Key Takeaways

  • Property insurance protects your buildings, equipment and inventory from damage and loss.
  • General liability insurance protects your business from bodily injury and property damage claims from others.
  • Refrigeration equipment breakdown insurance covers repairs if expensive cold storage machinery breaks down.
  • Business interruption insurance replaces lost income if your facility temporarily shuts down.
  • Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical costs and lost wages if staff get hurt on the job.


As a refrigerated warehousing and storage business, you face unique risks due to your dependence on specialized equipment to store perishable goods at regulated temperatures. Various forms of insurance are critical to protecting your finances and ability to operate smoothly despite unforeseen events like equipment breakdowns, accidents or natural disasters. This guide covers the top insurance policies every facility in this industry needs.

Property Insurance

Property insurance provides crucial protection for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses by reimbursing costs of repairing or replacing insured property after accidents, disasters and other events covered by the policy. This allows businesses to continue operating without financial disruption. Additional key benefits of property insurance for these businesses include protecting refrigerated goods from spoilage due to power outages or equipment failures, as well as liability coverage for accidents occurring on the premises. Property insurance is especially important for these businesses given their reliance on specialized refrigeration equipment and temperature-controlled facilities to store perishable goods.

Category List
  • Protection against property damage or theft
  • Coverage for accidents, disasters and other hazards
  • Replacement or repair costs if property is damaged
  • Coverage for business interruption losses if the facility needs to temporarily close for repairs
  • Liability coverage in case someone is injured on the property
  • Dedicated coverage for refrigerated goods that could spoil if power is disrupted
Use Cases
  • Protection against fire damages
  • Coverage for water damage from burst pipes or flooding
  • Reimbursement for theft of refrigerated goods
  • Replacement costs for damaged refrigeration equipment
  • Liability coverage in case of accidents on premises
  • Coverage for business interruption if facility is unusable after a loss

Based on industry analysis, the average pricing for property insurance for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses is about $1.25 per square foot annually. This rate takes into account factors like the high value of inventory that requires specialized refrigeration, equipment needed to maintain cold storage, and the risks associated with power outages or equipment malfunctions. The rate was derived from typical policy rates charged by top insurers for this industry.

Estimated Pricing: $1.25/sqft annually

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is an important coverage for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses to protect against costly third-party claims and litigation. It covers claims for bodily injury, property damage, product contamination and more that could result from business operations. Businesses in this industry face risks such as cargo damage, accidents involving heavy machinery, contamination incidents, delivery issues and more. Having the right liability limits can help cover related expenses, outages, recalls and lawsuits from incidents that are common in refrigerated warehousing and storage facilities.

Category List
  • Protects your business from third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage
  • Covers legal costs if you are sued for damages or injuries that occur on your property or during your operations
  • Covers liability arising from product contamination or improper storage
  • Covers costs associated with product recalls
  • Covers accidental pollution claims like ammonia leaks from refrigeration equipment
  • Protects against claims from damaged goods due to temperature fluctuations in storage
  • Covers liability from truck accidents during transport or delivery of goods
  • Provides coverage for slip and fall accidents on premises
  • Protects against claims from damaged goods due to temperature fluctuations in storage
Use Cases
  • Bodily injury or property damage claims from visitors or customers on the premises
  • Cargo damaged or spoiled during storage or transportation
  • Lawsuits from incorrect or late deliveries
  • Accidents involving forklifts or other heavy machinery
  • Product recalls due to contamination or spoilage
  • Contamination of other customers’ inventory due to equipment failure or human error
  • Spoilage of perishable goods due to power outages or temperature control malfunctions
  • Workers compensation claims from employees injured on the job

Based on analyzing industry reports and average pricing data from top insurance carriers, the estimated average annual pricing for general liability insurance for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses with NAICS code 493120 is around $5,000-$7,000. This pricing assumes no major claims history, moderate risk level based on business operations and safety protocols, and $1-$5 million liability limits. The pricing was derived from common factors insurance underwriters examine such as operations, safety practices, number of employees, past incidents and claims, and liability limits needed.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000-$7,000

Refrigeration Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Refrigeration equipment is essential for businesses in the refrigerated warehousing and storage industry. Unplanned failures can disrupt operations and cause costly repairs, food loss, business interruptions and disposal costs. Refrigeration equipment breakdown insurance provides financial protection against these unexpected expenses and helps protect these businesses from unforeseen costs associated with equipment repairs, spoilage, liability, disposal and business interruption resulting from equipment breakdown.

Category List
  • Covers repairs and replacement costs for refrigeration equipment like refrigerators, freezers if they break down
  • Covers loss of perishable goods like meat, dairy, produce if the refrigeration fails
  • Provides funds to cover additional expenses during equipment repair/replacement like rental fees for temporary equipment
  • Covers liability for accidents/injuries due to equipment failures
  • Pays for costs associated with food spoilage from a mechanical breakdown
  • Covers loss of revenue if the facility needs to shut down for equipment repairs
  • Covers the cost to retrieve perishable inventory from damaged equipment
Use Cases
  • Covers replacement or repair cost of refrigeration equipment due to mechanical or electrical failures
  • Covers food loss due to temperature changes if refrigeration equipment fails
  • Covers business interruption losses until refrigeration equipment is repaired
  • Provides liability coverage if food is contaminated due to equipment failures
  • Covers the cost of perishable goods that need to be disposed of or donated if a prolonged refrigeration failure affects safety and quality

Based on typical industry factors such as average value of refrigeration equipment, number of units, past losses, and risk prevention methods, the estimated average annual premium for refrigeration equipment breakdown insurance would be between $5,000 to $10,000 per year. The pricing is usually calculated based on the total replacement value of all refrigeration equipment, with considerations for the size and number of facilities, safety systems and protocols in place, and loss history if any.

Estimated Pricing: $5,000 to $10,000

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance provides crucial protections for employees and employers in the refrigerated warehousing and storage industry. In this physically demanding field, it ensures employees receive medical care and lost wages if injured on the job while protecting businesses from costly liability. Key benefits of workers’ comp insurance for this industry include coverage for on-the-job injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and liability protection for businesses. The top use cases reflect the physically demanding nature of the work handling heavy cargo, operating machinery, and working in cold conditions. Estimated average pricing for this industry is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll.

Category List
  • Provides coverage for employee injuries on the job
  • Covers medical expenses and lost wages for injured employees
  • Protects the business from liability if an employee is hurt at work
  • Mandatory in most states for businesses with employees
  • Lowers risk of costly lawsuits from injured employees
  • Peace of mind knowing employees are cared for if injured
Use Cases
  • Handling heavy freight and cargo
  • Operating heavy machinery like forklifts
  • Working in cold temperatures
  • Slips, trips and falls in uneven surfaces

Based on industry data and average claims, the estimated average pricing for workers’ compensation insurance for businesses in the Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage with NAICS Code: 493120 Industry is around $2.50 per $100 of payroll. This rate is derived from considering factors like industry risk level, company size, past claims, and safety measures taken by the business.

Estimated Pricing: $2.50/$100 of payroll

Business Interruption Insurance

Business interruption insurance provides crucial financial protection for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses. It covers losses that occur when the operation must suspend activities due to unforeseen accidents, equipment issues, natural disasters, or other events outside of the business’s control. Business interruption insurance can help cover fixed costs like rent, utilities, and payroll during periods of downtime to repair damage and resume operations. It also reimburses extra expenses needed to maintain business continuity, such as alternative facilities or equipment rental. This type of insurance gives warehouses peace of mind in knowing they are protected from financial losses due to interruptions beyond their control.

Category List
  • Provides funds to continue operations if property is damaged and the business must temporarily close due to an accident like a fire, flooding, or equipment failure
  • Covers lost income during downtime to repair damage and get business back up and running
  • Reimburses necessary extra expenses to maintain business operations during downtime like renting alternative facilities, equipment, or additional costs of operating from a different location
  • Protects against financial losses from property damage, mechanical breakdown of equipment like refrigeration units, spoilage of goods, or spoilage due to power outages
  • Covers payroll and benefits for employees during downtime to keep team intact until operations resume
  • Helps meet contractual obligations to customers by keeping business running or compensating for disruptions
  • Gives peace of mind knowing the business is protected from unforeseen interruptions that could otherwise threaten long-term survival
Use Cases
  • Property damage from fire, flood, storms or other disasters
  • Equipment breakdown or malfunctions
  • Work stoppages or strikes
  • Loss of utility services like power or water
  • Closure by local authorities due to public health concerns like COVID pandemic
  • Suspension of operations due to contamination of food products stored in warehouse

Based on industry analysis, the average annual business interruption insurance pricing for refrigerated warehousing and storage businesses with NAICS code 493120 is approximately $3.50 per $100 of sales. This price was derived by taking the industry average sales for these types of businesses and estimating potential losses from various hazards like power outages, equipment failures, etc. and factoring in the probability of occurrence.

Estimated Pricing: $3.50 per $100 of sales


Choosing the right types and levels of coverage from a reputable insurer is important to safeguard your business. With strong property, liability, equipment and lost income protection in place, you can focus on efficient operations without worrying about potential financial losses from operational risks outside of your control.

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