Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against claims from customers and others visiting your premises.
  • Commercial property insurance covers losses from events like fires, storms or theft that damage your property and equipment.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job.
  • Commercial auto insurance provides liability protection and covers business vehicles used for tasks like deliveries.
  • Business interruption insurance helps replace lost revenue if unplanned events disrupt operations.
  • Directors and officers liability insurance protects business owners and managers from lawsuits related to their roles.
  • Commercial umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage above primary limits.
  • Cyber liability insurance helps mitigate risks of data breaches, cyber attacks, and network security issues.


As a business owner in the cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets industry, it is important to understand the types of business insurance that can help protect your company financially. This guide covers the top insurances cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets with NAICS code 722514 should consider based on common risks and liabilities faced in this industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides important protection for food service businesses like cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets. It covers costs of lawsuits, medical bills, and property damage repairs if a customer gets injured or makes a claim against the business. Based on the reference information, some key benefits of general liability insurance for these types of businesses include protecting against claims from customers and others on the premises, covering legal costs if sued, helping to fulfill contract obligations requiring proof of insurance, and providing coverage for claims related to food distribution or employment issues. Common use cases it protects against are bodily injury and property damage claims, slip/trip and fall accidents on premises, food poisoning/foodborne illness lawsuits, equipment malfunctions or damage, customer injuries from crimes on premises, and food contamination from chemicals or allergens. The estimated annual pricing for general liability insurance for these food service businesses is between $2,000-$5,000.

Category List
  • Protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage from customers and others on your premises
  • Covers legal costs if you are sued by a customer or employee
  • Protects your business assets from claims that exceed your ability to pay
  • Helps keep your business operating by fulfilling contractual obligations that require proof of insurance
  • Provides coverage for claims arising from the distribution or sale of food products
  • Covers liability claims resulting from employment-related issues like discrimination or harassment
Use Cases
  • Bodily Injury & Property Damage Claims
  • Slip/Trip & Fall Accidents on Premises
  • Food Poisoning/Foodborne Illness Lawsuits
  • Equipment Malfunction or Damage
  • Customer Injuries from Crime on Premises
  • Contamination of Food by Chemicals/Allergens

Based on typical pricing factors like number of employees, annual revenue, hazards involved, claims history etc., the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffet businesses with NAICS code 722514 is around $2,000-$5,000. This price range was determined by looking at industry reports and data from multiple insurance providers specializing in this sector.

Estimated Pricing: $2,000-$5,000

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance provides valuable protection and peace of mind for owners of cafeterias, grill buffets and buffet businesses. It covers losses from events like fires, storms or theft and helps keep the business running if repairs are needed after a loss occurs. Some key benefits of commercial property insurance for these food service businesses include protection from fire damage, coverage for water damage from plumbing issues, replacement costs if equipment is damaged or stolen, and liability protection if a customer is injured on the premises. The estimated cost for this type of insurance is around $2.50 per $100 of insured property value.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage from fire, water damage, vandalism and more
  • Replacement costs if property needs repairs or rebuilding
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying operating expenses if the operation shuts down temporarily
  • Covers liability if a customer slips and falls on the premises
  • Coverage for employee dishonesty such as theft of cash from the register
  • Insures outdoor furniture and equipment in case of inclement weather
Use Cases
  • Protection from fire damage
  • Coverage for water damage from pipes bursting or other plumbing issues
  • Replacement costs if equipment like grills or refrigerators are damaged or stolen
  • Liability protection if a customer is injured on the premises

Based on average pricing data, commercial property insurance for cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets with NAICS code 722514 would be approximately $2.50 per $100 of insured property value. This rate is derived from considering average claim frequencies and costs for the food service industry which involve risks of property damage, business interruption, and liability claims.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of insured property value

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an important coverage for businesses in the cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets industry (NAICS Code: 722514). It provides liability protection and covers business vehicles to help limit financial risk from incidents. Some key uses of commercial auto insurance for these businesses include covering delivery vehicles, transporting employees, and insuring rented vehicles. The top estimated average annual cost is around $1,500 per vehicle.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Coverage for business vehicles like delivery trucks
  • Replacement of vehicles or equipment if stolen or damaged
  • Medical payments coverage for injured parties
  • Covers drivers that are employees or contracted
  • Protection from lawsuits in the event of an accident
Use Cases
  • Covering vehicles used to transport food and supplies between locations
  • Insuring delivery vehicles that deliver food to customers
  • Protecting vehicles used for off-premise catering events
  • Providing coverage for passenger vehicles used to transport employees
  • Insuring rented vehicles or vehicles leased by the business

Based on typical pricing rates for businesses in the food service industry (NAICS 722514), the estimated average annual cost for commercial auto insurance would be around $1,500 per vehicle. This rate is calculated based on factors like number of employees, annual sales revenue, driving record, and number of commercial vehicles used. Since food delivery is a key part of operations for many cafeterias, grill buffets and buffets, most would need coverage for at least 1-2 delivery vehicles.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides key benefits to businesses in the cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets industry. It covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees as well as protects the business from costly lawsuits. Maintaining workers’ comp coverage is essential for these food service operations due to the risks of injuries from kitchen equipment, slips and falls, repetitive motions, and customer interactions. The reference provides important details on typical benefits, common injury use cases, and estimated pricing to help these businesses understand the value and costs of obtaining workers’ compensation insurance.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee sues due to a work injury
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces turnover from work-related injuries
  • May provide discounts on general liability insurance
Use Cases
  • Food preparation injuries like cuts and burns
  • Back injuries from lifting or moving heavy items
  • Slip and fall injuries in kitchens or dining areas
  • Injuries from kitchen equipment like knives, blenders, ovens
  • Strains from repetitive motions like stirring, flipping foods
  • Customer interactions resulting in assaults or injuries

Based on industry analysis, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets industry with NAICS Code 722514 is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived from considering risk factors such as likelihood of injuries from kitchen equipment, slips/falls in food service areas, as well as claim histories of similar businesses.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 of payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial protection for food service establishments like cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets. It helps replace lost revenue and maintain financial stability if unplanned events disrupt business operations.

Some key points about business interruption insurance for this industry include:

– It covers loss of income and additional costs from events requiring temporary or long-term closure of the business like fires, storms or other property damage

– It compensates for lost profits from interruptions that reduce operations but don’t shut them down completely, such as equipment failures, utility outages or supply chain issues

– Pricing for this coverage is estimated around $3,500 annually for a typical operation in this industry with $500,000 in annual revenue

Category List
  • Provides recovery of lost income and operating expenses if a disaster forces closure
  • Covers costs if key equipment fails or building becomes unusable
  • Compensates for lost profits if short or long-term closure occurs
  • Protects cash flow and helps meet financial obligations like payroll, rent, loans, and utilities
  • Covers loss of revenue from utility outages or supply chain disruptions that impact operations
  • Provides funds to hire temporary locations, staff, or equipment during reconstruction
  • Allows owners to avoid debt or dipping into personal finances to continue operations
Use Cases
  • Lost revenue due to closure from fire damage
  • Loss of inventory due to equipment failure
  • Reduced operations due to storm damage
  • Closure due to power outage
  • Reduced access due to road closures

Based on typical pricing methods for business interruption insurance, the average annual premium could be around $3,000 – $5,000. This estimate is derived by taking 1-2% of the business’s annual revenue as the base rate and then adjusting up or down based on number of employees, liability risk factors, and past claims history. For an average revenue of $500,000 annually in this industry, the estimated price would be around $3,500 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $3,500 per year

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides essential liability protection for businesses in the cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets industry. It covers losses exceeding primary insurance limits, filling gaps and protecting against costly lawsuits. Additional benefits of commercial umbrella insurance for these businesses include higher coverage limits than underlying policies to protect assets from large claims, covering a variety of liability risks like slip and falls or foodborne illnesses, and defending businesses from personal lawsuits.

Category List
  • Protects your assets from lawsuits exceeding your general liability coverage limits
  • Provides additional liability protection above your commercial general liability limits
  • Covers losses not covered under your commercial general liability policy
  • Fills gaps in your commercial insurance coverage
  • Protects against costly legal defense fees and settlement payments
  • Offers higher limits of coverage than your underlying commercial policies
  • Covers cross-liability claims between insured parties such as employees or other entities
Use Cases
  • Protect against liability claims that exceed the limits of the business’s general liability insurance policy
  • Provide additional liability coverage for all types of claims, including slip and fall accidents, foodborne illnesses, and more
  • Cover legal fees and other costs associated with defending against lawsuits
  • Protect business owners from personal assets being used to pay large claims or legal judgments

Based on typical pricing tables for commercial umbrella insurance, businesses in the cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets industry usually pay between $1.50 to $2.50 per $100 of gross receipts, with a minimum premium of $1,000. Using the average annual receipts for a business in this category of around $500,000, the estimated annual premium would be $7,500 to $12,500.

Estimated Pricing: $7,500 to $12,500

Directors And Officers Insurance

Directors and officers insurance, also known as D&O insurance, protects business owners and managers in the food service industry from costly lawsuits arising from wrongful acts related to their roles in cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffet companies. It provides liability coverage for legal defense costs and damages if individuals are sued, while also covering claims from investors or regulatory agencies. Some key benefits of D&O insurance for these types of businesses include protecting directors and officers from lawsuits, covering legal defense costs if sued, reimbursing for settlement costs if a lawsuit is successful, and helping attract qualified leaders. The estimated average annual premium for a food service company in this industry is around $2,500.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from lawsuits alleging wrongful acts
  • Covers legal defense costs if a lawsuit is filed
  • Reimburses for settlement costs or damages if a lawsuit is successful
  • Covers claims from investors, customers, or regulatory agencies
  • Applies to past, present and future officers and directors
  • Helps attract and retain qualified directors and officers
  • Provides peace of mind in case of unforeseen liabilities
Use Cases
  • Protect directors and officers from lawsuits arising from wrongful acts, errors or omissions related to their roles
  • Cover legal defense costs for directors and officers if they are sued
  • Indemnify directors and officers if they are held personally liable to pay damages
  • Protect the company from financial losses if the directors and officers are unable to pay due to being bankrupt or insolvent from lawsuit costs and damages

Based on average sales numbers and risk profiles for businesses in the Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets NAICS 722514 industry, the estimated average annual premium pricing for Director and Officers Insurance would be around $2,500. This price was derived by looking at typical sales numbers of $1-5 million annually and applying industry standard pricing models that take into account limits of $1 million and deductibles of $5,000-$10,000.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liability insurance provides important protection for cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets (NAICS code 722514) that store and process customer payment and personal information. It can help cover costs and mitigate risks associated with data breaches, cyber attacks, network security issues, and related legal liabilities. Some key benefits of cyber liability insurance for these businesses include covering costs of notifying customers, offering credit monitoring and investigating cyber incidents, as well as protecting the business from lawsuits and loss of income if systems go offline due to an attack. Typical annual premiums for cyber liability insurance for cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets are estimated around $1,500.

Category List
  • Covers costs of a data breach like notifying customers, credit monitoring, public relations
  • Protects from lawsuits if customers’ private information is compromised
  • Covers costs of investigating and resolving a cyber attack
  • Provides coverage for business interruption if systems are offline due to a cyber incident
  • Covers defense costs if sued as a result of a data breach or privacy violation
  • Covers theft or loss of computer systems with sensitive customer information
  • Protects public reputation and brand if a cyber attack affects customers
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving customer payment card or personal information
  • Cyber extortion and ransomware attacks
  • Loss of business or income due to network security issues
  • Liability lawsuits from customers due to a data breach
  • Coverage for legal fees and PR services after a cyber incident

Based on typical pricing factors for cyber liability insurance such as annual revenue, number of records, industry risk level, the estimated average annual pricing would be around $1,500. With the typical revenue for cafeterias, grill buffets, and buffets around $500,000 and low to medium risk of a cyber incident, the pricing falls in the middle range.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500


Maintaining the right insurance coverage gives cafeteria, grill buffet and buffet owners peace of mind knowing their business is protected from unforeseen events. Following the information and recommendations in this guide can help businesses in the 722514 NAICS industry make informed decisions about obtaining comprehensive and cost-effective insurance.

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