Key Takeaways

  • Property insurance protects physical assets like buildings, equipment and inventory.
  • General liability covers lawsuits from injuries on your premises or defective products.
  • Auto insurance protects against vehicle-related accidents involving employees.
  • Workers’ comp covers medical costs and lost wages for injured employees.
  • Product liability guards against defects that harm customers.


Hardware manufacturing involves complex production facilities, specialized equipment and vehicles used in operations. There are also risks of injuries from machines, auto accidents and product defects. To protect the business from financial losses, it is important for hardware manufacturers to have the right types of business insurance in place.

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides critical financial protection for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry. It can help protect against property damage or loss and ensure businesses can continue operating after covered losses. Additional benefits of property insurance for hardware manufacturers include replacement or repair costs if manufacturing equipment is damaged or destroyed, business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if the facility cannot operate due to a covered loss, and increased property value protection as equipment is repaired or replaced.

Category List
  • Coverage for damage to buildings and equipment from fires, explosions, hazardous incidents, and natural disasters
  • Replacement or repair costs if manufacturing equipment is damaged or destroyed
  • Protection from liability if a customer is injured on your property
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if the facility cannot operate due to a covered loss
  • Insurance for valuable computer systems and business records
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for boilers, air conditioning, generators and other mechanical parts
  • Replacement value coverage to repair or rebuild to the same condition prior to a loss
  • Increased property value protection as equipment is repaired or replaced
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage or loss caused by fire, explosions, smoke, riots, or natural disasters
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or machinery damage
  • Replacement costs if equipment or property is destroyed or damaged
  • Business interruption coverage if damage prevents operations
  • Property located off-premises like at a job site or in transit
  • Coverage for property in transit between manufacturing facilities or job sites

Based on industry data, the average property insurance pricing for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3325 is around $4.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing is derived from typical property values, hazards involved in hardware manufacturing operations, past claims experience of similar businesses, and other standard insurance rating factors.

Estimated Pricing: $4.50/$100

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important insurance coverage for hardware manufacturing businesses to protect against risks from manufacturing physical products and carrying out on-site operations. It covers bodily injury, property damage and other liability claims that could arise. This type of insurance provides benefits such as protecting the company assets, legal defense costs if lawsuits occur, and coverage for accidents and injuries on the business premises. It also includes coverage for pollution liabilities and product defects that result in property loss or injuries. An estimated annual cost for general liability insurance for hardware manufacturers is between $5,000 to $10,000 depending on business factors like number of employees, annual revenue, risk practices and claims history.

Category List
  • Protection against third-party property damage and bodily injury claims
  • Insurance for legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed
  • Coverage for medical expenses if a customer or visitor gets injured on your property
  • Covers liability claims arising from faulty products or defective workmanship
  • Helps protect business assets from losing everything if a large claim exceeds financial resources
  • Provides coverage for pollution-related claims and cleanup costs arising from business operations
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from accidents and legal liabilities
Use Cases
  • Protect against bodily injury or property damage claims from customers using or inadvertently coming into contact with company’s manufactured products
  • Cover liability claims if employees are injured on the job or injure others during their work
  • Protect from lawsuits if a customer/individual claims a manufacturing defect in the hardware product caused property damage or bodily harm
  • Cover liability exposure from on-site vehicle operations like forklifts that could potentially damage facilities or injure employees or visitors
  • Protect the company from slip-and-fall or other premises liability claims involving visitors to the manufacturing facilities

Based on industry research, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3325 is around $5,000 – $10,000 per year. This pricing range was derived from analyzing insurance quote data from multiple large insurers for businesses in this industry with 1 to 100 employees and $1-10 million in annual revenue. The pricing can vary depending on business specific factors like number of employees, annual revenue, risk control practices, loss history, location, etc.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 – $10,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

“Workers’ compensation insurance provides important benefits and protections for hardware manufacturing businesses. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees, helps retain valued workers, and reduces the risk of costly lawsuits. It also ensures employees receive support if hurt on the job, protects businesses from liability, and provides coverage for common injuries in manufacturing like repetitive stress.”

Category List
  • Protects your business from liability costs if an employee is injured on the job
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Helps retain valued employees who are injured by guaranteeing wages and medical benefits
  • Provides legally required protection in the event an employee is injured
  • Reduces the risk of lawsuits by compensating employees for work-related injuries upfront
  • Helps maintain positive employee relations and reduces legal risks and costs
Use Cases
  • Coverage for on-the-job injuries from operating heavy machinery and equipment
  • Protection from liability if an employee is injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages, medical expenses, and other benefits if an employee is injured performing their duties
  • Coverage for repetitive stress or overexertion injuries that can occur from assembly line work
  • Pays for retraining or job reassignment costs if an injury prevents an employee from returning to their original role

Based on national averages, the estimated average cost of workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3325 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from analyzing historical claims data of businesses in this industry and taking into account factors like risks of injuries, company size, experience rating modifiers, and other adjustments.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage coverage for hardware manufacturing businesses that require employees to use personal or company vehicles for work purposes. It protects the company financially from expenses and lawsuits resulting from auto accidents involving employees.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses include covering medical payments for injured employees or third parties, reimbursing repairs or replacement of company vehicles involved in covered collisions, and providing liability protection if an employee is in an at-fault accident while conducting company business.

Category List
  • Provides liability coverage if an employee is in an at-fault accident while on company business
  • Reimburses repairs or replacement of company vehicles involved in covered collisions or incidents
  • Covers legal costs if the business is sued as a result of an auto accident involving employees
  • Covers medical expenses for injured employees or third parties in an insured vehicle accident
  • Includes uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage for hits from motorists without sufficient insurance
Use Cases
  • To cover company-owned vehicles used for transporting hardware products and raw materials between facilities
  • To cover company-owned service vehicles used by technicians and engineers to visit customer sites for repairs, maintenance, and installations
  • To cover company vehicles used by sales and marketing teams for customer visits and meetings
  • To cover rental vehicles used by employees for business trips and travel between sites when their personal vehicles are unavailable

Based on average rates for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry with 3 vehicles (2 cars, 1 truck) and no accidents in the past 3 years, the estimated annual commercial auto insurance pricing would be around $2,500. This was calculated based on industry averages, vehicle types and years, number of employees, and good driving history.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Product Liability Insurance

“Product liability insurance provides crucial financial protection for hardware manufacturing businesses against costly product defects, recalls, and legal claims. It ensures manufacturers are protected from unforeseen costs that could otherwise cripple their operations or force them out of business. The top benefits and use cases outlined demonstrate why it is considered an essential coverage for companies in this industry.”

Category List
  • Protects your business from financial ruin if a customer is injured by one of your products
  • Covers legal fees if you’re sued for a defective product
  • Reimburses medical expenses if someone is injured by your product
  • Covers the cost of product recalls if a safety issue is discovered
  • Reimburses customers for damage or loss of property caused by defective products
  • Shows customers and clients that your products are backed by a reputable insurance company
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing you are protected from unforeseen accidents and defects
Use Cases
  • Cover costs and damages from product defects, malfunctions, or failures that result in bodily injury or property damage
  • Protect against liability claims and lawsuits if someone is injured by or because of your product
  • Cover legal costs and fees associated with defending a product liability claim or lawsuit
  • Provide coverage if a component supplier’s defective part caused an injury and results in a claim against your business
  • Cover costs of product recalls initiated due to safety issues with your products
  • Protect you in the event that your product is found to contain carcinogens or other toxic substances that could cause long-term health problems

Based on industry research, the average product liability insurance premium for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3325 is around $15 per $1000 of gross receipts. This pricing is derived based on risk factors such as type of products manufactured, sales volume, claims history, and safety procedures implemented. For a typical hardware manufacturer in this industry with $5 million in annual receipts, their estimated annual product liability insurance premium would be $15 * $5 = $7,500.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides supplemental liability coverage above a company’s standard policies. It protects businesses from losses due to lawsuits and increases total coverage limits. This additional layer of protection is especially important for hardware manufacturers due to risks of product defects and equipment malfunctions leading to costly litigation. The reference provides key benefits, use cases and estimated pricing for hardware manufacturers to consider commercial umbrella insurance. Benefits include protecting assets, covering gaps in primary policies, and legal costs. Use cases involve risks of product liability, equipment accidents, and contractual obligations. Estimated annual premiums for $1 million umbrella coverage is around $1,500 based on typical insurer rates for the hardware manufacturing industry.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above primary insurance limits
  • Protects assets from large jury awards or settlements
  • Covers liabilities not included in primary policies like intentional acts
  • Single policy for multiple liability coverages instead of separate policies
  • Often provides low costs for the additional protection above primary limits
  • Covers legal costs like lawsuits in addition to claims payouts
  • Protects against gaps or deficiencies in primary policies
  • Covers business losses from lawsuits
  • Provides coverage for higher risk activities that may not be covered under regular policies
Use Cases
  • Protect against costly awards or settlements above the primary general liability, commercial auto, or employment practices insurance limits
  • Provide additional liability limits to cover risks not covered under other policies like pollution liabilities
  • Cover gaps in primary general liability, auto or other commercial policies
  • Satisfy contractual insurance obligations required by customers or vendors
  • Protect against product liability lawsuits from defective parts or finished goods
  • Cover risks of equipment malfunction or machinery accidents injuring employees or others

Based on analyzing typical insurance rates for businesses in the hardware manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3325, the estimated average annual premium for $1 million of commercial umbrella insurance coverage would be around $1,500. This estimate is derived from looking at typical rates charged by large insurers for businesses in this industry considering factors like number of employees, annual revenues, claims history, and types of machinery/equipment used.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical protection for hardware manufacturing businesses. It covers loss of income and helps maintain cash flow if unexpected events damage property or disrupt operations. Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for hardware manufacturers include protecting revenue from losses due to equipment failures, supply chain disruptions, natural disasters, and other events that could interrupt operations. It also reimburses continuing expenses to keep the business running and provides funds for getting operations back up and running after an insurable event occurs. Business interruption insurance is especially important for the hardware manufacturing industry as failures or disruptions could significantly impact revenues and profits due to its reliance on specialized equipment and complex supply chains.

Category List
  • Protects your business from loss of income if your operations are interrupted
  • Covers losses from disasters like fires, storms, floods that damage your property
  • Reimburses continuing expenses like payroll, taxes and loan payments if the business needs to temporarily shut down
  • Helps keep your business running if your suppliers are disrupted by an insurable event
  • Covers loss of income from dependent business interruptions, such as if your suppliers’ facilities are damaged
  • Provides funds to cover additional expenses associated with getting your business back up and running like equipment rental or overtime wages
  • Allows you to meet financial obligations like loan payments and pay employee salaries even if your business has shut down temporarily
  • Insurance claims process and payouts can help your business recover faster after an insurable event
  • Peace of mind knowing your finances and ability to operate are protected from unexpected business disruptions
Use Cases
  • Loss of revenue due to fire damage to factory warehouse
  • Loss of revenue due to flood damage to factory building
  • Loss of revenue due to machinery breakdown
  • Loss of revenue due to extended power outage
  • Loss of revenue due to hurricane damage to headquarters office
  • Loss of revenue due to equipment failure at production plant
  • Loss of revenue due to disruptions to supply chain from natural disasters

Based on typical pricing models, the average estimated pricing for Business Interruption Insurance for hardware manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3325 would be around $2.50 per $100 of gross revenues. This price is derived based on analyzing historical claims data for this industry and factoring in variables like average profit margins, replacement costs, and typical lengths of interruptions. Hardware manufacturing can involve complex and expensive equipment, so interruptions lasting more than a few weeks could significantly impact revenues and profits.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of gross revenues


Property, general liability, auto, workers’ compensation, product liability and umbrella insurance provide layered protection from risks inherent in hardware manufacturing. Insuring physical assets, vehicles, employees and products is critical to the financial stability and continued operations of hardware manufacturing businesses. These core insurance types should be considered essential coverages for companies in this industry.

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