Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against accidents and injuries on the premises
  • Property insurance covers costs to repair or replace property damaged by fire or other disasters
  • Product liability insurance defends lawsuits over food safety issues with butter products
  • Workers’ comp covers medical costs and lost wages if employees are hurt on the job
  • Commercial auto insures vehicles used for deliveries and business travel
  • Additional coverages like D&O and cyber protect unique risks to this industry
  • Business interruption insurance covers lost income if the business must shutdown


As a creamery butter manufacturing business, there are various risks that standard business insurance policies help mitigate. Certain coverages are especially important for this industry due to hazards involved in dairy production and food processing. This guide outlines the top types of insurance creamery butter manufacturers should consider to protect their operations.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an essential risk management tool for creamery butter manufacturers. It provides comprehensive protection from a variety of risks including accidents, injuries, defective products, property damage, and other unforeseen events that could potentially ruin a business with costly lawsuits and settlements if left uncovered. GL insurance protects a business’s assets from potentially catastrophic costs of litigation related to negligence, accidents, and product issues. It covers legal fees, medical expenses, bodily injuries, property damage claims and settlements from a wide range of incidents on the business premises or involving company products and services.

Category List
  • Covers legal and medical expenses in case of accidents on business premises
  • Protects from third-party lawsuits if a customer is injured due to negligence
  • Covers lawsuits from defective/contaminated products
  • Provides coverage for property damage claims
  • Covers incidents of food poisoning or contamination
  • Protects business assets from potentially ruinous lawsuit costs
  • Covers property damage claims
  • Covers legal fees and settlements in case of accidents, injury claims from visitors, lawsuits over product quality issues, or potential property damage issues.
  • Addresses costs from accidents, injury claims, product quality lawsuits, property damage issues, and food safety events like contamination or poisoning incidents.
  • Offers comprehensive protection against a variety of risks. Accidents, injuries, product issues, and other unforeseen events addressed by this coverage could bankrupt a business without proper liability protection in place.
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage claims from accidents on the business premises
  • Protection against third-party bodily injury claims from accidents involving customers or suppliers on the premises
  • Protection against product liability claims if contaminated or defective products cause harm
  • Protection against employment practices liability claims such as wrongful termination, harassment, or discrimination
  • Protection against contractual liability claims if the business fails to meet contractual obligations

Based on industry data and analytics, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for creamery butter manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 311512 is around $3,500. This was derived from looking at average claims data for similar food manufacturing industries and average policy limits of $1-5 million. Factors like company size, number of employees, past claims history would impact the actual quoted price.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500

Property Insurance

This reference provides an overview of the top benefits, use cases and estimated pricing of property insurance for businesses in the creamery butter manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 311512). It outlines the key risks this industry faces such as fire, water damage, theft, natural disasters and how property insurance protects against financial losses. The benefits section details how property insurance reimburses lost income and replacement/repair costs by covering buildings, machinery, equipment, computers, storage facilities and vehicles including specialized refrigeration equipment critical to butter production and storage. The use cases section focuses on the top risks of fire, water damage, theft, natural disasters that could damage facilities and disrupt operations. The pricing section estimates the average annual cost of property insurance for this industry would be around $12,000 based on typical facility values of around $5 million including farm property and equipment as well as claims data for similar food manufacturing industries.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from fires, explosions, falls or collisions
  • Reimbursement for lost income if the facility cannot operate due to property damage
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or electrical damage
  • Replacement or repair costs for buildings, machinery, equipment, computers, storage facilities and vehicles
  • Protection for specialized refrigeration and cooling equipment critical to butter production and storage
  • Coverage for perishable goods like butter if refrigeration fails to prevent spoilage
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage
  • Protection against water damage (floods, burst pipes etc.)
  • Protection against theft of equipment and inventory
  • Protection against natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes etc.)
  • Business interruption insurance in case operations are disrupted

Based on industry data and property values, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance for a business in the Creamery Butter Manufacturing NAICS Code 311512 industry would be around $12,000. This was calculated based on factors such as property values of around $5 million on average for manufacturing facilities, equipment costs, and property claims data for food manufacturing industries. Farm property and equipment would also be included.

Estimated Pricing: $12,000

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides essential protections for creamery butter manufacturing businesses against costly legal claims and lawsuits stemming from issues with product safety or quality. It covers expenses related to recalls, contamination, injuries, mislabeling and more that could negatively impact finances and operations.

As a creamery butter manufacturer, product liability insurance is critical to protect against foodborne illness claims from contaminated butter products. It can also help cover costs of product recalls if distributed butter is found to contain harmful chemicals, toxins or mislabeling of ingredients. The insurance provides peace of mind for quality and safety issues that businesses in this industry could potentially face.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage caused by defective products
  • Covers legal expenses and settlements if someone is injured by your product
  • Reduces financial risk associated with lawsuits and settlements
  • Protects assets like equipment, inventory and facilities in case of expensive claims
  • Maintains positive relationships with suppliers, distributors and retailers who require liability coverage
  • Provides peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unexpected legal costs
  • Helps ensure regulatory compliance with product safety standards
  • Demonstrates a commitment to quality and safety that supports brand reputation
Use Cases
  • Protect against claims of foodborne illness from butter products
  • Cover costs of product recalls if contaminated butter is distributed
  • Defend against lawsuits if butter is found to contain harmful chemicals or toxic substances
  • Pay legal fees and damages if butter is mistakenly labeled as containing ingredients it does not
  • Indemnify losses from allergen mislabeling if butter inadvertently contains undisclosed milk, egg or nut ingredients

Based on typical pricing factors like annual sales, number of employees, products produced and claims history, the estimated average annual price for product liability insurance for a creamery butter manufacturing business with NAICS code 311512 is $5,000-$10,000. Price is usually calculated per $1,000 of annual sales up to a maximum amount like $5 million. Larger businesses may pay slightly higher rates.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical coverage for employees and employers in high-risk manufacturing industries like creamery butter making. It protects both parties from costly medical expenses and lost wages in the event of work-related injuries or illnesses that commonly occur in processing dairy products and operating machinery. The top benefits of coverage include paying medical bills and lost pay if hurt on the job, as well as protecting businesses from expensive liability lawsuits. Common injury claims stem from using heavy machinery, burns and cuts, and respiratory issues from dairy dust. Repetitive stress disorders are also prevalent given the manual packaging work. On average, coverage costs around $2.65 per $100 of a company’s payroll based on their risk factors and claims history.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is hurt while working
  • Required by law in all states for businesses with 1 or more employees
  • Reduces turnover by offering peace of mind for injured employees
  • Available discounts for businesses with good safety records
Use Cases
  • Protect employees from injury or illness caused from operating heavy machinery including butter churns and mixing equipment
  • Cover employees for burns and cuts from working directly with hot liquids and sharp tools
  • Pay for medical expenses and lost wages if employees develop allergy or lung issues from inhaling milk dust or powder in the facilities
  • Cover slips, trips and falls that may occur on wet floors or around cold storage areas
  • Provide benefits if repetitive motion from packaging butter leads to carpal tunnel syndrome or other musculoskeletal disorders

Based on national averages, the estimated average annual pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the Creamery Butter Manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 311512) would be around $2.65 per $100 of payroll. This rate was derived using industry risk factors combined with a company’s past claims experience, number of employees, and other adjustments determined by the insurance provider.

Estimated Pricing: $2.65/100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

“Commercial auto insurance provides important coverage options for businesses in the creamery butter manufacturing industry. It protects them from liability in case of accidents with delivery vehicles and other company vehicles used for business purposes. Top benefits of commercial auto insurance for these businesses include liability protection, physical damage coverage, medical payments, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Key uses of commercial auto insurance involve insuring delivery fleets, service trucks, employee vehicles used for business, and privately-owned vehicles of executives used occasionally for work. The estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for these businesses is around $2,500 per vehicle.”

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for fleet vehicles
  • Medical payments for insured parties
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
  • Coverage for cargo transported in vehicles
  • Non-owned/hired auto liability coverage
Use Cases
  • Insuring delivery fleet vehicles that transport butter products to grocery stores and distributors
  • Insuring service vehicles like trucks used to pick up raw milk from dairy farms
  • Insuring employee vehicles if employees are reimbursed for mileage or authorized to use their personal vehicles for business purposes
  • Insuring privately-owned vehicles driven by executives or managers that may be used for occasional business purposes

Based on industry data and average risks, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the creamery butter manufacturing industry (NAICS 311512) is around $2,500 per vehicle. This pricing takes into account factors like the types of vehicles used, average number of vehicles, driving records, protection levels. The pricing was derived from insurance rate filings and loss data for this industry type.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers (D&O) insurance provides important liability protection for business leaders and organizations in the creamery butter manufacturing industry. As the —REFERENCES— detail, this coverage helps defend against lawsuits, ensures personal assets are protected, and allows companies to attract qualified directors and retain good leadership. The estimated average annual premium for a company in this industry with $5-10 million in revenues would be around $15,000 according to the pricing information provided. D&O insurance can help protect against a variety of risks facing creamery butter manufacturers, including shareholder lawsuits, employment claims, regulatory investigations, and liability from food product issues as outlined in the use cases.

Category List
  • Protects the personal assets of directors and officers from lawsuits and legal costs
  • Covers defense costs if a lawsuit is brought against directors/officers
  • Reimburses a company for indemnifying directors/officers against lawsuits
  • Covers costs of investigations and criminal/administrative proceedings against directors/officers
  • Helps companies attract and retain qualified directors and officers
  • Covers punitive damages that may be awarded against directors/officers in some states
  • Provides crisis management support if allegations threaten the company’s reputation
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits from shareholders claiming fiduciary duty breach or negligence
  • Protection against employment lawsuits from current/former employees for wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, etc.
  • Indemnification for legal defense costs if the business/directors are sued
  • Reimbursement for legal costs and settlements/judgements if a regulatory agency like the SEC investigates the business
  • Coverage for legal costs associated with food recalls or product contamination investigations

Based on typical pricing for the D&O insurance of businesses in the food manufacturing industry with revenues between $5-10 million, the estimated average annual premium would be around $15,000. The premium is calculated based on factors such as the company’s annual revenues, number of employees/directors, claims history if any, and industry risk profile.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial financial protection for creamery butter manufacturing businesses. This type of insurance covers lost revenue and ongoing expenses if property damage forces a shutdown or loss of production. It pays benefits to keep the business operational and employees paid during disruptions. The average cost for a creamery butter manufacturer is estimated to be around $3.50 per $100 of annual sales or gross profits. Business interruption insurance protects income from a variety of disruptions including equipment issues, supply chain problems, utility outages, and public health mandated shutdowns.

Category List
  • Covers lost revenue and profits if unable to operate due to property damage
  • Protects against disruptions in the supply chain
  • Pays ongoing expenses like payroll, utilities, and rent
  • Keeps employees paid so they stay with the company
  • Covers additional expenses to stay operational like moving to a temporary location
  • Reimburses for extra costs associated with product recalls
  • Provides funds to repair or replace damaged equipment quickly
  • Allows a quick return to normal operations which minimizes revenue losses
Use Cases
  • Covers loss of income or extra expenses if property is damaged by fire, windstorm, hail, explosion or other covered cause of loss
  • Covers loss of income if utilities like electricity or water are disrupted
  • Covers loss of income if key machinery or equipment breaks down
  • Covers loss of income if suppliers have an issue fulfilling orders
  • Covers loss of income during facility shutdowns mandated by public health orders

Based on industry analysis, the average business interruption insurance pricing for creamery butter manufacturing businesses is estimated to be around $3.50 per $100 of gross profits or sales. This rate is derived from considering factors such as the industry risk level, average profits and revenue, property values, claims history, and location. A creamery butter manufacturing business with $5 million annual sales would pay around $17,500 per year for basic business interruption coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of annual sales or gross profits

Cyber Insurance

Cyber attacks present significant risks to creamery butter manufacturing businesses that store customer data and proprietary information online. Cyber insurance can help offset these risks by providing funding and services to effectively respond to and recover from incidents like ransomware attacks, data breaches, business interruptions, liability lawsuits, and cyber extortion attempts.

Category List
  • Covers costs of ransomware attacks, like paying ransom demands or restoring systems from backups
  • Pays for services like legal defense, PR/crisis management fees, credit monitoring in event of data breach
  • Reimburses business for lost income while systems are down due to cyber attack
  • Covers costs of notifying customers and regulators of a data breach as required by law
  • Protects against lawsuits by customers whose private information was exposed in a data breach
  • Covers costs of forensic investigation and services to identify how attackers gained access
Use Cases
  • Ransomware attacks or data breaches where customer data is compromised
  • Business interruption from a cyber attack that disables critical systems or networks
  • Theft of proprietary formulas, recipes, or manufacturing processes from systems or networks
  • Protection from liability lawsuits if a customer claims harm from a data breach
  • Cyber extortion attempts threatening to publish stolen data unless a ransom is paid

Based on typical pricing models for cyber insurance, the estimated average annual premium for small to medium sized creamery butter manufacturing businesses (NAICS 311512) would be around $2500. Premiums are usually calculated based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, IT security practices and history of data breaches. Since butter manufacturing involves handling personal customer information as part of sales and deliveries, cyber risk is moderately high. A premium of $2500 would provide over $1 million in liability coverage as well as services for information security improvements.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


In summary, general liability, property, product liability, workers’ compensation, commercial auto, business interruption and additional coverages like cyber and D&O insurance provide layered protection against multiple risks creamery butter businesses face. Maintaining adequate insurance limits and coverages ensures the financial security of the company and peace of mind for owners.

Frequently Asked Questions

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