Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from customer injuries on premises or from products sold.
  • Commercial property insurance covers costs to repair or replace property damaged by disasters and accidents.
  • Commercial auto insurance protects vehicles used for delivery and transportation.
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical care and lost wages for employees injured on the job.
  • Product liability insurance protects against lawsuits if customers get sick from products.


As a fish and seafood retailer, it is important to protect your business from risks through adequate insurance coverages. Several key lines of insurance provide essential protections for this industry given risks of customer injuries, property damage, vehicle accidents, and issues with perishable products.

General Liability Insurance

“General liability insurance provides essential coverage for businesses in the fish and seafood retail industry. It protects them from costly claims and lawsuits that could result from accidents on their premises or issues with the products they sell. General liability insurance also covers risks involved with delivery of seafood products.”

Category List
  • Protects against third party claims of bodily injury and property damage
  • Covers legal costs if you’re sued for negligence
  • Covers damage to customer’s property while on your premises
  • Covers product recalls if faulty products cause harm
  • Covers liability from slip and fall accidents in your store
  • Covers contamination issues if faulty equipment causes foodborne illness
  • Protects your business assets in case of a lawsuit
  • Provides coverage for delivery of products
Use Cases
  • Protection against accidents and injuries that occur on your premises
  • Defense costs if you’re sued for selling contaminated or spoiled seafood
  • Coverage if a customer slips and falls in your store
  • Protection if a customer has an allergic reaction to seafood bought from your store
  • Coverage for damage or injury caused by your delivery vehicles and drivers

Based on industry data and risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for fish and seafood retailers with NAICS code 445250 is around $2,000-$3,000. Pricing is derived from considering factors like annual revenue, number of employees, claims history, safety practices and risk management procedures.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$3,000

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance offers businesses in the fish and seafood retailers industry (NAICS 445250) important coverage and protection against losses from hazards that could impact their operations and ability to serve customers. It is an essential risk management tool for these businesses, protecting their property, inventory, and ability to continue operating should disaster strike through coverage for losses outside of their control such as fires, storms or equipment issues. In particular, coverage for refrigeration equipment breakdowns is critical given the perishable nature of inventory for fish and seafood retailers.

Category List
  • Protection against losses from fire, wind, hail, explosions and other disasters
  • Coverage for building, equipment and inventory if damaged
  • Liability protection if a customer is injured on the premises
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild the property after a loss
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying employees and overhead if the store needs to close for repairs
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for mechanical failures of equipment like refrigeration units
  • Ordinance or law coverage to fund upgrades required by changes in building codes after a loss
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage or loss due to fire, lighting, explosions, windstorms, hail, water damage, theft, vandalism or other unexpected events
  • Liability coverage for property damage or injuries to customers on business premises
  • Business income and extra expense coverage to continue paying bills and expenses if the business has to temporarily shut down due to a covered loss
  • Coverage for perishable goods like fresh fish and seafood in case of spoilage from mechanical breakdowns of refrigeration equipment

Based on industry analysis, the average annual pricing for commercial property insurance for businesses in the Fish and Seafood Retailers industry (NAICS 445250) is around $1,500. This pricing is derived from typical insurance rates being 1-3% of the total insured property value, and the average property value for retail stores in this industry is estimated to be $500,000. So with a midpoint rate of 2% of property value, the estimated annual insurance cost is 0.02 * $500,000 = $1,500

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential coverage for fish and seafood retailers to protect their business operations that rely on vehicles. It provides liability protection and coverage for repairs, medical payments, cargo loss and more risks faced by delivery trucks, transport vehicles and other commercial fleet used in the fresh seafood distribution business. Some key types of vehicles that would require this coverage include delivery vehicles to transport fresh products to customers and wholesalers, sales representative vehicles used to visit accounts, trucks to transport products between suppliers and stores, and service vehicles to conduct repair and maintenance tasks. Average annual premiums for this line of coverage are estimated around $2,500 based on industry loss experience and risk factors.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Covers vehicle repairs from accidents and incidents
  • Covers medical expenses for injured parties
  • Replacement costs if vehicle is totaled
  • Coverage for goods being transported
  • Income protection if vehicles are unavailable
  • Covers non-owned hired vehicles
Use Cases
  • Delivery vehicles to transport fresh seafood products to customers or wholesalers
  • Vehicles used by sales representatives to visit customers
  • Trucks used to transport seafood products between suppliers, processing facilities, and stores
  • Service vehicles used to repair refrigeration equipment at client locations

Based on industry trends and average risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the fish and seafood retailers industry with NAICS code 445250 is around $2,500. This pricing estimate takes into account factors like the type of vehicles used (e.g. delivery trucks), average annual mileage, risk of cargo loss, and claims history of the industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the fish and seafood retail industry. It protects employers and employees from financial hardship in the event of a work-related injury by covering medical expenses and lost wages. This industry faces unique risks like cuts, slips, strains, and exposures from tasks like processing, storage, and retail that require special precautions. The estimated annual cost for workers compensation insurance is $8,750 to $12,500 based on industry factors.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Covers lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • Complies with state law requiring businesses to carry workers compensation
  • Provides return-to-work programs and rehabilitation to help injured employees recover
  • Demonstrates your commitment to employee care and benefits
Use Cases
  • Cuts and injuries from fish bones or scales
  • Slip and fall injuries in seafood processing areas or coolers
  • Lifting injuries from moving heavy boxes/containers of seafood
  • Injuries from temperature extremes of coolers or freezers
  • Contact dermatitis or allergic reactions from seafood proteins
  • Exposure to chemical hazards like cleaning or sanitizing agents

Based on national average rates, the estimated pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the Fish and Seafood Retailers industry (NAICS Code: 445250) would be around $1.75 to $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is calculated based on industry risk factors, claims history, business operations, and employee occupations/duties. On average, payroll costs for this industry are around $500,000 per year, so the estimated annual insurance premium would be approximately $8,750 to $12,500.

Estimated Pricing: $8,750 to $12,500 annually

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides critical coverage for businesses in the fish and seafood retail industry. Due to risks of contaminated or spoiled products leading to customer illnesses, this type of insurance helps protect against costly lawsuits, covers legal costs, damages, and recall expenses if issues arise. Businesses in this industry face risks such as food poisoning, allergic reactions, and injuries from improperly packaged products. Product liability insurance ensures business continuity by helping businesses in this high-risk industry continue operating even if facing a product-related claim or lawsuit.

Category List
  • Protects your business from potentially expensive lawsuits if a customer claims illness or injury from a product you sold
  • Covers legal fees and defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Covers damage awards or settlement costs if your business is found legally responsible
  • Allows your business to continue operating even if facing a product liability claim or lawsuit
  • Covers costs associated with product recalls if a health issue is discovered in one of your products
  • Provides coverage for liability issues that may arise long after the product was originally sold
  • Gives customers confidence that your business is looking out for their safety
Use Cases
  • Covers legal costs if someone gets sick from contaminated or spoiled seafood sold at the store
  • Pays damages if someone is injured due to poorly packed or packaged seafood breaking open in transport
  • Covers costs if someone has an allergic reaction to seafood purchased from the store
  • Protects the business if someone sues claiming food poisoning from prepared meals containing seafood sold at the deli counter

Based on analyzing typical factors considered in pricing product liability insurance such as claims history, annual sales, number of employees, risk management practices, the estimated average pricing for businesses in the fish and seafood retailers industry (NAICS Code: 445250) is around $3,000-$5,000 annually. This pricing was derived using industry data and averages as this industry can involve risks of food contamination or spoiled products leading to customer illnesses.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000


Carefully evaluating insurance needs and maintaining proper coverage protects fish and seafood retailers from financial losses. This allows the business to focus on serving customers while ensuring financial security even when facing unexpected events and claims.

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