Key Takeaways

  • General liability insurance protects against third party injuries and property damage
  • Property insurance covers damage to buildings, equipment and inventory from disasters
  • Product liability insurance covers costs of defects that harm customers
  • Workers compensation covers medical costs and lost wages if employees get hurt
  • Cyber liability covers data breaches and ransomware attacks
  • Equipment breakdown repairs and replaces broken machinery


As a manufacturer of electric lamps and lighting equipment, there are various risks involved in production and operations that business insurance helps mitigate. This guide outlines the top insurance policies this industry should consider to protect the business from financial losses.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an essential coverage for businesses in the electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment manufacturing industry (NAICS Code 335139) to protect them from costly liability claims. It covers third-party bodily injury and property damage claims, protects assets from lawsuits and legal costs, reduces risk of financial losses from accidents on premises or during operations, meets contractual requirements when working with clients or vendors, covers liability claims even if a third party was partially at fault for the accident or injury, and provides defense against claims that fall under the terms of the policy. As a manufacturer of lighting equipment, there are risks of injuries occurring either to employees during the manufacturing process or to third-parties who purchase or come into contact with your products. General liability insurance provides protection from costs associated with these types of claims. Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 335139 Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing industry is around $4,500. This price was derived by looking at financial metrics like payroll, receipts, and number of employees for similar businesses in this industry and applying standard insurance company rating factors and algorithms.

Category List
  • Covers third-party bodily injury and property damage claims
  • Protects assets from lawsuits and legal costs
  • Reduces risk of financial losses from accidents on premises or during operations
  • Meets contractual requirements when working with clients or vendors
  • Covers liability claims even if a third party was partially at fault for the accident or injury
  • Provides defense against claims that fall under the terms of the policy
  • Covers liability claims even if a third party was partially at fault for the accident or injury
Use Cases
  • Protection against product liability claims if a lighting product causes property damage or bodily injury
  • Protection if an employee is injured on the job
  • Protection against third-party claims if a visitor to your facility is injured
  • Protection if your business is sued for damage or injury caused by your products after they leave your possession

Based on industry data, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for businesses in the NAICS 335139 Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing industry is around $4,500. This price was derived by looking at financial metrics like payroll, receipts, and number of employees for similar businesses in this industry and applying standard insurance company rating factors and algorithms.

Estimated Pricing: $4,500

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial protection for the significant physical assets and investment required by lamp manufacturing businesses. It helps protect factories, machinery, inventory and other valuable equipment from losses due to disasters like fire or storms.

Business interruption coverage within property insurance is also important as it helps continue paying operating expenses if damage to property causes suspension of operations. Coverage for replacement costs and extra expenses assists in minimizing financial impacts during recovery from insured property losses.

Category List
  • Protection against fire damage to buildings and equipment
  • Protection against theft of equipment and products
  • Protection against other disasters like storms, floods that can damage property
  • Coverage for equipment breakdown or machinery damage
  • Business interruption coverage to continue paying expenses if operations are suspended due to a covered loss
  • Replacement cost coverage to fully repair or rebuild damaged property to its condition prior to the loss
  • Ordinance or law coverage to pay for increased costs to meet building codes or laws when repairing or rebuilding a damaged structure
  • Inflation guard coverage that automatically increases coverage limits to account for inflation and rising replacement costs over time
  • Equipment breakdown coverage for failures or accidents involving electrical, mechanical or pressure systems
Use Cases
  • Coverage for physical damage or loss to buildings, property, and equipment due to fire, explosion, storms, theft, vandalism, equipment breakdown, and other events
  • Coverage for business interruption losses if the operations are suspended due to a covered property loss
  • Coverage for damage to inventory and stock during manufacturing, storage, transportation, and delivery
  • Replacement cost coverage to repair or rebuild damaged property without deduction for depreciation
  • Extra expense coverage to pay for additional costs incurred to continue as much of the normal operations as possible during restoration/recovery

Based on average data collected from top property insurers covering similar industries, the estimated average annual pricing for property insurance covering building, machinery, equipment and inventory would be around $5.50 per $100 of insured value. This price was derived based on the hazardous nature of some materials and processes involved in electric lighting equipment manufacturing such as glass, electrical components as well as fire risks.

Estimated Pricing: $5.50/100

Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance protects manufacturers and businesses from financial losses that may occur if their products are found to be defective or cause harm. It covers costs associated with product recalls, lawsuits, and paying for damages from injuries or property damage caused by products. Manufacturers in the electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment industry face particular risks since their products involve electricity, so liability insurance is important to protect them from losses related to defective or unsafe electrical components that could result in property damage, injury, death or the need to recall products.

Category List
  • Protects your business from costly lawsuits if a customer is injured by your product
  • Covers legal costs and damages if your product is found to be defective
  • Gives customers confidence that your business is responsible by carrying insurance
  • Helps retain customers and attract new ones knowing you stand behind your products
  • Covers costs of product recalls if a defect is discovered
  • Pays damages and legal fees if your product contributes to property damage
  • Protects other assets like equipment, facilities, and intellectual property from lawsuits
  • Prevents bankruptcy or closure of your business due to an uninsured loss
  • May satisfy contractual requirements from customers or suppliers that you carry liability coverage
  • Provides peace of mind knowing your business and customers are protected from unforeseen incidents
Use Cases
  • Defective product causes property damage
  • Defective product causes bodily injury
  • Recall of defective or unsafe products
  • Allegations of design flaws or manufacturing defects

Based on industry research and data, the estimated average annual pricing for product liability insurance for businesses in the electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment manufacturing industry with NAICS code 335139 is around $2.50 per $100 of gross receipts. This pricing is derived from taking into account factors like the industry risk level, average claims history, litigation rates, loss ratios, and policy limits commonly used in this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50 per $100 of gross receipts

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers compensation insurance is an important benefit for businesses in industries like electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment manufacturing that carry workplace injury risks. It provides coverage for medical expenses and lost wages if employees get hurt on the job. It also protects businesses from expensive lawsuits if an employee tries to sue after a job injury. And it offers peace of mind knowing an injured employee’s costs will be covered. Workers compensation can help reduce business costs while supporting employees during their recovery from workplace accidents or health issues from job exposures.

Category List
  • Covers medical expenses if an employee gets injured on the job
  • Pays lost wages if an employee cannot work due to a job-related injury or illness
  • Protects the business from lawsuits if an employee is injured and tries to sue for damages
  • Reduces turnover by providing benefits that care for injured employees
  • Saves money on liability insurance since workers comp covers injury claims
  • Provides peace of mind knowing employees’ medical bills and lost pay will be covered if an accident occurs
Use Cases
  • Protecting employees from injuries sustained during the manufacturing and assembly process such as cuts, burns, falls and more
  • Covering medical treatment and lost wages for employees injured on the job
  • Compensating employees who develop long-term health issues from repeated exposure to hazardous materials used in the manufacturing process
  • Providing wage replacement for employees that are unable to immediately return to work due to a job-related injury or illness

Based on national average data, the estimated average pricing for workers compensation insurance for businesses in the Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing industry with NAICS code 335139 would be around $2.75 per $100 of payroll. This price was calculated based on the industry risk factor, common injuries for this type of manufacturing such as cuts and burns, as well as average claim costs over the past 5 years according to the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI).

Estimated Pricing: $2.75 per $100 of payroll

Cyber Liability Insurance

Cyber liabilty insurance provides important coverage for electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment manufacturers. As these businesses rely heavily on technology systems for design, manufacturing, and delivery, they face cyber risks like data breaches, ransomware attacks, and technology errors that could result in significant financial losses. Cyber insurance can help protect against costs associated with notifying customers of breaches, paying for credit monitoring, covering legal expenses and fines, restoring reputations, investigating incidents, and lost income from system outages. Policies also provide access to cybersecurity experts and resources to assist with responding to incidents. Estimated annual premiums for manufacturing companies of similar size and risks are between $5,000 to $10,000.

Category List
  • Covers costs of notifying customers of a data breach
  • Pays for credit/identity monitoring services for customers after a breach
  • Covers legal costs and fines/penalties from regulators after a breach
  • Covers costs of PR/advertising to mitigate reputational damage after a breach
  • Covers costs to investigate and respond to a cyber attack or data breach
  • Provides access to cybersecurity experts and resources to help respond to an incident
  • Covers business interruption losses if systems are offline due to an attack or breach
  • Covers liability claims asserting negligence related to a cyber incident
Use Cases
  • Data breach or cyber attack resulting in the loss or theft of customer and employee personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Ransomware attack encrypting critical systems and demanding ransom for decryption
  • Cyber extortion threats demanding payment to prevent a data breach from being publicly disclosed
  • Technology errors and omissions resulting in system outages or the inability to deliver products and services
  • Network security failures allowing unauthorized access to internal systems
  • Business interruption from technology failures or cyber attacks
  • Third party vendor cyber security failures impacting operations
  • Regulatory fines and legal costs from non-compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR or state privacy laws

Based on average cyber liability insurance pricing for manufacturing industries and factoring in the potential risks associated with lamp bulb and lighting equipment manufacturing processes as well as common IT infrastructure used, the estimated annual premium price would be between $5,000 to $10,000. This price range was calculated by looking at typical premiums for manufacturing companies of similar size and scale with moderate IT infrastructure and risk level.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 – $10,000

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance provides essential financial protection for businesses in the electric lamp bulb and other lighting equipment manufacturing industry. With its heavy reliance on costly specialized production machinery, an unexpected equipment failure or breakdown could freeze operations and result in considerable costs and lost income until the issue is resolved. It covers repair/replacement costs, property damage, business interruption losses, extra expenses to minimize financial impacts from equipment issues, and temporary equipment rentals if needed.

Category List
  • Covers repair or replacement costs of equipment that breaks down unexpectedly
  • Pays for damages caused by equipment failure even if the equipment is old or faulty
  • Covers additional expenses like temporary rentals, increased operating costs during repairs
  • Covers loss of income/business interruption costs during equipment repairs or replacements
  • Provides comprehensive coverage for on-site and off-site equipment
  • Covers the costs of hiring professional help like engineers during breakdowns
  • Covers loss of income/business interruption costs during equipment repairs or replacements
  • Provides comprehensive coverage for on-site and off-site equipment
  • Covers the costs of hiring professional help like engineers during breakdowns
Use Cases
  • Covers repair or replacement costs if manufacturing equipment like molding machines, assembly lines, robotics break down
  • Covers loss of business income if a breakdown prevents manufacturing operations
  • Covers the costs to rent temporary equipment if yours is damaged until repairs are complete
  • Covers additional expenses to travel long distances for specialized repairs or replacement parts that are not readily available

Based on industries with similar equipment and manufacturing processes, the estimated average annual pricing for equipment breakdown insurance would be around $2.50 per $100 of insurable value. This pricing is calculated based on the typical risks and claims data for manufacturing equipment such as furnaces, molding machines, and assembly lines. It also factors in the cost of potential property damage and business interruption losses if the equipment were to breakdown unexpectedly.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 of insurable value


In summary, general liability, property, product liability, workers compensation, cyber liability and equipment breakdown insurance provide essential coverage layers for electric lamp bulb and lighting equipment manufacturers. Having the right insurance tailored to this industry’s exposures gives owners peace of mind to focus on running their business without worrying about potential liability issues.

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