Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from injuries on your property or from your products.
  • Property insurance covers damage or losses to buildings, equipment, inventory from hazards like fires and natural disasters.
  • Commercial auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles used in delivery and transportation as part of operations.
  • Business interruption insurance covers loss of income and expenses if operations are temporarily disrupted.
  • Workers compensation insurance ensures proper medical care and compensation for employees injured on the job.
  • Product liability insurance protects financially if issues arise with bottled water products that harm consumers.
  • Cyber liability insurance protects against costs of data breaches and network security incidents.
  • Directors & officers liability insurance protects business owners from lawsuits related to management decisions.


As a bottled water manufacturing company dealing with specialized equipment and transportation vehicles, it is important to protect the business with the proper insurance policies. Key risks for these types of operations include injuries and property damage, business interruption, auto accidents, issues arising from bottled water products, and now also data breaches and cyberattacks due to increased reliance on IT systems and customer data. Having the right insurance in place provides peace of mind and financial protection should problems occur.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important protection for bottled water manufacturing businesses. It helps protect against costly lawsuits from injuries or damages that may occur on the premises or from their products. In addition to the benefits mentioned, general liability insurance also helps cover legal costs if the business is sued, provides coverage if the business accidentally damages someone else’s property during operations, and pays medical expenses for anyone injured on the premises.

Category List
  • Protects your assets from lawsuits in case someone is injured on your property or by your products
  • Covers legal costs if you’re sued by a customer or employee
  • Provides coverage if you accidentally damage someone else’s property during your operations
  • Covers you if a customer claims your product caused property damage or bodily injury
  • Pays medical expenses for anyone injured on your premises
  • Protects your business reputation in case of incidents involving your products or facility
  • Covers environmental damage or cleanup costs in the event of pollution from your facility
Use Cases
  • Covers costs if a customer gets injured at your facility
  • Covers costs if a customer has an allergic reaction to your product
  • Covers costs if your product is defective and causes damage or injury
  • Covers costs if your bottled water leaks during transportation and damages other goods
  • Covers costs if your product is contaminated and causes illness
  • Covers costs if your trucks are involved in an accident during delivery

Based on industry research and analysis of average claim costs and risks, the estimated average annual price for general liability insurance for bottled water manufacturing businesses (NAICS 312112) is around $5,000-$7,000. This price range takes into account factors like company size, annual revenue, number of employees, loss history, and risk management practices. The price is calculated based on $1-2 million limit of liability coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial financial protection for businesses in the bottled water manufacturing industry. It covers costs associated with potential losses and damages to property, equipment, facilities and inventory from a variety of risks. Property insurance also offers replacement cost coverage to help repair or replace damaged property without deductions for depreciation. It protects ongoing business operations and helps bottled water manufacturers reopen after covered losses.

Category List
  • Covers costs associated with damage or loss of property, buildings, inventory and equipment from hazards like fire, wind, hail, explosions and more
  • Pays for losses due to business personal property, machinery, equipment, furniture and fixtures
  • Covers additional living expenses if disaster forces you out of your business location
  • Covers your business income if you have to temporarily suspend operations due to direct physical loss or damage to your business property
  • Covers debris removal after a covered loss to help clean up and get your operations back up and running
  • Offers replacement cost coverage to repair or replace property without deductions for depreciation
  • Protects financing for equipment, buildings and other property by ensuring lenders the assets will be repaired or replaced if damaged
Use Cases
  • Protect bottling equipment and machinery from damages
  • Cover losses from fire or explosions at facilities
  • Replace buildings or structures if damaged by natural disasters like floods, hurricanes or earthquakes
  • Cover accidental loss or damage to inventory like bottled water products

Based on industry research, the average pricing for property insurance for businesses in the bottled water manufacturing industry (NAICS 312112) is around $1.50-$2.00 per $100 of insured property value. This pricing is derived from considering factors like the risks associated with bottling plant equipment and machinery, water transportation vehicles, potential for contamination issues, property storage facilities, etc. The pricing also takes into account safety measures and policies businesses have in place.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50-$2.00/ $100 property value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides several key benefits for bottled water manufacturing businesses. It offers protection for vehicles used to transport products and raw materials, covers legal liabilities from accidents, and protects the company’s assets. It also includes medical payments for injuries to others from an accident and replacement rental vehicles when vehicles need repairs. Estimated pricing is around $1,500-$2,000 annually per vehicle depending on factors like vehicle type, miles driven, safety record, and number of employees. Maintaining proper safety protocols and driver training can help lower insurance costs over time.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for physical damage to vehicles
  • Medical payments for injuries to others
  • Replacement rental vehicles if vehicles are totaled or need repairs
  • Coverage for goods transported in vehicles, such as bottled water
  • Protection while vehicles are being used for commercial purposes
  • Coverage for non-owned vehicles used by employees for business
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company owned vehicles like delivery trucks that transport bottled water products
  • Liability coverage for accidents involving company vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to passengers or third parties from an accident
  • Coverage for company vehicles used to transport raw materials needed for production like plastic bottles and caps
  • Coverage for maintenance and service vehicles used at the manufacturing facility

Based on industry averages, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for bottled water manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312112 is around $1,500-$2,000 per vehicle. This pricing takes into account factors like the type of vehicles used, average miles driven, safety record, and number of employees. Vehicles for delivery and transportation of water comprise most of the fleet for this type of business. Maintaining proper safety protocols and driver training can help keep insurance costs lower over time.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500-$2,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for bottled water manufacturing businesses that rely on specialized equipment. It covers loss of income and additional expenses if operations are temporarily interrupted due to property damage, equipment breakdowns, supply chain issues, interruptions to water sources or utilities, and other covered causes. Even short interruptions can threaten viability, so coverage for payroll, restart costs, and other expenses is important to retain workers and restart production smoothly.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily close due to property damage
  • Covers additional expenses to keep the business running during temporary closure like costs for temporary locations or equipment rentals
  • Covers payroll costs if employees can’t work during closure to help retain workers
  • Provides funds to restart business operations after damage is repaired
  • Business interruption insurance gives bottled water manufacturers the financial protection they need to weather interruptions and get back to business as usual.
Use Cases
  • Protection from floods, hurricanes, wildfires or other natural disasters that damage property and stop operations
  • Coverage if critical equipment like bottling machinery breaks down and needs repairs
  • Coverage for loss of income if the plant is shut down due to a contamination or quality issue with the water source
  • Protection if key suppliers experience an interruption that prevents them from providing materials on time
  • Coverage for losses if a utility provider like the electric company experiences an outage that impacts operations

Based on average estimates from insurance providers, business interruption insurance for bottled water manufacturing facilities typically costs between 0.5-1% of total annual insurable value or revenue. Given the average annual revenue per bottled water manufacturing facility is around $20 million according to industry data, the estimated pricing would be $100,000-$200,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $100,000-$200,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical protections for bottled water manufacturing businesses and their employees. It ensures employees are cared for and compensated if injured on the job, while shielding businesses from costly liability claims.

Having proper workers compensation coverage for bottled water manufacturing businesses (NAICS 312112) is especially important. The production process involves risks like heavy lifting, operating machinery, chemical exposures, and more that could result in injuries. Workers comp helps cover medical expenses and lost wages to promote a faster recovery for employees hurt at work. It also protects the business financially from lawsuits by meeting state insurance requirements. Rates average $1.50 to $2 per $100 of payroll based on risks for this industry.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for employee injuries on the job
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Protects the business from costly lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a faster return to work for injured employees
  • Required by law in all states for businesses with 1+ employees
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Provide wage replacement if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover legal costs if an employee sues an employer for negligence related to a workplace injury
  • Protect the business from liability costs if an employee is injured and decides to take legal action
  • Meet state regulatory requirements for businesses to carry workers comp insurance

Based on national averages, the estimated average workers compensation insurance pricing for bottled water manufacturing businesses (NAICS 312112) is $1.50 to $2.00 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from insurance rate filings and loss data associated with bottled water manufacturing work activities and risk levels. Hazards involving machinery, lifting, and transportation of goods contribute to higher than average risk.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50-$2.00/100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides critical protection for bottled water manufacturing businesses. As producers of bottled water that customers consume, it is important for these companies to carry insurance that will defend them financially in the event that their products cause harm or injury. This insurance also helps demonstrate to customers and business partners that the company is committed to product safety. Estimated pricing for product liability insurance for these businesses averages $3-5 per $1,000 of sales.

Category List
  • Protects your business from financial loss due to product defects or injuries caused by your products
  • Covers legal fees and settlements if customers file lawsuits alleging injury from your products
  • Shows customers you stand behind the safety and quality of your products
  • Mandatory for many businesses depending on size and products
  • Demonstrates your commitment to product safety and quality to customers and business partners
  • Protects company owners and executives from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit
  • Provides peace of mind in case an unforeseen issue does arise with your products
Use Cases
  • Defend against lawsuits if consumers are injured by contaminated bottled water
  • Settle claims out of court if bottled water is contaminated and causes illness
  • Cover costs and damages if bottled water bottles break or explode, causing injury

Based on industry analysis, the estimated average pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the bottled water manufacturing industry with NAICS code 312112 is $3-5 per $1,000 of sales. This price was determined by considering factors such as the risk level of the industry, average claims amounts in the past, and insurer profit margins.

Estimated Pricing: $3-5 per $1,000 of sales

Cyber Liability Insurance

As a bottled water manufacturing business, cyber liability insurance is an important consideration to protect your company from costly risks. Cyber attacks and data breaches are threats all businesses face in today’s digital world. Cyber liability insurance can help provide financial protection and resources in the event of a network security incident, data breach, or ransomware attack by reimbursing costs related to response and recovery, as well as liability from third party lawsuits.

Category List
  • Protection against costs from data breaches including lawsuits, investigations, notification and credit monitoring
  • Coverage for costs related to security incidents like malware infections, denial of service attacks, and phishing
  • Liability protection if a third party sues your company for a privacy violation or security failure
  • Reimbursement for costs to restore systems or data after an attack
  • Public relations and crisis management support in the event of a major breach
  • Coverage for breach of privacy regulations like HIPAA, GDPR and state laws
  • Coverage of legal fees, investigative costs and other expenses related to a privacy incident
  • Reputation management assistance to minimize long-term damage from a data breach
  • Coverage for breach of privacy regulations like HIPAA, GDPR and state laws
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss of customer or employee private information
  • Network security failure or errors allowing external access to critical systems
  • Loss or theft of company devices containing private customer information
  • Ransomware attack encrypting systems until ransom is paid

Based on reviewing average cyber liability insurance pricing for manufacturing businesses, bottled water manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312112 can expect to pay around $2,500-$5,000 annually for cyber liability insurance. Pricing is usually determined based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, IT security posture and history of data breaches or cyber incidents. For an average bottled water manufacturing business with $10-20M in annual revenue and 50-100 employees, and no major past cyber incidents, the estimated annual pricing would be around $3,500.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500


In summary, bottled water manufacturers should strongly consider policies for general liability ($5,000-7,000 annually), property ($1.50-$2 per $100 of insured value), commercial auto ($1,500-2,000 per vehicle), business interruption ($100,000-200,000), workers compensation ($1.50-2 per $100 of payroll), product liability ($3-5 per $1,000 of sales) and cyber liability insurance ($3,500). Maintaining adequate coverage through reputable insurers is essential to shield the company from potential financial losses and risks inherent in bottled water production, distribution, and consumption.

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