Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injury and property damage claims
  • Property insurance covers losses from disasters and equipment breakdowns
  • Commercial auto coverage insures company vehicles and cargo
  • Workers’ compensation protects employees and meets legal requirements
  • Business interruption ensures cash flow if operations are disrupted
  • Product liability insurance protects against defective product claims
  • Commercial umbrella provides additional liability protection
  • Commercial inland marine insures equipment and cargo during transit
  • Cyber liability protects from data breach and network security costs
  • Directors and officers protects executives from legal claims


As an ice manufacturing business, it’s important to understand your key insurance needs to protect both your operations and finances. The ice manufacturing industry faces risks from equipment accidents, vehicle incidents, and product defects. Several types of commercial insurance policies provide essential coverage layers to help ice manufacturers mitigate risks.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an essential risk management tool for ice manufacturing businesses. It provides protection from accidents and defects that are inherent risks for companies in this industry.

Liability coverage also helps assure customers and vendors that the business is committed to safety. The estimated average annual cost for a policy is $4,500, with pricing variations depending on company size, claims history, and safety practices.

Category List
  • Protects your business from lawsuits related to injury or property damage that occur on your premises or during your normal business operations
  • Covers legal defense costs if you are sued for damages or injury by a customer or vendor
  • Covers damages if a lawsuit results in an award against your business
  • Covers liability if a customer slips and falls on ice or snow on your property
  • Provides coverage if your product or equipment is defective and causes damage or injury
  • Protects your business’s reputation in the event of a liability claim against your operations or products
Use Cases
  • Protect against property damage claims if an accident occurs at the facility and causes damage
  • Cover costs if a customer slips and falls on ice and files a personal injury lawsuit
  • Provide liability protection if a delivery truck is in an accident while transporting ice products
  • Cover legal fees and settlement costs if sued for defective or contaminated ice products
  • Protect the business if an employee is injured on the job and files a workers compensation claim

Based on industry data and risk factors, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for ice manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312113 is $4,500. This pricing was derived from analyzing insurance rates charged to similar businesses that work with food and operate machinery. Factors such as company size, number of employees, past claims experience, and safety procedures were taken into consideration.

Estimated Pricing: $4,500

Property Insurance

“Property insurance provides important coverage for ice manufacturing businesses. It protects their physical assets like buildings, equipment and inventory from losses due to events like fires, explosions, water damage and more. This allows the business to continue operating smoothly even after an unfortunate incident occurs.”

Category List
  • Covers property losses from events like fires, explosions, windstorms and other disasters
  • Protects against equipment failure or breakdown
  • Covers losses from vandalism or theft of property
  • Covers business interruptions if the facility is unusable due to a covered loss
  • Covers costs to clean up and dispose of debris after a covered loss
  • Replaces or repairs damaged buildings, structures and equipment
  • Provides funding to relocate if the property is damaged beyond repair
Use Cases
  • Protection against property damage from fire, lightning, windstorms and hail
  • Coverage for damage from water, smoke and vandalism
  • Reimbursement for lost business personal property like machinery, computers and inventory
  • Replacement or repair costs for buildings and structures
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or mechanical issues with freezers, refrigeration units or ice production machines

Based on industry data, the average property insurance pricing for an ice manufacturing business with NAICS code 312113 is around $1.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing assumes the business has no major claims history and maintains basic safety equipment and practices. The pricing was derived from insurance rate filings and actuarial analysis of industry loss data.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 per $100 of insured value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an important insurance product for ice manufacturing businesses (NAICS: 312113) to protect themselves from liability and physical damage resulting from vehicle accidents. It provides coverage for company vehicles like delivery trucks that transport ice, fleet vehicles used by employees for business purposes, and any vehicles used to transport raw materials.

Some of the key benefits of commercial auto insurance for ice manufacturing businesses include liability protection against accidents and injuries involving company vehicles, physical damage coverage to repair or replace vehicles involved in accidents, medical payments coverage to pay for injuries to others regardless of fault, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover damages caused by drivers without enough insurance, and coverage for additional insured parties required by contract.

Based on national averages, commercial auto insurance for ice manufacturing businesses is typically priced between $1,500-$2,500 per year for a small fleet of 3 delivery trucks. Factors that influence pricing include number of vehicles, driver qualifications, safety record, location, and additional coverage requested. The estimated average annual price for a small fleet is $2,000.

Category List
  • Liability protection against accidents and injuries involving company vehicles
  • Physical damage coverage to repair or replace vehicles involved in accidents
  • Medical payments coverage to pay for injuries to others regardless of fault
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to cover damages caused by drivers without enough insurance
  • Coverage for business equipment or products transported in vehicles
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned autos used for business purposes
  • Coverage for additional insured parties required by contract
Use Cases
  • Covering company delivery trucks that transport ice to customers
  • Insuring vehicles used to transport raw materials to the manufacturing facility
  • Protecting fleet vehicles like pickup trucks used by employees for business purposes

Based on national averages, commercial auto insurance for ice manufacturing businesses is typically priced between $1,500-$2,500 per year for a small fleet of 3 delivery trucks. Factors that influence pricing include number of vehicles, driver qualifications, safety record, location, and additional coverage requested. The estimated average annual price for a small fleet is $2,000.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is an important protection for both employees and employers in hazardous industries like ice manufacturing. It provides critical benefits and protections to support employees and shield businesses from costly risks if injuries occur on the job.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee can’t work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects your business from lawsuits if an employee is injured on the job
  • Reduces turnover by providing benefits to support injured employees
  • Ensures compliance with state workers’ compensation laws
  • Provides return-to-work programs to help injured employees recover
Use Cases
  • Cover medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protect the business from expensive lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue the employer
  • Meet state legal requirements for employers to carry workers’ comp insurance
  • Help retain qualified workers by providing injury protection as a job benefit
  • Reduce the costs of potential lawsuits versus workers’ comp premiums

Based on national averages, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for ice manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312113 is about $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was calculated based on industry risk factors, common claims, average wages, and other standard underwriting considerations.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Intro paragraph: Business interruption insurance provides an important layer of protection for ice manufacturing businesses by helping ensure continued operations and cash flow if their property or equipment is damaged by unexpected events outside of their control.

Category List
  • Covers loss of profits if the business has to close temporarily due to property damage
  • Reimburses fixed operating expenses like rent, property taxes, and insurance if the business is shut down
  • Provides funds to maintain payroll and utilities while the business recovers from an incident
  • Covers losses from utility disruptions like power outages that could impact production
  • Helps retain employees and key staff during downtime so business can resume quickly
  • Protects cash flow so business owners can focus on recovery instead of finances
  • Covers losses from downtime due to damaged equipment like ice makers which requires lengthy repairs
Use Cases
  • Loss of property due to fire or natural disasters
  • Loss of revenue if equipment breaks down
  • Loss of revenue if supply chain is disrupted

Based on analyzing factors such as average revenue, operating costs, location, sum insured and past claims for ice manufacturing businesses, the estimated average pricing for business interruption insurance would be around $2,500 per year. This pricing was derived considering an average revenue of $1 million per year, operating costs of around 60% of revenue, sum insured of $500,000 and a claims ratio of 20% over the past 5 years for such businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides vital protection for ice manufacturing businesses against costly lawsuits from injuries or damages caused by products. It helps cover legal fees, settlements, product recalls, and demonstrates the company takes responsibility for customer safety. Additional benefits and use cases listed in the reference include protection from food poisoning claims, coverage for slip-and-fall incidents, defense against faulty machinery lawsuits, and payments for defective product judgments. The estimated average pricing also helps provide context for insurance costs.

Category List
  • Protects your assets from lawsuits if a customer is injured by your product
  • Covers legal fees and settlement costs if someone sues your business
  • Pays for product recalls if needed to remove dangerous products from the market
  • Protects your reputation by demonstrating you take product safety seriously
  • Covers legal defense even if a claim is meritless and proven false
  • Provides peace of mind in running your business knowing liability risks are covered
  • Covers legal defense even if a claim is meritless and proven false
Use Cases
  • Protection from claims of customers getting food poisoning or injuries from bacteria growing in ice products
  • Coverage for claims of customers slipping or falling on ice/snow left over from deliveries
  • Defense against lawsuits alleging faulty ice machines led to property damage or injuries
  • Payments for judgments or settlements if the ice product is found to be defective and causes losses
  • Coverage for incidents where ice or frozen products cause damage to machinery or equipment of customers

Based on industry analysis, the average price for product liability insurance for ice manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312113 is around $1.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing is calculated based on risk factors such as past claims data in the industry, projected claims in the future, legal costs to defend claims, and profit margins for insurance companies.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above and beyond standard business insurance policies like commercial general liability. It offers higher coverage limits for a reasonable premium to help mitigate costly risks faced by ice manufacturing businesses from a variety of sources, including equipment accidents, environmental damage, and errors and omissions.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above your commercial general liability or commercial auto liability limits
  • Covers claims not covered by your underlying commercial policies like libel, slander and copyright infringement
  • Protects personal assets in the event of a costly lawsuit
  • Covers legal defense costs above your underlying policy limits
  • Offers increased coverage for hazardous activities on your premises like storing chemicals
  • Lowers your total insurance costs by providing higher coverage limits for a relatively low annual premium
  • Adds another layer of financial protection for your business against catastrophic loss
Use Cases
  • Protection against liable claims exceeding primary commercial general liability limits
  • Protection against claims related to pollution and environmental damage
  • Protection against claims from errors and omissions or professional liability
  • Protection for property owners and landlords against claims from tenants

Based on industry analysis, the average pricing for commercial umbrella insurance for businesses in the ice manufacturing NAICS 312113 industry is around $1.75 per $100 of coverage. This price was derived from loss history data for this industry which shows average losses higher than some other manufacturing industries due to risks of equipment malfunction or accidents during operation. The average minimum coverage amount purchased is $1 million with the maximum being around $5 million.

Estimated Pricing: $1.75/100 coverage

Commercial Inland Marine Insurance

Commercial inland marine insurance provides crucial protection for ice manufacturing businesses that transport equipment between facilities locally. It covers losses from perils like accidents, theft, fire and more to keep operations running smoothly after incidents. Additional uses of inland marine insurance for ice manufacturing businesses include liability coverage for incidents on their premises or during deliveries, and protection of specialized freezing, packaging and storage equipment and delivery trucks. It offers a cost-effective way to insure valuable assets with a single annual premium.

Category List
  • Covers equipment, machinery, and physical inventory during transportation
  • Protects against loss or damage from perils like fire, wind, flood, and more
  • Reimburses for equipment repair or replacement costs after a covered loss
  • Covers losses from accidents and collisions during local transportation
  • Provides liability protection if a piece of equipment causes damage during transit
  • No mileage limitations like commercial auto policies
  • Covers theft of equipment from job sites
  • Offers backup coverage if other insurances have limitations or gaps in coverage
  • Single annual premium is more cost effective than insuring each load
  • Quick claim payments get business back up and operating fast after a loss
Use Cases
  • Protection of manufacturing equipment and machinery from accidents and theft
  • Coverage for vehicles and delivery trucks used to transport ice
  • Liability coverage for injury or damage that occurs during ice manufacturing or delivery operations
  • Coverage for specialized storage facilities used to store bulk ice before packaging

Based on historical data for average inland marine insurance pricing for ice manufacturing businesses, the estimated annual premium would be around $1,500. This is calculated based on average total insured values of $500,000 for equipment, machinery, and inventory. The rate is typically around 0.3% of total insured values.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance offers key protections for businesses in the ice manufacturing industry given their handling of customer data. It can help cover costs from data breaches, lawsuits, regulatory fines and downtime from cyber attacks. The estimated average annual pricing for cyber liability insurance for ice manufacturing businesses is $1500 based on common pricing factors for the industry.

Category List
  • Covers costs and legal fees associated with data breaches and cyberattacks
  • Protects from lawsuits in the event customer data is compromised
  • Covers costs of notifying customers about a breach and providing credit monitoring
  • Pays for PR/reputational damage from a cyber incident
  • Covers loss of income or profits if systems are hacked or disrupted
  • Provides access to breach response services like forensic investigation and legal advice
  • Ensures businesses remain compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving customer or employee personal information
  • Network security failures leading to system downtime or data loss
  • Costs associated with a privacy violation or failure to safeguard data
  • Liability from a third party taking control of systems or networks
  • Costs of investigating and responding to a cyber incident
  • Ransomware attack leading to disrupted operations and ransom demands

Based on industry analysis, the average cyber liability insurance pricing for ice manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 312113 is around $1500 per year. This pricing is calculated based on common factors such as annual revenue, number of employees, IT security practices, and historical cyber incident rates for the industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1500

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers (D&O) insurance provides important protections for executives and board members of businesses in the ice manufacturing industry. D&O insurance helps shield personal assets from costly legal claims and lawsuits that could arise from operational issues common to the industry like regulatory compliance and food safety matters. D&O insurance also helps companies attract qualified individuals to serve as directors and officers by providing protection against personal liability risks. It covers legal defense costs and settlement payments for claims made against directors and officers, helping to protect the company’s financial health and reputation.

Category List
  • Protects Directors and Officers from Lawsuits
  • Covers Legal Defense Costs
  • Covers Settlement Payments and Awards
  • Addresses Employment Practices Liability Claims
  • Covers Claims from Regulatory Investigations
  • Protects Corporate Assets from Costly Lawsuits
  • Helps Attract and Retain Qualified Directors and Officers
Use Cases
  • Protect against lawsuits from shareholders, investors, or regulatory agencies
  • Cover legal fees and costs associated with defending the company or its officers/directors from litigation
  • Indemnify and compensate for damages or civil penalties awarded against directors or officers for ‘wrongful acts’
  • Reimburse for settlement costs paid by directors or officers for claims made against them

Based on typical D&O insurance pricing, for businesses in the ice manufacturing industry with NAICS code 312113 and less than $10M in revenues, the estimated average annual premium would be between $3,000-$5,000. This pricing is derived from considering industry risk factors, company size and revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000-$5,000


Proper insurance coverage helps ice manufacturing businesses stay protected and stay in business despite unforeseen incidents. By examining your unique risks and discussing options with an experienced agent, you can select the right policies at competitive rates to safeguard your assets, employees and bottom line. Maintaining adequate insurance is essential for ice manufacturers to operate safely and comply with regulations.

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