Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party lawsuits and recalls.
  • Workers’ compensation covers on-the-job injuries and medical expenses.
  • Commercial property insures buildings, equipment and lost income from damage.
  • Commercial auto protects company vehicles involved in accidents.
  • Equipment breakdown replaces machinery after failures or repairs lost income.
  • Product liability covers legal costs if defects cause harm.
  • Cyber liability addresses privacy breaches and ransomware attacks.


As a manufacturer dealing with specialized equipment that emits radiation, irradiation apparatus businesses face unique risks. Proper insurance protects the financial health of these operations from liabilities and losses. This article examines the top commercial policies these companies should consider.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important protection for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry. It helps shield companies from costly lawsuits and protects their assets if accidents occur or customers are injured due to manufacturing errors or defective products that emit radiation. It also provides coverage against accidents and injuries that could occur on business premises for irradiation apparatus manufacturing companies. Additionally, it protects these companies from liability claims if customers are exposed to harmful radiation from faulty equipment.

Category List
  • Protect against third party lawsuits if a customer is injured on your premises or by using your product
  • Cover costs of defending yourself against a liability claim, even if the allegations against you end up being groundless
  • Shield your personal assets like your home or car from being seized to pay a court judgment if you lose a liability lawsuit
  • Provide coverage if one of your employees is injured on the job or injures someone else during work
  • Cover costs associated with product recalls if a defect is discovered in one of your irradiation devices
  • Protect you from lawsuits related to harmful effects of radiation exposure from improper use of your products
  • Indemnify your business in the event an incident with your equipment results in surrounding property damage
  • Reimburse medical expenses if someone is accidentally exposed to radiation from your machinery during the manufacturing process
  • Provide coverage for legal costs and settlements in the event of safety violations or non-compliance with regulation during manufacturing
  • Pay for temporary tenants if your facility needs to be evacuated during handling of an incident to limit liability
Use Cases
  • Protection against accidents or injuries that occur on business premises
  • Protection if a customer is injured from a faulty or defective product
  • Protection if a customer alleges that they have been exposed to harmful radiation due to faulty equipment
  • Protection if a supplier or contractor is injured while working on business premises
  • Protection against errors and omissions claims if improper advice or specifications cause injury or property damage

Based on industry analysis, the average general liability insurance pricing for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry (NAICS code 334517) is around $12 per $1000 of gross receipts, with a minimum premium of $2500. This pricing takes into account the medium risk level of this industry due to working with radioactive and hazardous materials. The price was derived from national industry premium data collected by insurance carriers.

Estimated Pricing: $12/$1000 or minimum of $2500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides essential protections for employees and businesses in high-risk industries like irradiation apparatus manufacturing. It ensures employees are cared for if injuries occur on the job and shields businesses from costly lawsuits.

Some key benefits of workers’ comp for this industry include covering medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured at work, as well as protecting businesses from liability if an employee suffers work-related injuries and is unable to return due to risks of radiation exposure commonly encountered in this field. Given the hazards, workers’ comp is critical to address any health issues that may arise over time from an occupational exposure incident. Pricing averages around $2.50 per $100 of payroll to account for the elevated risks.

Category List
  • Protects your business from financial loss due to work-related accidents and injuries
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Reduces the risk of lawsuits for workplace injuries
Use Cases
  • Provide benefits for employees who are injured on the job
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured at work
  • Protect the business from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured and unable to work
  • Cover risks of injuries from exposure to radiation which is routinely used in this industry

Based on industry data, the average workers’ compensation insurance pricing for businesses in the NAICS code 334517 (Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing) industry is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived based on the industry risk factor and average claims experience. Industries like this one that involve manufacturing of equipment involving radiation materials tend to have higher than average risk and claims costs factored into the pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 of payroll

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance provides essential protection for facilities, equipment and inventory of businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry. Damage from events like fires, storms or equipment failures could severely impact operations. Proper commercial property insurance coverage helps mitigate these risks. Coverage for liability protection is also important if a customer is injured on the business property. Insurance provides replacement cost coverage to help repair or rebuild property after a loss. Commercial property insurance can also help cover lost income if business operations are interrupted, and protect valuable business documents and records.

Category List
  • Protection against property loss or damage from events such as fires, storms, vandalism, and other disasters
  • Coverage for equipment failures such as broken machines or electronics
  • Liability protection if a customer is injured on your property
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild property after a loss
  • Lost income protection if business operations are interrupted by an insured event
  • Protection for valuable business documents and records
  • Deductible options to find the right balance of coverage and cost
  • Advisory services and risk control consultations to mitigate hazards
Use Cases
  • Protect buildings and equipment from fire damage
  • Cover losses from natural disasters like hurricanes, flooding or earthquakes
  • Replace or repair equipment damaged in an accident
  • Cover losses from theft or vandalism
  • Provide business interruption coverage if property is unusable due to a covered loss
  • Cover losses caused by machinery breakdown or electronic equipment breakdown
  • Cover specialized equipment that may be expensive to repair or replace

Based on industry analysis, the average commercial property insurance pricing for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry with NAICS code 334517 is around $5.20 per $100 of insured value. This price was derived from commercial property insurance rate filings and historical loss data for risks comparable to those encountered by irradiation apparatus manufacturers, which often involve working with radioactive materials. The rate also factors in compliance with stringent safety and handling regulations to mitigate risk.

Estimated Pricing: $5.20 per $100 of insured value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance plays a vital role in protecting businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry from financial risks associated with vehicle accidents and claims. It provides coverage for vehicles used as part of daily operations to safely transport goods, employees, and perform essential business functions.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for business vehicles like trucks and vans
  • Reimbursement for repairs or replacement of damaged vehicles
  • Coverage for medical payments for those injured in an accident
  • Protection for hired and non-owned vehicles used for business
  • Coverage for business assets transported in vehicles
Use Cases
  • Coverage for company owned/leased vehicles used for operations/transport
  • Coverage for vehicles used for sales and service calls
  • Coverage for vehicles used to transport materials and products
  • Coverage for vehicles used by employees for business travel

Based on national averages, the estimated average annual price for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry (NAICS 334517) is $2,500 per vehicle. This estimate is derived from national insurance rate data taking into account factors like the type of business, number of vehicles, driver qualifications, safety record, and cargo.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides crucial protection for businesses in the specialized irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry that rely on expensive high-risk equipment like X-ray machines, electron beam accelerators, and gamma irradiators. Failure of this complex machinery can result in significant costs to repair or replace and business interruptions, threatening the long-term viability of operations. It also covers additional expenses during equipment downtime and liabilities if a breakdown damages other property or causes injury. Policies typically reimburse lost income from interrupted operations and support improvements to upgrade systems and prevent future failures.

Category List
  • Covers the costs of repairing or replacing equipment that unexpectedly breaks down
  • Provides funds to pay for equipment rental fees while damaged equipment is repaired
  • Compensates for lost income when equipment failure causes an unplanned business interruption
  • Covers additional expenses like hiring temporary workers or overtime pay for employees to minimize disruption
  • Protects against liability if equipment breakdown causes property damage or bodily injury
  • Offers funding to improve equipment or system efficiency following a breakdown to prevent future failures
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your business is financially protected from equipment failures
Use Cases
  • Protection against unexpected repair costs or replacement of equipment like irradiation chambers, X-ray generators, electron beam accelerators and related control systems if they break down or fail
  • Coverage for losses resulting from electrical failures or outages that damage sensitive electronic components
  • Reimbursement for loss of income or profits during equipment repairs after mechanical breakdowns
  • Coverage for damage to other equipment or property caused by the failure of irradiation apparatus

Based on typical equipment breakdown insurance pricing models and considering factors such as the types of equipment used in irradiation apparatus manufacturing involving high-risk machinery, an estimated average annual premium would be around $15,000. This was calculated based on an estimated $5 million worth of insured equipment and factoring in a rate of 0.3% of total equipment value.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance is an important risk management tool for companies in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry. As producers of complex technical equipment that involves radioactive materials, businesses face risks if defects in their products lead to unforeseen issues that harm people, the environment or cause economic losses.

Category List
  • Protects the company from costly legal fees and damages awards if a product is found to cause harm or injuries
  • Covers medical expenses, injury compensation, and property damage costs in the event of an accident involving the company’s products
  • Reduces financial risk if an incident occurs and lawsuits are filed
  • Provides defense coverage if a product-related lawsuit is brought against the company
  • Maintains positive customer and client relationships by demonstrating financial responsibility through insurance
  • Allows the company to continue operating without disruption even if a large settlement is required to resolve a liability issue
  • Fulfills contractual obligations to customers that require suppliers carry liability coverage
  • Attracts new customers and clients by showing the company takes responsibility for its products seriously
Use Cases
  • Covers compensation needed if a defect in an irradiation apparatus causes injury or illness
  • Protects against legal costs and damages if a user sues alleging design or manufacturing defects in the apparatus
  • Provides coverage if regulatory authorities determine an apparatus is unsafe and issue a recall
  • Indemnifies contractors, sub-contractors or suppliers in the event a claim is made against them relating to a defective product

Based on industry analysis, the average pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 334517) is around $5-7 per $1000 of revenue. This pricing is derived considering the industry risk level is moderate due to handling of radioactive materials, but product failures are less likely to cause severe bodily injuries compared to other high risk industries like medical device manufacturing.

Estimated Pricing: $5-7/1000 revenue

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides essential protection for manufacturers in the irradiation apparatus industry against risks posed by increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks and data breaches as these businesses commonly store and process large amounts of confidential customer and technical data. The top benefits of cyber liability insurance for these businesses include protection against costs from data breaches and privacy regulations, network security and privacy liability coverage, coverage for legal costs and fines/penalties from regulatory actions, protection for theft and loss of customer or client data, coverage for costs from data restoration and notification, insurance for business interruption losses if systems are hacked or compromised, coverage for costs/defense associated with defamation, libel, slander arising from online content, and insurance for liability concerns if a product malfunctions and exposes sensitive data. The top use cases where cyber liability insurance provides protection for these manufacturers include data breach or cyber attack leading to loss of confidential customer information, ransomware attack encrypting important systems and files until ransom is paid, loss of business or operations due to a technology failure or outage, litigation expenses related to a privacy breach or data loss, and reputational damage and loss of customers following a public data incident. The average annual cyber liability insurance pricing for businesses in this industry is estimated to be between $3,000-$5,000 based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, existing cyber security practices, and claims history.

Category List
  • Protection against costs from data breaches and privacy regulations
  • Network security and privacy liability coverage
  • Coverage for legal costs and fines/penalties from regulatory actions
  • Protection for theft and loss of customer or client data
  • Coverage for costs from data restoration and notification
  • Insurance for business interruption losses if systems are hacked or compromised
  • Coverage for costs/defense associated with defamation, libel, slander arising from online content
  • Insurance for liability concerns if a product malfunctions and exposes sensitive data
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack leading to loss of confidential customer information
  • Ransomware attack encrypting important systems and files until ransom is paid
  • Loss of business or operations due to a technology failure or outage
  • Litigation expenses related to a privacy breach or data loss
  • Reputational damage and loss of customers following a public data incident

Based on research, the average annual cyber liability insurance pricing for businesses in the irradiation apparatus manufacturing industry (NAICS 334517) is around $5,000. Pricing is determined based on several factors including annual revenue, number of employees, cyber security practices/protections in place, and prior claims/breaches history. For most small to medium sized businesses in this industry with under $10M in annual revenue and less than 100 employees, and no prior major cyber incidents, the average annual premium falls between $3,000-$5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000


Given the complexity and hazards involved, irradiation apparatus manufacturers need robust risk management strategies. Comprehensive commercial insurance tailored to the industry helps shield operations from financial threats and allows the focus to remain on serving customers. Carefully evaluating coverage options ensures long-term business success.

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