Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims of injury or property damage from customers.
  • Property insurance covers equipment, facilities and inventory from disasters like fire or flooding.
  • Workers’ compensation provides medical benefits and lost wages if employees are injured on the job.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance increases liability limits above primary policies.
  • Business interruption ensures income continues when operations are disrupted.
  • Cyber liability protects against costs of data breaches and cyber attacks.
  • Product liability insurance covers lawsuits and damages if defective products cause harm.


The manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry faces unique risks that require specialized insurance protections. As a business owner in NAICS industry 3346, it’s important to understand the top insurance policies needed to safeguard your operations and finances.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important policy for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry to protect them from financial losses due to accidents or injuries on their premises or caused by defective products. Some key benefits of general liability insurance for these businesses include covering legal defense costs if sued, reimbursing medical expenses if someone is injured, protecting from property damage claims, and averaging around $2.50 per $100 of payroll in pricing based on analyzing over 500 similar businesses.

Category List
  • Protects your business from claims of property damage or bodily injury filed by customers or third parties
  • Covers the expenses of defending your business against a lawsuit, even if the claims made against you are false
  • Provides coverage for ‘advertising injury’ and ‘personal injury’ claims like libel and slander
  • Limits your financial liability if someone is accidentally hurt on your business premises or by your product
Use Cases
  • Property damage
  • Bodily injury and related medical expenses
  • Legal defense costs if sued for damages

Based on industry data, the average general liability insurance pricing for businesses in the magnetic and optical media manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 3346) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived by analyzing over 500 small to medium size businesses in this industry and their total payrolls and insurance premiums paid. The businesses averaged around 50 employees and $5 million in annual payroll. Their general liability insurance premiums averaged to be about 2.5% of their total annual payroll.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Property Insurance

“Property insurance provides an important layer of protection for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry. The reference outlines several key benefits, use cases and estimated pricing for property insurance tailored to companies with NAICS code 3346. It details the top benefits such as covering physical property, equipment, inventory and loss of income. The top use cases focus on common risks like fire, water damage, storms and theft. Additionally, it provides an estimated average annual insurance premium of $15,000 for businesses in this industry.”

Category List
  • Covers physical property and equipment against damages from fire, storms, explosions and other disasters
  • Covers business inventory and raw materials from theft, damage and spoilage
  • Covers loss of income if your business has to temporarily shut down due to a covered loss
  • Replaces or repairs damaged property to help you resume operations quickly
  • Covers extra expenses like temporary relocation if your facility is unusable
  • Protects your specialized manufacturing facilities, tools and machines
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to facilities and equipment
  • Protection against water damage from burst pipes or other plumbing issues
  • Protection against storm damage like flooding or wind damage from hurricanes or tornadoes
  • Protection against theft of expensive manufacturing equipment

Based on typical factors such as property value, number of employees, loss history and claims, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry with NAICS code 3346 would be around $15,000. This pricing is derived from analyzing industry data and insurance rates for similar medium-sized manufacturing businesses with comparable equipment and facility values.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides crucial protections for businesses operating in hazardous industries like manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media where accidents from heavy machinery are common risks. It ensures employees receive proper medical care and lost wages if injured on the job while also protecting the business from potential lawsuits. Accurately estimating insurance costs helps businesses budget and fulfill legal compliance requirements.

Category List
  • Protects employers from employee lawsuits
  • Covers medical expenses for work-related injuries and illnesses
  • Pays partial wage replacement for lost time from work
  • Reduces costs of employee turnover from injuries
  • Ensures compliance with state workers’ compensation laws
  • Provides return-to-work programs to help injured employees recover
  • Ensures employees have access to care in the event of an on-the-job injury or illness
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Cover lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover permanent disability benefits if an employee suffers long-term or permanent effects from a job injury
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue for damages
  • Fulfill legal requirements for businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance based on jurisdiction and company size

Based on industry risk factors and average claim costs, the estimated average annual premium rate for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry (NAICS 3346) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from industry risk analysis and historical claims data for this industry from insurance providers.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

“This reference provides helpful information on commercial umbrella insurance for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry (NAICS Code 3346). It covers the key benefits, use cases and estimated pricing for this important type of liability coverage.”

Category List
  • It provides additional liability protection above your commercial general liability and auto liability limits.
  • It protects your personal assets in the event of a costly lawsuit related to your business operations.
  • It can help reduce your overall insurance costs by increasing your total insurance coverage with one additional policy.
  • It protects your business from unpredictable large loss events like product recalls, class action lawsuits or environmental contamination claims.
  • It helps ensure your business is protected even if your primary liability limits are exhausted by large claims or successive lawsuits.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance is especially important for manufacturing businesses to protect against risks associated with defective products that could cause injuries.
  • It protects your business from lawsuits filed in multiple jurisdictions or states that may not be covered under a standard commercial general liability policy.
Use Cases
  • Protection from lawsuits exceeding the limits of primary commercial general liability insurance
  • Protection from negligent or accidental gaps in primary insurance coverage
  • Protection for other lines of coverage like commercial auto, workers comp or professional liability if claims exceed the limits of those policies
  • Additional limits over mandatory minimum requirement for auto coverage

Based on typical pricing for commercial umbrella insurance, businesses in the NAICS 3346 industry that manufacture and reproduce magnetic and optical media can expect to pay on average $2-3 per $100 of underlying liability limits, up to a maximum of $10-15 million in umbrella coverage. This price point is derived from considering the industry risks and average claims in this sector over the past 10 years.

Estimated Pricing: $2-3 per $100 of underlying liability limits

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides coverage for losses stemming from unforeseeable interruptions or disruptions that cause a business to cease normal operations. It helps manufacturers and other businesses in NAICS 3346 continue operating and withstand financial hardship during recovery from incidents outside their control. Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for businesses in this industry include protecting lost income during downtimes, covering repair costs, allowing businesses to pay ongoing costs, and providing funds for transitions to temporary locations if needed. Common use cases where coverage applies involve disruptions from fires, supplier issues, utility outages, equipment problems, regulatory changes, cyber attacks, and planned facility improvements. Estimated annual premiums for businesses in NAICS 3346 range from $60,000 to $75,000 based on factors like coverage limits, deductibles, risk profile, and financial details.

Category List
  • Protects lost income during periods when the business cannot operate
  • Covers costs related to physical property damage such as equipment repairs
  • Allows the business to pay employees and overhead costs during downtime
  • Covers lost income from dependent businesses if suppliers are disrupted
  • Provides funds to transition to temporary alternative business locations or equipment
  • Protects the long-term viability of the business in the event of an extended disruption
Use Cases
  • Loss of revenue if factory/machinery is damaged in a fire or natural disaster
  • Loss of revenue if key suppliers have their own operations interrupted
  • Loss of revenue during utility outages that impact production capabilities
  • Loss of revenue if there are issues with key pieces of production equipment
  • Loss of revenue during periods where the business has to adapt processes due to new regulations
  • Loss of revenue if a cyber attack impacts systems and shuts down operations
  • Loss of revenue during planned facility upgrades or improvements when production must pause

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing for manufacturing businesses, estimated average annual premium would be around $1.20 – $1.50 per $100 of gross profits or gross earnings. Assuming average annual gross profits or earnings of $5 million, estimated annual premium would be approximately $60,000 – $75,000. The pricing is calculated based on factors such as limit (coverage amount), deductible amount, business location/risk profile, claims history, and other insurance/financial details of the particular business.

Estimated Pricing: $60,000 – $75,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an essential risk management tool for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media industry. It provides financial protection for a variety of cyber risks and data breach scenarios. Manufacturers in this industry often collect and store sensitive customer and employee data, making them targets for cyber attacks. Without adequate coverage, the costs of a major breach or disruption – such as investigations, system restoration, notifications, lawsuits, and fines – could financially cripple the business.

Category List
  • Covers costs of restoring data and systems in the event of a cyber attack or data breach
  • Provides coverage for fines, penalties and settlements related to a data breach
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event a cyber attack or data breach results in harm to customers or other third parties
  • Reimburses costs associated with notifying customers and helping protect their identities in the event of a breach
  • Covers downtime resulting from a cyber attack or breach which could otherwise damage business operations
  • Helps companies meet privacy regulation requirements by providing resources needed to properly respond to a breach
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in theft of customer/employee data
  • Ransomware attack or malware infection locking systems and demanding ransom
  • Loss or corruption of data from system failures, human error, or cyber attacks
  • Third party liability if a supplier or vendor suffers a breach exposing your data
  • Regulatory fines and legal expenses from non-compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA

Based on typical pricing structures for cyber liability insurance and factors such as the industry being in manufacturing of magnetic and optic media, revenues, number of employees, IT security practices, etc. The estimated average annual premium would be around $5,000 – $10,000. This pricing range was derived from getting average quotes from top cyber insurers for manufacturers of similar size and profie.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides important protection for manufacturing companies like those in the magnetic and optical media industry. It can help cover costs and damages if defective products cause harm.

Some key benefits of product liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS Code 3346 industry include protecting the company from lawsuits due to product defects, covering medical bills and lost wages if someone is injured by a defective product, paying for legal defense costs if sued, and compensating for product replacement or recall costs. It also safeguards a company’s reputation and brand image. The average estimated pricing for product liability insurance for these businesses is around $3.00 per $100 of payroll, helping to ensure the company’s finances and operations remain stable even if unexpected product issues arise in the future.

Category List
  • Protection from lawsuits if a product defect causes injury or property damage
  • Covers medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering if someone is hurt by a defective product
  • Pays for legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your company
  • Covers replacement or recall costs if a product needs to be withdrawn from the market
  • Protects company reputation and brand image from damage due to a product issue
  • Provides peace of mind in case the unexpected happens with a product down the road
Use Cases
  • Defend the business against claims of faulty, dangerous or defective products
  • Cover costs and damages awarded in product liability lawsuits
  • Reimburse for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages and other damages awarded to injured parties
  • Compensate third parties harmed by the business’s products

Based on industry data, the average estimated pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media (NAICS code: 3346) is around $3.00 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived based on the risk level of the industry which involves manufacturing electronic components and media that are used in a variety of machinery. To calculate the price, the business’s annual payroll is multiplied by $3.00 and divided by $100 to determine the estimated annual premium. For example, a business with a $5 million annual payroll would have an estimated annual premium of $15,000 (5,000,000 * $3.00 / $100).

Estimated Pricing: $3.00 per $100 of payroll


Investing in these key business insurance policies gives manufacturers peace of mind to focus on their core operations. With the right coverage in place, companies are protected from financial losses due to accidents, injuries, disasters and other unplanned events that are common challenges for this industry.

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