Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims from customer injuries on the property
  • Property insurance covers costs to repair or replace buildings and equipment after damage
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical costs and lost wages for employee injuries on the job
  • Business interruption insurance provides funds if severe weather forces cancellations or closures
  • Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage above primary policies’ limits
  • Cyber liability covers expenses from data breaches and network disruptions
  • Equipment breakdown covers repair costs if projection and audio equipment malfunctions


Drive-in movie theaters face unique risks requiring specialized insurance coverage. As outdoor entertainment venues showing films to customers in their vehicles, issues like weather damage, equipment malfunctions, and liability from large parking lots present challenges. This guide examines the top insurance options drive-in theaters should consider to protect their business operations and finances.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the drive-in motion picture theater industry. It protects the theater from financial losses due to accidents, injuries, and property damage claims that may occur on the business premises or during events.

Some key uses of general liability insurance for drive-in movie theaters include protection from slips and falls by customers, vehicle damages occurring on the property, injuries caused by other vehicles, equipment malfunctions, food poisoning claims from concessions, and other liability risks associated with operating an entertainment business where customers visit the site using their vehicles. The estimated annual cost for general liability insurance for a drive-in theater is between $5,000-$8,000 depending on factors like the number of screens, seating capacity, and additional services offered.

Category List
  • Coverage for property damage and bodily injury claims from customers
  • Protection from lawsuits if a customer slips and falls on theater property
  • Reimbursement of legal fees if sued by a customer
  • Coverage for claims related to food poisoning from concessions
  • Payments if a customer’s vehicle is damaged while on theater premises
  • Defense against claims alleging the theater was responsible for injuries
  • Coverage for medical payments regardless of who is at fault for an accident
Use Cases
  • Protection from slips and falls by customers or guests at the theater
  • Protection if a customer’s vehicle is damaged while parked at the theater
  • Protection if a customer is injured by another customer’s vehicle at the theater
  • Protection if the theater equipment like screens or projectors malfunction and cause property damage or injuries
  • Protection from claims of copyright infringement if the movies shown are not properly licensed
  • Protection from food poisoning claims if the theater serves concessions

Based on industry benchmarks and average claims data, the estimated annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the drive-in motion picture theaters industry would be around $5,000-$8,000. Factors such as number of screens, seating capacity, and any additional services or amenities offered may impact the final price. Larger theaters with more capacity and services would likely be on the higher end of the range.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$8,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance protects critical physical assets and provides financial protection for businesses in the drive-in movie theater industry. It covers costs from damage to buildings and equipment, lost income if the business needs to close temporarily, and liability risks. The average cost of property insurance for businesses in the drive-in movie theater industry is about $2.50 per $100 of insured value. Factors like risk of weather damage to outdoor structures and equipment as well as potential liability from customers and vehicles influence pricing.

Category List
  • Protection against financial losses from damage to buildings and equipment
  • Coverage for accidents, vandalism, fire, wind and other perils
  • Replacement costs if equipment needs repairs or needs to be entirely replaced
  • Liability protection if someone is injured on the property
  • Lost business income coverage if the theater needs to temporarily close for repairs
  • Covers the costs of debris removal after a covered loss
Use Cases
  • Protect buildings and structures from damage due to fire, lightning, windstorms, hail or explosions
  • Cover equipment, furnishings and supplies from theft or damage
  • Replace or repair equipment like projectors or projection screens if damaged
  • Cover loss of earnings if the business must close temporarily for repairs after a covered loss

Based on industry statistics, the average property insurance pricing for businesses in the drive-in motion picture theaters industry with NAICS code 512132 is around $2.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing is derived from considering factors such as the risk of weather damage to outdoor structures and equipment as well as potential liability from customers and vehicles on the property.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides important protections for businesses in the drive-in motion picture theaters industry. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, protects the business from liability lawsuits, and is required by law. Some key uses of workers compensation insurance for these businesses include covering costs associated with injuries from operating projection equipment, performing maintenance work, or accidents in parking lots at drive-in theaters. The estimated annual premium for a typical drive-in theater business with $500,000 in annual payroll would be around $4,800 based on risk classifications.

Category List
  • Provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured on the job
  • Covers costs of occupational injuries and illnesses
  • Protects the business from liability lawsuits from injured employees
  • Required by law in all states for businesses with employees
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a speedier recovery for injured workers
  • Helps the business maintain consistent operations
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Cover lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protect the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Provide benefits to employees injured while operating projection and sound equipment
  • Cover costs of injuries to employees performing construction or maintenance work at drive-in theaters
  • Pay benefits to employees injured in parking lot or outdoor accidents at drive-in theaters

Workers compensation insurance pricing is based on payroll and risk classifications. Businesses in the drive-in motion picture theaters industry typically have lower risk classifications since the work is not very hazardous. On average, payroll for these businesses is around $500,000 annually. Using this average payroll amount and a risk classification code for amusements and recreation services, the estimated annual premium would be around $4,800.

Estimated Pricing: $4,800

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides protection for a drive-in movie theater’s income and operations if their business is temporarily disrupted by unforeseen events outside of their control. Some key benefits and common use cases were outlined in the reference. The reference also provided an estimated average annual premium range for this type of insurance for a typical drive-in theater, highlighting the importance of having this coverage to maintain cash flow during interruptions.

Category List
  • Provides funds to cover lost income if your business must temporarily shut down due to unforeseen events outside your control, like bad weather that forces cancellation of showings
  • Covers operating expenses like utilities, property taxes, payroll, and insurance premiums if your business’s income is interrupted so you can continue paying bills
  • Protects against losses from property damage or theft that forces you to suspend operations for repairs or replacement of your equipment
  • Helps maintain cash flow so you can restart operations after an interruption without taking on debt or dipping into personal funds
  • Covers loss of income from accidents or injuries on your property that result in legal claims or government shutdown orders closing your operations temporarily
  • Allows you to avoid layoffs of employees during a temporary closure covered by the insurance so you have staff available to resume operations quickly
  • Covers loss of income from events that damage your reputation or brand, such as a data breach, and cause a temporary drop in customers
Use Cases
  • Weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, floods or snowstorms that prevent customers from reaching the drive-in theater
  • Power outages caused by severe weather that restricts the operation of projectors and screens
  • Fire or flood damage to the facility that requires repairs before reopening
  • Equipment failures like projector malfunctions that ground operations until fixed
  • Civil unrest or protests near the theater location that deter customers

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing models, the estimated average annual premium for drive-in movie theaters would be around 1-2% of the insured value for business personal property and loss of business income. Given that the average drive-in theater reports around $500,000 in property and $250,000 in annual revenues, the estimated annual premium would be $7,500-$15,000.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500-$15,000

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above a business’s primary insurance policies. It is especially beneficial for drive-in movie theaters due to the unique risks of operating an outdoor entertainment business where customers visit in their vehicles. Umbrella insurance policies are especially important for drive-in theaters due to the unique liability risks of operating an outdoor entertainment business where patrons visit in their vehicles. Covering claims above the primary general liability and auto policies can help protect the business from expensive litigation related to the risks of operating shows and facilities in large outdoor spaces. Based on typical umbrella insurance pricing structure and risk factors for the drive-in movie theater industry (NAICS Code 512132), the estimated average annual pricing for $1 million in umbrella liability coverage would be around $1,500. The pricing is derived from considering the theater’s business size/revenue, number of employees, loss history, and other liability risk factors.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your primary insurance limits
  • Covers claims the primary insurance doesn’t
  • Protects personal assets from lawsuits
  • Covers legal defense costs for covered claims
  • Covers liability arising from ownership of the property
  • Covers incidents involving hired/non-owned auto liability
  • Provides coverage for a variety of liability claims such as slips and falls, property damage, and more
  • Offers protection against catastrophic losses that exceed your primary coverage limits
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from customers or employees injured on premises
  • Provide additional liability coverage above primary policies for higher risk activities like showing movies outdoors
  • Cover liability risks associated with food and beverage sales concessions
  • Protect against lawsuits from slip and fall or car accidents in large outdoor parking lots
  • Cover liability for property damage claims from vehicles in the large parking areas
  • Protect the business from lawsuits related to weather events like wind or rain damage during shows

Based on typical umbrella insurance pricing structure and risk factors for the drive-in movie theater industry (NAICS Code 512132), the estimated average annual pricing for $1 million in umbrella liability coverage would be around $1,500. The pricing is derived from considering the theater’s business size/revenue, number of employees, loss history, and other liability risk factors.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

As drive-in movie theaters increasingly rely on digital technologies, they face growing risks from cyber threats. Cyber liability insurance can help protect a business’s finances and reputation by covering costs associated with data breaches, cyber attacks, and network disruptions. Cyber liability insurance can provide coverage for costs related to a data breach involving customer payment information, such as legal fees, credit monitoring services, fees for forensic investigators and public relations firms. It also covers costs resulting from a failure of network security, such as a virus or cyber attack, that compromises customer data or shuts down online ticketing/reservation systems. Additionally, cyber liability insurance covers costs for repairing or restoring systems infected with malware or locked by ransomware, as well as ransom payments if the business opts to pay. The estimated average annual premium for a $1M cyber liability insurance policy limit with a $25k deductible would be around $3,000 for drive-in movie theaters.

Category List
  • Covers data breaches and cyber attacks
  • Protects from costs of notifying customers of breaches
  • Covers legal fees and fines from regulatory agencies
  • Covers costs to restore or recover data
  • Covers loss of income and extra expenses from network disruptions
  • Covers liability claims if a customer’s data is compromised
  • Provides access to legal advisors and cybersecurity experts in the event of an attack
Use Cases
  • Data Breach: Covers costs related to a data breach involving customer payment information, such as legal fees, credit monitoring services, fees for forensic investigators and public relations firms.
  • Network Security Failure: Covers costs resulting from a failure of network security, such as a virus or cyber attack, that compromises customer data or shuts down online ticketing/reservation systems.
  • Damage from Malware or Ransomware: Covers costs for repairing or restoring systems infected with malware or locked by ransomware, as well as ransom payments if the business opts to pay.
  • Cyber Extortion: Covers costs and ransoms associated with threats to publish stolen customer data or block access to systems unless payment is made.
  • Business Interruption Coverage: Reimburses for lost income and extra expenses incurred during an interruption of business operations caused by a cyber event.
  • Regulatory Fines and Penalties: Covers fines and penalties imposed by regulators for failure to disclose a data breach or comply with privacy rules.

Based on typical pricing factors for cyber liability insurance such as annual revenues, number of records held, prior security incidents or data breaches, the estimated average annual premium for a $1M policy limit and $25k deductible would be around $3,000. This was derived from getting quotes for similar small businesses in lower risk industries that do not maintain large amounts of customer records or payment processing systems.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

“Equipment breakdown insurance provides critical protection for drive-in movie theaters against the high costs of repairing or replacing specialized equipment essential to their operations, such as projection, audio, HVAC, and payment processing systems, if they experience sudden failures or accidents. It also helps ensure businesses can continue operating and earning income during equipment repairs. This type of insurance covers expenses like lost business income, repairs, equipment rentals, investigations, and more to help minimize financial losses for businesses. By protecting against equipment failures, equipment breakdown insurance helps drive-in theaters continue serving customers without operational disruptions.”

Category List
  • Covers the costs to repair or replace equipment like projectors, screens, concession equipment if they breakdown
  • Covers lost business income if equipment breaks down and the drive-in has to temporarily close for repairs
  • Covers cleanup costs after an equipment failure causes damage
  • Covers costs of an investigation to determine why the equipment failed
  • Covers the costs of temporarily renting or leasing replacement equipment while repairs are being made
  • Provides access to specialists who can properly diagnose mechanical and electrical issues to get equipment running again quickly
  • Offers claims advocacy to handle interactions with parts suppliers and contractors to expedite the repair process
  • Around the clock claims service in case of an after-hours equipment failure causing an emergency situation
  • No additional deductible for damage to insured equipment caused by an insured breakdown
  • Failure of heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems covered which is important for keeping customers comfortable at an outdoor venue
Use Cases
  • Protection against breakdown or failure of projection equipment like film projectors and screens
  • Protection against breakdown or failure of audio equipment like speakers and amps used for sound system
  • Protection against breakdown or failure of electrical components like transformers and circuit boards
  • Protection against breakdown or failure of HVAC equipment like commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems
  • Protection against breakdown or failure of ticket booth terminals and payment processing equipment

Based on typical factors such as property value, revenue, location, previous claims history, and risk level, the estimated average annual pricing for equipment breakdown insurance for businesses in the drive-in motion picture theaters industry with NAICS code 512132 would be around $2,000-$4,000. This was calculated based on industry benchmarks where typical property values range between $500,000-$1,000,000 and annual revenues between $250,000-$500,000 for small to medium sized drive-in movie theaters.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$4,000


By understanding these common business insurance needs, drive-in movie theater owners can make informed choices to safeguard against risks. With the right coverage in place, theaters can focus on entertainment instead of financial fallout from unplanned events. Maintaining comprehensive protection smooths out repairs from damage or disruptions, keeping the drive-in experience operating smoothly each season.

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