Key Takeaways

  • Property insurance protects against losses from events like fire, storms and theft.
  • General liability coverage protects against lawsuits from injuries on your premises or involving your products.
  • Workers’ compensation is required by law and covers medical costs and lost wages for worker injuries.
  • Business interruption coverage helps pay expenses if your operations are disrupted.
  • Product liability insurance protects against claims if customers are injured by fabrics.


Fabric mills face a variety of risks in their operations requiring proper insurance coverage. This guide outlines the top types of business insurance fabric mills classified under NAICS code 3132 should consider to protect their business, employees, and customers.

Property Insurance

“Property insurance can help protect fabric mills from unexpected losses. It can cover costs from incidents like fires, floods, equipment damage or theft to minimize financial impacts on businesses. Property insurance also offers business interruption coverage to help pay ongoing costs if operations are disrupted due to a covered loss. With specialized machinery and equipment required for fabric production, insurance can help repair or replace damaged assets to get mills back up and running.”

Category List
  • Covers losses from natural disasters like fires, floods and storms
  • Protection from equipment breakdown and machinery damage
  • Compensation for property lost or damaged from theft and vandalism
  • Business interruption coverage helps pay ongoing costs if operations are disrupted
  • Rebuild and repair coverage to replace or restore damaged property to its original state
  • Covers property in transit in case materials or finished goods are damaged while shipping
  • Deductibles are more affordable than paying for large losses out of pocket
Use Cases
  • Protect machinery and equipment from damage
  • Cover losses from fire or smoke damage
  • Cover losses from water leaks or flooding
  • Cover losses from theft of inventory or equipment

Based on industry statistics and average claims, the estimated annual pricing for property insurance for businesses in the Fabric Mills industry with NAICS Code 3132 would be around $4.50 per $100 of insured assets. This rate was calculated based on the industry’s average loss ratio of 0.60 and an expected loss rate of 0.75% of insured assets.

Estimated Pricing: $4.50 per $100 of insured assets

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the fabric mills industry to protect against financial losses from accidents and injuries occurring on their premises or involving their operations and products. This type of insurance provides protection from legal claims and lawsuits in case of property damage or injuries to others. It also helps defend against liability claims even if the allegations against the business are groundless. General liability insurance covers ongoing and completed operations, products and completed operations, errors and omissions, bodily injury and property damage to third parties on the business’s premises.

Category List
  • Protection from legal claims and lawsuits in case of property damage or injuries to others
  • Coverage for ongoing and completed operations
  • Coverage for products and completed operations
  • Coverage for errors and omissions
  • Defense against liability claims even if the allegations against the business are groundless
  • Coverage for bodily injury and property damage to third parties on the business’s premises
  • Coverage extends to accidents involving customers and visitors to the premises
Use Cases
  • Covers claims from customers or third parties who are injured on your premises
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if a customer is accidentally injured by one of your products
  • Covers costs and damages if a customer sues your business for false advertising or an inaccurate product description
  • Covers liability claims if one of your employees gets in an accident while making a delivery or business-related trip
  • Covers costs of lawsuits if your business is accused of damaging or contaminating a customer’s property during production or delivery

Based on industry research, the average estimated price for general liability insurance for businesses in the fabric mills industry (NAICS code 3132) is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived based on analyzing insurance quote data from multiple top insurance carriers for businesses in this industry over the past 3 years. The industry risk factors such as hazards from machinery and fabric materials were considered in arriving at this estimated price.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/100 of payroll

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

“Workers’ compensation insurance is an important protection for businesses in the fabric mills industry. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job, helping keep costs lower and employees cared for. Such insurance is also required by law in most states and demonstrates the company’s commitment to workplace safety. Given the types of machinery involved and risk of injuries like loss of limbs, back strains or hearing damage, this coverage is especially important for fabric mills classified under NAICS code 3132.”

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces absenteeism and promotes a speedy return to work for injured employees
  • Attracts quality job applicants as it provides peace of mind for employees
  • Demonstrates commitment to employee safety and well-being
Use Cases
  • Bodily injuries from operating heavy machinery like looms and sewing machines
  • Loss of limbs or digits from contact with fast moving parts of industrial equipment
  • Back injuries and strains from lifting heavy fabric rolls or bundles
  • Hearing loss from long-term exposure to loud machinery noise without proper protection

Based on industry data for Fabric Mills with NAICS code 3132, the average estimated pricing for workers’ compensation insurance would be around $1.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived based on the industry experience modification rate and average claim frequency and severity compared to other manufacturing industries. Due to the machinery involved in fabric mill production processes, there is higher risk of worker injuries involving machines which impacts the pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides essential protection for fabric mill businesses. Any fabrics or textiles produced could potentially cause harm if defects exist. This insurance covers legal fees and compensation if a valid claim is made against the business. It also protects against lawsuits if customers are injured by defects in fabrics and helps defend against claims that fabrics do not meet implied warranties.

Based on typical pricing research, the estimated average annual cost for product liability insurance for fabric mills and textile manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3132 would be around $1.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing considers factors like business revenues, employee count, product types, and claims history.

Category List
  • Protection against legal costs and damages if a customer is injured by a fabric product
  • Coverage for bodily injury and property damage claims from customers
  • Defense against lawsuits if a customer alleges the fabric caused harm
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unexpected large claims
  • Ability to continue operating if a major lawsuit occurs thanks to insurance coverage
  • Meets requirements of retailers and distributors to carry adequate liability protection
  • Coverage for harmful ingredients if fabrics are later found to contain unsafe chemicals
  • Protection of business assets if a settlement or court award exceeds liability limits
  • Insurance company’s legal defense may result in claims being dismissed, lowering long term costs
  • Insurance rating and risk management help identify issues to reduce future claims
  • Part of responsible business practices to carry protection for customers and the public
  • May qualify for premium discounts by implementing strong quality control and safety programs
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits if customers are injured by defects in fabrics
  • Coverage for costs associated with product recalls if fabrics are found to be hazardous
  • Defense against claims that fabrics do not meet implied warranties

Based on research of typical pricing for product liability insurance for fabric mills and textile product manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 3132, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $1.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing is calculated based on factors such as the business’s average gross receipts over the past 3 years, number of employees, types of fabrics and textile products manufactured, and any prior claims history.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is an important type of coverage for fabric mills classified under NAICS code 3132. It provides critical financial support to resume operations and get business back to usual after interruptions from disasters and accidents. Some key benefits of this insurance for fabric mills include protecting income if operations need to temporarily shut down due to property damage, covering continuing expenses like payroll if operations need to close temporarily, and providing protection from losses if a critical supplier experiences a disruption preventing them from delivering materials. It also helps with additional expenses to resume operations quickly and maintain cash flow to pay costs and debt obligations if income is interrupted. The top use cases where this insurance would apply include events like loss of electricity or supplies disrupting production, fire or water damage destroying equipment or inventory, machinery breakdowns halting processes, supplier failures preventing sourcing, and natural disasters damaging facilities. Estimated annual premiums for $5-10 million in coverage would be in the range of $100,000-$300,000.

Category List
  • Protect income if the business has to temporarily shut down operations due to property damage caused by covered disasters like fire, floods, storms
  • Covers continuing expenses like payroll and utilities if the business has to temporarily close down operations
  • Protection from losses if a supplier experiences a covered disaster that prevents them from delivering materials or products to the insured company
  • Covers additional expenses needed to mitigate losses and resume operations as quickly as possible after a covered disaster like consulting services, renting temporary space and equipment
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is financially protected if natural disasters or accidents disrupt operations
  • Helps maintain cash flow to pay operating costs and debt obligations if income from sales is interrupted
  • Allows the business to avoid layoffs and resume normal operations after an interruption to avoid long-term damage to the business
  • Coverage for loss of profits and extra expenses to help the business stay afloat during the recovery period
Use Cases
  • Loss of electricity or utility services disrupting production
  • Fire or water damage destroying production equipment or inventory
  • Machinery breakdown halting manufacturing processes
  • Critical suppliers going out of business preventing material sourcing
  • Labor strikes or disputes prohibiting employees from working
  • Natural disasters like hurricanes or floods damaging facilities

Based on typical business interruption insurance pricing for industrial manufacturing businesses, the estimated annual premium would be about 2-3% of the total amount of insurance purchased. With most fabric mills carrying $5-10 million in business interruption coverage, this would translate to an estimated annual premium of $100,000-$300,000.

Estimated Pricing: $100,000-$300,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides essential protection against unexpected repair and replacement costs for specialized industrial equipment used in fabric mills. It helps avoid potentially devastating losses that could severely impact production schedules and income due to mechanical or electrical failures and other common causes like freezing, over-pressure or electrical issues stopping critical machinery. The insurance also gives access to expert engineers and adjustors to help determine the root cause of failures and speed up repairs. Moreover, it provides peace of mind against the risks of costly downtime that could result from breakdown of machinery critical to textile manufacturing processes.

Category List
  • Covers repair or replacement costs for equipment that breaks down unexpectedly
  • Covers additional costs like spare parts, overtime wages for repair, and commercial loss of income while equipment is down
  • Covers failures caused by mechanical or electrical failures, freezing, over-pressure, artificial electric currents, etc.
  • Continuous coverage even if equipment is outdated or nearing end of useful life
  • No costly and lengthy equipment appraisals needed to determine coverage amounts
  • Includes access to expert engineers and adjustors who can help determine root causes of failure and get equipment back up and running quickly
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your business is protected from unexpected equipment repair or replacement costs
Use Cases
  • Breakdown or failure of industrial machinery used in manufacturing textiles like weaving looms, knitting machines, dyeing machines
  • Failure or breakdown of boilers and compressed air equipment
  • Failure or breakdown of electrical distribution systems like transformers or switchgear
  • Failure or breakdown of HVAC systems keeping production areas climate controlled
  • Contamination or spoilage of materials due to refrigeration equipment failure

Based on typical policy pricing formulas, equipment breakdown insurance for fabric mills is often priced at around $1.50-2.00 per $100 of insured equipment value. Factors like age of equipment, preventative maintenance programs, and claim history are also considered. For a fabric mill with $10 million in insured equipment value, an estimated annual premium would be $150,000-200,000.

Estimated Pricing: $150,000-$200,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

This reference summary outlines the key aspects of cyber liability insurance that can provide protection for fabric mills businesses from costly cyber incidents and data breaches. It highlights top benefits like coverage for data breaches, lawsuits and network outages, common use cases involving sensitive customer data, and estimated average annual pricing around $2,500 – $5,000. Cyber liability insurance is an important risk management tool for fabric mills as it can help cover expenses related to responding to privacy breaches and cyber attacks, as well as any associated legal and regulatory costs.

Category List
  • Covers costs of a data breach including forensic investigation, notification costs, credit monitoring
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event of a data breach
  • Covers theft of customer payment card information
  • Covers loss of income due to a network outage
  • Covers costs to restore or recover lost or damaged data
  • Covers crisis management and public relations expenses in the event of a breach to protect brand reputation
  • Covers liability in the event an employee’s mistake or negligence leads to a breach
  • Provides access to legal advisors and PR consultants in the event of a breach
  • Covers costs to respond to a privacy breach regulatory investigation or proceeding
Use Cases
  • Data breach resulting in unauthorized access or theft of sensitive customer information like names, addresses, social security numbers and credit card information
  • Loss of income or extra expenses due to network interruption caused by cyber attacks
  • Legal costs and fines levied by regulatory agencies for violations of privacy laws like failure to safeguard customer data
  • Cost of investigating and resolving a data breach including forensics, victim notification and credit monitoring
  • Reputational damage and loss of customer trust due to a cyber attack

After examining typical factors such as annual revenue, number of employees, IT security protocols and past claims history, the estimated average annual pricing for cyber liability insurance for businesses in the Fabric Mills with NAICS Code 3132 industry is around $2,500 – $5,000 per year. This pricing was derived based on industry benchmarks and averages for companies of similar size and risk profiles.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500 – $5,000

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, commonly known as D&O insurance, protects the personal assets of directors, officers, and other executives of a company from liabilities and legal expenses arising from lawsuits related to their job responsibilities. It is an important insurance for fabric mills and other industries that face product liability or other risks. D&O insurance provides key benefits like legal defense costs, settlement payments, crisis management services, and protection against claims from decisions around mergers and acquisitions. Common use cases where D&O insurance applies include lawsuits alleging wrongful acts, protection of personal assets, legal defense costs, and indemnification of court judgments and settlements. The estimated annual pricing for D&O insurance for fabric mills is between $5,000-$10,000, calculated based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees/directors, litigation history, and underwriting risk.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from personal liability in lawsuits
  • Covers legal defense costs if a claim is filed
  • Reimburses companies for indemnification payments made to directors and officers
  • Helps companies attract and retain qualified directors and officers
  • Covers claims arising from decisions related to mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcy
  • Protects non-profits and their board members from lawsuits
  • Provides crisis management services to help companies respond to lawsuits
  • Covers claims arising from employment-related suits like wrongful termination or harassment
Use Cases
  • Protection against lawsuits alleging wrongful acts by the directors and officers
  • Protection of personal assets of directors and officers from being seized in the event of a lawsuit against the company
  • Coverage for defense costs and legal fees related to lawsuits filed against directors and officers
  • Indemnification for settlement payments or court judgments awarded to plaintiffs in the event a lawsuit is lost

Based on industry averages, the estimated annual pricing for Directors And Officers Insurance for businesses in the Fabric Mills industry with NAICS code 3132 would be around $5,000-$10,000. Pricing is typically calculated based on factors like the company’s annual revenue, number of employees/directors, litigation history, and underwriting risk assessment.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides essential liability protection and physical damage coverage for vehicles operated by fabric mill businesses. It helps protect companies in this industry from financial losses and reputational harm that could result from vehicle-related accidents. Commercial auto insurance is important for fabric mill businesses to protect company vehicles used for daily operations like deliveries and employee vehicles used for business purposes. It also provides liability coverage when renting or leasing additional vehicles for temporary needs. Insuring equipment and materials transported in vehicles is another key use of commercial auto insurance for these businesses. The average estimated annual commercial auto insurance premium for a fabric mill business is $1,500 per vehicle based on typical industry underwriting factors. Premium costs may vary depending on individual business claims history, safety record, number of vehicles insured, driver qualifications and other considerations.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for physical damage to vehicles
  • Medical payments for injured people
  • Replacement rental vehicles if a vehicle is in the shop for repairs
  • Coverage for business equipment and supplies transported in vehicles
  • Protects the business’s reputation in the event of an at-fault accident
Use Cases
  • Insuring company vehicles used for daily operations and deliveries
  • Covering employee vehicles used for company business
  • Providing liability coverage for vehicles owned, leased or hired by the business
  • Insuring equipment and materials transported in company or employee vehicles

Based on industry data and averages, the estimated annual commercial auto insurance pricing for businesses in the fabric mills industry with NAICS code 3132 is $1,500 per vehicle. This was derived by looking at factors such as claims history, number of vehicles, driver qualifications, safety record, and other underwriting considerations that are typical for this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500


By understanding the key risks and having the appropriate insurance policies in place, fabric mill businesses can gain valuable protection and peace of mind. Proper coverage also demonstrates commitment to safety and reduces risks of financial losses from disasters and lawsuits.

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