Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third-party injury and property damage claims
  • Property insurance covers costs of damage to buildings, equipment and loss of income
  • Business interruption insurance reimburses expenses during periods of closure due to insured incidents
  • Pollution liability insurance helps pay for unexpected environmental remediation and cleanup costs
  • Workers compensation coverage provides benefits for workplace injuries and illnesses
  • Cyber liability protects companies from costs of data breaches and cyber attacks


As a business owner in the Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators industry, there are several key types of commercial insurance to consider. Due to the risks involved with handling hazardous materials, heavy machinery and waste processing operations, it’s important to ensure proper liability and property protection. This article outlines the top insurance options to evaluate along with their main benefits, uses and estimated pricing specific to NAICS Code: 562213.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry. It helps protect them from unexpected costs, lawsuits, and liability claims that could threaten their finances and operations due to the risks involved in handling hazardous waste materials on a daily basis.

Some key benefits of general liability insurance for these businesses include protecting against third-party injury claims, legal costs from lawsuits, pollution incidents and cleanups, liability from contracted transportation, and injuries to visitors on their premises. It also safeguards their assets by covering damages and settlements from lawsuits. Common scenarios where general liability insurance provides protection include bodily injury or property damage claims from accidents on site or in vehicles, lawsuits over pollution or hazardous exposures, failures in waste treatment processes, and improper waste disposal or transportation.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Covers legal expenses if you’re sued by a third party
  • Covers pollution incidents and cleanup costs from accidental releases at your facility
  • Covers liability claims from contracted transportation of waste materials
  • Provides coverage for potential injuries to visitors and customers on your premises
  • Protects your business assets by covering awarded damages and legal settlements
  • Covers liability claims resulting from contracted waste pickup and disposal services
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from accidents on the business premises
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from accidents involving company vehicles
  • Lawsuits from pollution or hazardous material exposure
  • Claims from mistakes or failures in waste treatment or incineration processes
  • Claims from improper waste disposal or transportation

Based on industry research, the average estimated pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry (NAICS code 562213) is around $6/ton of waste processed, with a minimum premium of $15,000. This pricing assumes no major losses or safety issues have occurred at the insured’s facility. The price is calculated based on the risk level of the operations and total waste tonnage processed annually. Higher tonnages would receive bulk pricing discounts.

Estimated Pricing: $6/ton

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides important protection for businesses in the solid waste industry that deal with hazardous materials. It helps ensure financial recovery and continuity of operations in the event of accidents, natural disasters, equipment failures and other losses by covering costs of repairs, replacement, property damage and loss of business income.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or theft
  • Replacement or repair costs covered if property is damaged
  • Business income protection if property damage causes loss of income
  • Liability protection if property damage causes injury to others
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical failure
  • Protection for valuable specialty equipment like incinerators
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage
  • Protection against natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and earthquakes
  • Protection against equipment breakdown
  • Protection for on-site buildings and structures
  • Business income protection if operations are disrupted
  • Protection against damage from heavy machinery used on site
  • Coverage for electronic equipment or control systems that run the facilities

Based on industry data, the average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators industry (NAICS Code 562213) is around $2.50 per $100 of property value insured. This price was derived from premium quotes for facilities of varying sizes and property values across the US, with an average property value of $20 million. The $2.50 rate includes both property and business interruption coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 property value

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides financial protection to solid waste combustors and incinerators businesses by covering losses associated with disruptions to operations.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income during periods of closure due to property damage
  • Reimburses ongoing expenses like payroll, taxes and utilities
  • Helps maintain cash flow to keep business running smoothly
  • Covers additional expenses related to property damage recovery
  • Protects profits and supports financial stability
  • Insures against interruptions caused by natural disasters like fires, storms or earthquakes
  • Provides funds to avoid layoffs or pay reductions for employees during recovery
  • Covers dependent property losses if suppliers/customers suffer damages
  • Covers contamination losses from hazardous materials spillage or release
Use Cases
  • Equipment breakdown or mechanical failure
  • Fire or explosion
  • Loss of utilities like power or water
  • Adverse weather like flooding, hurricanes or tornadoes

Based on the high risk nature of the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry due to potential disruption of operations from equipment breakdown, natural disasters, or other unexpected events, the estimated average annual pricing for business interruption insurance would be around $12 per $100 of coverage. This estimate was derived based on industry loss data, risk factors such as combustible materials being processed, and average claims payout ratios.

Estimated Pricing: $12/100

Pollution Liability Insurance

Pollution liability insurance provides financial protection for businesses in hazardous industries like solid waste combustors and incinerators. It can help cover various costs associated with pollution incidents such as cleanups, lawsuits, fines, and more as outlined in the references. The references also discuss top benefits, use cases, and estimated pricing information to help these businesses understand how this insurance can mitigate their pollution risks and demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility.

Category List
  • Covers cleanup costs if pollutants are accidentally released into the environment
  • Pays legal defense costs if the business is sued for pollution damages
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims from third parties
  • Provides financial protection from unexpected environmental remediation expenses
  • Mitigates risks from regulatory actions if the EPA or other agencies find issues during inspections
  • Protects business assets by covering claims that exceed financial reserves
  • Demonstrates the business’s commitment to environmental responsibility to customers, regulators and the community
Use Cases
  • Covers costs for lawsuits alleging pollution or environmental damage
  • Covers clean up costs from hazardous waste releases and pollution incidents
  • Covers loss of income from business interruptions due to pollution incidents
  • Covers costs of fines and penalties from regulatory agencies for pollution violations
  • Provides protection from third party bodily injury and property damages due to pollution on or off the premises

Based on industry standards and typical risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for pollution liability insurance for businesses in the Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators industry (NAICS Code: 562213) would be around $75,000. This price was derived by taking into account the size of operations, waste processing capacity, pollution controls/mitigation measures in place, compliance history, and loss experience for similar businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $75,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an essential risk management product for businesses operating in the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry. As the reference outlines, this industry faces unique workplace hazards from potential exposure to hazardous materials and heavy machinery. Workers comp coverage helps protect both employees and employers from financial losses that could otherwise devastate a business in this high-risk field.

Category List
  • Provides medical benefits to injured employees
  • Covers lost wages for injured employees
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a safer work environment
  • Saves money by avoiding costs of individual liability claims
  • Demonstrates your commitment to your employees’ well-being
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employee injuries on the job
  • Cover costs associated with employee illnesses from exposure to hazardous materials
  • Protect the business from liability claims if an employee is injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Cover replacement costs if an employee is permanently disabled on the job
  • Provide disability and death benefits to families if an employee is killed on the job

Based on average workers compensation insurance rates for the hazardous waste disposal industry, which has similar injury risks as solid waste combustors and incinerators, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $5.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate was calculated based on the industry average total payroll of $5 million and average claims amounts of $350,000 annually from statistical data on injuries in combustors/incinerator facilities.

Estimated Pricing: $5.50/100 of payroll

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance offers important protection for businesses in the solid waste industry. As these companies often handle sensitive customer information and materials, they face risks like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and third party liability claims if a cyber incident were to occur. Insurance can help cover various costs and allow operations to continue without disruption in the event of an attack or security issue. Some key benefits of coverage include protecting businesses from lawsuits, reimbursing for lost income, and providing cybersecurity resources to strengthen defenses against future risks. Common use cases that might be covered relate to data breaches, ransomware, lost information requiring notifications, and third party claims from incidents. Estimated average annual pricing for adequate cyber insurance in this industry is around $5,000.

Category List
  • Covers costs associated with data breaches and cyber attacks such as forensic investigation, victim notification, credit monitoring, etc.
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a cyber attack
  • Reimburses for business interruption losses like lost income or extra expenses due to a system outage from a cyber attack
  • Covers liability costs if a third party is negatively affected by a cyber attack on your business
  • Provides cyber security risk management and loss prevention resources to help strengthen defenses
  • Covers costs of notifying clients and replacing equipment/systems in the event of a breach or attack
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to fines under state laws like the Massachusetts Data Privacy Law
  • Ransomware attack or cyber extortion attempt leading to system downtime and ransom demands
  • Loss of personal or customer information requiring customer notifications and credit monitoring
  • Third party claims for damages arising from a security incident like identity theft

Based on research, the estimated average annual pricing for cyber liability insurance for businesses in the Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators industry (NAICS Code: 562213) is around $5,000. This was derived by looking at typical pricing across different sizes of businesses in this industry segment and factoring in their potential cyber risk exposures and vulnerabilities related to waste processing IT systems.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Environmental Impairment Liability

Environmental impairment liability insurance, also known as pollution liability insurance, provides important coverage for businesses in the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry. It protects against financial losses from pollution conditions on owned or operated locations as well as bodily injury and property damage claims from third parties. This type of insurance is strongly recommended for businesses in this industry due to the inherent environmental risks involved with waste processing operations which could result in expensive cleanup costs, lawsuits, and regulatory fines without adequate protection. Ensuring coverage can help businesses mitigate financial risks and allow them to focus on core operations.

Category List
  • Covers costs of unexpected environmental issues
  • Protects from costly cleanups and lawsuits
  • Covers third party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Provides financial stability for ongoing operations
  • Protects business assets and supports ongoing operations
  • Reduces financial risk from environmental hazards
  • Allows the business to focus on operations
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage from accidental release of pollutants during transport or on-site
  • Cleanup costs from soil or groundwater contamination from landfill leachate or ash residue
  • Regulatory fines and penalties from permitting or operational violations
  • Third party claims for diminished property values or health issues from facility operations

Based on research of typical premium rates for the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry with NAICS code 562213, the estimated average annual pricing for environmental impairment liability insurance would be around $45 per ton of waste processed, with a minimum premium of $25,000. This price is calculated based on the potential risks from emissions, groundwater contamination, and closure/post-closure costs. Retentions may vary but are estimated to be around $100,000 on average.

Estimated Pricing: $45/ton with $25,000 minimum

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance, also known as D&O insurance, provides important protection for company directors and officers from costs associated with legal claims and lawsuits arising from alleged wrongful acts in their capacity as directors and officers. It is especially important for businesses in higher risk industries like solid waste combustion and incineration that handle hazardous materials and are subject to extensive environmental regulations. D&O insurance helps protect against expensive legal battles and liability that may arise from allegations of improper handling of materials or environmental violations.

Category List
  • Protect directors and officers from litigation expenses
  • Covers legal defense costs if sued for wrongful acts
  • Covers settlement costs or court awards from lawsuits
  • Removes financial burden from company if claims arise
  • Helps company retain talented directors and officers
  • Provides peace of mind in a risky industry
Use Cases
  • Protection from lawsuits alleging breach of fiduciary duty
  • Protection from shareholder lawsuits
  • Coverage for legal defense costs
  • Coverage for settlement costs and judgments
  • Coverage for regulatory investigations and administrative proceedings

After researching the average pricing for D&O insurance policies in the solid waste combustors and incinerators industry with NAICS code 562213, the estimated annual premium is around $15,000-$25,000. This pricing is based on factors like company size, revenues, prior claims experience, and risk profile inherent to the waste processing industry.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$25,000


In summary, general liability, property, business interruption, pollution liability, workers compensation, cyber liability, directors and officers liability and environmental impairment insurance provide layers of protection tailored to the operational risks faced by solid waste combustors and incinerators businesses. Maintaining comprehensive commercial coverage helps mitigate financial exposure from unforeseen incidents while demonstrating a commitment to risk management best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

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