Key Takeaways

  • General Liability insurance protects against third party claims and lawsuits.
  • Property insurance covers assets from damages and lost income from disruptions.
  • Commercial Auto insurance protects commercial vehicles used for business.
  • Workers’ Comp covers medical costs and lost wages for on-the-job injuries.
  • Product Liability protects against claims over defective products.
  • Commercial Umbrella provides additional liability coverage.
  • Business Interruption covers lost income if operations are disrupted.
  • Cyber Insurance protects against data breaches and cyber attacks.
  • D&O Insurance protects directors and officers from personal lawsuits.


There are several key types of business insurance that are important for companies in the carpet and rug mills industry to protect their operations and mitigate risks. This includes policies such as General Liability, Property, Commercial Auto, Workers’ Compensation, and others that cover potential exposures.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance protects carpet and rug mills from costly lawsuits while allowing them to focus on running their business. It covers legal fees and claims that may arise from injuries on the premises, faulty products, or accidents during installation. The estimated annual premium for a carpet and rug mill business with a $2 million payroll would be around $5,000. General liability insurance is essential for carpet and rug mills to protect against risks and provide peace of mind.

Category List
  • Protects your business from third party lawsuits and claims
  • Covers your legal defense costs if a claim is brought against your business
  • Pays for bodily injury or property damage claims from customers or the public
  • Covers incidents that occur on or off your business premises
  • Covers claims related to faulty workmanship or product defects
  • Provides coverage for pollution related incidents
  • Covers transportation of product and defective product claims
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from customers who are injured on your premises
  • Cover costs if a customer claims the carpets or rugs they purchased from you caused an injury or property damage
  • Cover legal fees if you are sued for issues related to exposures like slip and fall accidents on your store premises
  • Protect against lawsuits from employees who get injured on the job
  • Cover claims for damage to a customer’s existing property that occurs during installation of new carpets/rugs
  • Provide coverage for liability exposures that may arise from delivering and installing carpets/rugs for customers

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated pricing for general liability insurance for carpet and rug mills under NAICS code 314110 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from considering risk factors such as machinery being used in production, potential for workplace injuries, and exposure to lawsuits related to product defects. The average payroll for businesses in this industry is around $2 million, which would yield an annual insurance premium of around $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides valuable protection for businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry. As these businesses rely heavily on specialized machinery and equipment for their carpet and rug production processes, property insurance helps protect their significant capital investment and business operations if those assets are damaged or destroyed. It covers costs from damages to property, equipment, inventory, and lost income due to interruptions from insured events like fires, storms, equipment failures, and more.

Category List
  • Protection against fire damage to property like machinery and equipment
  • Coverage for property theft, vandalism or damage
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild property after a covered loss
  • Business income protection if operations are interrupted by a covered property loss
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical failure of machinery
  • Protection for raw materials like wool, synthetic fibers, and dyes against covered perils
  • Coverage for losses due to water damage from sources like burst pipes or flooding
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage and losses from fire
  • Protection against property damage and losses from weather events like hail, windstorms, etc.
  • Protection against property damage and losses from natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes
  • Protection against property damage and losses from equipment breakdown like boilers and machinery
  • Protection against property damage and losses from theft and vandalism

Based on industry average costs and property values, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the Carpet and Rug Mills industry with NAICS code 314110 would be around $2.50 per $100 of insured property value. This pricing was calculated based on typical property values and loss histories for manufacturing businesses of this type and size.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is crucial protection for carpet and rug mills and provides top benefits such as liability coverage, physical damage coverage to vehicles, medical payments coverage, and coverage for hired, non-owned, and service vehicles used in daily operations. The estimated annual pricing is around $1,800 based on industry averages. Some key use cases include covering fleet vehicles for deliveries, insuring service vehicles for installations, and providing liability protection for employee vehicles during deliveries or service calls. Commercial auto insurance mitigates financial risks for carpet and rug mills that rely on transportation of raw materials, finished goods, and services requiring fleet, delivery, service, and sales vehicles.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving company vehicles
  • Physical damage coverage to repair or replace vehicles in the event of collisions, theft, or other incidents
  • Medical payments coverage to pay for injuries to others regardless of fault
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover damages caused by drivers with no insurance or not enough coverage
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned autos used in business operations
  • Loss of income protection if a vehicle is disabled and out of service
  • Emergency roadside assistance for towing, fuel delivery, flat tire changes and other services
Use Cases
  • Covering fleet vehicles used to deliver finished products to customers
  • Insuring service vehicles used by technicians to install carpets/rugs at customer sites
  • Providing liability protection if an employee is in an accident while making deliveries or servicing equipment
  • Covering vehicles used to transport raw materials between facilities or suppliers
  • Insuring company vehicles used by salespeople

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry with NAICS code 314110 would be around $1,800. This pricing was derived based on factors such as the types of vehicles used, average miles driven, driving records, and average claims in this industry. Vehicles are typically cargo vans or pickup trucks used to transport materials and inventory. Risk is considered moderate compared to other industries.

Estimated Pricing: $1,800

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides crucial protections for both employees and employers in the carpet and rug mills industry. This industry involves manufacturing processes and heavy machinery which can place workers at higher risk for on-the-job injuries. The estimated average cost of workers compensation insurance for businesses in this industry is $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate factors in the above average risk level due to machinery operations and material handling that are commonly involved in carpet and rug manufacturing.

Category List
  • Provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured on the job
  • Covers legal liability in the event an employee is injured or becomes ill due to occupational hazards or work conditions
  • Protects the company from incurring high legal costs and potential penalties if sued by an injured employee
  • Reduces potential disruption and replacement costs associated with workplace injuries
  • Allows the company to focus on work instead of liability issues if an accident occurs
  • Helps attract and retain quality employees by demonstrating a commitment to their safety and well-being
  • Reduces the company’s risk of monetary losses or business interruption from employee injury claims
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured or becomes ill due to occupational hazards
  • Provide replacement income for employees unable to work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover costs of moderate workplace modifications to facilitate an injured employee’s return to work
  • Pay for vocational rehabilitation expenses to retrain an employee for alternative duties if the previous job is no longer possible due to permanent injury

Based on industry analysis and statistics, the average workers compensation insurance pricing for businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry with NAICS code 314110 tends to be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price is derived from analyzing workers compensation loss data specific to this industry which shows an above average risk level due to machinery operations and material handling. The price also factors in state and industry modifiers.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides crucial protection for carpet and rug mills against costly risks. It covers expenses associated with injuries, property damage, recalls, and legal defense resulting from defective products, helping businesses avoid severe financial impacts. Additional benefits of product liability insurance for carpet and rug mills include demonstrating safety commitment to customers and partners, as well as protecting against unexpected costs from allergic reactions to new materials. Common use cases involve claims over defective materials or manufacturing issues, accidents caused by flawed carpet, and addressing safety problems through recalls. Estimated annual premiums for medium mills are around $5,000 per $1 million of coverage.

Category List
  • Protection against costly lawsuits if a customer is injured by a manufacturing defect in carpets or rugs
  • Covers legal fees and claim payouts if a customer alleges injuries from chemicals used in manufacturing
  • Pays for recalls if a product is found to be unsafe
  • Provides financial stability by lessening the risk of potentially large claim payouts
  • Helps protect your business assets from lawsuits and claims
  • Demonstrates to customers and business partners that you stand behind your products
Use Cases
  • Defend against claims of product defects related to carpet material or manufacturing
  • Cover costs of repairs/replacements if carpet is found to cause injuries or property damage
  • Pay for legal defense if business is sued due to accidents caused by defective carpet
  • Cover costs of a product recall if carpet is found to have safety issues
  • Protect against allergic or toxic reactions that customers have to new materials or treatments in carpet

Based on historical data for product liability insurance pricing for carpet and rug mills, the average annual premium is estimated to be around $5,000 per $1 million of coverage. This is calculated based on risk factors such as payroll, number of employees, types of products produced, number of claims and losses in past years, and safety practices. For a medium sized carpet and rug mill business with 50 employees and $10 million in annual revenue, the estimated annual premium would be $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides an additional layer of liability protection above a company’s standard insurance policies. It can help protect against lawsuits and claims that exceed primary coverage limits.

Umbrella insurance is especially beneficial for carpet and rug manufacturers due to the risks involved in production processes and potential for product liability claims or injuries involving machinery. The coverage provides affordable protection against costly legal fees and settlements from incidents not fully covered by primary policies.

Category List
  • Additional liability protection above primary insurance policies
  • Higher limits of liability at a relatively low cost
  • Protection from lawsuits involving multiple parties or incidents
  • Coverage for legal costs and settlements above primary limits
  • Covers incidents not included in primary policies
  • Protection against costly legal defense fees
  • Protection for on-the-job injuries and various other claims
Use Cases
  • Protect against liability claims that exceed the limits of underlying commercial general liability insurance
  • Provide additional liability coverage for on-site accidents involving employees or customers
  • Cover liability claims from defective or unsafe carpet and rug products
  • Protect against lawsuits from injuries caused by poor warehouse conditions or lifting accidents
  • Offer protection for liability exposures from leased or non-owned vehicles used for business
  • Cover legal costs and damages from pollution and mold lawsuits

Based on industry data and risk profiles, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial umbrella insurance with $1 million coverage limits for businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry (NAICS 314110) would be around $1,500. This pricing was derived considering factors like the industry’s average sales amounts, number of employees, common liability exposures, historical loss experience, and more.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for carpet and rug mills against the unforeseen business disruptions that are common risks for their industry. Some key coverages business interruption insurance offers carpet and rug mills include: covering loss of income if operations have to temporarily shut down due to property damage, reimbursing extra costs of operating elsewhere if the premises cannot be occupied, including coverage for losses from utility outages or supply chain disruptions, and protecting against financial difficulties caused by events outside of the business’s control like fires, floods or equipment breakdowns.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily shut down operations due to property damage
  • Provides funds to keep paying employees and other operating expenses until operations can resume
  • Protects against financial difficulties caused by events outside of the business’s control like fires, floods or equipment breakdowns
  • Covers additional expenses incurred to reduce losses from covered interruptions or to continue as much of the business as possible while damaged property or equipment is repaired or replaced
  • Helps maintain business stability and cash flow during recovery to get back up and running
  • Reimburses extra costs of operating elsewhere or from temporary locations if the business premises cannot be occupied due to a covered event
  • Includes coverage for losses from utility service interruptions, supply chain disruptions or when access to the business is prevented
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business is protected from financial losses during rebuilding or recovery process after a disruptive event
Use Cases
  • Loss of operations due to fire damage to facilities
  • Loss of operations due to water damage like burst pipes or flooding
  • Loss of operations due to equipment breakdown like machine failures
  • Loss of operations due to power outage from utility provider
  • Loss of operations due to natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes or earthquakes
  • Loss of operations due to supply chain disruptions like supplier factory damage or shipping delays

Based on industry averages, business interruption insurance for carpet and rug mills typically costs between 1-2% of annual revenue. Given the NAICS code of 314110, annual revenue for these types of businesses often range from $5-10 million. Therefore, the estimated pricing would be $50,000-200,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $50,000-200,000

Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry to protect against costly cyber attacks and data breaches. It can help cover expenses related to incident response, system restoration, business interruption, legal liabilities if sensitive customer data is compromised, and regulatory fines. Examples of top use cases where cyber insurance would apply include a data breach exposing customer payment or personal details, ransomware attacks encrypting systems until a ransom is paid, liability if a partner’s systems are impacted due to the business’ negligence, lost revenue if systems are offline due to an extended attack, and cyber extortion demands. On average, businesses in this industry can expect to pay around $3,750 annually for cyber insurance based on their size, revenues, and potential cyber risks.

Category List
  • Covers costs of responding to a breach like notifying affected individuals, offering credit monitoring services, fines and penalties from regulators
  • Reimburses for costs to restore systems and data that have been affected by an attack
  • Covers lost income and extra expenses due to operational disruption from a cyber incident
  • Pays for legal services and PR support in the event of a damaging cyber event like ransomware attack or data breach
  • Covers regulatory fines and penalties if personally identifiable information (PII) or payment card data is compromised
  • Provides access to security experts to help with incident response and prevention of future attacks
  • Covers cyber extortion payouts if the business is targeted by ransomware attacks
  • Protects the company’s reputation by limiting liability and ensuring business continuity after an attack
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to theft of customer personal or payment information
  • Ransomware attack encrypting systems and files until ransom is paid
  • Third party liability if a supplier or customer’s systems are compromised due to the business’ negligence
  • Business interruption if systems are offline for an extended period due to an attack
  • Cyber extortion demanding a payment to prevent public disclosure of a vulnerability or private information

Based on research on average cyber insurance pricing for manufacturing businesses, businesses in the Carpet and Rug Mills industry with NAICS Code 314110 can expect to pay around $2,500 – $5,000 annually for cyber insurance. The pricing is calculated based on number of employees (usually 50-200 for this industry), annual revenues (usually $10-50million range for this industry), and potential risks involving computer systems and brand/IP. The average would be around $3,750 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $3,750 per year

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, also known as D&O insurance, protects the directors, officers and managers of companies from personal financial loss in the event of a lawsuit resulting from wrongful acts in their capacity as directors and officers. D&O insurance is especially important for carpet and rug mills due to the risks associated with operating heavy machinery and dealing with chemicals. D&O insurance provides coverage for legal defense costs, settlements, judgments and reimbursement to the company if it pays for the defense or loss on behalf of a director of officer. Common risks for the carpet and rug mills industry that D&O insurance covers include health and safety violations, employment practices liabilities and errors or omissions by management.

Category List
  • Protect directors and officers from personal financial loss in the event of an error, omission or negligence claim
  • Cover legal defense costs if a claim is filed against directors and officers
  • Indemnify corporate reimbursement if the company pays a judgment against or settlement for directors and officers
  • Cover defense costs for regulatory investigations and administrative proceedings
  • Provides access to experienced lawyers specializing in D&O claims defense
  • Protects the company’s reputation and avoids disruptions that lawsuits can cause
  • Peace of mind knowing the company’s leaders are protected
Use Cases
  • Protection against errors and omissions claims
  • Defense costs for lawsuits alleging wrongful acts
  • Reimbursement for legal fees and settlements in the event of lawsuits
  • Coverage for claims relating to health and safety violations
  • Protection for decisions related to hiring, firing, promotions, and other employment-related exposures

Based on an analysis of insurance pricing data for similar sized businesses in the carpet and rug mills industry, the estimated average annual premium for Directors And Officers Insurance would be $15,000-$20,000. Factors that influence pricing include annual revenue, number of employees/directors, any prior claims, and risk profile of the industry/operations.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$20,000


In summary, carrying the right insurance policies can help carpet and rug mills focus on running their business while ensuring protection from unforeseen losses and lawsuits. The insurance policies outlined here provide crucial coverage and financial stability for the operations and risks involved in this manufacturing industry.

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