Key Takeaways

  • Crop insurance protects from losses due to natural disasters and weather events
  • General liability covers costs and lawsuits from customer injuries on farm property
  • Property insurance ensures coverage for buildings, equipment and crops in case of damage
  • Workers’ compensation provides medical care and wages if employees get injured
  • Business interruption insurance replaces lost income during operational disruptions
  • Farm equipment insurance protects valuable machinery investments
  • Auto insurance shields farms from vehicle accident liability and covers owned trucks
  • Product liability insurance defends against customer illness lawsuits from products


Berry farming is an agricultural operation that requires careful management of risks to ensure the viability and success of the business. Key insurance policies help offer protection from unexpected events outside a farm’s control that could cause financial losses or stop operations.

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance provides an important risk management tool for berry farmers by protecting them from financial losses due to factors outside of their control like adverse weather conditions. It ensures protection of income if crops are damaged or destroyed before or during harvest and reimburses farmers for lost revenue when crops cannot be harvested for sale. Given the information provided in the REFERENCES section, crop insurance also provides berry farmers with the ability to lock in input costs and plan budgets for the upcoming growing season, access to low-interest operating loans and cash to cover costs from damaged crops, peace of mind knowing insurance will help cover unexpected losses, qualifying for premium subsdies to lower annual insurance costs, and qualifying as a risk management tool for lenders to help demonstrate financial stability. The estimated average annual price for crop insurance would be around $3.50 per $100 of insured value based on average premium rates and coverage levels for berry crops in different regions of the United States.

Category List
  • Protection against loss of yields and revenue due to natural disasters and adverse weather
  • Ability to lock-in input costs and plan budgets for the upcoming growing season
  • Access to low-interest operating loans and cash to cover costs from damaged crops
  • Peace of mind knowing insurance will help cover unexpected losses
  • Can qualify for premium subsdies to lower annual insurance costs
  • Qualifies as a risk management tool for lenders and helps demonstrate financial stability
  • Qualifies as a risk management tool for lenders and helps demonstrate financial stability
Use Cases
  • Protection against loss of crops due to natural disasters like hail, drought and frost
  • Coverage for crop losses from plant disease or insect infestation
  • Reimbursement for financial losses if crop production falls below the guaranteed level of production set in the insurance plan
  • Income support when unable to harvest and sell crops due to weather events

Based on average premium rates and coverage levels for berry crops in the United States, the estimated average annual price for crop insurance would be around $3.50 per $100 of insured value. The price is calculated based on average yield data and expected losses for various berry crops including raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. in different regions.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured value

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important type of coverage for berry farming businesses to protect them financially from various risks and lawsuits that can occur due to accidents or incidents involving customers, employees, equipment, products, and farm operations.

Category List
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if a customer gets injured on the farm property
  • Covers legal fees and costs if the business is sued
  • Protects owned or leased vehicles, equipment, and machinery
  • Covers third party property damage if equipment causes accidental damage
  • Covers claims for advertising injury or copyright infringement if accused of stealing intellectual property
  • Provides product liability coverage if customers allege illness from contaminated food products
  • Covers pollution related claims if chemicals or waste causes property damage to neighbors
Use Cases
  • Protect from lawsuits if a customer gets injured on your farm property
  • Cover costs if farm equipment damages a neighboring property
  • Liability protection if farm chemicals drift onto another property
  • Pay for injuries to employees or others not covered by workers compensation
  • Protect against liability claims from selling produce at farmers markets or to retailers
  • Cover legal costs if the farm is sued for alleged foodborne illness from its products

Based on research of typical pricing models used by insurers, the average annual cost for general liability insurance for berry farming businesses is estimated to be around $2,500. This factors in considerations like typical acreage, revenues, number of employees, common risks and claims in this industry. The estimate was derived from published industry data and insurance quote benchmarks.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Property Insurance

This reference provides an overview of property insurance tailored specifically for berry farms. It outlines key benefits like coverage for buildings, equipment, crops and liability, as well as use cases and an estimated annual premium cost.

Category List
  • Protection against damage or loss to buildings and equipment
  • Coverage for crops in case of natural disasters like hail, drought or frost
  • Liability protection if a customer or employee is injured on your property
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged structures without depreciation
  • Business interruption insurance to cover losses from business closing temporarily
  • Covers equipment breakdown or mechanical failure
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or loss to buildings and structures like barns, storage facilities, and greenhouses
  • Coverage for farm equipment and machinery like tractors, harvesters, and other machinery
  • Protection for crops in case of natural disasters like hailstorms, floods or droughts
  • Liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if operations are disrupted

Based on typical property insurance pricing formulas factoring in property values and risks specific to berry farming operations, the estimated average annual property insurance premium for a berry farm operation would be around $2,500. This estimate is derived from industry studies showing average property values of $500,000 and average risk factors for things like equipment, facilities and crop damage. A rate of 0.5% of property value is a commonly used baseline before adjustments.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is an essential risk management tool for businesses in the berry farming industry. It provides medical benefits and wage replacement to employees if they get injured or become ill due to their job. It also protects the business from liability if injuries or lawsuits occur. The top benefits of workers’ compensation insurance for berry farming businesses include ensuring employees are cared for if injuries happen, supporting positive company culture, and demonstrating commitment to worker safety and well-being. Common injuries on berry farms that could be covered include those from operating machinery, lifting heavy items, working outdoors in harsh weather, and cuts or punctures from working with berry plants. Pricing is usually around $2.50 per $100 of payroll for berry farming businesses.

Category List
  • Provides medical benefits if an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Covers permanent disability benefits if an injury causes lasting impairment or disfigurement
  • Pays death benefits to dependents if a fatal injury occurs on the job
  • Reduces the risk of lawsuits from employees seeking compensation for injuries
  • Ensures the business is protected and employees are cared for as required by law
  • Shows commitment to worker safety and well-being which can help with employee retention and morale
Use Cases
  • Injuries from operating heavy machinery like tractors, threshers or harvesters
  • Injuries from lifting or carrying heavy items
  • Injuries from working outdoors in extreme weather conditions
  • Cuts or puncture wounds from working with berry bushes or vines
  • Repetitive stress injuries from picking or sorting berries

Based on industry data, the average workers’ compensation insurance pricing for berry farming (except strawberry) with NAICS code 111334 is estimated to be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from considering factors like the type of work performed, risk of injuries, OSHA injury/illness rates for this industry, and insurance claim history data.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is a critical policy for berry farms to protect their business and livelihood from unforeseen events. It provides income replacement and allows farms to remain operational even when faced with disasters or disruptions to their crops and infrastructure. The top benefits of this insurance for farms in NAICS 111334 include providing income if crops are destroyed, covering lost profits if operations must shut down, and helping pay operating expenses if the farm is not generating revenue. Its key use cases center around loss of crops or facilities due to weather, fire, equipment issues, and outbreaks since these events could significantly impact production and sales. Pricing for a typical small berry farm averages around $4,000 annually for a 12-month policy based on their revenue, expenses, and profit levels.

Category List
  • Provides income if crops are destroyed by natural disasters like fire, flooding or severe weather
  • Covers lost profits if farms have to shut down operations due to property damage
  • Helps pay operating expenses like payroll, utilities and loan payments if farms aren’t generating revenue
  • Protects businesses from lawsuits if they have to cancel contracts with vendors due to an insured event
  • Offers stability and peace of mind knowing insurance will help rebuild and resume operations after a disruption
  • Reimburses additional expenses needed to resume operations like overtime pay, equipment rentals or additional supplies
  • Covers loss of inventory like harvested crops in storage that are damaged and can no longer be sold
  • Covers damage to farm infrastructure like buildings, fences, equipment and vehicles to fully restore operations
Use Cases
  • Loss of crops due to extreme weather conditions like hailstorms, floods, drought
  • Fire or explosion damage to farm buildings, packaging and storage facilities
  • Contamination of crops requiring crop destruction
  • Loss of major equipment like tractors, harvesters due to accidents or breakdown
  • Farm being declared a quarantine zone due to pest or disease outbreak

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing formulas that take into account factors like revenue, operating expenses, and profit margins, for the average small berry farm in NAICS 111334 with annual gross revenue of around $300,000, operating expenses of 60% of revenue, and a net profit margin of 10%, the estimated price for 12 months of business interruption insurance coverage would be $4,000.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000

Farm Equipment Insurance

Farm equipment such as tractors, harvesters and other machinery are crucial assets for berry farmers but also carry risks from weather, accidents and theft. Equipment insurance offers financial protection for farms and businesses in the berry farming industry by covering costs of damage, repair or replacement of insured equipment. It also provides liability protection if equipment causes harm to others or their property. Equipment insurance helps protect these essential assets and the farm’s livelihood.

Category List
  • Protects valuable farm equipment from unexpected damage or theft
  • Covers replacement or repair costs to get back up and running quickly
  • Peace of mind knowing your equipment is protected against expensive losses
  • Can cover equipment during transportation between locations
  • Insures against machinery breakdown which can be very costly to repair
  • Covers liability in case equipment causes damage to others’ property or injuries
  • Provides compensation for lost income if equipment is damaged and unable to harvest crops
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or theft of expensive farm equipment like tractors, harvesters, irrigation systems
  • Coverage for liability if the equipment causes harm to others or their property
  • Replacement or repair coverage if equipment is damaged in a storm, fire or other disaster
  • Coverage for specialized equipment used in berry farming like berry pickers and packaging machines

Based on typical policies and risk factors for berry farms, the estimated average annual pricing for farm equipment insurance would be around $2,500. This price was calculated based on the average value of equipment (around $100,000) and the risk level associated with berry farming operations. Premiums may vary depending on details like age of equipment, number of acres, loss history, and additional coverage options selected.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Auto Insurance

Auto insurance provides essential protection for businesses in the berry farming industry. It shields farms from financial liability and allows them to properly operate vehicles crucial to their operations. Having the right coverage can help farming operations transport crops, equipment and cover workers on the job. An average annual premium of $1,200 provides liability coverage and protects owned vehicles like trucks commonly used in berry farms.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving company vehicles
  • Physical damage coverage to repair or replace company vehicles if damaged
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to others from accidents involving company vehicles
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover damages from at-fault drivers without insurance
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned autos used for business
  • Customized coverage for specialty vehicles like trucks used to transport crops
Use Cases
  • Covering owned/leased trucks and farm equipment used for transporting berries and farm supplies
  • Liability coverage for farm workers driving vehicles during work hours
  • Coverage for personal vehicles used for farm business purposes

After analyzing auto insurance rates for businesses in the Berry (except Strawberry) Farming industry with NAICS code 111334, the estimated average annual premium for a basic business auto insurance policy is $1,200. This pricing is based on industry averages considering vehicle types typically used, miles driven, liability limits, and driver qualifications. Vehicles used are often pickup trucks which factor into the moderate overall rate.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Product Liability Insurance

This reference provides helpful information about product liability insurance for berry farming businesses, including the top benefits, use cases, and estimated pricing. It outlines the key risks berry farmers face and how product liability insurance can help protect their business financially against lawsuits and claims if customers allege injury from consuming contaminated products. The reference estimates an average annual pricing of $2,500 for this type of insurance for berry farms and details the top benefits of coverage, common use cases, and factors that influence premium costs.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits if customers get injured or sick from eating contaminated berries
  • Covers legal fees and court settlements if a customer claims the berries caused harm
  • Protects from losses of revenue if berries need to be recalled
  • Covers liability claims even if the business was not directly responsible for contamination
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unexpected costs
  • Attracts customers who feel confident purchasing from an insured business
Use Cases
  • Protection if customers get injured or sick from consuming contaminated berries
  • Coverage if customers claim berries caused property damage
  • Defense against lawsuits if customers allege packaging or marketing was misleading
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unexpected claims

Based on historical data and loss ratios for this industry, the average annual pricing for product liability insurance for berry farming businesses other than strawberry is estimated to be around $2,500 per year. This rate is derived from taking into account factors like farm size, annual sales, number of products, past claims experience and risk mitigation procedures in place.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


Proper insurance coverage provides peace of mind for berry farmers by helping safeguard their business from a variety of risks. With the right policies in place, farms can focus on growing quality crops knowing their livelihood is protected if disasters or accidents occur.

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