Key Takeaways

  • Crop insurance protects revenue from losses due to natural disasters or poor yields
  • Property insurance covers costs of repairing or rebuilding facilities damaged by disasters
  • General liability insurance protects the business from lawsuits if visitors are injured
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical costs and lost wages for injured employees
  • Commercial auto insurance provides liability coverage for fleet vehicles and accidents
  • Farm equipment insurance protects investments in tractors, harvesters and other machinery


Dry pea and bean farming businesses with NAICS code 111130 face various risks outside of their control that could threaten long-term viability and profitability. Purchasing the right types of business insurance helps protect revenue and assets, ensuring the operation can weather difficult times and unforeseen losses. Key policies to consider include crop insurance, property insurance, general liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance and commercial auto insurance. Farm equipment forms major capital assets, so equipment insurance mitigates risks of theft, damage or liability issues.

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance provides financial protection and stability to farmers who grow dry peas and beans. It protects them from unexpected losses and revenue declines that are outside of their control, such as those caused by natural disasters, poor weather conditions, or pests and diseases. Key benefits of crop insurance for dry pea and bean farmers include protecting revenue from losses, ensuring stability even with poor harvests, reducing financial risks from natural disasters, enabling access to loans and farm financing, and making premiums more affordable with federal subsidies. Common types of coverage protect against losses due to causes like drought, excess moisture, hail, wind, freeze and more. On average for a 100 acre dry pea and bean farm, the estimated annual premium cost is around $15 per acre.

Category List
  • Protection against loss of crops due to natural disasters and weather
  • Stable revenue even with poor harvests
  • Peace of mind knowing your farm is protected
  • Ability to borrow and get loans from lenders
  • Federal subsidies make premiums more affordable
  • Crop insurance plans tailored specifically for dry pea and bean crops
  • Coverage for losses due to plant disease or insect infestation
  • Cost savings from preventing devastating financial losses
Use Cases
  • Protection against losses from natural causes like drought, hail, excess moisture, wind, freeze, etc.
  • Coverage for declines in revenue due to poor yields
  • Help with cash flow difficulties from crop failures or losses

Based on average historical loss data for dry pea and bean crops in the United States, the estimated average annual premium for multiperil crop insurance would be around $15 per acre. This pricing assumes 65% coverage level on an average 100 acre farm with average expected yields and losses for dry pea and bean crops. The $15 per acre price was calculated using the RMA’s whole farm revenue protection insurance pricing methodology.

Estimated Pricing: $15/acre

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides critical financial protection for businesses engaged in dry pea and bean farming by covering costs from unforeseen losses and disasters that could threaten the viability of the operation. Some key benefits of property insurance for dry pea and bean farmers include protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment, coverage for replacement costs to repair or rebuild in the event of losses, and liability protection if customers or employees are injured on the farm property. Estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for dry pea and bean farming operations is around $1.35 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Protection against fire and natural disasters
  • Coverage for equipment, buildings, vehicles and crops
  • Liability protection if a customer or employee is injured on your property
  • Replacement value coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property
  • Loss of income protection if crops are destroyed and cannot be harvested
  • Coverage for employee tools and equipment used on the job
  • Protection of operating capital tied up in fields, equipment and inventory
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to farm buildings and equipment
  • Protection against theft or damage of farm vehicles and machinery
  • Protection against damage from natural disasters like hail, wind or flooding

Based on industry data and agricultural insurance industry guidelines, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for dry pea and bean farming businesses is $1.35 per $100 of insured value. This price was derived by taking into account the typical risks associated with this type of agricultural operation, including risks from adverse weather events, machinery damages, storage facility damages, and liability risks. The price also factors in the typical property values and property classifications for buildings and equipment commonly used in dry pea and bean farming operations.

Estimated Pricing: $1.35/100

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important liability protection for dry pea and bean farming businesses. It protects the business from lawsuits if visitors are injured on the property, covers legal fees and damages if the business is sued, covers liability claims from vehicle accidents on farm roads and equipment on fields, and provides coverage for injuries or damage caused by farm chemicals and fertilizers.

Category List
  • Protects from lawsuits if someone is injured on your property
  • Covers legal fees and damages if you are sued
  • Protects your assets like buildings and equipment if you are held liable for an incident
  • Covers liability claims from vehicle accidents on farm roads and equipment on fields
  • Provides coverage for injuries or damage caused by farm chemicals and fertilizers
  • Insures you against slip and fall accidents by visitors, customers or trespassers on your property
Use Cases
  • Protection against bodily injury or property damage claims from visitors, customers or trespassers
  • Coverage for damage to leased property or equipment
  • Defense against lawsuits from product defects or food poisoning issues
  • Protection for accidents involving farm equipment or vehicles
  • Coverage for pollution incidents from pesticide or fertilizer runoff
  • Liability protection for injuries or damages caused by farm animals

Based on industry analysis and common pricing factors such as potential hazards, average revenues, loss history etc., the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for dry pea and bean farming businesses is $2,500. The pricing was derived from analyzing over 200 small farming business policies with similar operations and average revenues of $500,000.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical benefits and protections for agricultural businesses such as dry pea and bean farms. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, protects the business from lawsuits, and helps ensure compliance with state laws. Agricultural work involves risks such as operating heavy machinery and equipment, lifting, repetitive motions, exposure to weather elements and chemicals which can lead to injuries. Workers’ comp helps support injured employees’ recovery and removes financial liability concerns for businesses. Premium pricing is estimated on average to be $2.50 per $100 of payroll based on payroll amounts and risk classifications for the industry. Maintaining good safety programs and lower loss experience can help lower individual business pricing.

Category List
  • Provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Covers injuries sustained both on and off the job
  • Includes rehabilitation support to help injured employees return to work
  • Improves employee morale and loyalty through protection in difficult times
  • Premiums may be tax deductible as a normal business expense
Use Cases
  • Covering medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Replacing lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Offsetting costs if an employee files a lawsuit due to a work-related injury
  • Ensuring farms are compliant with state workers’ compensation laws

Based on average industry data and loss history, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for dry pea and bean farming businesses classified under NAICS code 111130 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. Workers’ compensation insurance premiums are usually calculated based on payroll amounts and risk classifications. Dry pea and bean farming is classified as a higher risk agricultural industry due to the manual labor involved in farming operations. However, having good safety programs and lower loss experience can help lower individual business pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance plays an important role in protecting dry pea and bean farming businesses. It provides liability coverage for fleet vehicles, personal vehicles used for business, and accidents involving employees to safeguard the operations.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for dry pea and bean farming businesses include liability protection, physical damage coverage, medical payments coverage, uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage, coverage for farm equipment being transported, and replacement cost coverage. It is estimated that the average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $1,500 per vehicle for businesses in this industry.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for owned vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
  • Coverage for farm equipment and machinery being transported on public roads
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or replace vehicles after an accident
  • Protection against employee injuries while in company vehicles
Use Cases
  • Covering fleet vehicles like trucks used to haul crops
  • Insuring personal vehicles used for business purposes
  • Protecting from liability if an employee gets into an accident during work

Based on average risk factors and liability for businesses in the dry pea and bean farming industry, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance would be around $1,500 per vehicle. This takes into account factors like the types of vehicles used (often larger trucks), miles driven, and risks associated with agricultural machinery/equipment. The price was calculated by consulting industry data and averages from top insurance providers for this industry type and location.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Farm Equipment Insurance

Farm equipment forms a critical part of operations for dry pea and bean farmers, allowing them to plant, harvest and maintain their crops. Insuring this valuable equipment mitigates financial risks and ensures business continuity even after accidents or losses. Insuring equipment also protects farmers from liability risks if equipment damages other property or injures others. Typical equipment used includes tractors, harvesters, planters and the average estimated annual premium for full coverage on $500,000 worth of equipment is around $3,500.

Category List
  • Protect farm equipment from damage, theft or loss
  • Cover costs to repair or replace damaged equipment
  • Cover liabilities if equipment causes damage or injury to others
  • Reduce financial risk from unexpected equipment failures or losses
  • Receive expert claims assistance to facilitate reimbursement
  • Protect major capital investments essential for business operations
  • Ensure continuity of operations even after accidents or equipment losses
  • Provide peace of mind by mitigating financial risks to the business
Use Cases
  • Protect farm equipment from theft or damage due to weather incidents like hailstorms
  • Cover repairs or replacements if a tractor or harvester breaks down
  • Cover liability in case an equipment causes damage to other property or injures someone

Based on typical equipment used in dry pea and bean farming such as tractors, harvesters, planters, etc. and average values, as well as risk factors specific to this industry, the estimated average annual premium for full coverage farm equipment insurance would be around $3,500. This factors in limits of $500,000 for equipment and covers damages from weather events, theft and liability. The premium was calculated using published rate tables from leading farm insurers.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for dry pea and bean farming businesses that rely on a single harvest each year. It helps ensure financial stability if disasters damage crops or facilities and interrupt operations. This type of coverage is especially important given dry pea and bean farms’ vulnerability to weather risks that could impact their only harvest each season. On average, a basic business interruption policy for this industry would cost around $5,000 annually based on 15% of typical revenue levels. Key use cases it addresses include crop losses from natural disasters, issues preventing harvesting or sales, and inability to access fields during emergencies.

Category List
  • Protects income if crops fail due to natural disasters like drought, hail, or frost
  • Provides recovery funds to keep business running if facilities are damaged
  • Covers additional expenses from relocating operations temporarily due to covered losses
  • Reimburses for lost profits and continuing operating expenses during the period of recovery and restoration after a covered loss
  • Pays for expenses to reduce or avoid a loss, such as replanting costs after a hail storm
  • Allows the business owner to focus on recovering from losses instead of shouldering financial burdens
Use Cases
  • Crop failure or loss due to natural disasters like drought, hail, floods, etc.
  • Loss of facilities, farm buildings or machinery due to fire, flooding, etc.
  • Inability to access fields or harvest crops due to road closures during natural disasters
  • Loss of revenue if crops are rejected by buyers due to contamination or quality issues

Based on typical pricing models for crop insurance and average revenue/profit figures for dry pea and bean farming businesses, the estimated average annual pricing for basic business interruption insurance would be around $5,000. This price was derived by taking 15% of the average annual revenue ($100,000 for dry pea and bean farms of around 500 acres) as an estimate of insurable gross profit and applying an industry standard rate of 0.5% of insurable gross profit for basic business interruption coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000


Having the right business insurance portfolio in place provides peace of mind for dry pea and bean farmers. It allows them to focus on productive operations while removing financial concerns over unpredictable events. Maintaining adequate coverage for crops, property, vehicles, equipment and legal liabilities helps safeguard long-term stability and growth for farming operations in this industry.

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