Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against lawsuits from visitor injuries.
  • Property insurance covers damage to buildings, rides and other assets.
  • Workers’ compensation covers employee injury claims and medical costs.
  • Commercial auto insures vehicles used for park operations.
  • Business income protects lost revenue during closures.


As businesses in the amusement and theme park industry face unique risks, it’s important to have the proper insurance protections in place. This article outlines the top business insurance types amusement parks with NAICS code 713110 should consider.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important type of coverage for amusement and theme parks. It provides financial protection for businesses in the industry from lawsuits related to injuries that commonly occur at these locations due to accidents, slips and falls, or issues like ride malfunctions.

Category List
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if a customer is injured on the premises
  • Covers legal fees and costs if the business is sued
  • Pays for medical expenses if someone is hurt using the facilities or riding attractions
  • Covers bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Protects against slip and fall accidents on the property
  • Provides defense against false claims of negligence
  • Covers injuries caused by rides and attractions
Use Cases
  • Cover injuries to guests from accidents and slips/falls on park grounds
  • Cover property damage from accidents like vehicles crashing into buildings
  • Cover liability from ride malfunctions that lead to injuries
  • Cover injuries from physical contact with employees like character meet-and-greets
  • Cover liability if a guest contracts an illness like COVID-19 after visiting the park

Based on historical pricing data for businesses in the Amusement and Theme Parks industry (NAICS Code 713110), the estimated average annual price for general liability insurance is around $12,000 – $15,000 per year. Premiums are calculated based on several risk factors including total annual revenue, number of employees, number and types of rides/attractions offered, prior claims history, safety record and protocols. Larger parks with higher revenue and more rides/attractions can generally expect to pay closer to the higher end of the range.

Estimated Pricing: $12,000 – $15,000

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial financial protection for amusement and theme parks against losses from unforeseen incidents and disasters that can severely damage their valuable infrastructure, rides and assets. It ensures funds are available to quickly cover rebuilding costs and help parks reopen their operations smoothly after covered events.

Some key benefits of property insurance for amusement parks include protecting against losses from natural disasters, equipment breakdown, vandalism and liability exposures from visitor injuries on the premises. Business interruption coverage also provides financial relief if operations need to shut down temporarily for repairs after property damage incidents.

Category List
  • Protect against property damage and losses from fire, storms, explosions, falling objects and other events
  • Reimburse for rebuilding costs and repairs in case of incidents
  • Cover lost business income and extra expenses if property needs to shut down for repairs
  • Replace damaged property and equipment so parks can reopen smoothly
  • Peace of mind knowing the business is protected from financial losses
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or electrical damage incidents
  • Protection for seasonal assets like rides, attractions and decorations
Use Cases
  • Protection against damage or destruction of rides, attractions and infrastructure due to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires etc.
  • Coverage for damage due to vandalism, riot or civil commotion
  • Insurance against theft or loss of property and assets
  • Reimbursement of lost business income or costs due to property damage
  • Liability protection in case of accidental injuries to visitors on the premises
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or machinery failure

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual property insurance premium for amusement and theme parks is $7.50 per $100 of insured value. This pricing is derived based on the risk level of the industry which involves operations of rides, entertainment shows as well as large visitor volumes that can lead to higher liability exposures. Higher risk factors such as water parks or outdoor rides may lead to slightly higher premium pricing.

Estimated Pricing: $7.50 per $100 of insured value

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides crucial benefits and protection for businesses in the amusement and theme parks industry. This industry faces various occupational hazards that could result in injuries like slips, falls, cuts, strains and more from tasks like maintenance, operations and dealing with customers. Workers’ comp helps ensure financial support and timely recovery for workers through paid medical expenses and wages, while reducing costs for employers from liability, lost productivity, absenteeism and customer injury costs. It aims to support both employee wellbeing and reduce business expenses.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee is injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a work-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from liability if an employee is injured and decides to sue
  • Reduces absenteeism related to on-the-job injuries
  • Provides return-to-work programs that help get injured employees back on the job faster
Use Cases
  • Occupational injuries from maintenance and repairs of rides and attractions
  • Slip and fall injuries while working or walking in the park
  • Cuts and lacerations from tools and equipment
  • Back/muscle strains from lifting or moving heavy objects
  • Injuries from fires or chemical exposures
  • Hearing loss from high noise areas like rides
  • Customer injuries that occur on rides or attractions

Based on industry data and factors such as risks of injuries, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the amusement and theme parks industry with NAICS Code 713110 is around $5.50 per $100 of payroll. This price was derived by taking into account the industry’s average total incurred losses (paid claims + reserves for future payments on existing claims) per $100 of reported payroll, the average expense rates to administer the claims, profit margins, and other fees.

Estimated Pricing: $5.50/100 of payroll

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides excess liability coverage that protects businesses from large claims exceeding their existing insurance policy limits. It is especially important for amusement and theme parks due to the high risks of injuries from rides and attractions potentially resulting in expensive lawsuits.
Adding to the above, umbrella insurance can offer pricing between $2-3 per $1,000 of coverage, with higher risk parks paying more. Factors influencing pricing include guest numbers, types of rides, location risks and claim history. Umbrella insurance also covers legal costs, risks not covered by other policies and provides higher liability limits than standard policies.

Category List
  • Provides additional liability coverage above standard policies
  • Protects assets from large lawsuits or claims
  • Covers legal costs if sued for damages
  • Covers gaps in standard insurance policies
  • Protects against risks not covered by other policies like slander, libel, discrimination
  • Covers legal defense costs for all claims filed
  • Provides higher liability limits than standard policies
  • Covers accidents and injuries on park property and attractions
Use Cases
  • Protects from claims exceeding the limits of underlying liability policies like general liability and auto liability
  • Provides additional liability protection in the event of catastrophic claims like injuries from rides and attractions
  • Covers lawsuits from slips and falls within the park facilities and premises
  • Protects from claims of emotional distress or trauma due to accidents in the park
  • Covers legal costs and fees if sued for large claims

Based on average risk factors for businesses in the Amusement and Theme Parks industry (NAICS Code: 713110), umbrella insurance would typically price at around $2-3 per $1,000 of coverage. Factors influencing the pricing include number of guests, any extreme attractions/rides, location/region risks like hurricanes/tornadoes, existing general liability limits, claim history, and safety protocols. $2 per $1,000 would be for lower risk profile parks while $3 per $1,000 would be more for higher risk ones.

Estimated Pricing: $2-3 per $1,000 of coverage

Cyber Liability Insurance

As amusement parks and theme parks collect and store large amounts of sensitive customer data, they face significant risks from cyber threats and data breaches. Cyber liability insurance can help protect these businesses from the high costs associated with cyber incidents and data compromise events. Notable benefits of cyber liability insurance for amusement parks include covering breach response costs, business interruption expenses, lawsuits, fines and more. Common use cases where coverage would apply involve data theft, network attacks, ransomware, and third-party liability claims. Premium costs for cyber insurance generally range from $4,000 to $6,000 annually depending on park size and data security practices.

Category List
  • Covers costs associated with data breaches like notifying customers, providing credit monitoring services, investigations and legal fees
  • Covers regulatory fines and penalties from privacy regulations like GDPR and state privacy laws
  • Covers lawsuits from customers claiming negligence that led to the data breach
  • Covers costs to recover and restore lost or stolen data
  • Covers costs of a public relations firm to help manage the data breach crisis
  • Covers business interruption costs if the breach prevents operations (e.g. if payment systems are down)
  • Covers costs of an IT security firm to investigate the breach and fortify cyber defenses
  • Covers diminution in business value and loss of customers due to brand damage from the breach
  • Covers costs of an IT security firm to investigate the breach and fortify cyber defenses
  • Covers diminution in business value and loss of customers due to brand damage from the breach
Use Cases
  • Data breach from hacking or malware that results in theft of customer payment card data or personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Network downtime or disruption due to a cyberattack that prevents online ticket sales or reservations
  • Ransomware attack that locks systems until a ransom is paid to regain access
  • Legal expenses and damages from a lawsuit by customers whose data was stolen in a breach
  • Loss of revenue and extra expenses from prolonged network outage after an attack
  • Regulatory fines and penalties for violating data privacy laws like GDPR due to a cyber incident

Based on typical pricing models and risk factors for businesses in the Amusement and Theme Parks industry (NAICS 713110), the estimated average annual premium for a $1M cyber liability policy would be around $4,000-$6,000. This estimate takes into account considerations like number of customer records, data security practices, and business size. Larger parks with more customers may see premiums closer to $6,000 whereas smaller independent parks could qualify for rates around $4,000.

Estimated Pricing: $4,000-$6,000

Business Income Insurance

Business income insurance, also known as business interruption insurance, protects amusement and theme parks from financial losses if they experience an unexpected closure or interruption to normal operations. It covers ongoing expenses and lost revenue to help the business resume functioning as quickly as possible after an insurable event like a natural disaster, mechanical failure, maintenance needs, or health issue forces a temporary shutdown. Key benefits include replacing lost profits during downtime, compensating for cancelled events, and paying operating costs even if the business is closed. The estimated annual premium is 1.5-2% of revenues, or $75,000-$200,000 for typical small to medium theme parks with $5-10 million in annual sales.

Category List
  • Covers loss of revenue if forced to close temporarily
  • Compensates for earnings lost if an event is cancelled
  • Helps pay operating expenses even if not open for business
  • Provides funds to restart business after damage to facilities
  • Protects cash flow and finances if can’t operate for extended time
  • Covers losses from natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, earthquakes
  • Pays for extra expenses to maintain the business during downtime
  • Insures against spoilage of perishable inventory
  • Allows time to recover without financial pressure
  • Covers extra costs of operating out of temporary facilities
Use Cases
  • Protect from lost revenue during park closure due to natural disaster like hurricane, flood or earthquake
  • Cover business losses if rides or attractions have mechanical issues and need repair
  • Provide income if part of the park needs to close temporarily for maintenance or improvements
  • Replace lost earnings if outbreak of illness like norovirus forces partial or full park closure

Based on industry analysis, the average business income insurance pricing for amusement and theme parks is about 1.5% to 2% of their annual revenues. Given the typical revenue range is between $5-10M per year for small to medium sized theme parks, the estimated price would be $75,000 – $200,000 per year.

Estimated Pricing: $75,000 – $200,000

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance, is an important type of coverage for businesses in the amusement and theme park industry. It protects them from financial losses due to negligent acts, errors, or omissions that result in injuries to visitors.

Some key benefits of professional liability insurance for amusement and theme parks include covering legal costs if sued for injuries occurring on rides or premises, negligence related to ride maintenance or safety protocols, and claims arising from improper training or supervision of staff. Pricing is estimated between $5,000-$10,000 annually based on business size and risk factors.

Category List
  • Covers legal liability if someone is injured on the rides or premises
  • Protects against costs of defending lawsuits and paying claims if found liable
  • Covers liability from slips, trips and falls on the premises
  • Covers negligence like failure to properly maintain rides or follow safety protocols
  • Covers liability from faulty products or equipment used in rides and attractions
  • Provides coverage for liability from accidents due to improper training or supervision of employees
  • Covers liability from faulty products or equipment used in rides and attractions
Use Cases
  • Cover legal costs if sued for a visitor’s injury on rides, attractions or premises
  • Cover legal costs if sued for damage or loss of visitor’s personal property
  • Cover claims arising from design or operational errors of rides, games or attractions
  • Cover claims arising from improper safety inspections or maintenance of rides and attractions
  • Cover claims arising from improper training or supervision of ride operators and staff

Based on industry data and risk factors analysis, the estimated average pricing for professional liability insurance for businesses in the Amusement and Theme Parks (NAICS 713110) industry is around $5,000 – $10,000 annually. Factors such as the size of the business, number of attractions and rides, past claim history, and safety record would impact the final pricing. Larger theme parks or those with risky attractions may pay closer to $10,000 while smaller local parks may pay around $5,000.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 – $10,000

Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

Directors and officers liability insurance (D&O insurance) is an important type of liability insurance that businesses in the amusement and theme park industry should consider, given the risks of litigations related to accidents, injuries, employee issues and shareholders that are common in this sector. Some key benefits of D&O insurance for amusement parks include protecting directors and officers from lawsuits, covering legal defense costs, reimbursing indemnification costs if lawsuits are successful, and covering settlement costs. Typical pricing for D&O insurance for amusement parks is between $15,000-$25,000 annually based on factors like revenue, employees, claims history and location. Common use cases where D&O insurance provides protection include shareholder lawsuits, litigations related to wrongful termination or discrimination, and negligence claims resulting from accidents.

Category List
  • Protects directors and officers from lawsuits alleging errors in judgement or negligent acts
  • Covers legal defense costs if the company or its directors/officers are sued
  • Reimburses indemnification costs if the lawsuit is successful against directors/officers
  • Covers settlement costs if directors/officers settle a lawsuit rather than go to trial
Use Cases
  • Defense costs for shareholder lawsuits
  • Defense costs for litigations related to employee issues like wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination
  • Damages or settlements from negligence claims

Based on typical pricing models, the average estimated pricing for Directors And Officers Liability Insurance for businesses in the Amusement and Theme Parks industry (NAICS Code: 713110) would be around $15,000-$25,000 annually. The pricing is derived based on factors such as annual revenue, number of employees/directors, claims history, geographical location, and risk profiles unique to theme park operations.

Estimated Pricing: $15,000-$25,000

Commercial Auto Insurance

Intro paragraph: Commercial auto insurance provides important liability and physical damage protection for vehicles used in amusement and theme park operations like transporting guests and carrying out daily maintenance tasks.

Additional content: The estimated annual pricing provided of $2,500 per vehicle is a useful data point for amusement and theme parks to understand their potential commercial auto insurance costs based on industry averages. Factors like number of vehicles, loss history, and policy details will influence actual quotes.

Category List
  • Covers legal liability if an insured vehicle causes bodily injury or property damage in an accident
  • Covers the cost to repair or replace an insured vehicle that’s damaged in an accident
  • Covers medical payments for people injured in an accident with an insured vehicle, regardless of fault
  • Covers uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury, which protects drivers if another party lacks sufficient coverage
  • Covers towing and labor costs if a vehicle breaks down
  • Covers rental and trip interruption reimbursement if a vehicle is disabled in an accident
Use Cases
  • Insuring buses that transport guests between parking lots and parks
  • Insuring utility vehicles used for maintenance and cleaning around the parks
  • Insuring vans or trucks used to transport equipment and supplies between locations

Based on national industry averages, the estimated annual pricing for commercial auto insurance for businesses in the amusement and theme parks industry (NAICS 713110) would be around $2,500 per vehicle. This estimate takes into account factors like the types of vehicles commonly used, average number of vehicles, loss history specific to this industry, and other variables insurance companies use to calculate commercial auto rates.

Estimated Pricing: $2,500


In summary, general liability, property, workers’ compensation, commercial auto, umbrella, cyber and business income policies are critical for theme parks. Having the right insurance tailored to this industry’s exposures can help shield the business financially from unexpected events.

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