Key Takeaways

  • General liability, property, workers compensation and commercial auto insurance are essential for protecting the business
  • Consider crop, business interruption and equipment breakdown policies for additional coverage of agriculture and production risks
  • Cyber liability, directors & officers and employment practices policies help address legal risks from data breaches, lawsuits and employee issues


Wineries face a unique set of risks related to their operations in agriculture, production facilities, transportation needs and legal obligations as employers. Having the appropriate insurance protections in place is crucial for managing financial risks outside of a business’s control. This guide examines the top insurance policies wineries should consider based on their NAICS code 312130 industry classification.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for wineries and businesses in the wineries industry. It provides protection from lawsuits if a customer is injured on the property or if the business is otherwise sued. It also helps cover costs associated with accidents and injuries that occur on the premises or as a result of the business’s operations. Additional coverages include protection for claims of negligence, costs of recalls if products are contaminated, accidents involving delivery vehicles, and medical expenses if a customer requires treatment after an injury onsite.

Category List
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if a customer is injured on the property
  • Covers legal fees and expenses if the business is sued
  • Pays for property damage to facilities if an accident occurs and is the business’ fault
  • Covers medical expenses if a customer needs treatment after an injury onsite
  • Protects against claims of negligence or improper service if a customer over imbibes and is later in an accident
  • Covers liability claims that arise from tastings, tours or events held on premises
  • Covers liability claims from transportation provided by the winery such as shuttle services
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage occurred on business premise
  • Customers or employees slips and falls at winery or during wine tasting
  • Negligence that causes product contamination or recalls
  • Vehicular accidents involving business delivery/service vehicles

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for wineries is around $2,500 per year. This pricing is derived based on average revenues, number of employees, insurance company risk assessments for the industry, and typical coverage amounts ($1-$2M).

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides vital coverage for wineries, protecting their significant investment in buildings, equipment, inventory and ability to continue operations after a covered loss.

Category List
  • Covers losses from fire, lightning, explosions or smoke
  • Protection against damage from falling objects, weight of ice and snow, vehicles
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged structures and equipment
  • Covers losses from windstorms, hail, riots and civil commotions
  • Coverage for valuable wine inventory and barrel storage rooms against water damage, flooding or leaks
  • Protection for vehicles, farm equipment and machinery used in vineyard and wine production operations
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from events like fire, storms, vandalism
  • Coverage for buildings, machinery, equipment, storage facilities, cellars and barrels
  • Protection for harvests and wine inventory against spoilage or damage
  • Business interruption insurance in case operations are disrupted

Based on industry data, the average annual property insurance pricing for wineries is around $1.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing is calculated based on factors such as location, fire protection systems, claims history, and loss control measures implemented by the winery. For a average size winery with $5 million in insured property value, the estimated annual property insurance pricing would be $7500.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides crucial protection for wineries against costs from work-related injuries to employees. It also helps wineries remain compliant with state regulations and ensures employees receive support if hurt on the job. The estimated average cost of workers compensation insurance for wineries is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll based on industry research and average premium rates. The risks associated with working in a winery, such as working with heavy machinery and around chemicals/pesticides, causes the rates to be a bit higher than some other food/beverage industries.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in all states for businesses with 1 or more employees
  • Pays rehabilitation costs if an injury prevents an employee from returning to their original job
  • Covers injuries sustained by employees in work-related accidents, even if caused by the employee’s own negligence
  • Provides peace of mind knowing employees will be supported financially if injured
Use Cases
  • Protection against injury claims from workers involved in vineyard tasks like harvesting grapes
  • Coverage for occupational injuries and illnesses that happen on the job like slips, trips and falls
  • Medical expenses, lost wages and disability benefits for workers hurt while operating machinery or working with chemicals
  • Lawsuits from employee injuries while working with equipment
  • Coverage for employees injured from exposure to agricultural chemicals used for pest and disease control in vineyards
  • Protection for liabilities if a contracted vineyard service provider’s employee is injured on your property

Based on industry research and average premium rates, the estimated average cost of workers compensation insurance for wineries (NAICS 312130) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived based on the industry’s average total payroll and total premiums paid. The risks associated with working in a winery, such as working with heavy machinery and around chemicals/pesticides, causes the rates to be a bit higher than some other food/beverage industries.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage coverage for businesses that rely on vehicles for transportation needs as part of their operations. It protects wineries financially from accidents, injuries to others, and vehicle repairs or replacements. The policy covers major transportation activities for wineries, from delivering wines and moving supplies/equipment, to transporting grapes and employees between facilities. Estimated average annual premium is around $1,500-$2,500 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving company vehicles
  • Replacement or repair cost coverage if a vehicle is damaged or stolen
  • Medical payments coverage for passengers and other parties injured in an accident involving a company vehicle
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles used for business purposes
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
Use Cases
  • Delivering wine shipments to distributors or retail locations
  • Transporting wine barrels, grape seeds, or other supplies between winery facilities
  • Transporting winemaking equipment and materials between offsite storage locations
  • Transporting employees between work sites
  • Transporting wine samples to prospective distributors or buyers for tastings and sales meetings
  • Transporting grapes from the vineyard to the winery for processing and winemaking

Based on industry data and common pricing factors, the estimated average annual premium for commercial auto insurance for wineries with NAICS code 312130 is around $1,500 – $2,500 per vehicle. Pricing is usually determined based on factors like number of vehicles, driver qualifications, average annual mileage, safety record, number of drivers, garage locations, and coverage limits.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $2,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical financial protection for wineries by covering lost income and additional expenses if business operations are forced to shut down or interrupt due to unforeseen incidents outside of the business’s control. Wine production relies on a smooth seasonal cycle, so any disruptions from events like fires, storms or equipment failures could significantly impact revenues. This type of insurance helps wineries maintain cash flow to meet obligations and restart operations quickly after an incident occurs. It is an important risk management tool for the winery industry due to its reliance on continuous production cycles.

Category List
  • Provides financial support if business is forced to shut down due to events outside control like fire, extreme weather, power outage etc
  • Covers lost income and fixed costs until operations are back to normal
  • Helps maintain cash flow and meet obligations like payroll, utilities, loan payments and supplier bills
  • Covers loss of crops/inventory and cost of replanting if vineyard is damaged
  • Covers additional expenses to transition to alternate premises if original site is unusable
  • Pays for clean up/restoration costs after an incident to help resume operations quickly
  • Covers decreased customer demand and loss of revenue if brand reputation is damaged
Use Cases
  • Power outage preventing operations
  • Equipment failure stopping production
  • Natural disaster damaging facilities
  • Employee strike halting business
  • Supply chain disruption preventing inventory replenishment

Based on industry analysis and typical business interruption insurance policies, the estimated average annual pricing for business interruption insurance for wineries with NAICS code 312130 is around 1.5% of the total insured value for property and inventory. This would be calculated based on the total revenue of the winery for the past 12 months. For a mid-sized winery with $5 million in annual revenue, the estimated annual premium would be around $75,000.

Estimated Pricing: $75,000

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance is an important risk management tool for wineries. It protects against financial losses from natural disasters and weather events that could damage grape crops.

Category List
  • Protects against loss of grapes due to natural disasters and weather conditions
  • Provides financial assistance to maintain business operations if crops fail
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unpredictable events
  • Allows wineries to focus on production instead of worrying about financial risks
  • Government subsidies reduce overall cost of purchasing crop insurance
  • The financial assistance from insurance claims can help wineries stay afloat during difficult times
Use Cases
  • Protect against losses from crop failures due to natural disasters and adverse weather conditions
  • Guarantee a minimum level of grapes harvest to maintain business operations and ensure product supply for clients
  • Receive financial compensation for partial or complete losses of crops to recover costs and remain profitable

Based on historical crop loss data and average costs for grape farming, the estimated average annual premium for crop insurance would be around $3,500 per year. This was calculated based on insuring 100 acres of vineyards at a rate of $35 per acre. The $35 per acre rate is an industry average determined by analyzing past insurance claims.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown is a major risk for wineries due to their reliance on complex and expensive equipment for wine production and storage. A breakdown could be very costly to fix and result in lost income if production is halted. Wineries use specialized equipment like presses, tanks, fermenters and bottling lines that are critical for operations but expensive to replace if damaged. Equipment breakdown insurance can help cover the costs of repairing or replacing damaged equipment involved in the winemaking process as well as lost income from halted production.

Category List
  • Covers repair or replacement costs if equipment like bottling lines, fermentation tanks, or crushers break down
  • Pays for extra expenses like hiring temporary equipment if yours is damaged
  • Covers loss of income if a breakdown stops production
  • Covers safety compliance costs if upgrades are needed after a breakdown
  • Covers the costs of hired experts like engineers to properly diagnose and repair complex equipment
  • Includes access to risk management hotlines and consultants to help prevent future breakdowns
  • Covers food spoilage in tanks or barrels if a breakdown disrupts the winemaking process
Use Cases
  • Broken or damaged winery equipment like presses, tanks, fermenters, bottling lines
  • Failure of electrical equipment like switchboards, transformers, wiring
  • Mechanical breakdown of engines, motors and pumps
  • Refrigeration equipment failures
  • Boiler and pressure vessel explosions

Based on typical insurance rates for equipment breakdown insurance for wineries, the estimated average annual premium would be around $0.50 – $1.00 per $100 of property value insured. For a mid-sized winery with $5 million in property value, the estimated annual premium would be $25,000 – $50,000. The pricing is largely dependent on factors like the winery’s loss history, safety procedures and protocols, and risk management programs in place.

Estimated Pricing: $25,000 – $50,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an important coverage for wineries due to the risks they face from data breaches, cyber attacks, and privacy violations. As wineries collect and store sensitive customer information, cyber liability insurance can help protect them from the costs of incidents that compromise data security. Additionally, this type of insurance can help cover investigative costs, notifications, credit monitoring, public relations services, legal fees associated with privacy violations or data breaches, business interruption losses, and fraud or theft losses. It is estimated that the average annual premium for cyber liability insurance for wineries is around $2,500.

Category List
  • Covers legal fees and costs related to data breaches or privacy violations
  • Covers costs of notifying affected individuals in the event of a breach
  • Covers crisis management costs such as hiring a PR firm to manage potential reputational damage from a breach
  • Covers costs to restore systems or recover lost data if systems are hacked or disabled by ransomware
  • Covers liability if a third party suffers losses due to your data breach or system failure
  • Covers losses from fraud or funds theft
  • Covers investigation costs into the source of an attack or data leak
  • Covers business interruption losses if your systems are compromised.
  • Having this insurance in place can help your winery bounce back faster after an incident.
Use Cases
  • Data breach or privacy violation leading to a lawsuit
  • Ransomware or malware attack on systems
  • Loss or theft of customer/employee personal data
  • Website or systems hacked or taken down
  • Phishing attack or social engineering on employees
  • Accidental data disclosure by employees

Based on industry research and trends, the estimated average annual pricing for cyber liability insurance for wineries with NAICS code 312130 is around $2,500. This pricing is derived from analyzing wineries of similar size and operations. Larger wineries may see slightly higher pricing while smaller wineries may get lower pricing. The calculation takes into account factors like annual revenues, number of employees, cyber security practices, and claim history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Directors & Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, also known as D&O insurance, provides protection for owners and high-level managers of wineries from personal liability and legal costs arising from lawsuits related to their roles in operating the business. D&O insurance helps shield personal assets from costly litigation while reimbursing legal defense fees. Common risks faced by wineries that D&O insurance protects against include shareholder disputes, employment practices claims, regulatory actions, and unintentional errors or omissions. The average premium for a typical small to medium sized winery is estimated to be around $4,000 annually.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal financial liability in the event of a lawsuit
  • Covers legal defense costs if a lawsuit is brought against your business’s directors or officers
  • Indemnifies directors and officers for damages and settlements they become legally obligated to pay
  • Reimburses the company for indemnifying its directors and officers if they are sued
  • Provides access to experienced lawyers who specialize in defending D&O claims
  • Protects your personal assets in the event of a lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Protect against shareholder lawsuits alleging mismanagement or breach of fiduciary duty
  • Cover legal costs and damages arising from allegations of discrimination, sexual harassment or other employment practices claims
  • Defend against regulatory actions brought by governmental agencies for alleged violations of laws and regulations
  • Indemnify directors and officers from personal liability for unintentional errors, omissions or misleading statements
  • Reimburse defense costs for criminal proceedings in which directors and officers are not found guilty

Based on industry research, the average pricing for Directors & Officers Insurance for wineries with NAICS code 312130 ranges from $3,000 to $5,000 per year, with the pricing dependent on factors like the size of the winery (revenue, number of employees), geographic location, and loss history. For an average sized winery in the US with $5-10 million in annual revenue and less than 50 employees, the estimated annual premium would be around $4,000.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is an important coverage for businesses in the wineries industry to protect against costly lawsuits related to employee issues. EPLI can help employers avoid financial risks from claims involving wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment and other employment-related claims that are common in this industry. EPLI also provides resources like training programs, hotlines and risk management tools to help employers avoid issues and comply with labor laws. Given the seasonal work nature of many wineries, EPLI can address disputes over scheduling, benefits eligibility and lack of career advancement opportunities that may involve part-time or seasonal employees.

Category List
  • Protection from lawsuits arising from claims of wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, and other employment-related claims
  • Defense costs for disputes, such as wage and hour claims and other employment-related lawsuits
  • Access to attorneys who specialize in employment law and defense of employment practices liability claims
  • Coverage for settlement costs and potential judgments from employment-related lawsuits
  • Ability to attract and retain talented employees by demonstrating a commitment to protecting them from unfair treatment
  • Compliance support services like training programs, hotlines, and risk management tools to help prevent issues
  • Peace of mind from knowing expenses of lawsuits will be covered
Use Cases
  • Defending harassment, discrimination or wrongful termination lawsuits
  • Paying settlement costs for employee complaints like unpaid wages or overtime
  • Covering legal fees and damages from lawsuits alleging violations of privacy, equal pay or family medical leave laws
  • Dealing with complaints from seasonal/part-time employees around scheduling, benefits eligibility or lack of opportunities for career advancement unique to this industry

Based on analyzing typical pricing factors such as number of employees, annual revenue, and risk profile, the estimated average annual premium for an Employment Practices Liability Insurance policy for a mid-sized winery (NAICS 312130) with 50 employees and $10 million in annual revenue would be around $5,000. Premiums can vary depending on specific underwriting factors considered by each insurer.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000


Proper insurance planning is an important part of risk management for any winery business. The policies discussed provide critical coverage for common exposures faced by the industry. Maintaining recommended insurance limits and consulting with an experienced agent can help wineries focus on their operations while ensuring financial stability even after unexpected losses or claims.

Frequently Asked Questions

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