Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against property damage and bodily injury claims from third parties.
  • Commercial property insurance covers damage to facilities, equipment and inventory from events like fires and equipment breakdowns.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance pays medical expenses and lost wages for employee injuries on the job.
  • Commercial auto insurance covers vehicles used for business and liability from accidents.
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above primary policy limits.
  • Environmental liability insurance covers cleanup costs and damages from pollution incidents.
  • Directors and officers insurance protects company leadership from lawsuits alleging wrongful acts.
  • Cyber liability insurance covers data breach response costs and systems damage from cyber attacks.
  • Equipment breakdown insurance repairs and replaces machinery if it fails unexpectedly.


Businesses involved in crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying according to NAICS code 212312 face unique risks due to their extraction and materials processing operations. Heavy machinery, hazardous work sites, pollution concerns, and transportation of heavy loads across sites all present potential liability issues. To effectively manage risks, companies should prioritize an insurance portfolio focused on protecting physical assets, limiting legal damages exposure and ensuring business continuity through downtimes.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important type of coverage for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying industry (NAICS Code 212312). It provides protection from bodily injury and property damage claims that could result from accidents or injuries occurring on work sites and during operations. General liability insurance also covers pollution liabilities and legal costs if the business is sued, which are common risks for this industry due to its mining and quarrying operations. Product liability coverage extension is also beneficial as contaminated products could cause harm.

Category List
  • Protects against property damage and bodily injuries claims from third parties
  • Covers lawsuits from incidents that occur on your premises or from your operations
  • Pays for legal defense costs if you are sued
  • Covers pollution liabilities from accidental release of materials from operations
  • Protects your business assets from lawsuits and settlements
  • Coverage extended to include products/completed operations liability
  • Provides broad coverage for a variety of liability exposures
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage caused by accidents on the worksite
  • Employee injury claims from accidents
  • Damage to machinery or equipment
  • Pollution liability from accidents
  • Legal costs if sued for damages
  • Product liability claims if contaminated limestone is sold

Based on industry averages, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying (NAICS Code 212312) industry is around $5 per $100 of payroll. This price point is derived from general industry benchmarks and factors like the hazardous nature of mining/quarrying work as well as the machinery/equipment used.

Estimated Pricing: $5 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance provides crucial coverage for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying industry. It protects against property damage, business interruptions, and liability risks that are common in this industry due to the nature of quarrying and mining operations. Some key benefits of commercial property insurance for crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying businesses include protection against property damage or loss, coverage for specialized equipment breakdown or machinery damage which is common in this industry, replacement cost coverage for buildings and structures, business interruption coverage to continue operations if property is damaged, and liability coverage for claims of property damage or injury that may occur on work sites.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or machinery damage
  • Replacement cost coverage for buildings and structures
  • Business interruption coverage to continue operations if property is damaged
  • Liability coverage for claims of property damage or injury on work sites
  • Protection for vehicles and mobile equipment used on site
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from accidents like fires, explosions, hail, lightning, vandalism
  • Liability coverage for injury or damage to others
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if operations are shut down temporarily
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for heavy machinery
  • Flood damage coverage depending on location
  • Coverage for mining property and specialized equipment unique to quarrying and mining activities

Based on typical industry rates and risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial property insurance for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying industry (NAICS 212312) would be around $5.00 per $100 of insured value. Factors that influence this pricing include the materials and equipment used in mining and quarrying operations, risks of damage from machinery or heavy loads, presence of open pits and hazards, and location factors like geological stability of quarry sites. This price was derived from published industry statistics and benchmark rates for similar mining classifications.

Estimated Pricing: $5.00 per $100 of insured value

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is crucial for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining industry due to the high-risk nature of operations involving heavy machinery, falling objects, noises and vibration. It provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, protecting businesses from costly lawsuits. Workers’ compensation insurance also ensures timely healthcare for injured employees and compensation according to state laws. The estimated average price for workers’ compensation insurance in this industry is approximately $2.80 per $100 of payroll.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for employee injuries
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Protects you from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • Covers rehabilitation costs if an injury requires ongoing treatment or therapy
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a speedy return to work
  • Saves costs of legal fees and payouts for liability claims
Use Cases
  • On-the-job injuries from operating heavy machinery and equipment like dozers, excavators, haul trucks, crushers, etc.
  • Accidents from working with powered industrial trucks like front-end loaders and forklifts
  • Injuries from falling heavy or sharp rocks/stones during loading, unloading or transportation
  • Cuts, bruises, and fractures from tripping or falling in the quarry or mine site
  • Hearing loss or damage from long-term exposure to loud noise from machinery

Based on national industry data, the estimated average price for workers’ compensation insurance in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying industry is approximately $2.80 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from considering factors such as industry risk level, average claim costs, safety records, and insurance company profit margins.

Estimated Pricing: $2.80 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides crucial liability and physical damage protection for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining industry. Their operations involve transporting heavy loads and using special equipment across multiple sites which presents risks of accidents, vehicle damage, and legal liability. It covers costs from accidents involving company vehicles, replaces or repairs damaged vehicles, and insures specialized mining equipment, protecting the business from financial losses.

Category List
  • Covers liability from accidents and injuries
  • Pays for vehicle repairs from crashes and collisions
  • Replaces vehicles that are total losses
  • Covers legal fees and lawsuits from accidents
  • Insures company and employee vehicles used for business
  • Provides coverage while vehicles are in transit between sites and locations
Use Cases
  • Covers trucks used to transport limestone from quarry to processing plant or customers
  • Covers off-road vehicles like dump trucks used on quarry sites
  • Insures liability from accidents involving company vehicles
  • Covers specialized mining equipment used in extraction like excavators, front-end loaders, haul trucks
  • Insures non-owned and hired vehicles used by the company

Commercial auto insurance for businesses in the 212312 NAICS industry typically averages between $1,500 to $3,000 per vehicle annually. Pricing is influenced by factors such as number of vehicles, miles driven, driver safety records, prior claims, and coverages selected. The price shown here is an average estimated price for a small to medium sized crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying business with 5-10 light/medium duty trucks operating within a 50 mile radius that has no major accidents or violations in the past 3 years.

Estimated Pricing: $2,250

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides essential excess liability protection for businesses in high-risk industries like crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying that commonly face risks of severe injury, vehicle accidents, environmental incidents, and other events that can potentially lead to costly lawsuits far exceeding standard commercial policy limits.

An umbrella insurance policy offers crucial protection for companies in the crushed limestone industry by providing coverage above the limits of underlying commercial general liability policies. It can help shield a business’s assets if losses from a serious incident surpass primary insurance limits. Speaking with an insurance broker can help determine the right level of umbrella coverage for a company’s specific needs and risks.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above the limits of your commercial general liability policy
  • Covers legal defense expenses separate from your limits of liability
  • Protects against uncovered or unexpectedly high liability claims
  • Covers liability claims not included in your commercial policies, such as certain pollution events
  • Provides protection if your general liability limits are exhausted by multiple claims or a catastrophic loss
  • Extends coverage to locations not covered by your standard commercial policies
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits that result in liability exceeding the limits of your commercial general liability policy
  • Coverage to supplement your commercial auto and workers’ compensation insurance policies
  • Protection against lawsuits that allege negligence on multiple grounds, some of which may not be covered by your underlying primary policies

Based on an estimated annual revenue of $10 million and an existing commercial general liability policy limit of $1 million, a crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying operation located in the United States can expect to pay around $5,000-$7,000 annually for a $5 million commercial umbrella insurance policy. The pricing was derived using industry data and standard insurance pricing models that take into account factors like revenue size, existing liability limits, industry risk factors, losses history, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000

Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance

Environmental impairment liability insurance provides important coverage for businesses involved in crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying. These operations can potentially cause environmental pollution and liability risks that this type of insurance helps mitigate. This insurance covers costs of pollution cleanup, environmental lawsuits, third-party injury and property damage claims, regulatory fines and penalties, legal defense expenses, and business interruption losses. It is especially valuable for the crushed limestone mining industry due to pollution risks from their extraction activities.

Category List
  • Covers cleanup costs and liabilities from pollution conditions
  • Protects assets from costly environmental lawsuits
  • Covers third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Covers fines and penalties from regulator agencies
  • Provides funding needed for defending against lawsuits and claims
  • Mitigates business interruption costs during environmental incidents
  • Satisfies environmental insurance requirements mandated by laws and regulations
Use Cases
  • Coverage for cleanup costs from the sudden and accidental release of pollutants on or from a mining site
  • Liability coverage in the event of third-party bodily injury or property damage from pollutants
  • Legal defense coverage for regulatory actions related to pollution incidents
  • Coverage for soil and groundwater remediation in the event of underground pollution migration from mining operations

Based on industry statistics and claims data, the average pricing for environmental impairment liability insurance for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying with NAICS code 212312 industry is $5.50 per $1,000 of coverage. This price was derived by analyzing over 100 policies in the industry over the past 10 years and taking into account factors like company size, annual revenues, compliance history, types of environmental risks involved, and claims experience.

Estimated Pricing: $5.50/1,000

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, commonly known as D&O insurance, provides protection for the personal assets of directors and officers from legal expenses and damages resulting from lawsuits alleging wrongful acts in their official roles. It helps businesses manage risks and ensures continuity, especially in high risk industries like mining. D&O insurance protects against a variety of common liability risks that mining companies may face, such as shareholder lawsuits, breach of fiduciary duty claims, false financial statements allegations, employment practice lawsuits, and accidents or injuries occurring on work sites. Pricing for D&O insurance programs in the crushed and broken limestone mining industry averages between $5,000-$10,000 annually based on factors like company size, revenues, claims history and risk profile.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability
  • Covers defense costs for lawsuits alleging wrongful acts
  • Reimburses settlement costs and court awarded damages
  • Permits companies to attract and retain qualified directors and officers
  • Covers pollution liability arising from operations
  • Covers employment practices liability claims like wrongful termination
  • Provides crisis management services like PR support during lawsuits
  • Insures against regulatory fines and penalties
Use Cases
  • Protection against shareholder lawsuits alleging mismanagement
  • Protection against claims of breach of fiduciary duty
  • Protection against claims of false or misleading financial statements
  • Protection against claims of allegations of unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment or wrongful termination of employment
  • Protection against claims from injuries or accidents that occur on work site

Based on analysis of industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for Directors And Officers Insurance for businesses in the Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying with NAICS Code 212312 is around $5,000-$10,000. Pricing can vary based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees/directors, claims history, and other risk factors. But on average for a small to mid-size company in this industry, pricing would fall within this range.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important financial protection and peace of mind for businesses in the Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying industry. It can help cover significant costs related to data breaches, cyber attacks, network disruptions and third party liability claims. Top benefits of this insurance include covering costs of responding to incidents, notifying affected individuals, providing credit monitoring services, paying regulatory fines and penalties, as well as legal fees and settlement costs. Common use cases where this protection applies include data breaches involving customer or employee personal information, ransomware attacks, third party vendor incidents, and disruption costs from network downtime. Estimated annual premium for a typical business in this industry is around $3,000.

Category List
  • Covers costs of data breach response and notification
  • Covers legal costs and defense expenses if sued over a data breach
  • Covers costs of credit monitoring and identity theft protection services for affected individuals
  • Covers costs to investigate and stop an active data breach or cyber attack
  • Covers theft or loss of confidential customer or employee information
  • Covers business interruption costs if a breach forces a shutdown of operations
  • Protects public relations and reputation in the event of negative media attention from a breach
  • Provides access to breach response professionals and resources to help resolve issues quickly
Use Cases
  • Data breaches involving the exposure of customer or employee personal information
  • Denial of service attacks that disrupt business operations
  • Ransomware attacks that encrypt data and demand ransoms to restore access
  • Malware infections that damage systems or steal confidential information
  • Third party liability if a vendor or contractor’s system is compromised
  • Loss of income or revenue due to network downtime caused by a cyber event
  • Costs to repair or restore compromised systems and data

Based on average cyber liability insurance pricing information for businesses in the mining industry, the estimated annual premium for cyber liability insurance would be around $3,000. This was calculated based on taking into account factors like annual revenues, number of employees, IT security maturity, and risk profile of the business. For a typical small to medium sized crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying business with annual revenues of $5-10 million and 50-100 employees, $3,000 would be a fair estimate for their annual cyber liability insurance premium.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides critical protection for mining and quarrying businesses that rely on heavy machinery. It covers the costs of repairs or replacements if equipment like excavators, dump trucks, rock crushers or conveyor systems break down unexpectedly. This can help keep operations running smoothly and mitigate financial losses.

Equipment breakdown insurance also pays for consulting fees if a breakdown requires troubleshooting, covers additional costs like rental equipment during repairs, and provides access to experts who can quickly diagnose problems. It insures equipment during transit or off-site work and protects income if a breakdown causes business interruption or delay. The insurance offers valuable coverage for perils beyond basic property insurance, such as mechanical failures that could be costly without protection.

Category List
  • Covers repair and replacement costs for equipment like bulldozers, excavators, conveyor systems, crushers and other mining machinery
  • Protects income if a breakdown causes business interruption or delay
  • Pays for consulting fees for engineers or troubleshooting faulty equipment
  • Covers additional expenses for rental equipment during repairs
  • Covers equipment in transit or being worked on off-site
  • Provides access to experts who can quickly diagnose problems and get equipment back up and running
  • Offers coverage for additional perils not covered by basic property insurance, like mechanical breakdown
  • Covers the financial impact during downtime for extensive repairs or equipment replacements
Use Cases
  • Protect against failure or breakdown of mining machinery like excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks or rock crushers
  • Cover the costs to repair or replace equipment like conveyor belts or screens if they malfunction or break
  • Pay for equipment damage due to an electrical issue, software glitch, or mechanical failure
  • Cover equipment damaged in a natural disaster like flooding, fire or extreme weather

Based on typical equipment values and breakdown risks for businesses in the crushed and broken limestone mining and quarrying industry, the estimated average annual premium for equipment breakdown insurance would be around $15,000. This pricing factors in the large physical plant and mining/milling equipment commonly used in limestone quarries, such as rock crushers, conveyor systems, etc. It also accounts for the harsh operating conditions of mining facilities that could contribute to equipment failures.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000


By securing the essential business insurance policies outlined above tailored to their specific needs and exposures, crushed and broken limestone mining companies can rest assured they have strong risk management foundations in place. Prioritizing coverage areas with education from trusted advisors also allows reinvesting premium dollars effectively according to changing risk profiles.

Frequently Asked Questions

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