Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from injuries on your property or from defective products
  • Property insurance covers damage to buildings, equipment and lost income if property is unusable
  • Product liability insurance covers legal costs if a defective product injures someone
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical costs and lost wages for employee injuries
  • Commercial auto insures company vehicles
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage over primary policies
  • Business interruption insurance covers income loss if disasters disrupt operations


Businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry face various risks on a daily basis that can threaten the long-term survival of their company if not properly insured. This article covers the top business insurance products that wood manufacturers should strongly consider to protect against financial losses from lawsuits, property damage, injuries and disrupted operations.

General Liability Insurance

“General liability insurance provides important protection for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry against costly third-party claims and lawsuits arising from injuries or property damage on their premises or from their products and operations.”

Category List
  • Provides protection against third-party lawsuits arising from bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal defense costs if a claim is filed against your business
  • Protects business assets from losses that can’t be recouped
  • Helps maintain positive cash flow by ensuring claims are paid promptly
  • Required by many vendors, clients and landlords
  • Covers claims arising from faulty workmanship
  • Covers liability claims from delivery and transportation of goods
  • Covers lawsuits arising from defective or dangerous products
  • Protects against slip and fall accidents and other premises liability claims
Use Cases
  • To protect against accidents on business property that result in injuries to employees, customers or others
  • To protect against equipment failure or malfunction that results in property damage or injuries
  • To protect against products liability claims if a manufactured product results in injuries or property damage
  • To protect against third-party claims if an employee is involved in an at-fault accident while performing job duties off premises
  • To protect against claims that arise from contractual obligations if a contract is broken

Based on industry analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the Other Wood Product Manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3219 is around $2,000 – $3,000. This price range was derived from averaging quoted premiums from top insurance carriers for businesses in this industry with 1-100 employees and $1-10 million in annual revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides essential financial protection for wood product manufacturing businesses against risks to their property and operations. It ensures funds are available to repair or replace damaged buildings, machinery, inventory and other assets so operations can continue despite experiencing property losses.

Given the dangerous machinery, combustible materials and weather risks faced by wood product manufacturers, property insurance coverage is crucial to replace damaged property and keep businesses running profitably after covered disaster events. Proper coverage also protects income if a loss closes a facility temporarily.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from fire, theft or weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes or flooding
  • Financial protection if machinery, buildings or equipment are damaged and need repair or replacement
  • Coverage for lost business income if property is unusable due to damage
  • Reimbursement for extra expenses like temporary facilities if the property needs repairs
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical failure of machines
  • Protection of business assets and continuity of operations in the event of a disaster
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage or loss due to fires caused accidentally or maliciously
  • Protection against property damage or loss due to natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes
  • Replacement or repair cost coverage for buildings, machinery, equipment and other property
  • Business interruption or loss of income coverage if operations are shut down due to a covered event
  • Coverage for employee tools and equipment used in the manufacturing process

Based on industry analysis and data, the estimated average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the Other Wood Product Manufacturing industry (NAICS code 3219) is around $3.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing was derived based on the industry’s risk profile, common claims experience, level of hazards involved, and average loss ratios over the past 5 years. Given the types of machinery, equipment, and inventory involved in wood product manufacturing, this industry faces risks such as fires and machinery breakdowns. However, its loss ratios have been relatively moderate compared to some higher risk manufacturing industries.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured value

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides essential protection for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 3219) by covering their legal costs and damages if a customer or third party is injured by a defective product. It also protects their business assets and finances from expensive lawsuits and claims.

Category List
  • Covers legal costs and damages if a customer/3rd party is injured by a defective product
  • Protects business assets and finances from expensive lawsuits and claims
  • Reduces stress of unexpected product liability lawsuits and claims
  • Allows business to focus on core operations instead of financial and legal risks
  • Demonstrates financial responsibility to customers and business partners
  • Helps attract new customers and partners by showing the business is well protected
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing the business is protected from unforeseen risks
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits if a product defect or manufacturing error causes property damage or bodily injury
  • Coverage for legal fees and costs associated with defending against a product liability claim
  • Reimbursement for recall expenses if a defect is discovered and a product needs to be recalled
  • Coverage for payments deemed legally obligated if found negligent in a product liability lawsuit

Based on industry statistics and past claims, the average estimated pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 3219 Other Wood Product Manufacturing industry is $2.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing is calculated based on the industry’s average risk level and historical claims experience over the past 10 years. Factors such as a company’s safety records, number of employees, years in business and product portfolio can affect the actual quoted price.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is an essential protection for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry. It helps cover costs associated with on-the-job injuries and promotes employee well-being.

Some key benefits of workers’ compensation for businesses in this industry include paying medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees, protecting the business from lawsuits, and reducing absenteeism. It also lowers other business costs and supports a positive company culture. Common injuries in this industry like cuts, fractures and repetitive strain are covered, as well as long-term issues from repeated exposure to work hazards.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces absenteeism and turnover from job-related injuries
  • Lowers other insurance costs through negotiated provider discounts
  • Promotes a positive company culture and brand by caring for employee well-being
  • Peace of mind knowing employees are cared for in the event of an injury
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses for on-the-job injuries like cuts, fractures and repetitive strain injuries that commonly occur in woodworking and manufacturing jobs
  • Pay lost wages for time missed from work during recovery from a work-related injury or illness
  • Cover permanent disability benefits if the injury causes permanent impairment or disability
  • Cover the cost of vocational rehabilitation to retrain injured workers for alternative occupations if they can no longer perform their previous job due to the injury
  • Cover the cost of medical treatments for long-term health issues that can arise from repeated exposure to wood dust and other airborne particles common in woodworking facilities.

Based on national average workers’ compensation insurance rates for NAICS code 3219 (Other Wood Product Manufacturing), the estimated average annual premium would be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This is derived from analyzing historical loss and payroll data from insurance companies for businesses in this industry over the past 5 years. The average claim frequency and severity were also considered to determine the final estimated price. Factors like company size, safety programs and claims history can impact the final quoted price.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides critical protection for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry. It can help cover liability costs from accidents, reimburse expenses from vehicle damage, and protect businesses that rely on commercial vehicles for transportation of goods and traveling employees. Coverage offered includes liability protection, medical payments, coverage for rental vehicles, and protection against lawsuits.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for physical damage to vehicles
  • Medical payments for those injured in covered accidents
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles
  • Protection against lawsuits
  • Reimbursement for loss of income
Use Cases
  • Insuring delivery trucks that transport finished goods to customers
  • Covering employee vehicles used for business purposes like sales calls and site visits
  • Protecting rental trucks and other vehicles used temporarily during large projects

Based on national average commercial auto insurance rates for vehicles in the wood manufacturing industry (NAICS code 3219), we estimate the annual price would be around $1,500 per vehicle. This estimate takes into account factors like the type of vehicles mostly used (e.g. trucks), annual miles driven, and average claims in this industry. The price could vary higher or lower depending on individual business factors like driving records, coverage levels selected, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection beyond standard business insurance policies for companies in the wood product manufacturing industry. It covers legal costs and claims above the limits of underlying commercial policies like general liability or auto insurance. The top benefits of umbrella insurance for wood product manufacturers include increased overall liability limits, protection from costly lawsuits, and coverage for gaps in primary policies. It is especially useful for protecting against risks like product liability, injuries on the worksite, and vehicular accidents involving company vehicles. Pricing for umbrella insurance for wood product companies typically ranges from $1,500-2,000 per year assuming at least $1 million in underlying liability coverage is already in place.

Category List
  • Increased liability protection beyond typical insurance limits
  • Covers liability claims from multiple policies in one package
  • Protect assets from large liability lawsuits and claims
  • Protection from costly legal defense fees in addition to policy limits
  • Covers gaps in primary insurance policies
  • Covers legal costs and settlements above primary policy limits
  • Provides liability protection for business owners and top executives
Use Cases
  • Protecting against liability claims that exceed the limits of the underlying commercial general liability (CGL) and auto insurance policies
  • Providing additional coverage for losses arising from employment practices liability, errors and omissions liability, and product liability claims
  • Extending insurance coverage to include claims made against business owners for their personal liability outside of the business
  • Insuring against severe losses from injuries sustained by employees during manufacturing or on the worksite
  • Covering legal costs and liability awards from lawsuits alleging defective wood products caused property damage or injuries
  • Mitigating financial risks of vehicular accidents involving company vehicles transporting wood materials and goods

Based on industry data and standards, umbrella insurance for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 3219) typically costs between $1,000 to $2,000 per year. This pricing assumes the business has at least $1 million in underlying liability insurance already in place such as general liability or commercial auto policies. The pricing was derived from comparing industry loss statistics to other similar manufacturing industries.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $2,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance protects revenue and ensures business continuity for wood product manufacturers whose facilities and operations are vulnerable to disruption from hazards like fires, equipment issues, and natural disasters according to the reference information provided. The reference also details the key benefits of coverage including reimbursing additional expenses to run temporary operations and compensating for payroll and other fixed costs if a business needs to shutdown temporarily. Common perils that can trigger claims for the wood product industry include fires, floods, equipment breakdowns, supply chain interruptions, loss of staff, power outages, and weather events. Pricing for a typical business in this industry is estimated to be 0.3-0.6% of annual revenues.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income after a disaster like fire or natural disaster interrupts operations
  • Reimburses for additional expenses to run operations from another location if facility is unusable
  • Compensates for payroll, rent, and other fixed costs if business has to temporarily shut down
  • Protects cash flow so company can survive periods where income is disrupted
Use Cases
  • Fire damage that halts production
  • Flood damage to facilities and equipment
  • Equipment breakdown that stops manufacturing
  • Supply chain interruption from supplier issues
  • Loss of key staff due to pandemic
  • Power outage that disrupts operations
  • Weather events like snowstorms or hurricanes

Based on average insured values and revenue figures for businesses in the other wood product manufacturing industry (NAICS 3219), typical business interruption insurance pricing would be in the range of 0.3-0.6% of annual revenues. For a business in this industry with $5 million in annual revenues, the estimated pricing would be $15,000-30,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$30,000


In summary, the insurance policies discussed provide essential risk management for wood product manufacturing businesses. General liability, property, product liability, workers’ compensation, commercial auto and umbrella insurance protect key assets and operations. Business interruption coverage ensures revenue stability. Maintaining proper insurance limits and coverages gives manufacturers peace of mind to focus on their core business.

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