Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance to shield against third-party injury claims
  • Property insurance to cover losses from damage to inventory, equipment and facilities
  • Commercial auto insurance for vehicles used in deliveries and transportation
  • Workers compensation insurance for on-the-job injury claims and compliance
  • Commercial umbrella insurance for additional liability protection
  • Cyber liability insurance to cover costs of data breach incidents
  • Product liability insurance for claims related to defective products


As a wholesaler in the clothing and clothing accessories industry, it is important to protect your business operations and mitigate risks through adequate insurance coverage. This article will explore the top business insurance policies this industry should consider, including their key benefits, use cases, and pricing estimates.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides critical protection for clothing and clothing accessories wholesalers. It covers lawsuits, damages, and legal costs if a customer or third party claims injury from products or premises. This insurance is essential to mitigate risks, continue operations without disruption, and protect the business reputation. It also meets requirements from many suppliers and vendors. Pricing typically ranges from $1,500 to $3,000 annually depending on business factors.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal costs if sued for damages
  • Protects business assets from large lawsuit payouts
  • Meets requirements to conduct business with many vendors and suppliers
  • Covers claims for faulty or defective merchandise
  • Provides peace of mind to continue operating without disruption
  • Protects brand reputation in case of a liability lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from customers
  • Product liability claims if a product is defective and causes harm
  • Errors and omissions claims if poor advice leads to financial loss
  • Property damage from fire or natural disasters
  • Lawsuits from third parties who are injured on your business premises

Based on industry research, the estimated average annual pricing for General Liability Insurance for businesses in the Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers industry with NAICS code 424350 is $1,500 – $3,000. Pricing is influenced by factors such as number of employees, annual sales revenue, type of products handled, safety practices, claims history, and geographical location.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $3,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance is an important risk management tool for businesses in the clothing and apparel wholesale industry. It provides financial protection for physical assets like inventory, equipment and facilities in case they are damaged by fire, water, theft or other covered causes of loss. Property insurance also covers costs to repair or replace damaged property after a covered loss, ensuring business continuity. It reimburses rebuilding expenses so the business can continue operating without taking on debt. Coverage is also provided for loss of income or extra expenses if operations are disrupted due to a covered property loss.

Category List
  • Covers losses due to fire damage
  • Covers losses due to water damage
  • Covers losses due to theft of inventory and equipment
  • Reimburses rebuilding costs after covered property loss or damage
  • Covers losses due to vandalism and other malicious damage
  • Provides business income coverage if operations are interrupted by a covered loss
  • Protects assets that are critical to business operations
  • Covers replacement costs for damaged equipment, furnishings and inventory
Use Cases
  • Protection from fire damage to inventory, equipment, machinery and facilities
  • Coverage for damage caused by theft, vandalism or criminal acts
  • Replacement value for inventory and equipment if destroyed
  • Business interruption or loss of income coverage if operations are disrupted
  • Protection from natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes
  • Coverage for accidental damage to inventory during transportation/delivery

Based on typical property insurance rates for businesses in the clothing and apparel wholesale industry, the estimated average annual property insurance pricing would be around $3.50 per $100 of insured property value. This pricing was derived by taking the industry average rates, property values, and loss ratios into consideration. Rates may vary depending on individual business factors such as claims history, safety measures, security systems, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured property value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an important coverage for clothing and clothing accessories wholesale businesses. It provides protection from financial risks of vehicle accidents and ensures businesses can continue operating smoothly after incidents.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for clothing and clothing accessories wholesalers include replacing vehicles involved in accidents to help maintain business operations, covering medical bills and property damage from accidents, and protecting drivers and employees transporting inventory and supplies. Common uses of commercial auto insurance for these businesses are covering trucks used to deliver clothing inventory to retailers and stores, and providing liability coverage for company vehicles used by sales representatives. Pricing is typically $1,500-$2,000 annually per vehicle.

Category List
  • Protect your business assets and limit liability from accidents
  • Cover medical bills and property damage from accidents
  • Replace vehicles involved in accidents to help maintain business operations
  • Provide coverage for business use of personal vehicles
  • Cover costs of renting temporary replacement vehicles if yours is damaged
  • Protect drivers and employees transporting inventory and supplies
  • Cover costs of towing, car rental, loss of income if vehicles are unusable after accidents
Use Cases
  • Cover trucks used to deliver clothing inventory to retailers and stores
  • Provide liability coverage for company vehicles used by sales representatives
  • Cover vehicles used to transport clothing accessories between warehouses
  • Insuring passenger vans used to shuttle employees
  • Protecting rental trucks leased for large inventory shipments

Based on industry analysis, the average estimated annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers (NAICS Code: 424350) industry is around $1,500 – $2,000 per vehicle. This range was derived from underwriter manual rates and adjusted based on factors like number of vehicles, driver experience, claims history, safety features of vehicles. The price assumes standard policy coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500 – $2,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical benefits for businesses in the clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers industry. It covers costs associated with workplace injuries, which is especially important given the manual labor involved in operations like receiving, sorting, packing and shipping apparel items.

Category List
  • Provides Coverage for Workplace Injuries
  • Complies with State Laws
  • Protects Your Business from Lawsuits
  • Pays Medical Bills for Injured Workers
  • Pays Partial Wages for Time Off from Work
Use Cases
  • Coverage for on-the-job injuries like slips, trips and falls when in a warehouse or office
  • Protection if employees hurt themselves lifting or moving clothing items, boxes, or other materials
  • Paying medical expenses and lost wages if an employee injures themselves using equipment like forklifts, pallet jacks, cutting machines
  • Coverage for repetitive stress or ergonomic injuries from tasks like folding, sorting, packing clothing

Based on industry research, the average estimated pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in NAICS 424350 is around $1.35 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from insurance companies analyzing payroll amounts and loss histories to determine appropriate risk levels and premium costs for businesses in this industry which has lower than average risk levels for workplace injuries.

Estimated Pricing: $1.35/per $100 of payroll

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection for businesses in the clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers industry. It protects assets from costly lawsuits by covering risks above primary insurance limits.

Umbrella insurance is especially important for wholesalers in this industry due to risks from products, transportation, premises, and pollution. It shields personal assets if sued for damages exceeding commercial general liability limits. Premiums typically range from $2,500 to $5,000 depending on liability exposure and underlying insurance.

Category List
  • Additional liability protection above the limits of the underlying primary policies
  • Covers punitive damages which are generally not covered by other policies
  • Protects business owners from negligent acts at all business locations
  • Covers against lawsuits from slip and fall accidents on business premises
  • Provides protection for business owners and employees during transportation of goods
  • Covers liability claims that may arise from faulty or defective products distributed by the business
  • Protects non-owned/hired auto liability for vehicles not owned by the business
Use Cases
  • Protects against lawsuits/liability claims that exceed your commercial general liability policy limits
  • Covers additional liabilities like employers’ liability, and non-owned auto liability
  • Adds coverage for advertising injury and personal injury claims
  • Protects your personal assets from larger liability claims against your business
  • Covers pollution liability for incidents outside standard pollution coverage

Based on typical umbrella insurance pricing factors such as industry risk, liability exposure, and financial profile, the estimated average annual premium for businesses in the Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers industry with NAICS code 424350 would be around $2,500-$5,000. Premiums are usually determined based on the insured’s underlying commercial general liability and commercial auto liability limits. With limits of $1M, the estimated premium would be around $2,500. For limits of $5M, the estimated premium would be around $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500 – $5,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important protections for clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers from costly incidents related to data breach, cyber attacks, and system disruptions. It helps cover expenses associated with responding to privacy violations, network security issues, and regulatory compliance. Some key benefits of cyber liability insurance for this industry include coverage for legal expenses, lost business income, privacy policy violations, and more as outlined in the references. Common risks cyber liability insurance helps protect against are data breaches, ransomware attacks, regulatory fines and penalties, system downtime, and lawsuits from affected customers. Estimated annual pricing for an average company in this industry is around $2,500 based on factors like revenue, employees, security practices, location, and claims history.

Category List
  • Protection against lawsuits due to data breaches
  • Coverage for costs associated with a data breach such as forensic investigation, legal fees, customer notification
  • Protection for negligent transmission of computer viruses
  • Coverage for cyber extortion threats
  • Reimbursement for lost business income due to a network disruption
  • Coverage for privacy policy violations and misuse of customer data
  • Protection from failure to prevent damage due to security weaknesses
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss or theft of customer data
  • Ransomware attack encrypting systems and demanding ransom for access
  • Costs associated with regulatory fines and penalties from data breach incidents
  • Loss of income due to system downtime from attacks
  • Third party liability claims from customers affected by data breach
  • Defense costs for lawsuits, investigations, and claims handling from data incidents

Based on analyzing data from top cyber liability insurance providers for businesses in the clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers industry, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $2,500. This pricing takes into account factors like the company’s annual revenue, number of employees, security practices, industry, location and claims/loss history. For a mid-sized company in this industry with $5-10 million in annual revenue, 50 employees and standard security practices, $2,500 would be a typical price.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides essential protection for businesses in the clothing and clothing accessories wholesale industry by shielding them from costly lawsuits and claims if defective products harm customers. It also covers legal fees, replacement costs, and allows businesses to demonstrate financial responsibility and access new opportunities. Common issues that could trigger product liability claims for clothing wholesalers include allergic reactions, injuries from defective accessories, and harm from improper sizing. Estimated annual premiums for product liability insurance are around $3,000 based on factors like annual sales, employees, product types, loss history, and risk management practices.

Category List
  • Protects against costly lawsuits if a product causes bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal fees and awards if found liable in a product liability lawsuit
  • Covers replacement and recall costs if a product needs to be taken off the market
  • Demonstrates financial responsibility to business partners and allows access to new opportunities
  • Protects brand reputation and customer trust from costly claims
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing your risks are covered
Use Cases
  • Defective product causes injury or harm
  • Improperly sized or fitted clothing causes harm
  • Allergic reactions to clothing materials
  • Clothing or accessory fails during intended use

Based on research of typical pricing rates for companies in the clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers industry (NAICS 424350), the estimated average annual premium for product liability insurance would be around $3,000. Rates are calculated based on factors like annual sales revenue, number of employees, types of products sold, loss history, and risk management practices. For a wholesaler in this industry with $5 million in annual sales and 50 employees, standard rates would put the product liability insurance premium at around $3,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000


In summary, general liability, property, commercial auto, workers compensation, commercial umbrella, cyber liability, and product liability insurance provide essential protections for clothing and clothing accessories wholesalers. Proper insurance mitigates financial risks, ensures continued operations after losses, complies with laws, and protects brand reputation. Wholesalers in this industry should carefully evaluate their insurance needs to safeguard their business.

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