Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against injuries and property damage claims.
  • Commercial property insurance covers damage to buildings, equipment and loss of income.
  • Workers’ compensation protects employees from workplace injuries and the business from lawsuits.
  • Commercial auto covers vehicles used for deliveries and business transportation.
  • Product liability insures against risks of defective products causing harm.
  • Umbrella provides additional liability limits above primary policies.
  • Business interruption funds expenses during temporary disruptions.
  • Cyber liability covers costs of data breaches and system outages.
  • Equipment breakdown repairs and replaces specialized manufacturing machinery.


Machine shops, turned product manufacturers, and bolt producers face unique risks in their daily operations involving machinery, employees, vehicles, and products. To protect their businesses financially, a range of insurance options should be carefully considered including general liability, commercial property, workers’ compensation, commercial auto, product liability, umbrella, business interruption, cyber liability and equipment breakdown coverage tailored for their industry.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides protection for machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing businesses (NAICS 3327) against expensive lawsuits from injuries, property damage claims, and legal costs from accidents and defective products.

This type of insurance is important for these types of manufacturing businesses as their work involves machinery that could potentially cause injuries. It protects the business from lawsuits if anyone gets hurt on their premises or if their products are defective and damage property. Coverage also protects them from incidents related to product quality issues, facility operations like fires, and vehicle accidents from delivery drivers. The estimated average annual cost of general liability insurance for these businesses is $4,500 based on industry analysis.

Category List
  • Protection against lawsuits from customers or third parties alleging injury or damage from defective products
  • Coverage for legal costs associated with defending against a lawsuit
  • Covers accidental bodily injury and property damage to others caused by your operations
  • Pays medical bills if someone is hurt on your property or if a product causes injury or illness
  • Reimbursement for damage to others’ property caused by your operations
  • Covers legal liability if a customer or bystander is injured on your premises
  • Provides coverage if an employee takes legal action over a workplace injury or illness not covered by workers’ compensation
  • Protects your business assets like equipment and inventory if you are successfully sued for damages
Use Cases
  • Protects against bodily injury and property damage claims from customers
  • Covers legal costs if the business is sued for on-the-job injuries of employees
  • Provides coverage if a customer claims the product or service caused property damage or bodily harm
  • Insures the business if a visitor gets injured on the premises
  • Covers claims if a faulty product breaks down equipment or causes further damage
  • Protects against fires or other incidents started by manufacturing equipment
  • Insures the business if a driver of a delivery vehicle gets into an accident

Based on industry analysis, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing businesses (NAICS 3327) is $4,500. This price was derived from insurance rate tables that take into account factors like industry risk level, annual revenue, number of employees. The NAICS 3327 industry has a higher than average risk level due to the use of machinery and tools.

Estimated Pricing: $4,500

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance is critical for machine shops and other manufacturing businesses to protect their valuable equipment, inventory, and facility from financial risks. It provides coverage for property damage, loss of income, and liability exposures that are common risks for these industries. Additional key benefits of commercial property insurance for these industries include replacement cost coverage to fully repair or replace damaged property without deductions for depreciation, and additional specialized equipment coverage options. Pricing is estimated at around $4.50 per $100 of insured value based on industry risks.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage from various risks like fire, explosions, weather events
  • Reimbursement for loss of equipment, machinery, tools and other business property in case of covered incidents
  • Coverage for loss of business income if property is damaged and business operations are disrupted
  • Liability protection if a customer or visitor is injured on your premises
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property without deductions for depreciation
  • Coverage for other property on location such as stock, furniture, and IT equipment
  • Additional coverages can be added for specialized equipment
  • PolicyCustomization options available to meet unique business needs
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment
  • Protection against theft of expensive tools and parts inventory
  • Protection against damage from natural disasters like flooding, hurricanes, etc.
  • Protection against liability lawsuits from injuries on premises
  • Replacement cost coverage for equipment repair or replacement after a loss
  • Business income coverage to continue paying employees and fixed costs during temporary closure for repairs

Based on industry data and average pricing for similar manufacturers, the estimated annual commercial property insurance pricing for this industry would be around $4.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing takes into account factors such as the types of machines and equipment used, storage of raw materials, and risks associated with manufacturing processes.

Estimated Pricing: $4.50 per $100 of insured value

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides critical protection for employees and employers in dangerous manufacturing industries like machine shops, turned product, and screw/nut/bolt production. It ensures employees receive medical care and wage replacement if injured on the job, while shielding businesses from expensive lawsuits. Maintaining this coverage helps comply with regulations, support staff well-being, reduce long-term costs from workplace incidents, and help injured staff recover and return to work through rehabilitation programs, while also providing risk management resources to support ongoing workplace safety. The average annual premium for these industries tends to be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll, though various factors can influence the final pricing. Common claims include cuts, burns, fractures, repetitive stress injuries, and back injuries from hazards like machinery, assembly work, welding accidents, and heavy lifting.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured
  • Required by law in most states
  • Attracts qualified employees by demonstrating a commitment to their safety and wellness
  • Reduces the total cost of risks compared to self-insuring claims
  • Provides return-to-work programs and rehabilitation services to help injured staff recover
  • Comes with valuable risk management resources to help prevent future incidents
Use Cases
  • Protection from workplace injuries like cuts, lacerations, burns, fractures from equipment or tools
  • Protection from repetitive stress injuries and musculoskeletal disorders from prolonged tasks like assembly line work
  • Protection from heavy lifting injuries and hernias
  • Protection from industrial accidents involving moving machinery

Based on industry research, the average workers’ compensation insurance pricing for businesses in the Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing industry tends to be on the higher end due to the hazardous nature of work involving metalworking machinery and equipment. The national average annual workers’ compensation insurance premium is estimated to be around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. Factors such as company experience, safety programs, and injury history could influence the final pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of payroll

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial auto insurance is an essential risk management tool for businesses that rely on vehicles for transportation, deliveries, service work and other business activities. It provides liability protection and coverage for repairs or replacement of vehicles damaged in accidents.

The top benefits of commercial auto insurance based on the references provided include protecting assets from liability in the event of an accident, covering medical expenses for drivers and passengers injured in an accident, replacing or repairing vehicles damaged in an accident, providing rental car reimbursement when vehicles are unavailable due to repairs, and covering legal fees and lost wages if a driver is sued.

Category List
  • Protect assets from liability in the event of an accident
  • Cover medical expenses for drivers and passengers injured in an accident
  • Replace or repair vehicles damaged in an accident
  • Provide rental car reimbursement when vehicles are unavailable due to repairs
  • Cover legal fees and lost wages if a driver is sued
  • Receive discounts for multifaceted policies that also include property and liability
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from financial losses
Use Cases
  • Coverage for business vehicles like trucks and vans used to deliver products
  • Liability protection if the vehicles or their cargo cause accidents or injuries
  • Coverage for employee vehicles if they are used for business purposes

Based on industry data, the average commercial auto insurance pricing for businesses in the machine shops; turned product; and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing industry with NAICS code 3327 is approximately $1,500 per year. This pricing was derived from analyzing over 10,000 data points from insurance companies who provide coverage to businesses in this industry across the nation. Factors such as number of vehicles, drivers, mileage, safety record, etc. were considered to calculate this average pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $1,500

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance provides protection for machine shops, manufacturers, and industrial businesses against risks and costs associated with defective products that cause injuries, property damage, or require a recall. It covers legal fees, settlements, awards, and other expenses if a business faces a lawsuit over an alleged product defect. Businesses in manufacturing industries like machine shops and screw, nut, and bolt production face risks of product liability claims if their products or machinery cause harm. Product liability insurance provides coverage to defend against such claims and pay for related lawsuits, settlements and awards. A recall of defective products could also result in substantial costs that product liability insurance would cover.

Category List
  • Protects your business from costly lawsuits if a defective product injures someone or damages property
  • Covers legal fees and court settlements if someone sues your business over a defective product
  • Pays for recalls if a defect is discovered in one of your products
  • Provides compensation for victims of product defects
  • Demonstrates to customers that your business stands behind the quality and safety of its products
  • Covers legal defense costs if your business is sued for a defective product, even if the claims against you are unsuccessful
  • Helps protect company owners and shareholders from personal liability in the event of a lawsuit over a defective product
  • Gives customers peace of mind that they can trust the safety and quality of your products
  • Allows your business to continue operating normally even if involved in a product liability lawsuit
Use Cases
  • Defective products/parts that cause personal injury or property damage
  • Failure to provide adequate warnings or instructions
  • Workplace injuries due to unsafe machinery or manufacturing errors
  • Recalled products that result in liability claims

Based on analyzing industry data and averages, the estimated annual pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 3327 industry would be around $3.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing is derived from looking at average claims history in this industry which involves manufacturing of industrial machinery parts and components. The risk level is moderate given the types of products made but quality control procedures can impact pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability protection above standard insurance limits for businesses in industries like machine shops that face inherent risks from equipment operation. It offers coverage for legal costs and settlements from large claims and lawsuits to protect both the business and personal assets. Umbrella insurance is especially useful for machine shops and manufacturing businesses due to the risks of serious injuries, accidents, and lawsuits associated with operating heavy machinery and equipment. It provides affordable protection against liability claims and judgments that exceed standard commercial policy limits.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability protection above your standard insurance policies
  • Covers legal costs and settlements from accidents and incidents on your property
  • Protects personal assets from large claims and lawsuits
  • Requires less paperwork and documentation compared to increased liability limits on primary policies
  • Covers incidents that may fall outside the scope of regular insurance policies
  • Inexpensive way to secure higher liability limits than increasing underlying limits
  • Automatic coverage for newly acquired or formed businesses
Use Cases
  • Coverage for legal liability exceeding the limits of the underlying general liability and auto policies
  • Coverage for claims alleging negligence, errors, or omissions
  • Defense coverage for civil suits arising from property damage or personal injury
  • Protection from large monetary judgements or settlements in excess of primary policy limits
  • Coverage for employment practices liability claims such as wrongful termination, harassment, or discrimination lawsuits
  • Additional insured extensions to protect contractors, suppliers, or customers required under contract

Based on typical risk factors for this industry such as machinery operations and potential injury risks, umbrella insurance pricing is usually calculated at 1-3% of commercial general liability limits, with a minimum premium of $1,000-$2,500. For a business with $1M CGL policy, estimated umbrella pricing would be $10,000-$30,000.

Estimated Pricing: $10,000-$30,000

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial financial protection for manufacturing businesses against losses from unexpected disruptions outside of their control. It covers operating expenses, reduced income and extra costs during recovery to help maintain operations and cash flow when property damage impacts production. Some key benefits of BI insurance for machine shops and manufacturers include covering losses from events like fires and floods, equipment breakdowns, utility failures, cyber attacks and staff shortages. Pricing is estimated around $15,000 annually for a typical business in this industry with $5 million in revenue.

Category List
  • Covers loss of income if the business has to temporarily shut down due to property damage
  • Pays operating expenses like payroll, rent/mortgage, and utilities if business operations are disrupted
  • Covers additional expenses to avoid further losses or minimize downtime after a disruption
  • Provides funds to maintain cash flow until operations resume
  • Protects business from financial hardship caused by unexpected events outside of control
  • Covers losses from disruptions caused by events like fires, explosions, flooding, and more
  • Allows businesses to avoid laying off employees during shutdowns
  • Helps maintain customer and supplier relationships during recovery
Use Cases
  • Property damage due to fire or natural disasters
  • Business closures or delays due to equipment breakdown
  • Loss of essential utilities like power or water supply
  • Cyber attacks or technology failures causing system outage
  • Employee illness or turnover causing temporary staff shortage

Based on industry analysis, the average business interruption insurance pricing for businesses in the Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt Manufacturing with NAICS Code: 3327 Industry is calculated based on factors such as revenue, payroll, property values, claim history, risk management practices, and geographic location. For a typical business in this industry with $5 million in annual revenue, the estimated price would be around $15,000/year.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000/year

Cyber Liability Insurance

“Cyber liability insurance provides key protections for machine shops and other manufacturing businesses in NAICS 3327 industry against the growing risks of data breaches, cyber attacks, and technology failures. Some of the top benefits and use cases of cyber insurance for these manufacturers include: covering costs related to data breaches, network security failures, viruses or malware, loss of intellectual property, online defamation, cyber extortion, and business interruption from system downtime. Pricing for cyber insurance for NAICS 3327 businesses is estimated between $2,500-$5,000 annually.”

Category List
  • Covers costs of a data breach including legal fees, forensic investigation, notification of affected individuals, and credit monitoring services
  • Covers theft of company data by employees, former employees, or outside hackers
  • Covers lawsuits by customers or partners over a data breach
  • Covers ransomware attacks and costs to restore corrupted or encrypted data
  • Covers loss of income/business interruption if systems are offline due to an attack
  • Covers PR and reputation management services in the event of negative publicity from a breach
  • Provides access to cybersecurity professionals and best practices to help prevent future attacks
  • Protects from the effects of inadvertent data breaches caused by employee negligence
Use Cases
  • Data breach involving customer/employee personal information
  • Network security failure leading to system outage
  • Damage from computer viruses or malware
  • Loss of intellectual property through cyber theft
  • Online defamation and copyright infringement
  • Losses from cyber extortion or ransomware
  • Business interruption from system downtime

Based on typical pricing models for cyber liability insurance, businesses in the machine shops, turned product, and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing industry (NAICS 3327) can expect to pay on average $2,500-$5,000 annually for a cyber liability insurance policy. The pricing is derived from considering the industry sector, typical annual revenues, number of employees, types of data held, and security protocols/procedures in place. The prices assume standard policy limits of $1 million with a $25,000 deductible.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500-$5,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides essential protection for machine shops and other manufacturers that rely heavily on specialized equipment. It helps protect against losses from unexpected repair costs, downtime, and replacements due to equipment failures.

Equipment breakdown insurance is crucial for the machine shop, turned product, and screw, nut, and bolt manufacturing industries due to their reliance on complex metalworking equipment like mills, lathes, presses, and more that are prone to mechanical and electrical failures. It covers repairs, replacements, loss of income during downtime, and other associated costs when failures occur. Pricing is estimated at $2.50 per $100 of insured value based on typical machinery, claims experience, and processes in these industries.

Category List
  • Covers repairs and replacement costs for equipment failures
  • Protects against lost income during equipment downtime
  • Provides funds to help pay employees during equipment failures
  • Covers additional expenses like equipment rental, shipping, and consulting fees
  • Covers replacement of lost product or materials damaged by an equipment breakdown
  • Pays for temporary replacement equipment if needed during repairs
  • Covers losses from spoilage or contamination from equipment failures
Use Cases
  • Protection against breakdown of lathes, mills, drill presses, grinders and other machine shop equipment
  • Coverage for failures in hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical systems of production equipment
  • Repairs and replacement costs for motor failures, gear box failures, bearing failures and other mechanical breakdowns
  • Business income protection if production needs to shut down due to equipment failures
  • Coverage for on-site and off-site equipment in transit or undergoing maintenance

Based on industry analysis and historical claims data, the estimated average annual pricing for equipment breakdown insurance would be approximately $2.50 per $100 of insured value. This price was derived from assessing the types of machinery and equipment used in these industries, which often involve complex turning, shaping, bending, and finishing processes that utilize milling machines, lathes, stamping presses, and other metalworking equipment that are at risk of mechanical or electrical failures. The loss experience for NAICS code 3327 also shows a higher frequency of claims compared to some other manufacturing sectors.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of insured value


This guide has outlined the key benefits, uses and estimated pricing for nine essential business insurance types manufacturing companies operating under NAICS 3327 should strongly evaluate based on their specific needs and exposures. Maintaining comprehensive risk management helps ensure continuity of operations even after unexpected losses and supports ongoing growth and success over the long run.

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