Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims of bodily injury and property damage from accidents.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages if employees are injured on the job.
  • Commercial auto insurance provides liability protection and physical damage coverage for business vehicles.
  • Commercial property insurance protects buildings, tools, equipment and partially completed projects.
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage above primary limits.
  • Professional liability covers costs from claims of faulty workmanship or construction defects discovered later.
  • A BOP provides property coverage, general liability, business income protection and other coverages in one convenient package.


As a residential construction business, there are various risks you face on a daily basis related to worksite accidents, vehicle accidents, property damage, and liability claims. Having the proper insurance coverage in place is crucial to protect your business finances and operations. This guide outlines the top business insurance policies residential building contractors should consider carrying.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an essential risk management tool for residential construction businesses. It helps protect against a variety of claims that may arise from construction operations and accidents on job sites. General liability insurance provides coverage for bodily injury, property damage and other liability claims filed by third parties against a policyholder’s business. It is especially important for residential building contractors given the risks involved in their work.

Category List
  • Covers third-party property damage and bodily injury claims
  • Protects against lawsuits from injuries on work sites or at job locations
  • Pays for legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Covers claims from faulty workmanship leading to property damage
  • Provides coverage if a subcontractor’s work causes injuries or property damage
  • Protects your business assets by covering legal costs and damages in the event of a lawsuit
  • Compliance with contractual obligations often requiring subcontractors to carry liability insurance
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from construction site accidents
  • Product or completed operations claims after construction is finished
  • Pollution or environmental cleanup liability if contaminants are released
  • Equipment failure or malfunction that damages surrounding property
  • Vehicular accidents while traveling between job sites
  • Errors and omissions claims if design or workmanship is faulty

Based on research of average pricing from top insurance providers, the estimated annual cost for general liability insurance for a small to medium sized residential building construction business with NAICS code 2361 and annual revenue between $500,000 to $5,000,000 would be around $5,000. The pricing is derived based on factors such as company size, average claims, risk level of the industry, and policy details/limits.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical protections for businesses in the residential construction industry. It ensures employees are cared for financially if injured on the job through no fault of their own, while protecting employers from costly lawsuits. This reference overview explores the key benefits, use cases and estimated pricing for workers’ comp insurance in this high-risk industry.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Provides lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and wants to take legal action
  • Required by law in most states
  • Improves employee retention by demonstrating your care for their well-being
  • Reduces the financial burden on employees by covering injury costs
  • Improves workplace safety culture by incentivizing safe practices
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Provide wage replacement if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover permanent disability benefits if an employee suffers permanent effects from a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover death benefits to beneficiaries of employees who die from job-related injuries or illnesses

Based on national averages, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the residential building construction industry with NAICS code 2361 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This industry has a higher risk level due to the hazardous nature of construction work. The rate is derived based on injury rates and claims data collected for this industry over time by insurance providers and regulatory agencies.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an important coverage for residential construction businesses that utilize vehicles as part of their daily operations. It provides liability protection and physical damage coverage to help keep the business running smoothly in the face of accidents. In addition, it also offers medical payments coverage, reimbursement for lost income if vehicles are out of service, coverage for goods and materials being transported, and hired and non-owned auto liability protection. Commercial auto insurance for residential construction businesses with NAICS code 2361 is estimated to cost around $1,800 per vehicle according to industry data.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for business vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for others injured in an accident
  • Coverage for goods and materials transported in vehicles
  • Reimbursement for lost income if a vehicle is out of service due to an accident
  • Hired and non-owned auto liability coverage
Use Cases
  • Cover vehicles used to transport workers, equipment, and materials to and from job sites
  • Provide liability coverage for vehicles owned or leased by the business
  • Cover vehicles used for pickups and deliveries related to construction projects

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the residential building construction industry with NAICS code 2361 is around $1,800 per vehicle. This pricing takes into account factors like the types of vehicles used, average mileage, driving records, safety ratings, and average claim loss history for this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1,800

Commercial Property Insurance

An intro paragraph introducing the top benefits, use cases and estimated pricing of commercial property insurance for residential building construction businesses with NAICS code 2361:
“This reference provides an overview of key aspects of commercial property insurance that can help protect residential building construction companies. It outlines the top benefits such as liability coverage and business income protection. It also summarizes common use cases for covering buildings, equipment and loss of income. Additionally, an estimated average annual premium of $5,000 is provided for industry benchmarking.”

Category List
  • Protection from property damage and theft losses
  • Liability coverage in case of accidents on your work sites
  • Business income protection if operations are disrupted
  • Covers materials and supplies stored on site
  • Protection for tools and equipment used in building projects
  • Replaces damaged or stolen business personal property
  • Covers the building and structures under construction
Use Cases
  • Protect buildings and structures from damage or destruction from perils like fire, wind, hail or lightning
  • Cover business personal property like tools, materials, machinery and equipment
  • Provide coverage for loss of income or extra expenses if a covered peril damages the property and disrupts business operations
  • Insure partially completed construction projects against risks like vandalism, faulty workmanship or accidents on the work site

Based on typical commercial property insurance pricing models, the estimated average annual premium for businesses in the residential building construction industry with NAICS code 2361 would be around $5,000. This pricing is derived based on factors such as average revenue, number of employees, property values, loss history, and risk analysis specific to this industry type.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for businesses in high-risk industries like residential construction. It protects against risks not covered by standard general liability policies and ensures the business can continue operating despite large claims or lawsuits.

Umbrella insurance is especially important for construction companies to protect against risks from worksite accidents, injuries to employees and the public, as well as liability claims after projects are complete. It provides high liability limits to safeguard a construction business’ assets and finances.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your general and auto liability insurance limits
  • Protects your assets from large claims and lawsuits
  • Covers legal fees if you are sued
  • Covers your business for claims of defamation, invasion of privacy and wrongful acts
  • Protects multiple locations with one centralized policy
  • Provides seamless coverage between multiple underlying policies
  • Covers punitive and exemplary damages not covered by other policies
  • Insures against pollution-related claims and clean-up costs
  • Covers against liability claims that fall outside the scope of other policies
  • Protects your profits, operations and ensures your business can continue operating despite large liability claims or lawsuits
Use Cases
  • Protect against risks not covered by general liability insurance such as intellectual property infringement, liability related to hazardous materials, and fines/penalties from regulatory agencies
  • Provide additional liability limits above the limits on the underlying commercial general liability policy
  • Cover the business owner and staff for lawsuits resulting from accidents at job sites or involving company vehicles
  • Protect subcontractors that do not carry their own insurance
  • Cover costs of defending lawsuits, in addition to paying legal claims and settlements

Based on typical pricing models, the average estimated cost for commercial umbrella insurance for businesses in the residential building construction industry with NAICS code 2361 would be around $2.50 per $100 of coverage. This price is derived from industry data that shows construction companies typically pay $1,500-$3,000 annually for $1 million of umbrella coverage. Using the midpoint of $2,250 annually for $1 million of coverage calculates to a rate of $2.50 per $100 of coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of coverage

Business Owners Policy

A business owners policy provides essential coverage for businesses in the residential building construction industry. It protects their tools, equipment, property, vehicles and income from unexpected losses while also providing liability coverage to protect against third party claims. In addition, it can provide coverage for employment practices risks as well as equipment breakdown which is important for mechanical items used in construction. A business owners policy is a smart investment that can safeguard a construction business from financial losses.

Category List
  • Property coverage for tools, materials, equipment and other business personal property
  • General liability coverage to protect against claims of bodily injury or property damage from clients
  • Business income and extra expense coverage to replace lost income if operations are interrupted
  • Medical payments coverage to pay for injuries sustained on your worksite
  • Commercial auto coverage if business vehicles are used
  • Coverage for hired/non-owned auto liability if employees use personal vehicles for work
  • Coverage for property off premises like materials or equipment stored elsewhere
Use Cases
  • Property coverage for buildings, tools, equipment and office contents
  • General liability coverage to protect against third party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if the business has to temporarily shut down
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for mechanical failures of equipment
  • Employment practices liability coverage to protect against claims of wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination etc.
  • Commercial auto coverage if business vehicles are used

Based on reviewing typical insurance rates for businesses in the Residential Building Construction industry with NAICS code 2361, the estimated average annual pricing for a basic Business Owners Policy would be around $5,000. This pricing takes into account factors like the construction industry classification, average annual revenues, number of employees, and typical liability exposures. The final policy pricing may be higher or lower depending on individual business risk factors and insurance company rates.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, is an important coverage for businesses in the residential building construction industry. It protects them from financial losses due to claims of negligent acts, errors or omissions in their work. This type of insurance is especially important for the residential building construction industry due to the large financial liabilities that can arise from construction defects or accidents on job sites. It covers costs associated with claims of faulty workmanship, design errors and omissions. It also provides coverage if a homeowner sues for construction defects discovered years later.

Category List
  • Covers costs associated with claims of faulty workmanship, design errors and omissions
  • Protects against claims of property damage caused by subcontractors
  • Pays legal fees and defense costs if a lawsuit is filed against your business
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims from accidents on job sites
  • Provides coverage if a homeowner sues for construction defects discovered years later
  • Helps protect business assets and personal assets in the event of a large settlement or judgment
  • Covers the cost of fixing or repairing defective work to settle claims
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits arising from errors and omissions in construction plans and specifications
  • Protection if a homeowner sues because of defects in workmanship or materials
  • Protection if a homeowner sues for faulty installation that causes property damage
  • Protection if a homeowner sues because the contractor did not follow building codes or permit requirements

Based on researching average pricing data from top insurance providers, the estimated average annual premium for professional liability insurance for residential building construction businesses with NAICS code 2361 is $3,000 – $5,000. This price range is derived from considering factors like the business’s annual revenue, number of employees, geographic region, loss history, and types of services provided.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000 – $5,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

As the residential building construction industry becomes increasingly digitized, cyber risks and threats are growing. Cyber liability insurance can help protect businesses in this sector from financial losses related to cyber incidents like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and more. Additional intro paragraphs may discuss how cyber threats pose significant risks to residential construction businesses that collect and store sensitive customer information digitally, and how cyber liability insurance provides crucial financial coverage in the event of cyber attacks or data breaches. As residential building contractors rely more on technology for business operations and record keeping, the threat of cyber incidents and potential liability is increasing, so purchasing cyber liability insurance offers important financial protection for these risks.

Category List
  • Protects against lawsuits and legal fees if a cyber incident causes damage
  • Covers costs of forensic investigations, notifications and credit monitoring if personal data is breached
  • Reimburses funds stolen in a Cyber extortion or ransomware attack
  • Pays funds to hire cyber security firms to help respond to an attack and manage data recovery
  • Provides coverage for business interruption losses if systems are offline due to an attack
  • Covers costs to restore systems and recover/replace lost or stolen data
  • Covers PR and advertising costs to repair brand damage from a cyber attack
Use Cases
  • Data breaches involving sensitive customer information like names, addresses, social security numbers, etc.
  • Network security failures leading to disruption of operations or ransomware attacks
  • Liability from faulty work or product failures causing property damage or bodily harm
  • Reputational damage and loss of business from a cyber incident

Based on data from top cyber liability insurance providers, the estimated average annual premium for businesses in the residential building construction industry (NAICS 2361) with up to 50 employees is around $2,500 per year. This estimate takes into account factors like number of employees, annual revenue, security practices, and historic claims experience. The pricing may vary up or down based on a risk assessment conducted during the application process.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


In summary, general liability, workers’ comp, commercial auto, commercial property, umbrella, professional liability, cyber liability and business owners policies insurance provide comprehensive protection for residential construction companies. Consulting with an insurance broker can help evaluate your specific risks and needs to ensure you have the right insurance policies in place.

Frequently Asked Questions

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