Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits if a customer is injured
  • Property insurance covers damage to buildings, equipment and inventory
  • Product liability insurance shields against defects that cause injuries
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical costs and lost wages for injuries
  • Commercial auto protects vehicles used to transport goods
  • Umbrella coverage provides additional liability protection above other policies
  • Commercial inland marine covers specialized manufacturing equipment and tools
  • Cyber insurance protects against data breaches and ransomware attacks
  • Business interruption covers operating expenses during reconstruction after events
  • Commercial property owner’s insurance protects buildings and business property


As a small business in the electrical appliance manufacturing industry, it is important to protect your company from unplanned financial losses through comprehensive business insurance. Manufacturing businesses face unique risks associated with production processes, handling of materials and equipment, and product liability issues. This guide outlines key types of business insurance coverage small electrical appliance manufacturers should carry based on common risks and challenges faced in NAICS Code 335210.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides critical protection for small electrical appliance manufacturers against expensive lawsuits and legal costs. It covers liability claims from injuries, property damage, product defects, and other incidents that could threaten the business. The top benefits of general liability insurance for this industry include protecting the business from legal claims if a customer is injured by a product, covering costs of legal defense if sued for damages from operations or products, and paying claims for damage to third-party property from products or operations. It also covers liability from slip/fall accidents on premises, product defects or recalls, and product contamination or spoilage. Common use cases where the insurance provides protection include lawsuits over claimed injuries from defective products, employee injuries on the job, injuries to others on business property, and recalls due to safety issues. The estimated annual premium for this industry ranges from $4,000-6,000 on average, depending on factors like risk level, company size, claims history, and location.

Category List
  • Protects your business from legal claims and lawsuits if a customer is injured using your products
  • Covers costs of legal defense if you are sued by a third party for damages arising from your operations or products
  • Pays claims for damage to third-party property resulting from your product or operations
  • Covers liability claims such as slip/fall accidents that occur on your premises
  • Covers liability claims arising from product defects or recalls
  • Provides coverage for liability claims from product contamination or spoilage
  • Covers liability claims from contracting or subcontracting work
Use Cases
  • Protection from lawsuits if a customer claims injury from a defective product
  • Protection if an employee is injured on the job
  • Protection from lawsuits if someone is injured on your business property
  • Protection from lawsuits if a product is recalled due to a safety issue

Based on research, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 335210) is around $4,000 – $6,000 per year. This pricing is derived from considering factors like industry risk level, company size, claims history, and geographical location. The small appliance manufacturing industry carries a moderate risk level due to the types of machinery and equipment used in production. Most small businesses in this industry have 5-50 employees and premiums are usually calculated based on number of employees.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000

Property Insurance

“Property insurance provides crucial financial protection for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses. It protects against risks like fire, water damage, equipment destruction, and business interruption to keep operations running after a loss. Some key details are:”

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss due to disasters like fire, explosions, storms, and more
  • Reimbursement for costs to repair or rebuild properties after insured damage occurs
  • Coverage for equipment, machinery, inventory, and other property essential to business operations
  • Business interruption insurance to cover lost income and ongoing expenses if operations are disrupted
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild with new materials of like kind and quality
  • Inflation guard coverage to adjust policy limits to account for rising construction costs
  • Deductible options to find the right balance of premium costs and risk retention
  • Extra expense coverage to pay for temporary relocation or other costs associated with keeping operations running
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment used in manufacturing
  • Coverage for water damage from burst pipes or other malfunctions
  • Replacement cost for specialized manufacturing machinery if destroyed
  • Business interruption insurance if plant production is shutdown due to insured property loss

Based on industry research, the average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 335210) is around $3.50 per $100 of insured value. This price was derived from analyzing property insurance rates for similar manufacturing businesses that operate out of commercial facilities and have equipment susceptible to damage. The rates can vary depending on factors like claim history, risk mitigation measures, and location.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of insured value

Product Liability Insurance

“Product liability insurance provides essential protection for small electrical appliance manufacturers. It covers costs associated with injuries, property damage or recalls caused by defective products. Without proper coverage, even one large claim could bankrupt the business. Product liability insurance also protects a company’s reputation, gives customers confidence that any issues will be addressed, and demonstrates financial responsibility to partners and investors.”

Category List
  • Protection against costly legal liabilities if a product causes bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal defense costs if sued
  • Covers costs of recalls if defects are found in products
  • Protects business assets like equipment, property and bank accounts
  • Gives customers peace of mind that any issues will be addressed
  • May be required by retailers/wholesalers to sell through their channels
  • Demonstrates financial responsibility to partners and investors
  • Covers claims beyond the warranty/guarantee period
Use Cases
  • Cover costs associated with product recalls due to defects or safety issues
  • Cover legal fees and settlements in the event a product causes property damage, bodily injury or death
  • Cover loss of income if the business needs to shut down operations temporarily during an investigation or product recall
  • Cover medical expenses for customers injured by defective products

Based on the average rates for small manufacturers in this industry, the estimated annual pricing for product liability insurance would be around $5,000-$7,000. This was calculated based on average revenues, number of employees, types of products manufactured, past claims experience, and risk mitigation practices in place. Having proper safety protocols and procedures can help lower the pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance provides critical benefits and protections for both employees and employers in high-risk industries like small electrical appliance manufacturing. It ensures employees receive medical treatment and lost wages if injured on the job, while also shielding the business from substantial legal costs if an employee sues due to a work injury. The reference covers key benefits like covering medical expenses and lost wages, common use cases like injuries from machinery or chemical exposure, and estimated pricing of around $3.50 per $100 of payroll for this industry.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for medical expenses if an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to their job
  • Covers lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects your business from lawsuit costs if an employee sues your company for being injured on the job
  • Reduces turnover by offering protection for employees working in hazardous environments
  • Saves money by giving discounts on premiums for businesses with strong safety records
  • Demonstrates concern for employee welfare which can help attract quality candidates
Use Cases
  • Covering costs of employee injuries sustained on the job
  • Covering costs of employee illnesses caused by job duties
  • Covering costs of lost wages for injured employees
  • Covering medical costs like doctor visits and hospital stays for work-related injuries/illnesses
  • Covering costs of rehabilitation or physical therapy for injured employees’ return to work
  • Providing wage replacement for employees unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness

Based on typical pricing models for this industry, the average estimated annual workers compensation insurance cost for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses is around $3.50 per $100 of payroll. This pricing is derived from industry risk factors, average claim costs, insurance company overhead/profit margins.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50/$100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides critical coverage for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses that rely on vehicles to transport employees, materials, and finished goods. It protects the company financially from expenses related to auto accidents and injuries involving business vehicles. Additionally, commercial auto insurance also provides liability protection in case of accidents involving business vehicles, as well as coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles when employees use their personal vehicles for business purposes. The estimated average annual cost for commercial auto insurance for businesses in this industry is around $1,200 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for company vehicles
  • Reimbursement for medical expenses for passengers in an accident
  • Coverage for repairs or replacement of damaged company vehicles
  • Protection for business assets being transported in vehicles
  • Income protection if a vehicle is disabled in an accident
  • Protection for additional insured parties such as employees
Use Cases
  • Coverage for business owned cars and trucks used for transporting employees and materials
  • Liability protection in case of accidents involving business vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for injuries to employees or others in vehicle accidents
  • Coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses with NAICS code 335210 is around $1,200 per vehicle. This price level takes into account factors like the business type, number of employees, annual sales, safety records, and number of vehicles. Since this industry involves transporting inventory and parts between facilities, most companies in this category have fleets of 2-5 vehicles which brings the estimated total annual commercial auto insurance cost to be between $2,400-$6,000.

Estimated Pricing: $1,200 per vehicle

Umbrella Insurance

An umbrella insurance policy provides additional liability coverage that protects small businesses in the electrical appliance manufacturing industry. It covers gaps in primary commercial policies and protects personal assets if the business is sued for amounts above standard limits.

Umbrella insurance is especially valuable for small appliance manufacturers due to the high risks of product liability or lawsuits that could financially devastate the business without adequate excess coverage. It provides essential protection from costly claims exceeding primary policy limits for injuries, property damage from product defects, and other issues. Umbrella insurance can help shield small manufacturing businesses from financial ruin in the event of an expensive lawsuit.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above standard business and auto policies’ liability limits.
  • Covers gaps in other commercial insurance policies and protects from expensive lawsuits.
  • Provides asset protection for personal assets if the business is sued.
  • Reasonably priced for the high-level of protection it provides.
  • Covers legal costs like attorney’s fees if the business is involved in a lawsuit.
  • Protects non-owned property that the business is responsible for, like customer or client property.
  • Covers the business and its owners/managers individually for acts done within the scope of business operations.
Use Cases
  • Protecting the business from large liability claims that exceed the primary general liability policy limits
  • Covering claims of defamation, libel, or slander that the primary policies do not cover
  • Covering lawsuits arising from wrongful termination, workplace harassment, or discrimination claims that exceed primary limits
  • Providing additional liability protection for the business owners and executives for lawsuits naming them personally
  • Protecting against costly lawsuits from injuries, property damage or other issues arising from product defects or malfunctions exceeding primary coverage

Based on industry data, the average umbrella insurance pricing for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 335210) is estimated to be around $2,000 – $3,000 per year. This pricing was derived based on typical factors like payroll, number of employees, past claims experience. For most small businesses in this industry, an annual pricing of around $2,500 would be a good estimate.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Commercial Inland Marine Insurance

Commercial inland marine insurance provides property coverage tailored to specialized risks faced by small electrical appliance manufacturers. It protects businesses from financial losses caused by damage or theft to equipment, inventory and other property used in operations both on and off premises. Commercial inland marine insurance can help replace damaged specialized machinery, protect property and inventory during transit, and provide coverage for off-premise storage and use at trade shows. Estimated pricing is around $1.20 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Covers property in transit like raw materials, components, and finished goods shipped between facilities
  • Protects property on the premises used for manufacturing like assembly lines, equipment, tools and warehouse inventory
  • Covers temporary storage of property away from the insured premises like materials shipped to a distributor
  • Replaces damaged or stolen property at today’s repair or replacement costs
  • Covers extra expenses to expedite permanent repairs or replace property after a covered loss
  • Insures legal liability for property of others in the insured’s care, custody or control
  • Provides coverage for costs associated with contaminated or spoiled inventory due to a covered loss like power outage or mechanical breakdown
  • Deductibles are often lower than standard commercial property insurance policies
  • Offers specialized coverage tailored exactly to a manufacturer’s unique property exposures and risks of loss
Use Cases
  • Coverage for equipment and tools used in manufacturing that are portable or movable like assembly line equipment, tools, diagnostic equipment
  • Coverage for property in transit like raw materials or finished goods being shipped between facilities or to customers
  • Coverage for property off-premises like samples stored at a trade show or materials stored in a third party warehouse
  • Coverage for specialized highly technical equipment with specialized replacement costs in the event of damage or theft
  • Coverage for electronic data processing equipment (computers, servers, networking equipment) used for design, engineering, production or operations

Based on industry research, the estimated average pricing for Commercial Inland Marine Insurance for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses (NAICS 335210) is around $1.20 per $100 of insured property. This pricing was derived based on average property values and risks for this industry. Manufacturing businesses in this industry typically have machinery, equipment, inventory and other property that need inland marine coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $1.20 per $100 of insured property

Cyber Insurance

As more appliances become connected to the internet, small electrical manufacturers face growing cybersecurity risks. Cyber insurance helps protect a company’s finances and reputation if they fall victim to a cyber attack. It covers costs related to data breaches, ransomware attacks, systems outages, liability lawsuits, and lost revenue during downtime. This helps address risks to the daily operations and bottom line of small appliance businesses from cyber incidents.

Category List
  • Covers data breach costs like notifying customers, providing credit monitoring services, investigation and legal costs
  • Protects from liability lawsuits if a data breach causes harm to customers
  • Covers costs of ransomware attacks like paying ransom demands and restoring systems
  • Reimburses lost income or extra expenses during downtime from a cyber attack
  • Provides legal support and PR assistance to manage public relations in case of a major breach
  • Covers theft of intellectual property like blueprints, recipes, source code by ransomware or other types of cyber attacks
  • Protects against losses from e-commerce site downtime or hacking
  • Covers investigation costs for insider data theft
Use Cases
  • Ransomware attacks and ransom payment coverage
  • Data breach response costs including legal defense and notification costs
  • Business interruption losses from cyber attacks or network outages
  • Cyber extortion threats
  • Loss or theft of customer or employee data

Based on averages for cyber insurance pricing across different industries with similar risk profiles, cyber insurance for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry with NAICS code 335210 would likely be priced around $2,500-$5,000 annually. Pricing is determined based on factors like annual revenue, number of employee records, IT security protocols and history of data breaches or cyber attacks. For a small to mid-sized business in this industry with under $10M in annual revenue and less than 100 employees, the estimated annual premium would be around $3,000.

Estimated Pricing: $3,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance is an important type of coverage that can help protect manufacturers if their normal business operations are disrupted due to events outside of their control. It provides funds to cover operating expenses and lost income while the business works to resume production after things like fires, equipment failures, utility outages or other incidents addressed their facilities or supply chain.

Some key benefits of business interruption insurance for small electrical appliance manufacturers include covering the costs of temporary locations, additional expenses, equipment replacement and marketing to regain lost customers after an interruption forces a shutdown of their facilities. This coverage is especially crucial since interruptions can severely impact cash flow and stall operations for extended periods if unprotected financially.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to shut down due to property damage
  • Reimburses operating expenses like payroll and taxes if the business has to temporarily close
  • Helps keep the business running and employees paid during reconstruction after covered events like fires or storms
  • Covers additional expenses to reduce losses like renting temporary space to continue operations
  • Can cover supplier issues that prevent the business from operating
  • Covers loss of income from reduced operations if part of the facility/equipment is damaged and still operational
  • Includes extra expenses for things like hiring public adjusters or accountants to handle insurance claims processing
  • Provides funds to reconstruct specialty equipment if damaged beyond repair which is crucial for manufacturers
  • Covers loss of customers/clients and helps with marketing efforts to win them back after an interruption
Use Cases
  • Loss of Revenue if the Factory Closes due to Fire
  • Loss of Revenue if Employees Can’t Work due to Natural Disasters
  • Loss of Revenue if Suppliers Can’t Deliver Materials due to Transportation Issues
  • Loss of Revenue due to Utility Outages (Power, Water)
  • Loss of Revenue due to Equipment Breakdowns
  • Loss of Revenue due to Shortages of Key Components

Based on typical considerations such as revenue, payroll, property values, risk factors, etc. for small manufacturers in this industry, the estimated average annual pricing for business interruption insurance would be around $15,000-$20,000. This was derived from industry benchmarks and assumes a standard policy with 30 day waiting period to claim benefits after an insurable event causes business losses.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$20,000

Commercial Property Owner’S Insurance

Commercial property owner’s insurance provides important protection for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry. It covers damages and losses to buildings, equipment, inventory and other business assets from unforeseen events like fires, storms or accidents. This allows companies to continue operating and avoid financial difficulties after covered claims.
Commercial property insurance offers benefits such as repair or rebuilding costs, property damages coverage, loss of income payments, property protection on and off premises, extra expenses for relocation, and liability protection for injuries on the property. It is important for small electrical appliance manufacturing businesses as their machinery, equipment and inventory require protection from perils like fire, wind and explosions. The estimated average annual pricing for a policy is $2.50 to $3.00 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Covers costs to repair or rebuild property if it’s damaged by storms, fires, floods or other disasters
  • Pays for damage to buildings, machinery, equipment and office contents
  • Covers loss of income if a shutdown is necessary after a covered loss to repair property
  • Protects business personal property both on and off premises
  • Covers extra expenses like temporary relocation if premises are uninhabitable after a loss
  • Provides liability protection if a third party is injured on your property
  • Insures against theft or vandalism of property and equipment
Use Cases
  • Coverage for buildings and permanent structures
  • Coverage for business personal property like machinery, equipment, inventory and furniture
  • Liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying expenses if the business must temporarily shut down due to a covered loss
  • Extra expense coverage to pay for additional costs needed to continue operations during repair/replacement of damaged property

Based on typical insurance rates for manufacturing businesses, the estimated average annual pricing for commercial property owner’s insurance for businesses in the small electrical appliance manufacturing industry (NAICS Code: 335210) would be around $2.50 – $3.00 per $100 of insured property value. This price was calculated based on industry risk factors, average claims data, and property values for businesses of this size and type. Hazards associated with manufacturing processes may cause the rates to be on the higher end of the range.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 – $3.00 per $100 of insured property value


Managing risk through solid business insurance plans gives small appliance manufacturers peace of mind and safeguards their long-term financial stability. Protecting operations from legal liabilities, property damage, interruptions and other insurable perils allows owners to focus on running the business and creating innovative new products without unexpected costs or disruptions derailing growth plans. Proper insurance planning is crucial for manufacturers to shield their bottom line and ensure continuity even after unforeseen events.

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