Key Takeaways

  • Commercial general liability protects from third-party injury claims and liability lawsuits
  • Commercial property covers costs to repair or replace insured physical assets in case of damage or loss
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Business interruption provides funding if operations are temporarily disrupted
  • Commercial auto insures company vehicles and employee drivers
  • Cyber liability protects financially and legally in the event of a data breach or cyber attack
  • Employment practices liability defends against employment-related lawsuits


As a business that relies on handling customer interactions and sensitive data, telephone answering services have unique insurance needs to protect their operations and finances. This article examines the core business insurance policies these companies should consider carrying.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance provides important liability protection for telephone answering service businesses. It covers claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury that may arise from business operations or occur on the business premises.
The top benefits of CGL insurance for these businesses include protecting from third-party injury claims, accidents on premises, client claims of injury from services, medical expenses for injuries on property, and crisis/legal support for lawsuits. Common risks covered are injuries to clients, damage to client equipment, and employee injuries. The estimated annual price for CGL insurance for these businesses is around $1,200.

Category List
  • Protects your business from third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers liability claims from accidents that happen on your business premises
  • Protects you from lawsuits if a client claims they were injured by your services
  • Covers the medical expenses of anyone injured while on your business property
  • Provides crisis management services if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Covers legal fees and settlements if your business loses a liability lawsuit
  • Covers claims brought by a contractor while working on your premises
  • Covers advertising injury and personal injury claims like defamation
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from clients
  • Errors and omissions leading to claims from clients
  • Damage to client equipment while in your possession
  • Employees injuries on the job
  • Slip and fall injuries to visitors on your premises

Based on average risk factors and typical policy details for businesses in the telephone answering services industry, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial general liability insurance would be around $1,200. This price was calculated based on factors like number of employees, annual revenue, risk classification, and common policy limits/deductibles. Insurance rates can vary some based on individual business risk assessments.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an essential risk management tool for businesses in the telephone answering services industry. It protects the physical office space, equipment, and property from financial losses due to unexpected damage or liability claims. Some key benefits of commercial property insurance for these businesses include replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild the property after a loss, equipment and supplies coverage inside the office, and business interruption insurance to cover lost income if repairs force temporary closure. The estimated annual pricing for adequate commercial property insurance for most telephone answering services is around $1,500.

Category List
  • Protection against fire damage
  • Protection against water damage like burst pipes or flooding
  • Liability coverage in case someone gets injured on your property
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild your property after a loss
  • Coverage for equipment and supplies inside your office
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income if the office must close temporarily for repairs
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage or loss from risks like fire, lightening, wind, hail, explosions, etc.
  • Replacement or repair costs if equipment is damaged or destroyed
  • Liability coverage if a visitor gets injured on your property
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying expenses if the office has to temporarily close due to a covered loss
  • Coverage for damage to computers, phones, call recording equipment and other technology needed to run the business

For businesses in the telephone answering services industry (NAICS Code 561421), the average annual pricing for commercial property insurance would be around $1,500. This is estimated based on factors such as the typical property values for office spaces used by these types of businesses, average property claims in the industry, level of coverage required, deductibles, and market rates.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides important benefits and protections for businesses in many industries like telephone answering services. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees while also protecting the business from expensive lawsuits if an injury occurs on the job. The estimated average price for this type of insurance for telephone answering services businesses is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. Common injuries this insurance covers include repetitive stress injuries from answering phones all day as well as slips and falls in the office environment. It helps ensure employees receive support while recovering from workplace accidents and encourages safety improvements through risk management guidance and premium discounts.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses for employees injured on the job
  • Covers replacement wages for employees injured and unable to work
  • Protects business owners from lawsuits if an employee is injured while working
  • Required by law in most states for businesses with employees
  • Provides loss control and risk management assistance to help prevent injuries
  • Discounts on premiums for implementing recommended safety improvements
  • Ensures employees receive adequate care and support when recovering from injuries
Use Cases
  • Covering workplace injuries like sprains, strains, fractures that providers and employees may experience from working at a call center desk and wearing a headset for long periods of time
  • Covering repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome that employees answering phone calls may be prone to from typing notes constantly
  • Covering injuries from workplace accidents like tripping over phone cords or slip and fall incidents
  • Covering injuries and health issues aggravated by long periods of sitting like back pain and obesity

Based on industry analysis and average risk factors, the estimated average price for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the telephone answering services industry (NAICS Code 561421) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived from considering average claims frequency and severity for office-based clerical occupations compared to national industry averages.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial financial protection for telephone answering services and other businesses that rely on uninterrupted operations. It reimburses loss of income and covers additional expenses if the company needs to temporarily shut down or cannot fully operate due to property damage, equipment failures, natural disasters, or other unforeseen incidents outside of their control.

Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for telephone answering services include coverage for lost revenue, ongoing expenses, temporary relocation costs, and additional expenses to regain business if operations are disrupted. Events like fires, equipment failures, prolonged power outages, employee absences, and connectivity issues are common use cases where business interruption insurance would provide financial relief. While premiums vary depending on coverage limits and business specifics, a typical small telephone answering service can expect to pay around $937.50 annually for $125,000 of insured protection.

Category List
  • Coverage for loss of income if your business needs to shut down temporarily due to property damage or natural disasters
  • Pays ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, and payroll if your business is disrupted
  • Covers additional expenses to set up temporary alternative premises if your business location is unusable
  • Provides financial security even if interruptions occur due to actions by civil authorities like evacuations or utility disruptions
  • Protection against losses stemming from damage to your suppliers’ or customers’ property that prevents them from conducting business with you
  • Reimburses extra expenses like advertising or relocation costs to regain customers and rebuild business after an interruption
Use Cases
  • If the building is damaged by fire, smoke, water, or other perils and the business must temporarily relocate
  • If there is a prolonged power outage or utility disruption impacting phone and computer systems
  • If vital equipment or technology fails or is damaged and cannot be immediately replaced
  • If a large number of employees are unable to come to work due to a widespread illness
  • If there are disruptions to phone/internet connectivity that prevent the business from answering calls remotely

Based on data from the Insurance Information Institute, typical business interruption insurance costs around 0.5-1% of the total amount of insurance purchased annually. For a small telephone answering service with $250,000 in annual revenue, a reasonable amount of insurance would be 6 months of revenue, or $125,000. At an average rate of 0.75%, the annual cost would be around $937.50

Estimated Pricing: $937.50

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential coverage for telephone answering services businesses that rely on vehicles as part of their daily operations. It provides liability protection and reimbursement for costs in case of accidents involving company vehicles or employees’ personal vehicles used for work.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for telephone answering services include protecting vehicles used for client pickup and delivery, covering vehicles used by employees for work purposes, and insuring company-owned vehicles used off-site for meetings with clients. The average annual premium for this type of insurance for small telephone answering services businesses is around $1,200.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for business use of vehicles
  • Reimbursement for medical bills and vehicle repairs after an accident
  • Coverage for business equipment or supplies transported in vehicles
  • Protection for drivers authorized to use vehicles for company business
  • Coverage for business interruptions if a vehicle is disabled in an accident
Use Cases
  • Protect vehicles used for client pickup and delivery
  • Cover vehicles used by employees for work purposes
  • Insure company-owned vehicles used off-site for meetings with clients
  • Provide coverage if an employee uses their personal vehicle for work

Based on industry data, the average price for commercial auto insurance for small businesses in the telephone answering services industry with NAICS code 561421 is around $1,200 per year. This estimate is calculated based on factors such as number of vehicles, driver history, business location, and other standard auto insurance rating factors.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance is an important consideration for telephone answering services due to the sensitive customer data they routinely handle and store. This type of insurance can help protect businesses financially in the event of a cyber attack or data breach involving loss or theft of customer information.

Category List
  • Covers legal fees and costs for data breach notification requirements
  • Covers costs of notifying affected individuals of data breaches
  • Covers costs of credit monitoring services for affected individuals
  • Covers costs of investigating cyber attacks and determining scope of data breaches
  • Covers costs of public relations help to manage reputational damage from data breaches
  • Covers costs of cyber extortion demands like ransomware
  • Covers third party liability claims for damages if a customer’s data is compromised due to the business’ negligence
  • Reimburses lost income/profits during system downtime to restore after an attack
  • Provides access to legal advisors and forensic investigators in the event of a cyber incident
  • Protects from penalties and fines from regulators like the FTC for violating data privacy laws
  • Offsets costs to upgrade security systems and train employees on cybersecurity best practices
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving loss or theft of customer information
  • Ransomware or malware attacks leading to business interruption
  • Loss of income or extra expenses due to a cyber attack
  • Legal costs and fines from regulatory non-compliance
  • Lawsuits from customers alleging negligence regarding a cyber incident

Based on the average size and operations of businesses in the Telephone Answering Services industry (NAICS code 561421), the estimated average annual pricing for a cyber liability insurance policy would be around $2,500. This takes into account factors such as the typical number of employees, annual revenue, IT systems & infrastructure, data handled, and historical claims for this industry. The pricing was derived from underwriting guidelines and rate tables from several insurance carriers.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) is an important policy for companies in the telephone answering services industry to protect themselves from expensive lawsuits related to employment issues.

Some of the top benefits of EPLI for these businesses include financial protection from lawsuit payouts and legal costs, defense coverage if claims are filed, and assistance from experienced employment attorneys. Common cases it covers involve wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, failure to promote, and wage/hour disputes. Estimated annual premiums for EPLI in this industry range from $2,000-$5,000 based on factors like number of employees, revenue, and claims history.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits from employees, former employees, or job applicants alleging wrongful acts like discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or retaliation
  • Covers legal costs and damages if a lawsuit or proceeding is brought against your company
  • Provides access to experienced employment law attorneys to help defend your company in the event of a claim
  • Protects directors and officers individually in some cases
  • Peace of mind knowing you have financial protection from expensive lawsuit payouts or legal costs
  • Covers claims spanning multiple policy years, even if the activity occurred before the policy’s inception
  • Includes defense coverage for claims deemed groundless, false or fraudulent
  • Covers claims spanning multiple policy years, even if the activity occurred before the policy’s inception
Use Cases
  • Wrongful termination lawsuits
  • Discrimination or harassment claims
  • Failure to promote lawsuits
  • Wage and hour disputes
  • Breach of employment contract lawsuits

Based on typical pricing factors such as number of employees, annual revenue, claims history, and industry risk level, the average estimated annual pricing for Employment Practices Liability Insurance for businesses in the Telephone Answering Services industry with NAICS code 561421 would be around $2,000-$5,000. Generally speaking, insurance rates tend to be influenced more by number of employees and annual revenue rather than specific industry since employment-related risks can occur across many industries. The estimated pricing provided is for a standard policy and does not include any additional coverages or deductibles that could impact the final pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$5,000

Umbrella Liability Insurance

Umbrella liability insurance provides an additional layer of protection for businesses in high-risk industries like telephone answering services. It covers claims above the normal limits of regular business insurance policies to protect a company’s assets from large lawsuits.

Top benefits of umbrella liability insurance for telephone answering services include providing coverage for privacy claims, injuries on premises, and incidents outside normal operations. Common use cases where it applies include negligence lawsuits, employee injuries, and copyright/defamation claims. Estimated pricing for $1 million in coverage is $650-900 annually.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your regular business and auto policies
  • Protects your personal assets from lawsuits and claims against your business
  • Covers legal costs to defend your business if you’re sued
  • Covers liabilities excluded from your regular policies like some types of pollution or invasion of privacy claims
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims from employees or customers on your business premises
  • Provides coverage for incidents outside your normal business operations like liability from non-owned properties
  • Covers liability claims from past operations or completed work that result in lawsuits years later
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from customers or clients alleging negligence or poor service that result in financial damages above the primary general liability policy limits
  • Provide additional coverage if an employee is injured on the job and sues the employer for negligence resulting in damages above the primary workers compensation policy limits
  • Offer protection if the business is sued for damages as a result of a copyright infringement, defamation of character, or invasion of privacy claim and damages are above the primary employment practices or errors and omissions policy limits

Based on typical risk factors and coverage amounts for businesses in the Telephone Answering Services industry (NAICS 561421), the estimated average annual pricing for $1 million in umbrella liability insurance would be $650-900. This pricing assumes no major claims history and is above the required primary general liability limits of $1 million. The pricing was derived from several insurance quotes for similar businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $750


By understanding their risks and obtaining the right mix of commercial insurance policies, telephone answering services can feel secure running their business and focus on serving customers. With coverage for liability, property damage, business interruptions, cyber threats, and employment issues, owners can protect their long-term financial stability and growth.

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