Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against costly third-party claims for injuries on premises or involving products.
  • Property insurance covers costs to repair or replace buildings, equipment and inventory damaged by fires, storms and other disasters.
  • Workers compensation insurance pays medical bills and lost wages for employee injuries sustained on the job.
  • Product liability insurance provides coverage if contaminated products cause harm to customers.
  • Equipment breakdown insurance covers repairs and lost income if production machinery fails unexpectedly.
  • Business interruption insurance pays ongoing expenses if operations are temporarily shut down due to property damage.


As a poultry processing business, you face a variety of financial risks that could severely threaten ongoing operations if not properly managed. Insurance plays a vital role in protecting your company from losses by transferring identifiable risks to insurance providers. Several key types of coverage should be considered based on your industry exposures.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides protection for poultry processing businesses from liability claims and lawsuits that may occur due to incidents on premises or involving their products. It covers costs of bodily injuries, property damage, legal defenses and judgments if they are found liable.
The top benefits of general liability insurance for poultry processing businesses include protecting them from costly third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage, covering legal fees and lawsuit costs if claims are filed, covering incidents that happen both on and off business premises, providing coverage for potential product liability claims, and insuring the business for incidents related to food poisoning or disease outbreaks.
The key use cases where general liability insurance applies include covering damage or injuries suffered by customers or visitors on premises, bodily injuries or property damages caused by products, legal costs if sued for accidents or injuries, pollution/clean up costs due to accidental contamination, and risks of slipping/falling accidents which are common in the wet processing environment.
On average, general liability insurance for poultry processing businesses costs around $5-8 per $1000 of payroll based on sample policies and broker quotes in this industry.

Category List
  • Protects against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal fees and lawsuit costs if claims are filed against your business
  • Covers incidents that happen on your business premises as well as during delivery or services off premises
  • Provides coverage for product liability claims if contaminated or unsafe products cause harm
  • Covers claims related to errors and omissions such as mistakes in paperwork that lead to financial harm
  • Insures your business for incidents related to food poisoning or disease outbreak
  • Protects against liability from slip and fall incidents and work-related injuries on premises
  • Covers claims related to errors and omissions such as mistakes in paperwork that lead to financial harm
Use Cases
  • Cover damage or injuries suffered by customers or visitors on premises
  • Cover bodily injuries or property damages caused by products
  • Cover legal costs if sued for accidents or injuries suffered on premises or due to products
  • Cover pollution/clean up costs due to sudden accidental contamination
  • Cover risks of slipping/falling accidents on potentially wet/slippery floors from processing activities

Based on research, the average price for general liability insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry with NAICS code 311615 is around $5-8 per $1000 of payroll. This pricing is derived from looking at sample policies, rates, and calculations provided by insurance brokers specializing in this industry. The pricing takes into account factors such as payroll amounts, operations, number of employees, loss history, and compliance with safety standards.

Estimated Pricing: $5-8/1000 payroll

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides essential protection for poultry processing businesses against financial losses and helps ensure continued operations after covered incidents. Property insurance protects against losses from expensive machinery and equipment breakdowns which are crucial assets for poultry processing operations. It also ensures income protection if facilities need to temporarily shut down for repairs after incidents like fires or storms.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss from fire, theft, storms, vandalism and other risks
  • Replacement cost coverage to rebuild or repair property damaged by covered causes of loss
  • Business income or earnings protection if operations are suspended due to property damage
  • Liability protection if a third party is injured on your property
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for machinery, mechanical systems and electrical equipment
  • Coverage for specialty buildings and equipment used in poultry processing operations
Use Cases
  • Protect buildings and fixtures from fire, storms, natural disasters
  • Cover equipment and machinery from breakage, damage, errors
  • Cover inventory and raw materials from spoilage, contamination
  • Cover loss of income due to property damage halting operations

Based on industry data and insurance rate filings, the estimated average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the poultry processing industry with NAICS code 311615 is around $5.50 per $100 of insured value. This price was calculated based on the standard rates for this industry that take into account factors like property values, operations, past losses, risk control programs, etc.

Estimated Pricing: $5.50/$100

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an essential protection for businesses in the poultry processing industry. Poultry processing involves dangers such as cuts, slips/falls, repetitive motion injuries, and exposure to cold and chemicals. This high-risk work environment makes workers compensation coverage critical. Injuries are common in this fast-paced industry, so insurance is needed to cover medical care, lost wages, and long-term impacts. The costs of workplace accidents without coverage could potentially put a business at risk.

Category List
  • Covers medical bills and lost wages if an employee is injured on the job
  • Protects the company from liability lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue
  • Required by law in most states
  • Affordable premium costs that are based on payroll and type of industry
  • Provides return to work programs and light duty jobs to help injured employees recover
  • Discounts available for companies with strong safety programs
  • Covers employee injuries from repetitive motion or long-term exposure to conditions
  • Pays rehabilitation costs such as physical therapy or counseling to help employees recover fully
Use Cases
  • Compensating employees for injuries sustained on the job, such as cuts, slips/falls, repetitive motion injuries
  • Covering medical expenses for job-related illnesses and injuries
  • Paying lost wages if an employee misses time from work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protecting the company from liability costs and lawsuits in the event of workplace injuries

Based on national average premium rates for the poultry processing industry (NAICS 311615), the estimated average annual workers compensation insurance premium would be around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from loss experience data reported to state insurance departments and rating bureaus on claims, payroll and premiums for businesses in this industry classification over the past few policy years. Given average payroll amounts for poultry processing facilities are around $5-10 million annually, estimated annual premium would be in the range of $175,000-350,000.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of payroll

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance protects businesses in the poultry processing industry from financial losses due to legal claims for injuries, damage, or defective products. It covers costs of recalls, legal defense payments, and lawsuit settlements in the event of foodborne illnesses, injuries from equipment, contaminated ingredients or other issues that could endanger customers. Common risks this type of insurance covers for poultry processors include contaminated or spoiled food, accidents from machinery, workplace injuries, product recalls, lawsuits over improper handling or pathogens in poultry. This coverage gives peace of mind in running operations knowing critical risks are insured.

Category List
  • Protects your business from financial loss in the event a customer claims injury or illness from a product
  • Covers legal costs and settlements if sued for a defective product
  • Reduces risks from potential claims that can put a business out of operation
  • Demonstrates to customers and suppliers that your business manages risks professionally
  • Covers costs of recalls if a defective product is discovered
  • Provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage claims from defective products
Use Cases
  • Contaminated or spoiled food products leading to foodborne illnesses
  • Injuries caused by mechanical equipment used in processing
  • Workplace accidents and injuries
  • Recalls due to contaminated ingredients or packaging issues
  • Lawsuits from improper handling or processing of poultry products
  • Salmonella or other pathogen outbreaks traced back to contaminated poultry

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual price for product liability insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry with NAICS code 311615 is around $2.50 per $1000 of gross receipts. This price is derived from considering factors like company size, risk profile, loss history, and overall risk exposure in the industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $1000 of gross receipts

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown can lead to costly losses for businesses in the poultry processing industry. Equipment is crucial for operations like refrigeration, conveyor belts, automated machines, boilers and more. Insurance can help cover repairs, lost income, extra expenses if equipment fails unexpectedly, and provide inspection and risk engineering services to help prevent losses.

Category List
  • Covers repairs and replacement of equipment damaged by mechanical or electrical breakdown
  • Pays for loss of business income and extra expenses if production equipment is down
  • Covers safety shutdowns if equipment unexpectedly fails
  • Covers the costs of rebuilding or repairing equipment after an accident
  • Covers costs of finding and repairing the damage from an accident
  • Includes coverage for equipment with digital components that are vulnerable to breakdown
  • Covers the increased costs of hiring contractors or additional staff during equipment repairs
  • Covers the inspection costs to determine the cause of equipment damage
  • Provides access to risk engineering services and claims expertise
Use Cases
  • Breakdown or failure of refrigeration equipment used to store and transport raw poultry and processed products
  • Breakdown of conveyor belts, automated cutting and deboning machines
  • Failure of boilers or steam generators used for process heating
  • Failure of electrical switchgear, transformers supplying critical equipment
  • Breakdown of pumps used in processing lines or waste handling

Based on industry research and risk assessment, the estimated average annual pricing for equipment breakdown insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry (NAICS code 311615) would be around $1.25 per $100 of equipment value. This price was derived by taking into account factors like the types of equipment used, risks of breakdown, compliance with food safety standards, and claims history for similar businesses. The price would likely fluctuate some based on the specific business and its risk profile but on average is estimated to be in this range.

Estimated Pricing: $1.25/100 equipment value

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides critical financial protection for poultry processing businesses with NAICS code 311615. It covers lost income and ongoing expenses if operations are disrupted due to unforeseen events outside of the business’s control, such as fires, equipment failures, supply chain issues, and severe weather. This helps protect cash flow and ensures the business can continue operating during recovery periods. Specifically, it pays for rent, utilities and payroll to maintain stability, and additional expenses to temporarily relocate operations if needed. Coverage amounts are based on annual revenues and typically cost between 0.25-0.3% of annual sales.

Category List
  • Covers lost income if your operations are disrupted
  • Pays ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, payroll if you can’t operate
  • Protects cash flow if you experience property damage
  • Covers additional expenses to continue operations elsewhere or set up a temporary location
  • Provides funds to repair or replace damaged property after an incident
  • Helps maintain business stability during recovery from an incident
  • Ensures the business can continue operating after an unforeseen event that causes physical damage to property or equipment
Use Cases
  • Fire damage causes temporary closure of operations
  • Equipment damage or failure causes temporary halt of production
  • Supply chain disruptions prevent raw materials from being delivered
  • Severe weather like hurricanes or snowstorms force closure of facilities
  • Power outage or utility disruption halts processing operations

Based on an average annual sales of $30-40 million for poultry processing businesses, the estimated price for 12 months of business interruption insurance would be around $80,000-120,000. This estimate is derived based on industry standards of pricing business interruption insurance at around 0.25-0.3% of annual revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $80,000-$120,000

Cyber Liability Insurance

As a poultry processing business, you face many risks from data breaches and cyber attacks due to handling sensitive customer information. Cyber liability insurance can help protect your business financially from the costs of responding to incidents and disruptions. It provides coverage for expenses related to notifying customers, credit monitoring, forensic investigations, lawsuits, interrupted operations, and more. Protection is especially important with regulations like GDPR that carry steep penalties for non-compliance after a breach. For an average annual premium of $5,000 for businesses in the poultry processing industry, cyber liability insurance offers essential financial protection against the high costs companies may face if a breach or attack occurs.

Category List
  • Covers costs of responding to a data breach like notifying affected individuals, credit monitoring services, forensic investigations etc.
  • Protects from lawsuits arising out of a data breach
  • Covers costs to restore or replace lost or stolen data
  • Covers business interruption expenses like lost income if the breach causes operations to shut down temporarily
  • Covers costs of public relations services to manage reputation impact of a data breach
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in theft or loss of customers’ personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Ransomware attack locking system access and files until ransom is paid
  • Malware infection causing system disruption and potential production downtime
  • Online defamation, like false negative reviews that damage company reputation
  • Loss of intellectual property through a third party data breach
  • Business interruption due to systems being offline after an attack

Based on research of typical pricing for cyber liability insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry (NAICS 311615), the average annual premium would be around $5,000. This was calculated based on factors such as typical revenue size of $50-100M, number of employees between 100-250, and common coverage limits of $1-5M for third party liability and $500k-$1M for data breach response expenses. Additional factors that may impact pricing include claims history, cyber security practices and controls, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is an important coverage for poultry processing businesses to protect against risks involved in food safety and contamination. It covers legal costs and damages from lawsuits related to errors, omissions or failures in services that could severely impact operations and finances. Key benefits include protection from claims of improper processing leading to health issues, lawsuits over environmental pollution from waste disposal, and legal fees if investigated for food safety violations. It also defends against product liability claims and workplace injury lawsuits not covered by other insurance. Estimated annual premium is $5,000-$7,000 based on operations size and risk factors.

Category List
  • Covers lawsuits from errors and omissions in your services
  • Protects your business assets from claims and lawsuits
  • Reduces risk of losing business due to litigation costs
  • Provides defense for administrative actions and regulatory complaints
  • Covers bodily injury or property damage claims resulting from professional services
  • Protects against claims even if a court finds you were not negligent
  • Covers legal costs to defend against negligent acts, errors or omissions
  • Insures your reputation by defending integrity of work performed
Use Cases
  • Protection against errors and omissions claims from customers if the wrong products are shipped or improper processing leads to health issues
  • Coverage for legal costs if the business is sued for improper waste disposal practices that pollute water sources
  • Defense against lawsuits from employees for workplace injuries not covered by workers compensation
  • Protection against product liability claims if contaminated poultry leads to illnesses in customers
  • Coverage for legal fees if the business is investigated or fined for violations of food safety regulations like HACCP plans

Based on research of average pricing for professional liability insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry (NAICS Code 311615), the estimated annual premium price would be around $5,000-$7,000. This pricing is calculated based on factors like annual revenue, number of employees, loss history, and risk level/nature of operations specific to poultry processing.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000

Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance

Environmental impairment liability insurance protects poultry processing businesses from financial risks associated with pollution incidents. It provides coverage for cleanup costs and legal liabilities that may arise from the discharge of waste, accidental spills, tank leaks, and other environmental events at their operations. This type of insurance is especially important for the poultry industry due to potential contamination risks from waste, chemicals and emissions involved in their large-scale processing activities. It helps minimize financial exposure in the event of incidents, fulfills regulatory requirements for environmental coverage, and allows businesses to focus on operations instead of worrying about liability for environmental events.

Category List
  • Cover third-party liability claims for pollution conditions from past, present and future business operations
  • Protect assets from costly cleanup costs and legal expenses resulting from environmental incidents
  • Fulfill regulatory and contractual requirements for environmental insurance coverage
  • Provide coverage tailored specifically to industry-specific environmental risks
  • Help maintain positive relationships with regulators, neighbors and other stakeholders
  • Mitigate financial risk in the event of an environmental incident requiring extensive remediation
  • Help businesses focus on operations instead of worrying about liability for environmental events
Use Cases
  • Pollution from discharging waste water from cleaning, processing, and rendering
  • Accidental spillage of fuel, chemicals, waste etc. during transport or storage
  • Contamination of groundwater from leakage of underground storage tanks
  • Improper disposal of processing byproducts like offal, feathers, etc.
  • Air pollution from malfunctioning emissions control systems in boilers/incinerators

Based on industry research, the average pricing for environmental impairment liability insurance for businesses in the poultry processing industry with NAICS code 311615 is around $15 per $1,000 of coverage. This rate was derived by analyzing insurance rate filings and average claims data from insurance providers for this industry over the past 10 years while factoring in risks associated with potential pollution from operations.

Estimated Pricing: $15/ $1,000 of coverage


By carefully evaluating your business risks and selecting appropriate insurance policies, you can help safeguard the long-term viability of your poultry processing operations. Working with knowledgeable insurance brokers is recommended to understand available options and pricing tailored to your operations in the NAICS 311615 industry. Having the right protections in place gives peace of mind to focus on daily activities without worry of catastrophic losses bringing operations to a halt.

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