Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits and covers risks from animal interactions.
  • Property insurance reimburses costs if buildings, equipment or livestock are damaged.
  • Workers’ compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages if employees are injured on the job.
  • Commercial auto protects vehicles used to transport animals, employees or supplies.
  • Product liability insures against injuries from animals and costs of product recalls.
  • Business interruption provides income if operations are disrupted by property damage.
  • Commercial umbrella provides extra liability coverage above primary policy limits.
  • Livestock insurance reimburses veterinary bills and mortality losses from disease.


Businesses in the other animal production industry face unique risks due to the nature of raising and handling animals. This guide outlines the top insurance options these businesses should consider to protect against financial losses. Key policies like general liability, property, workers’ compensation and commercial auto provide baseline coverage, while additional options like product liability, business interruption and livestock insurance address industry-specific exposures.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important policy for businesses involved in other animal production. It provides protections from common risks and liabilities associated with raising various livestock. Some key benefits include protecting the business from third-party lawsuits, covering property damage and bodily injuries, providing defense costs if sued, covering pollution/seepage, disease transmission, fence and containment risks, and injuries to visitors as described in the reference material.

Category List
  • Protects your business from third-party lawsuits
  • Covers property damage and bodily injuries to others
  • Covers losses from accidents on your premises
  • Provides defense costs if you are sued
  • Covers pollution/seepage from manure storage and application
  • Covers disease transmission from your livestock to neighbor’s livestock
  • Covers risks associated with livestock fences and containment
  • Covers risks of injuries to visitors on your operation
Use Cases
  • Protect against claims from injuries that occur on your property or during operations
  • Cover legal costs and damages if a customer claims they were injured by your product or service
  • Cover legal costs if you’re sued for damages to someone else’s property
  • Cover costs associated with veterinary care if a farm animal injures a person
  • Protect against liability risks involved with raising and handling livestock

Based on industry research, the average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the other animal production industry with NAICS code 1129 is around $1,500 per year. This price was derived from analyzing insurance rates from multiple carriers for typical risks and operations in this industry such as raising animals like rabbits, bees, worms and more.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance is an important risk mitigation tool for businesses in the other animal production industry. It provides financial protection for buildings, equipment, livestock and other property assets that are critical to day-to-day operations.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or loss due to accidents or natural disasters
  • Financial reimbursement to repair or replace damaged property
  • Coverage for buildings, equipment, inventory and other on-site property
  • Protection of property value and ability to rebuild/replace following a loss
  • Coverage for additional living expenses if the property is uninhabitable due to a covered loss
  • Protection from lawsuits if someone is injured on your property
Use Cases
  • Coverage for buildings and structures
  • Coverage for livestock, machinery, and equipment
  • Coverage for farm vehicles and vehicles used for transportation of livestock
  • Coverage for fences and other infrastructure on the property

Based on typical property insurance rates for agricultural businesses raising livestock like dairy cattle, hogs and pigs, goats, horses, etc., the estimated average annual property insurance pricing for businesses in the Other Animal Production industry with NAICS code 1129 would be around $1.50 per $100 of insured property value. This rate is derived from industry data on average property values and insurance rates for similar agricultural operations that manage livestock as their primary business activity.

Estimated Pricing: $1.50/100

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is an important protection for businesses in the other animal production industry. It covers costs associated with on-the-job injuries, which are common in this field due to risks from animal interactions, lifting/moving animals, and hazardous outdoor conditions. It also demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being, promotes a positive safety culture, and helps businesses comply with legal requirements in many jurisdictions. Having return-to-work programs can further reduce costs from long-term lost time due to injuries.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses related to on-the-job injuries
  • Pays lost wages for employees unable to work due to injuries
  • Protects businesses from lawsuits related to employee injuries
  • Required by law in most states
  • Reduces costs of employee turnover from workplace injuries
  • Provides return-to-work programs to get injured employees back on the job more quickly
  • Promotes a positive safety culture in the workplace
Use Cases
  • Injury from being kicked, bitten or stepped on by animals
  • Exposure to animal-related allergies and diseases
  • Musculoskeletal injuries from lifting, moving or herding animals
  • Slips/trips/falls from uneven terrain or animal waste

Based on industry data, businesses in the Other Animal Production industry (NAICS 1129) have an average workers’ compensation insurance rate of $1.82 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from analyzing insurance rates filed by carriers and payroll data reported to state agencies for businesses in this industry. The rate takes into account the types of injuries that commonly occur for workers in this industry as well as loss histories reported over several years.

Estimated Pricing: $1.82 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance provides essential protection for businesses in the other animal production industry that rely on vehicles to transport livestock, employees, feed and supplies. It protects these businesses financially by covering legal liability, vehicle repairs, medical bills and lost business assets if an accident occurs while operating commercial vehicles. Coverage amounts typically start around $1,500 annually based on common fleet sizes and vehicle usages in this industry.

Category List
  • Liability protection in case of accidents
  • Physical damage coverage for vehicles
  • Medical payments coverage for persons injured in accidents involving insured vehicles
  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
  • Coverage for business assets being transported
  • Replacement rental vehicle coverage if vehicle is disabled in an accident
Use Cases
  • Cover vehicles used to transport livestock
  • Cover vehicles used to transport employees
  • Cover vehicles used for offsite delivery of livestock or animal products

Based on research, the average annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the Other Animal Production (NAICS Code 1129) industry is around $1,500. This pricing is derived from considering average fleet sizes, vehicle values, driving records, liability limits, and other factors common to businesses in this industry. Vehicles used for transporting livestock, farm equipment, feed, and other supplies on public roads necessitate commercial auto coverage.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Business Interruption Insurance

‘Business interruption insurance provides an important level of protection and peace of mind for businesses in the other animal production industry. By covering costs associated with unexpected interruptions, it helps stabilize cash flow and ensure long term viability when disruptions occur outside of an owner’s control. The top benefits of this type of insurance for NAICS code 1129 businesses include covering ongoing expenses, rebuilding costs, asset replacement and lost income or crops to maintain financial stability during difficult periods. Common use cases where coverage would apply include property damage from natural disasters, mandatory quarantines, equipment repairs, and regulatory impacts – all which could seriously disrupt operations and profits for an extended time.’

Category List
  • Provides income if your business operations are interrupted due to a covered event
  • Covers ongoing expenses like payroll, rent, utilities, and debts if your business is forced to temporarily shut down
  • Helps stabilize cash flow during a period of reduced or lost income
  • Covers extra expenses to resume business operations after an interruption
  • Protects against losses from interruptions caused by natural disasters, fires, utility failures, and other unexpected events outside your control
  • Covers loss of income during the time it takes to rebuild facilities damaged in a covered event
  • Helps maintain your business’s financial viability until you can resume operations
  • Can help replace lost crops or livestock in the event of destruction from a covered peril
  • Peace of mind knowing your business has protection for unexpected interruptions
Use Cases
  • Loss of inventory or livestock due to natural disasters like fires, floods, hurricanes, etc.
  • Loss of revenue if the business has to temporarily shut down operations due to property damage
  • Loss of income if a contagious disease outbreak occurs that forces the business to quarantine livestock
  • Loss of production capability if critical equipment or machinery is damaged and needs repairs
  • Loss of income if the business has to downsize operations due to regulations stemming from a disease outbreak

Based on typical Business Interruption Insurance pricing factors such as revenue, payroll, geographic location, and risk factors associated with aquaculture/beekeeping, the estimated monthly premium for $100,000 of coverage would be $150. This was calculated using an industry average rate of 1.5% of covered revenues.

Estimated Pricing: $150/month

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance provides an additional layer of liability protection for businesses in high risk industries like other animal production. It protects against claims above standard coverage limits and risks not covered by other policies. Umbrella insurance is especially useful for animal production businesses to safeguard against risks associated with animal breeding, farming, sales and related activities. It can help maintain financial stability if faced with costly litigation.

Category List
  • Additional liability protection above your standard business insurance limits
  • Covers litigation costs like attorney fees if you’re sued
  • Covers claims not covered under other business policies like general liability, auto, or professional liability
  • Protects personal assets from large judgments or settlements if your business is sued
  • May provide worldwide liability coverage for incidents involving international business or travel
  • Can help maintain your business’s financial stability in the event of a costly lawsuit
  • May provide coverage enhancements not available under other business policies
Use Cases
  • Protect from liability claims and lawsuits above primary insurance limits
  • Cover risks not included in primary policies such as pollution liability
  • Cover risks related to animal breeding and sales
  • Provide additional liability protection for employees and contracted workers
  • Cover risks related to farming and raising other animals like horses, rabbits etc.

Based on typical pricing models and risk factors for this industry, the estimated average annual price for a $1 million commercial umbrella insurance policy would be $1,250. This pricing was derived considering the NAICS code of 1129 which covers other animal production such as beekeeping, fur-bearing animal and rabbit production, horse and other equine production and the general risks associated within this agricultural industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1,250

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides businesses in the animal production industry with critical financial protection and peace of mind. It helps cover costs associated with injuries, illnesses, property damage, recalls, and lawsuits that could potentially result from defects or issues with animals being raised or produced. Estimated pricing for this type of insurance is around $5,000-$10,000 annually for most operations in this industry. The top benefits include protection from injuries, legal costs, product recalls, negative publicity, and access to risk management services. Key use cases involve injuries from animal contact, property damage claims, product liability lawsuits, and medical expenses from animal-related illnesses or reactions.

Category List
  • Protects business from costs associated with product-related injuries, illnesses or property damage
  • Covers legal fees and court settlements if the business is sued
  • Pays for product recalls if a product is found to be unsafe
  • Covers claims even if the defect is due to an error by a supplier or manufacturer
  • Protects against negative publicity that could damage brand reputation in the event of a product liability issue
  • Provides access to risk management and loss control services to help prevent product liability issues
  • Demonstrates to customers, suppliers and stakeholders that the business is committed to product safety and quality
Use Cases
  • Cover costs and damages if someone is injured or becomes ill from contact with your animals (such as honeybees, deer, elk, etc.)
  • Provide protection if someone claims your animals caused property damage
  • Cover legal costs if you are sued for a product liability claim
  • Reimburse medical expenses if a customer requires treatment after contact with your animals

Based on typical pricing factors such as industry risks, revenue size, claims history and operations, the estimated average annual pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 1129 ‘Other Animal Production’ industry would be around $5,000-$10,000. The pricing is mainly derived from this industry’s moderate risks in areas like animal health issues, potential injuries from animal interactions, and lawsuits over product quality concerns. The range also takes into account that some smaller operations may pay less while larger revenue businesses tend to pay more due to greater exposures.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$10,000

Commercial Livestock Insurance

This reference provides information about commercial livestock insurance including the top benefits, use cases, and estimated pricing for businesses in the other animal production industry with NAICS code 1129. It outlines key benefits such as covering financial losses from natural causes, veterinary expenses, and costs to repopulate herds. The reference also discusses use cases like mortality, theft, and transit coverage. Finally, it provides an estimate of $5 per head insured with a $500 minimum premium for typical pricing.

Category List
  • Covers financial losses from death of livestock from natural causes like disease, accident, or injury
  • Covers expenses from veterinary care and treatment if livestock are injured or sick
  • Provides payment if your entire herd/flock has to be destroyed due to a contagious disease outbreak
  • Covers costs to repopulate your herd/flock if there is a widespread loss
Use Cases
  • Mortality coverage for death losses from disease, accidents, or weather-related events
  • Theft coverage for losses from theft of livestock
  • Transit coverage for losses incurred while transporting livestock
  • Farm liability coverage to protect the farm business from lawsuits in the event someone is injured on the property or by the livestock

Based on typical pricing structures for commercial livestock insurance, the estimated average annual price would be around $5 per head of livestock insured, with a minimum premium of $500. This pricing is calculated based on industry averages, considering factors like livestock type/species, location, mortality rates, and value of the animals. For most smaller operations in the 1129 industry that insure 1,000 heads or less, the $5 per head rate would apply once the minimum $500 premium is met.

Estimated Pricing: $5/head, $500 minimum

Cyber Liability Insurance

The following provides an overview of the top benefits, use cases and estimated pricing of cyber liability insurance for businesses in the other animal production industry with NAICS code 1129 based on the reference material: Cyber liability insurance can help protect farms and agricultural businesses in animal production from the financial risks of data breaches, system disruptions, and legal costs from cyber incidents by covering expenses related to notification, investigation, fines and lawsuits, as well as lost income. Coverage averages around $850 annually for small to medium sized operations.

Category List
  • Covers costs of notifying customers of a data breach
  • Covers legal fees and defense costs if sued by customers over a data breach
  • Covers fines and penalties from regulators related to a data breach
  • Covers costs of forensic investigation and credit monitoring after a breach
  • Covers loss of business income if the breach causes operational disruptions
  • Provides liability coverage if sued by a third party for failing to protect their data
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving customer or employee personal information
  • Cyber extortion and ransomware attacks
  • Network security failures leading to system downtimes or data loss
  • Loss or theft of company devices containing sensitive data
  • Accidental transmission of viruses or malware

Based on research of typical pricing for cyber liability insurance for small to medium sized farms and agricultural businesses, the average estimated annual premium would be around $850. This takes into account factors like annual revenue (usually <$5M for this industry), number of employees (usually less than 50), basic cyber security practices and protocols, and history of any prior cyber incidents. The price was derived from aggregated industry data and common rating factors used by insurance carriers.

Estimated Pricing: $850


Proper insurance tailored to the risks of the other animal production industry is crucial for protecting profits and long-term viability. The policies discussed here offer peace of mind by covering costs of injuries, property damage, lawsuits and other unexpected expenses that could seriously impact operations. Maintaining adequate insurance coverage demonstrates sound risk management and protects the investment in buildings, equipment, livestock and employees that are vital to daily business functions.

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