Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party claims and lawsuits
  • Property insurance covers repairs or replacement of buildings and equipment after damage
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical costs and lost wages for injuries on the job
  • Commercial auto insures vehicles used for business purposes
  • Product liability protects against claims related to defective products
  • Commercial property protects buildings, equipment and inventory from losses
  • Comprehensive insurance planning is important given capital-intensive nature of plants and equipment
  • Work with an experienced agent familiar with industry risks and coverage needs


As a lime manufacturing business, it is crucial to protect your company from a variety of risks through adequate insurance coverage. Lime production involves operating heavy machinery, handling hazardous materials, and transporting products – all of which carry liability that must be insured against. Common risks include injuries from materials, machinery accidents, transportation incidents, and environmental issues. This guide outlines the top types of commercial insurance lime manufacturers should consider to protect their people, property and operations.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides essential protection for lime manufacturing businesses from liability risks and costs associated with injuries, property damage, faulty products, and environmental risks that are common in this industry. It protects against claims from on-site accidents and injuries, covers defense costs even if claims are invalid, replaces costs of medical expenses and lost wages for injuries on the property, protects against faulty workmanship and product defects claims, covers liability from contract work and services, and provides pollution and environmental damage coverage.

Category List
  • Protection against third party claims and lawsuits in case of on-site accidents or injuries
  • Covers costs of defending against claims even if they are later determined to be not valid
  • Replaces costs of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering of individuals injured on your property
  • Protects against claims related to faulty workmanship or product defects
  • Covers liability risks associated with contract work or services you provide to others
  • Provides coverage for pollution and environmental damage claims
  • Protects your business assets by covering settlement costs and damages if you are found liable for an incident
Use Cases
  • Protect against claims of property damage to customers or other businesses
  • Cover costs of bodily injury claims from accidents on business property
  • Defend against lawsuits from incorrect manufacturing/handling of lime products
  • Cover costs of injuries to employees, customers, or visitors on business property
  • Protect against liability claims from transport or off-site storage of lime materials

Based on typical pricing models, the average annual cost for general liability insurance for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry with NAICS code 327410 is around $5-7 per $1000 of payroll. Assuming the average payroll of businesses in this industry is around $5 million, the estimated annual price would be $25,000-$35,000.

Estimated Pricing: $25,000-$35,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance offers important protection for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry. It can help ensure operations continue smoothly after losses by covering repairs or replacement of buildings, equipment, vehicles and inventory. Maintaining adequate property insurance coverage provides key benefits like protecting significant assets like production machinery, covering business interruption costs if facilities are damaged, and reimbursing additional expenses to restore operations after a covered loss.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage and loss
  • Replacement cost coverage for buildings and equipment
  • Business interruption coverage to continue operations if factory shuts down
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical failure
  • Protection for property while in transit or temporary off-site locations
  • Covers additional expenses needed to comply with building codes or regulations after a covered loss
  • Expert claims adjusters to handle claims promptly and fairly
Use Cases
  • Protect physical plant and machinery from accidents and natural disasters like fires, storms, explosions
  • Cover losses from damage or theft of buildings, vehicles, equipment and inventory
  • Compensate for losses due to business interruption if facilities are damaged and unable to operate
  • Provide protection for valuable equipment that helps keep production running like kilns, crushers and milling machines
  • Reimburse extra expenses during restoration like temporary facilities, increased costs of operating elsewhere

Based on the average premium rates for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry with NAICS code 327410, the estimated average annual property insurance pricing would be around $8,000-$12,000. This was derived by looking at industry reports on average premium costs for businesses in this sector per $100 of insured assets or property value, considering the average property values for facilities in this industry. The final price depends on individual business factors like location, protection systems, claims history etc.

Estimated Pricing: $10,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides employees coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation if injured on the job, while protecting employers from costly lawsuits.

Some common risks in the lime manufacturing industry include burns from lime or slaked lime, cuts or lacerations from equipment, injuries from heavy lifting, and repetitive motion injuries. Workers’ compensation insurance helps protect businesses financially in the event an employee is injured and needs medical attention or cannot work. It also helps protect the business from costly legal battles if an employee decides to sue over a job-related injury. Workers’ compensation insurance is an important protection for businesses in hazardous industries like lime manufacturing. It helps ensure employees receive care if harmed and protects the company from costly lawsuits.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Shields the business from liability if an employee is injured and decides to sue
  • Provides rehabilitation to help injured employees return to work
  • Reduces turnover by reassuing employees their medical costs will be covered if injured
  • Meets legal requirements for businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance
  • Lowers other insurance costs by reducing risk of expensive liability claims
  • Deductible and premium discounts are available for maintaining a strong safety record
  • Reduces turnover by reassuring employees their medical costs will be covered if injured
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Cover lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Cover permanent disability benefits if an employee suffers long-term or permanent injuries on the job
  • Protect the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue for damages

Based on industry analysis and average claims data, the estimated average annual workers’ compensation insurance pricing for lime manufacturing businesses is $12.35 per $100 of payroll. This pricing was derived from national workers’ compensation insurance rates that are adjusted based on a business’s industry classification, payroll amount, previous claims experience, and risk management practices. The average claims and risks for lime manufacturing involve injuries from handling lime or limestone as well as machinery operations in production environments.

Estimated Pricing: $12.35/100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and property protection for lime manufacturing businesses that rely on vehicles as part of daily operations. It ensures the company and employees are protected financially in the event of an accident.

Some key benefits of commercial auto insurance for lime manufacturing businesses include liability protection, coverage for vehicles used for business purposes, replacement cost coverage for damaged vehicles, various deductible options to control premium costs, and 24/7 roadside assistance support.

Common uses of commercial auto insurance in the lime manufacturing industry include insuring company-owned trucks that transport materials between plants or deliver finished products to customers, insuring employee personal vehicles if used for business purposes, and insuring trucks that transport raw materials like limestone.

The average annual commercial auto insurance premium for a vehicle in the lime manufacturing industry is estimated to be around $1,800 based on risk factors of the industry.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for vehicles used for business purposes
  • Replacement cost coverage for vehicles damaged or totaled
  • Deductible options to help control premium costs
  • Coverage for employees’ personal vehicles if used for business
  • 24/7 emergency roadside assistance support
Use Cases
  • Insuring company owned trucks that transport lime products between plants or to customers
  • Insuring company owned trucks used for delivery of finished lime products to buyers
  • Insuring company owned trucks used to transport raw materials like limestone to plants
  • Insuring employee personal vehicles if they are used for company business

Based on industry statistics, the average premium for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry with NAICS code 327410 is around $1,800 per vehicle per year. This pricing is derived from analyzing various risk factors such as the types of vehicles used, average miles driven, loss history of the industry, and insurance company rate filings.

Estimated Pricing: $1,800

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides essential protection for lime manufacturing businesses. It covers lawsuits, legal costs, recalls, and lost income if defects are found in products. This helps maintain positive customer relationships and allows businesses to continue operating smoothly if any issues arise. The average estimated pricing for product liability insurance for lime manufacturing businesses is around $2.50 per $100 of receipts. Given the industrial nature of lime production and risks of product defects or transportation accidents, product liability insurance is important to protect the financial health of lime manufacturing businesses by covering associated legal and compensation costs.

Category List
  • Protects the company from financial loss due to lawsuits if a product is found to cause injury, illness, or property damage
  • Covers legal fees and court costs involved in defending a product liability claim
  • Reimburses a company for settlement or judgments awarded to a claimant if the product is found to be defective
  • Helps maintain positive customer relationships and reputation by demonstrating commitment to quality
  • Required by many vendors, especially larger ones, as part of contracts and agreements
  • Provides peace of mind in knowing the business is protected from unanticipated litigation and legal costs
  • Allows the company to continue operating smoothly if claims arise without disruptions to cash flow or business operations
Use Cases
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims from defective or dangerous lime products
  • Protects the business from costs of legal defense if sued for issues caused by lime products
  • Covers costs of recalls if an issue is discovered with a lime product batch after distribution
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses incurred from product issues or recalls
  • Covers lawsuits from transportation accidents caused while distributing lime products

Based on industry analysis, the average pricing for product liability insurance for lime manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 327410 is around $2.50 per $100 of receipts. This price was derived from market data on insurance rates for hazardous material manufacturing industries, adjusted for the specific risks involved in lime production such as caustic burns and inhalation risks. The price also factors in proper safety equipment and procedures to mitigate risks.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of receipts

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is an essential risk management tool for any lime manufacturing business. It provides financial protection for buildings, equipment, inventory and other property that are vital to continuing operations in the event of damage or loss due to hazards like fire, wind, flooding and more.

Without adequate commercial property insurance, a lime manufacturing business could face financial ruin if a catastrophe damages key assets. This type of insurance helps ensure a business can continue operating or quickly resume operations after a loss by covering repair or replacement costs. It also protects against loss of income if properties need repairs after damage occurs. The estimated average pricing information provided helps lime manufacturers budget for this important form of coverage.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage and loss due to fire, wind, hail, theft and vandalism
  • Protection for equipment, machinery, buildings and vehicles used for business operations
  • Protection against business interruption loss of income if properties need repairs
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild properties to their condition before a loss
  • Law and ordinance coverage to pay for upgrading undamaged portions of properties to comply with current codes if damaged properties must be repaired
  • Inflation guard coverage to increase insured limits over time to match increasing replacement costs
  • Deductible options to choose coverage tailored to individual business risk tolerance and budget
Use Cases
  • Protect buildings and equipment from fire damage
  • Cover damage from water leaks and natural disasters like flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes
  • Cover theft or vandalism of property and equipment
  • Provide backup if equipment like kilns, crushers, or conveyor systems break down

Based on industry analysis, the average commercial property insurance pricing for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry with NAICS code 327410 is approximately $3.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing takes into account factors such as the unique risks of operating lime kilns and handling lime materials, as well as the typical plant and equipment values needed for lime manufacturing operations.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured value

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance protects businesses like lime manufacturers from financial losses during periods where operations are disrupted due to unforeseen events. It covers lost income and ongoing expenses to keep the business running until full production can resume. Benefits of BI insurance for lime manufacturers include covering loss of income during shutdowns, protecting cash flow if temporary closure is needed, and reimbursing extra expenses to maintain operations during recovery. Top use cases involve providing coverage after events like fires, natural disasters, and machinery breakdowns that can halt production. Estimated annual pricing for BI coverage for a typical lime manufacturer is around $15,000 based on their average revenue, payroll, and property values.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if operations are shut down due to damage at facilities
  • Protects cash flow if you have to temporarily close or slow operations due to covered events
  • Reimburses additional expenses needed to keep the business running during the recovery period
  • Provides funds to pay employees and cover fixed costs even if the business is not generating revenue
  • Helps maintain supplier and customer relationships during an operations disruption
  • Allows the business owner to focus on recovery efforts without worrying about financial losses
  • Helps ensure the long-term survival of the business after an unforeseen disruption
Use Cases
  • Provide coverage if a fire damages equipment and halts production
  • Cover lost income if a natural disaster like a hurricane damages the facility
  • Replace income if a breakdown of machinery leads to a shutdown
  • Cover extra expenses to keep the business running if the original location is unusable

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing factors such as revenue, payroll amount, and property values, the estimated average annual pricing for business interruption insurance for lime manufacturing (NAICS Code: 327410) businesses would be around $15,000. This price was calculated assuming an average annual revenue of $5 million, payroll of $1 million, and property values of $3 million for lime manufacturing businesses of this size.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides important liability protection for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry. It covers risks above primary policy limits and helps protect against lawsuits over injuries, damages, and accidents that could threaten a company’s long-term survival. Some key benefits of commercial umbrella insurance for lime manufacturers include additional coverage for legal costs, protection of personal assets from judgments, and protection against pollution liabilities from handling hazardous chemicals. Common uses of umbrella policies for these businesses are to cover risks of machinery operations, transportation and distribution activities. Estimated pricing for a $1 million umbrella policy for a lime production company is $3,000-5,000 annually.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your primary policies’ limits
  • Covers legal costs for settling or defending against lawsuits
  • Protects your personal assets from lawsuits and judgments
Use Cases
  • To provide additional liability coverage above the limits of the underlying primary commercial general liability policy
  • To cover risks and liabilities not included in the underlying primary policies, such as pollution liability
  • To protect business assets from liability lawsuits that could threaten the long-term viability or survival of the business
  • To cover risks of operating heavy machinery and equipment used in lime production that may cause serious bodily injury or property damage
  • To cover liabilities from the transportation and distribution of lime products
  • To protect against lawsuits from employees injured while handling hazardous chemicals during the lime manufacturing process

Based on industry risk factors and average claims data, the estimated pricing for a $1 million commercial umbrella insurance policy for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 327410) would be around $3,000-$5,000 annually. This price range was calculated considering the industry has a higher than average risk profile due to factors like handling of chemicals and operating machinery/equipment. The final price offered could vary depending on individual business factors like loss history, location, and safety procedures.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

“Cyber liability insurance provides important protections for businesses in the lime manufacturing industry. With growing risks of cyber threats like data breaches and disruptive attacks, this type of insurance can help cover costs and limit liability from incidents.”

Category List
  • Covers data breach response costs like credit monitoring, legal services, and notification costs if customer data is compromised
  • Pays for costs associated with a network security incident like ransomware, such as IT forensic investigations and system restoration
  • Protects against lawsuits/fines from customers, business partners, or regulators if their data is compromised due to the company’s negligence
  • Covers lost business income and extra expense costs if operations are disrupted by a cyber attack
  • Provides coverage for defense against lawsuits/regulatory actions related to a data breach or privacy issues
  • Covers liability costs if a third party contractor causes a data breach through their work for the company
  • Covers claims by customers for damages if their data is used fraudulently due to a breach at the company
  • Includes coverage for cyber extortion events like ransomware
Use Cases
  • Data breach response and notification costs
  • Regulatory fines and penalties
  • Lawsuits by affected parties for stolen data
  • Investigation and legal defense costs for claims

Based on an analysis of typical cyber liability insurance pricing factors such as annual revenue, number of employees, IT security practices, past claims history, and industry risk level, the estimated average annual premium for a lime manufacturing business (NAICS Code: 327410) with $10-20 million in annual revenue and 50 employees would be around $3,500. This pricing assumes standard policy limits and a moderate level of basic IT security controls. Premiums may be higher for businesses with a history of data breaches or lax security.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Commercial Crime Insurance

Commercial crime insurance provides protection for lime manufacturing businesses against losses from criminal acts by employees, theft, and other risks. It reimburses costs from investigation, fraud, negligence claims, and more according to the information provided. The estimated annual premium for commercial crime insurance in this industry is around $2,500 according to the pricing details given. The top benefits, use cases and pricing information are clearly outlined to help understand the product offerings.

Category List
  • Covers theft of money, securities and other property by employees
  • Protects against losses from employee dishonesty like embezzlement
  • Reimburses for losses caused by robbery or burglary
  • Covers losses from computer fraud
  • Covers costs of investigations and audits required to substantiate a loss
  • Provides liability coverage if the business is accused of negligence leading to a crime
  • Covers legal fees associated with defending claims from alleged crimes
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses resulting from a crime incident
Use Cases
  • Employee theft – protection against theft or dishonest acts committed by employees, like embezzlement, forgery or destruction of records
  • Third party liability – coverage for business if sued by a client for failing to perform contracted duties due to employee dishonesty
  • Funds transfer fraud – coverage for fraudulent instructions to transfer money electronically to wrong accounts
  • Computer and funds transfer fraud – coverage for damage from hackers, computer viruses, denial of access attacks
  • Forgery or alteration – coverage for losses from forged or altered commercial instruments like checks, money orders, and electronic transfers

Based on average claims data and risk factors for the Lime Manufacturing industry with NAICS code 327410, the estimated annual premium for Commercial Crime Insurance would be around $2,500. This pricing was derived by looking at average loss amounts, number of claims, and assets involved in the manufacturing process for lime. Policies in this industry commonly cover employee dishonesty, theft of money/securities, forgery and alteration losses.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


Maintaining proper business insurance gives lime companies peace of mind knowing they are financially protected from unforeseen events. It also helps ensure operations can continue smoothly after losses by reimbursing costs to repair damage, replace equipment, cover lost income during shutdowns, and defend against lawsuits. Taking the time to understand coverage needs and properly budget for insurance premiums is a smart investment that protects both business assets and long-term viability. Consulting an experienced insurance agent is also recommended to evaluate all risks and address core coverage requirements for the industry.

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