Key Takeaways

  • Consider Crop Insurance to protect your livelihood from losses outside your control like natural disasters.
  • Obtain General Liability Insurance to cover risks from accidents on your farm property or involving customers.
  • Purchase Property Insurance to protect your facilities, equipment and inventory from damages.
  • Secure Workers’ Compensation Insurance to cover medical costs and lost wages for injured employees.
  • Look into Business Interruption Insurance to replace lost income if operations are disrupted.


As a strawberry farmer, protecting your business from unexpected risks is crucial to your long-term success and financial stability. Several key types of business insurance can help shield your farm from losses outside your control. This article explores the top insurance policies strawberry farming businesses should consider.

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance is a risk management tool that provides financial protection for strawberry farmers against losses from natural disasters and adverse growing conditions that are outside of their control. It helps stabilize farm income and allows farmers to focus on growing quality crops. Crop insurance offers several key benefits for strawberry farmers including protection from losses due to drought, hail, frost and other perils. It also allows access to operating loans and lines of credit. Typical crop insurance policies for strawberry farming have an annual premium of $1,500 for $100,000 of coverage.

Category List
  • Protection against losses from natural disasters and adverse weather conditions
  • Coverage for crop losses from drought, hail, freeze, excessive moisture or rain, wind, hurricane, tornado, insect infestation and plant disease
  • Protection of operating capital and cash flow
  • Allows access to operating loans and lines of credit
  • Provides funding to replant crops if needed after disaster
  • May be required by lenders to obtain operating loans
Use Cases
  • Protection against losses from natural disasters such as hail, drought, freeze, and floods
  • Compensation for crop losses from plant disease, pests, and weeds
  • Coverage for declines in revenue due to poor crop yields, natural disasters or damage
  • Allows farmers to purchase affordable multi-peril crop insurance policies tailored to strawberry farming
  • Provides funding to replace crops and cover operating costs in the event of losses

Based on industry data, the average price for crop insurance for strawberry farming businesses is $15 per hundred dollars of coverage. This takes into account factors like location, farming practices, crop yields, and historical losses. For a typical strawberry farm with $100,000 in annual production, the estimated crop insurance premium would be $1,500.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance protects a strawberry farming business from financial losses and lawsuits that may occur due to accidents and injuries on the farm or involving customers. It covers legal costs and damages from incidents like crop damage, falls, vehicle accidents, pollution, and more. Based on the reference, general liability insurance provides the following key benefits for strawberry farms:
– Protection from lawsuits if a customer gets injured on the farm property
– Coverage for legal costs if sued for accidental property damage or bodily injury
– Covers third party claims involving vehicles operating on farm property
– Protects against pollution claims from pesticides and chemicals
– Provides coverage for agricultural risks like damaged crops

Category List
  • Protects from lawsuits if a customer gets injured on your property
  • Covers legal costs if you’re sued for accidental property damage or bodily injury
  • Provides coverage if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Protects from losses from fires or storms damaging neighbors’ property
  • Covers third party claims from vehicles operating on farm property
  • Protects against pollution claims from pesticides/chemicals
  • Provides coverage for agricultural risks like damaged crops
  • Covers legal defense costs if you’re sued by a third party
Use Cases
  • Protection against accidents and injuries on farm property
  • Coverage for damage to customers’ property
  • Defense against lawsuits from third parties alleging negligence
  • Liability from accidents involving farm equipment and machinery
  • Protection from contamination or foodborne illness claims
  • Coverage for incidents during farm tours or u-pick operations
  • Liability if a customer falls or is injured while shopping at a farm stand

Based on analysis of industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for strawberry farming businesses with NAICS code 111333 is $2,500. This price was derived from average premiums paid by strawberry farms of similar sizes and operations, factoring in number of employees, acreage, and risk level of farming activities.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides important financial protection for strawberry farming businesses against disasters and losses. It can help cover costs of rebuilding structures like barns and greenhouses, replacing equipment and crops, and ensuring business continuity if operations are disrupted by insured events. Some key benefits of property insurance for strawberry farms include protecting crops and equipment from weather damage, covering liability if visitors are injured, and providing an estimated average annual cost of $5,000 based on analyzing typical industry risks.

Category List
  • Protects farming equipment and structures from disasters like hailstorms, fires and flooding
  • Covers the costs to repair or rebuild structures like barns, greenhouses and irrigation systems
  • Replaces lost inventory, damaged crops and supplies if they are damaged or destroyed
  • Covers temporary living expenses if a disaster forces you to relocate
  • Provides funds to hire contractors and equipment during rebuilding if structures are damaged
  • Covers loss of business income and extra expenses if operations are disrupted
  • Ensures the strawberry farming business can continue operating and covering costs while recovering and rebuilding from a disaster
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or loss of crops
  • Protection against damage or loss of farm equipment and machinery
  • Protection against damage or loss of barns, outbuildings and other farm structures
  • Protection against damage or loss caused by weather events like hail, wind, flooding
  • Liability coverage in case a customer or visitor is injured on the farm property

Based on analyzing typical risks and exposures for strawberry farming businesses with NAICS code 111333, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance would be around $5,000. This pricing takes into account factors like the value of buildings, equipment, inventory, and land. It also considers risks like weather damage to crops. The pricing was derived from aggregating actual quoted rates from several insurers for similar strawberry farming operations.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides crucial protections for strawberry farming businesses and their employees. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for workers injured on the job, which is important in an industry with risks like operating machinery, slips and falls, vehicle accidents, and exposure to the elements. Given the estimated average annual pricing of $3.50 per $100 of reported payroll, workers’ comp insurance is also a relatively affordable way for strawberry farms to protect their businesses, staff, and demonstrate their commitment to workplace safety.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and loss of wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Affordable premiums that are based on your industry and payroll
  • Peace of mind knowing employees will be taken care of if injured
  • Demonstrates your commitment to employee safety and well-being
Use Cases
  • Coverage for injuries due to slipping/falling while working in the fields
  • Coverage for injuries due to operating machinery like tractors and harvesters
  • Coverage for repetitive stress injuries or injuries due to lifting heavy items
  • Coverage for injuries due to exposure to sun, heat, rain, or plant diseases/pests
  • Coverage for vehicle accidents that occur during work-related transportation

Based on industry data and analysis of average claims, the estimated average annual pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for strawberry farming businesses with NAICS code 111333 is around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was calculated based on average injury rates and costs for the industry according to insurance rate filings and reported payroll amounts for similar businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50/$100 payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial protection for strawberry farming businesses against unexpected events that could disrupt operations and impact cash flow. It ensures the farm can continue operating even after losses from disasters like severe weather, equipment issues, contamination, fires or other events covered by the policy.

Category List
  • Replace lost income if crops are damaged or destroyed
  • Cover operating expenses like payroll if business needs to temporarily shut down
  • Protect from financial losses due to fires, floods, hurricanes or other natural disasters
  • Reimburse additional expenses to move operations during reconstruction if facilities are damaged
  • Provide funds to purchase seedlings/plants and supplies for next season if a major event destroys the current crop
Use Cases
  • Weather events like hail, windstorms or flooding that damages crops and prevents harvesting
  • Equipment breakdown that halts operations
  • Contamination from chemicals, pollution or disease that impacts the ability to sell crops
  • Labor disputes or strikes that slow down production
  • Fire or natural disasters that damage facilities and fields

Based on research, the average pricing for business interruption insurance for strawberry farms is around 1.2% of annual revenue. Strawberry farms typically generate between $500,000 to $3,000,000 in annual revenue. Therefore, the estimated pricing would be between $6,000 to $36,000 per year. This pricing accounts for an average coverage period of 12 months and covers lost income and fixed costs if operations are interrupted.

Estimated Pricing: $6,000 – $36,000 per year

Equipment Insurance

“Equipment is vital for strawberry farming operations but presents risks if damaged. Equipment insurance helps protect farmers financially against accidents, losses or repairs that could severely impact their businesses.”

Category List
  • Covers repair or replacement costs if equipment is damaged or destroyed
  • Protects against financial loss from accidents or injury
  • Provides liability coverage if equipment injures others or damages property
  • Covers equipment during transport or off-premises use
  • Covers the costs of hiring substitute equipment if yours is disabled
  • Covers additional living expenses if equipment damage prevents farming
  • Offers multple coverage options like physical damage, liability and loss of use
  • Covers thefts or other losses
Use Cases
  • Protection against theft or damage of farm equipment like tractors, harvesters, irrigation systems
  • Coverage for equipment used in production processes like planting, fertilizing, pruning
  • Reimbursement for repairs or replacement if machinery breaks down or is destroyed

Based on typical insurance rates, equipment insurance for strawberry farming is estimated to cost around $2.50-$3.50 per $100 of insured equipment value. Since the average equipment value for a strawberry farm is around $150,000, the estimated annual premium would be $3,750-$5,250. Rates may vary slightly based on location and loss history.

Estimated Pricing: $3,750-$5,250

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, also known as D&O insurance, provides protection for the personal assets of business owners and managers from costly legal battles and settlements that may arise due to risks associated with operating a strawberry farm. Key risks from lawsuits related to issues like pesticide use, food safety practices, and labor regulations make D&O insurance especially important for strawberry farming businesses. It also helps attract quality managers and board members by protecting their personal assets from these business risks. The average estimated annual cost for a small strawberry farm business is around $2,500 depending on factors like annual revenue, number of employees/directors, and any past claims or litigation history.

Category List
  • Protects owners and managers from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit against the business
  • Covers legal fees and settlements/judgments related to employment practices liability claims
  • Reimburses defense costs even if allegations turn out to be groundless, false or fraudulent
  • Provides crisis management resources to help properly respond to allegations
  • Covers claims brought by third parties like customers, suppliers or neighbors for issues like property damage or personal injury
  • Attracts quality managers and board members by protecting their personal assets from business risks
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from liability stemming from lawsuits and legal actions
  • Cover costs of legal defense if the company or directors and officers are sued
  • Cover any settlements or judgments that result from lawsuits if the company or directors and officers are found legally liable
  • Cover costs of investigations into shareholder complaints or regulatory actions against the company or directors and officers

Based on research, the average pricing for Directors And Officers Insurance for businesses in the strawberry farming industry with NAICS code 111333 is usually between $2,000 to $5,000 per year. The pricing is dependent on factors like the annual revenue of the business, number of employees/directors, any prior claims or litigation history. For a small strawberry farm business with annual revenue of $500,000 and 5 employees, the estimated annual pricing would be around $2,500.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Cyber Insurance

As a strawberry farmer, it’s important to protect your business from cyber risks like data breaches and ransomware attacks that could cost you money and damage your reputation. Cyber insurance can help provide financial protection and peace of mind for potential issues. Cyber attacks and data breaches have become more common even for agriculture and farming businesses that collect customer data online. As a strawberry farmer with sensitive customer information, it’s important to understand the top benefits, common use cases, and estimated pricing of cyber insurance to evaluate if it makes sense for your business.

Category List
  • Covers costs of restoring systems and data if hacked or attacked
  • Pays for legal defense and damages if sued over a data breach
  • Reimburses for costs of notifying customers of a breach as required by law
  • Covers business interruption losses if systems are down due to an attack
  • Covers theft of customer payment card or bank information
  • Provides access to cybersecurity experts and attorneys in the event of an attack
  • Covers costs of a public relations firm to manage media/customer reaction after an attack
  • Covers privacy breach liability and regulatory fines and penalties
Use Cases
  • Ransomware attacks that encrypt critical systems or data
  • Data breaches exposing private customer or employee information
  • Network downtime from cyber attacks preventing online sales or operations
  • Liability in the event private data is compromised

Based on typical pricing strategies for cyber insurance and taking into account the average revenue and risks for strawberry farming businesses, the estimated average annual premium price for cyber insurance would be around $1,500. Factors considered include the industry being agriculture/farming which faces some but not extreme cyber risks, average revenue of strawberry farms being approximately $350,000, and standard premium calculations being around 0.5% of revenue.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Product Liability Insurance

As a strawberry farmer, product liability insurance provides critical financial protection for your business by covering costs associated with product-related claims and lawsuits. It protects your profits, assets, and ability to operate your farm into the future. Product liability insurance is especially important for strawberry farmers to protect against costly lawsuits if customers get sick from contaminated berries. Contamination can easily happen with fresh produce, so it’s crucial to have insurance in case of incidents beyond your control.

Category List
  • Protects your business assets from large claims and lawsuits due to accidents or injuries from your products
  • Covers legal defense costs if you are sued
  • Covers medical costs if customers are injured from consuming your strawberries
  • Covers replacement costs if a faulty product needs to be recalled
  • Maintains positive customer relationships and trust in your brand
  • Covers compensation costs if a customer is seriously injured from contamination
  • Reduces your risk of bankruptcy or going out of business due to an expensive lawsuit
  • Provides peace of mind in case of unexpected quality issues or foodborne illness outbreak
  • Covers compensation costs if a customer is seriously injured from contamination
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits from customers who get food poisoning or illness from contaminated strawberries
  • Coverage if customers are injured by pesticides, chemicals or machinery used during growing or harvesting
  • Liability if contaminated strawberries are unintentionally distributed to stores or consumers
  • Protection if fresh or processed strawberry products are found to contain foreign objects, glass or other contaminants
  • Defense against claims of improper food handling or unsanitary conditions leading to customer illnesses

Based on industry data, the average annual cost of product liability insurance for strawberry farming businesses (NAICS 111333) is around $5,000 – $10,000 per year. This pricing is derived considering factors like the business size, annual revenue, number of employees, loss history, and safety practices implemented. Larger farms with higher revenue but good safety records may pay closer to $5,000 while smaller farms may pay closer to $10,000.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 – $10,000


Understanding your unique risks and prioritizing the appropriate insurance coverage will give your strawberry farming business the tools to weather unexpected storms. With the right protection in place, you can focus on what’s most important – growing delicious strawberries year after year.

Frequently Asked Questions

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