receive benefits quickly to aid their recovery
  • Promotes a safer work environment through accident prevention programs
Use Cases
  • Injury due to on-site maintenance or repair work such as electric shock, cuts, falls
  • Worker back injuries from lifting heavy appliances
  • Slip and fall injuries while making service calls or on-site visits
  • Repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel from diagnostic or repair work
  • Injuries due to vehicle accidents while travelling between service calls

Based on national averages, the estimated average pricing for worker’s compensation insurance for businesses in the Appliance Repair and Maintenance (NAICS 811412) industry is around $2.20 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from considering industry risk factors like injury rates and claims. The average wage for technicians in this industry is around $20 per hour. So for a business with 2 technicians making an estimated annual salary of $40,000 each, the estimated annual premium would be $2,200 × ($40,000 + $40,000)/$100 = $8,800

Estimated Pricing: $8,800

Errors & Omissions Insurance

Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance provides crucial coverage for appliance repair and maintenance businesses to protect against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions that could occur due to the technical nature of their work. The top benefits, use cases, and estimated pricing show why E&O insurance is an important part of risk management for these types of service businesses. Installing appliances incorrectly could damage customer property or cause safety issues. Failing to properly diagnose an appliance problem may result in further damage. Improper disposal of hazardous materials like refrigerants or mishandling of customer data also present risks. Premiums are estimated around $1,000-$2,000 annually based on factors such as revenue and employee count. E&O insurance demonstrates responsibility to customers and can be required in commercial contracts.

Category List
  • Protects your business assets from lawsuits due to mistakes made on the job
  • Covers costs related to defending your business against claims of negligence, errors or omissions
  • Pays for settlement costs and damages if your business is found liable for negligence, errors or omissions
  • Shows customers you take their needs and safety seriously by protecting them from mistakes
  • Required by many commercial clients and contracts
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing your business is protected from claims
  • Demonstrates to customers your commitment to quality work and responsibility
Use Cases
  • Failing to properly diagnose an appliance issue, resulting in further damage
  • Incorrectly installing or repairing an appliance, causing it to malfunction
  • Mishandling customer data or privacy through improper data disposal practices
  • Failure to properly warn customers of potential safety hazards
  • Incorrectly billing a customer for work performed or parts replaced
  • Failure to correctly dispose of hazardous materials like refrigerants

Based on typical pricing factors like employee count, annual revenue, types of services, and claims history, the estimated average annual premium for Errors & Omissions insurance would be around $1,000-$2,000 per year. Premiums are often calculated as a percentage of revenue, usually 0.5%-1%. With most appliance repair businesses generating $100,000-$500,000 in annual revenue, premiums generally fall within this estimated range.

Estimated Pricing: $1,000-$2,000

Business Owner’S Policy

An business owner’s policy can provide comprehensive insurance coverage tailored for appliance repair and maintenance businesses. It combines multiple insurance coverages into an all-in-one package to protect businesses from common risks they may face. Some key benefits included in the policy are property damage coverage, general liability coverage, business interruption coverage, and errors and omissions coverage. The top uses of the policy for businesses in this industry are to cover business equipment and inventory, liability claims from customers, commercial vehicles if used for business, lost income if the business has to close temporarily, and claims of professional negligence or mistakes in repairs. The estimated average annual cost for a business owner’s policy for a business in this industry is $1,500.

Category List
  • Property damage coverage to protect equipment and tools used for repairs
  • General liability coverage to protect against injuries on your business premises or from faulty repairs
  • Business interruption coverage to protect lost income if the business must close temporarily
  • Employment practices liability coverage to protect against lawsuits from employees
  • Auto coverage if business vehicles are used
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for mechanical failures of appliances and machinery
  • Identity theft protection if business records are compromised
  • Data breach coverage if sensitive customer information is exposed
Use Cases
  • Property insurance to cover business equipment and inventory
  • General liability insurance to cover bodily injury and property damage claims from customers
  • Commercial auto insurance if using vehicles for business
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the business has to close temporarily for reasons covered by the policy
  • Errors and omissions coverage to protect against claims of professional negligence or mistakes in repairs

Based on industry data, the average annual pricing for a business owner’s policy for businesses in the appliance repair and maintenance industry (NAICS code 811412) would be around $1,500. This pricing takes into account factors like the small size of most businesses in this industry, low property and equipment values, moderate liability exposure, and average claims experience in this sector. The pricing was derived from insurance rate filings and industry loss data.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

An umbrella insurance policy provides valuable excess liability protection for appliance repair and maintenance businesses. It covers claims above the limits of the underlying commercial general liability, auto, and workers’ compensation policies in place. Umbrella coverage also defends businesses from lawsuits, protects business owners’ personal assets, and covers incidents not covered under regular business policies like property damage accidents during in-home service calls. Some key benefits of umbrella insurance for these businesses include additional protection from lawsuits alleging injuries, coverage for vehicle accidents while transiting job sites, and average annual costs of $1,200 for $1M in liability protection. Umbrella insurance is especially important for these businesses as they work directly in customers’ homes and businesses where accidents damaging customer property or injuries are possible risks.

Category List
  • Protects assets from large losses or claims that exceed the limits of the underlying commercial policies
  • Provides additional liability protection above the limits of the commercial general liability policy
  • Covers legal costs associated with defending lawsuits
  • Covers costs not covered by other insurance policies like commercial auto or workers’ compensation
  • Increases total insurance capacity
  • Protects personal assets from claims or lawsuits
  • Covers liability situations not covered by standard commercial policies like pollution or mold issues
  • Provides continuity of coverage when underlying policies change or lapse
  • Offers protection from punitive damages in lawsuits
  • Protects business reputation from lawsuits
Use Cases
  • To provide additional liability coverage above the primary general liability and auto liability limits
  • To cover claims from lawsuits that allege bodily injury, property damage, personal injury or advertising injury
  • To protect the business owners’ personal assets from large claims or lawsuits
  • To cover claims from accidental damage or injury to a customer’s property while doing repairs or maintenance at their location
  • To protect against lawsuits from vehicle accidents while transit to job sites or carrying equipment and tools

Based on typical industry factors such as number of employees, annual revenue, types of business operations, risks involved, claims history, and location, the estimated average annual pricing for a commercial umbrella insurance policy for businesses in the appliance repair and maintenance industry (NAICS 811412) would be between $1,000 to $2,000. Pricing is usually determined based on the business’s underlying commercial general liability policy limits. For a business with 1-5 employees, annual revenue under $500K, and standard business operations, an umbrella policy with $1M in coverage could cost around $1,200/year on average.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200/year


In summary, having the right business insurance tailored for your appliance repair and maintenance operations can help manage risks, limit financial liability, and provide peace of mind. Considering policies that cover liability, property, vehicles, employees, professional mistakes, and excess protection are key areas appliance repair business owners should evaluate to properly insure their operations.

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